#1607 Fix module defaults and obsoletes validation
Merged 2 years ago by lsedlar. Opened 2 years ago by mkulik.
mkulik/pungi master  into  master

file modified
+41 -16
@@ -25,10 +25,9 @@ 

      Modulemd = None



- def iter_module_defaults_or_obsoletes(path, obsoletes=False):

+ def iter_module_defaults(path):

      """Given a path to a directory with yaml files, yield each module default

      in there as a pair (module_name, ModuleDefaults instance).

-     The same happens for module obsoletes if the obsoletes switch is True.


      # It is really tempting to merge all the module indexes into a single one

      # and work with it. However that does not allow for detecting conflicting
@@ -42,10 +41,31 @@ 

          index = Modulemd.ModuleIndex()

          index.update_from_file(file, strict=False)

          for module_name in index.get_module_names():

-             if obsoletes:

-                 yield module_name, index.get_module(module_name).get_obsoletes()

-             else:

-                 yield module_name, index.get_module(module_name).get_defaults()

+             yield module_name, index.get_module(module_name).get_defaults()



+ def get_module_obsoletes_idx(path, mod_list):

+     """Given a path to a directory with yaml files, return Index with

+     merged all obsoletes.

+     """


+     merger = Modulemd.ModuleIndexMerger.new()

+     md_idxs = []


+     # associate_index does NOT copy it's argument (nor increases a

+     # reference counter on the object). It only stores a pointer.

+     for file in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "*.yaml")):

+         index = Modulemd.ModuleIndex()

+         index.update_from_file(file, strict=False)

+         mod_name = index.get_module_names()[0]


+         if mod_name and (mod_name in mod_list or not mod_list):

+             md_idxs.append(index)

+             merger.associate_index(md_idxs[-1], 0)


+     merged_idx = merger.resolve()


+     return merged_idx



  def collect_module_defaults(
@@ -78,16 +98,21 @@ 

  def collect_module_obsoletes(obsoletes_dir, modules_to_load, mod_index=None):

There's a difference in this function now: before this patch, the given mod_index was modified with new data. In current code it always returns a new index instance. There are places that call this function and expect the argument to be modified. Instead they should store the returned value.

      """Load module obsoletes into index.


-     This works in a similar fashion as collect_module_defaults except the overrides_dir

-     feature.

+     This works in a similar fashion as collect_module_defaults except it

+     merges indexes together instead of adding them during iteration.


+     Additionally if modules_to_load is not empty returned Index will include

+     only obsoletes for those modules.


-     mod_index = mod_index or Modulemd.ModuleIndex()


-     for module_name, obsoletes in iter_module_defaults_or_obsoletes(

-         obsoletes_dir, obsoletes=True

-     ):

-         for obsolete in obsoletes:

-             if not modules_to_load or module_name in modules_to_load:

-                 mod_index.add_obsoletes(obsolete)

+     obsoletes_index = get_module_obsoletes_idx(obsoletes_dir, modules_to_load)


-     return mod_index

+     # Merge Obsoletes with Modules Index.

+     if mod_index:

+         merger = Modulemd.ModuleIndexMerger.new()

+         merger.associate_index(mod_index, 0)

+         merger.associate_index(obsoletes_index, 0)

+         merged_idx = merger.resolve()

+         obsoletes_index = merged_idx


+     return obsoletes_index

file modified
+1 -1
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ 



          obsoletes_dir = compose.paths.work.module_obsoletes_dir()

-         collect_module_obsoletes(obsoletes_dir, module_names, mod_index)

+         mod_index = collect_module_obsoletes(obsoletes_dir, module_names, mod_index)


          # Add extra modulemd files

          if variant.uid in compose.conf.get("createrepo_extra_modulemd", {}):

@@ -703,7 +703,7 @@ 

              defaults_dir, module_names, mod_index, overrides_dir=overrides_dir


          obsoletes_dir = compose.paths.work.module_obsoletes_dir()

-         collect_module_obsoletes(obsoletes_dir, module_names, mod_index)

+         mod_index = collect_module_obsoletes(obsoletes_dir, module_names, mod_index)


          log_file = compose.paths.log.log_file(

              arch, "lookaside_repo_modules_%s" % (variant.uid)

file modified
+24 -26
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ 


  import collections

  import os

+ import glob

  import shutil


  from kobo.shortcuts import run
@@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ 

  from pungi.phases.base import PhaseBase

  from pungi.phases.gather import write_prepopulate_file

  from pungi.util import temp_dir

- from pungi.module_util import iter_module_defaults_or_obsoletes

+ from pungi.module_util import iter_module_defaults

  from pungi.wrappers.comps import CompsWrapper

  from pungi.wrappers.createrepo import CreaterepoWrapper

  from pungi.wrappers.scm import get_dir_from_scm, get_file_from_scm
@@ -68,17 +69,13 @@ 

          # download module defaults

          if self.compose.has_module_defaults:


-             validate_module_defaults_or_obsoletes(

+             validate_module_defaults(




          # download module obsoletes

          if self.compose.has_module_obsoletes:


-             validate_module_defaults_or_obsoletes(

-                 self.compose.paths.work.module_obsoletes_dir(create_dir=False),

-                 obsoletes=True,

-             )


          # write prepopulate file

@@ -244,37 +241,38 @@ 




- def validate_module_defaults_or_obsoletes(path, obsoletes=False):

-     """Make sure there are no conflicting defaults. Each module name can only

-     have one default stream or module obsolete.

+ def validate_module_defaults(path):

+     """Make sure there are no conflicting defaults and every default can be loaded.

+     Each module name can onlyhave one default stream.


-     :param str path: directory with cloned module defaults/obsoletes

+     :param str path: directory with cloned module defaults


-     seen = collections.defaultdict(set)

-     mmd_type = "obsoletes" if obsoletes else "defaults"


-     for module_name, defaults_or_obsoletes in iter_module_defaults_or_obsoletes(

-         path, obsoletes

-     ):

-         if obsoletes:

-             for obsolete in defaults_or_obsoletes:

-                 seen[obsolete.props.module_name].add(obsolete)

-         else:

-             seen[module_name].add(defaults_or_obsoletes.get_default_stream())


+     defaults_num = len(glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "*.yaml")))


+     seen_defaults = collections.defaultdict(set)


+     for module_name, defaults in iter_module_defaults(path):

+         seen_defaults[module_name].add(defaults.get_default_stream())


      errors = []

-     for module_name, defaults_or_obsoletes in seen.items():

-         if len(defaults_or_obsoletes) > 1:

+     for module_name, defaults in seen_defaults.items():

+         if len(defaults) > 1:


-                 "Module %s has multiple %s: %s"

-                 % (module_name, mmd_type, ", ".join(sorted(defaults_or_obsoletes)))

+                 "Module %s has multiple defaults: %s"

+                 % (module_name, ", ".join(sorted(defaults)))



      if errors:

          raise RuntimeError(

-             "There are duplicated module %s:\n%s" % (mmd_type, "\n".join(errors))

+             "There are duplicated module defaults:\n%s" % "\n".join(errors)



+     # Make sure all defaults are valid otherwise update_from_defaults_directory

+     # will return empty object

+     if defaults_num != len(seen_defaults):

+         raise RuntimeError("Defaults contains not valid default file")



  def validate_comps(path):

      """Check that there are whitespace issues in comps."""

file modified
+46 -5
@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ 


  @mock.patch("pungi.phases.init.run_in_threads", new=fake_run_in_threads)


- @mock.patch("pungi.phases.init.validate_module_defaults_or_obsoletes")

+ @mock.patch("pungi.phases.init.validate_module_defaults")

+ @mock.patch("pungi.phases.init.write_module_obsoletes")



@@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ 




+         write_obsoletes,



@@ -85,6 +87,7 @@ 



          self.assertEqual(write_defaults.call_args_list, [])

+         self.assertEqual(write_obsoletes.call_args_list, [])

          self.assertEqual(validate_defaults.call_args_list, [])


      def test_run_with_preserve(
@@ -95,6 +98,7 @@ 




+         write_obsoletes,



@@ -142,6 +146,7 @@ 



          self.assertEqual(write_defaults.call_args_list, [])

+         self.assertEqual(write_obsoletes.call_args_list, [])

          self.assertEqual(validate_defaults.call_args_list, [])


      def test_run_without_comps(
@@ -152,6 +157,7 @@ 




+         write_obsoletes,



@@ -169,6 +175,7 @@ 

          self.assertEqual(create_comps.mock_calls, [])

          self.assertEqual(write_variant.mock_calls, [])

          self.assertEqual(write_defaults.call_args_list, [])

+         self.assertEqual(write_obsoletes.call_args_list, [])

          self.assertEqual(validate_defaults.call_args_list, [])


      def test_with_module_defaults(
@@ -179,6 +186,7 @@ 




+         write_obsoletes,



@@ -196,11 +204,41 @@ 

          self.assertEqual(create_comps.mock_calls, [])

          self.assertEqual(write_variant.mock_calls, [])

          self.assertEqual(write_defaults.call_args_list, [mock.call(compose)])

+         self.assertEqual(write_obsoletes.call_args_list, [])






+     def test_with_module_obsoletes(

+         self,

+         write_prepopulate,

+         write_variant,

+         create_comps,

+         write_arch,

+         write_global,

+         write_defaults,

+         write_obsoletes,

+         validate_defaults,

+         validate_comps,

+     ):

+         compose = DummyCompose(self.topdir, {})

+         compose.has_comps = False

+         compose.has_module_defaults = False

+         compose.has_module_obsoletes = True

+         phase = init.InitPhase(compose)

+         phase.run()


+         self.assertEqual(write_global.mock_calls, [])

+         self.assertEqual(validate_comps.call_args_list, [])

+         self.assertEqual(write_prepopulate.mock_calls, [mock.call(compose)])

+         self.assertEqual(write_arch.mock_calls, [])

+         self.assertEqual(create_comps.mock_calls, [])

+         self.assertEqual(write_variant.mock_calls, [])

+         self.assertEqual(write_defaults.call_args_list, [])

+         self.assertEqual(write_obsoletes.call_args_list, [mock.call(compose)])

+         self.assertEqual(validate_defaults.call_args_list, [])



  class TestWriteArchComps(PungiTestCase):

@@ -624,13 +662,13 @@ 

      def test_valid_files(self):

          self._write_defaults({"httpd": ["1"], "python": ["3.6"]})


-         init.validate_module_defaults_or_obsoletes(self.topdir)

+         init.validate_module_defaults(self.topdir)


      def test_duplicated_stream(self):

          self._write_defaults({"httpd": ["1"], "python": ["3.6", "3.5"]})


          with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as ctx:

-             init.validate_module_defaults_or_obsoletes(self.topdir)

+             init.validate_module_defaults(self.topdir)



              "Module python has multiple defaults: 3.5, 3.6", str(ctx.exception)
@@ -640,7 +678,7 @@ 

          self._write_defaults({"httpd": ["1", "2"], "python": ["3.6", "3.5"]})


          with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as ctx:

-             init.validate_module_defaults_or_obsoletes(self.topdir)

+             init.validate_module_defaults(self.topdir)


          self.assertIn("Module httpd has multiple defaults: 1, 2", str(ctx.exception))

@@ -665,7 +703,10 @@ 




-         init.validate_module_defaults_or_obsoletes(self.topdir)

+         with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as ctx:

+             init.validate_module_defaults(self.topdir)


+         self.assertIn("Defaults contains not valid default file", str(ctx.exception))




@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@ 

+ import os


+ try:

+     import unittest2 as unittest

+ except ImportError:

+     import unittest


+ from parameterized import parameterized

+ from pungi import module_util

+ from pungi.module_util import Modulemd


+ from tests import helpers



+ @unittest.skipUnless(Modulemd, "Skipped test, no module support.")

+ class TestModuleUtil(helpers.PungiTestCase):

+     def _get_stream(self, mod_name, stream_name):

+         stream = Modulemd.ModuleStream.new(

+             Modulemd.ModuleStreamVersionEnum.TWO, mod_name, stream_name

+         )

+         stream.props.version = 42

+         stream.props.context = "deadbeef"

+         stream.props.arch = "x86_64"


+         return stream


+     def _write_obsoletes(self, defs):

+         for mod_name, stream, obsoleted_by in defs:

+             mod_index = Modulemd.ModuleIndex.new()

+             mmdobs = Modulemd.Obsoletes.new(1, 10993435, mod_name, stream, "testmsg")

+             mmdobs.set_obsoleted_by(obsoleted_by[0], obsoleted_by[1])

+             mod_index.add_obsoletes(mmdobs)

+             filename = "%s:%s.yaml" % (mod_name, stream)

+             with open(os.path.join(self.topdir, filename), "w") as f:

+                 f.write(mod_index.dump_to_string())


+     def _write_defaults(self, defs):

+         for mod_name, streams in defs.items():

+             for stream in streams:

+                 mod_index = Modulemd.ModuleIndex.new()

+                 mmddef = Modulemd.DefaultsV1.new(mod_name)

+                 mmddef.set_default_stream(stream)

+                 mod_index.add_defaults(mmddef)

+                 filename = "%s-%s.yaml" % (mod_name, stream)

+                 with open(os.path.join(self.topdir, filename), "w") as f:

+                     f.write(mod_index.dump_to_string())


+     @parameterized.expand(

+         [

+             (

+                 "MULTIPLE",

+                 [

+                     ("httpd", "1.22.1", ("httpd-new", "3.0")),

+                     ("httpd", "10.4", ("httpd", "11.1.22")),

+                 ],

+             ),

+             (

+                 "NORMAL",

+                 [

+                     ("gdb", "2.8", ("gdb", "3.0")),

+                     ("nginx", "12.7", ("nginx-nightly", "13.3")),

+                 ],

+             ),

+         ]

+     )

+     def test_merged_module_obsoletes_idx(self, test_name, data):

+         self._write_obsoletes(data)


+         mod_index = module_util.get_module_obsoletes_idx(self.topdir, [])


+         if test_name == "MULTIPLE":

+             # Multiple obsoletes are allowed

+             mod = mod_index.get_module("httpd")

+             self.assertEqual(len(mod.get_obsoletes()), 2)

+         else:

+             mod = mod_index.get_module("gdb")

+             self.assertEqual(len(mod.get_obsoletes()), 1)

+             mod_obsolete = mod.get_obsoletes()

+             self.assertIsNotNone(mod_obsolete)

+             self.assertEqual(mod_obsolete[0].get_obsoleted_by_module_stream(), "3.0")


+     def test_collect_module_defaults_with_index(self):

+         stream = self._get_stream("httpd", "1")

+         mod_index = Modulemd.ModuleIndex()

+         mod_index.add_module_stream(stream)


+         defaults_data = {"httpd": ["1.44.2"], "python": ["3.6", "3.5"]}

+         self._write_defaults(defaults_data)


+         mod_index = module_util.collect_module_defaults(

+             self.topdir, defaults_data.keys(), mod_index

+         )


+         for module_name in defaults_data.keys():

+             mod = mod_index.get_module(module_name)

+             self.assertIsNotNone(mod)


+             mod_defaults = mod.get_defaults()

+             self.assertIsNotNone(mod_defaults)


+             if module_name == "httpd":

+                 self.assertEqual(mod_defaults.get_default_stream(), "1.44.2")

+             else:

+                 # Can't have multiple defaults for one stream

+                 self.assertEqual(mod_defaults.get_default_stream(), None)


+     def test_handles_non_defaults_file_without_validation(self):

+         self._write_defaults({"httpd": ["1"], "python": ["3.6"]})

+         helpers.touch(

+             os.path.join(self.topdir, "boom.yaml"),

+             "\n".join(

+                 [

+                     "document: modulemd",

+                     "version: 2",

+                     "data:",

+                     "  summary: dummy module",

+                     "  description: dummy module",

+                     "  license:",

+                     "    module: [GPL]",

+                     "    content: [GPL]",

+                 ]

+             ),

+         )


+         idx = module_util.collect_module_defaults(self.topdir)


+         self.assertEqual(len(idx.get_module_names()), 0)


+     @parameterized.expand([(False, ["httpd"]), (False, ["python"])])

+     def test_collect_module_obsoletes(self, no_index, mod_list):

+         if not no_index:

+             stream = self._get_stream(mod_list[0], "1.22.1")

+             mod_index = Modulemd.ModuleIndex()

+             mod_index.add_module_stream(stream)

+         else:

+             mod_index = None


+         data = [

+             ("httpd", "1.22.1", ("httpd-new", "3.0")),

+             ("httpd", "10.4", ("httpd", "11.1.22")),

+         ]

+         self._write_obsoletes(data)


+         mod_index = module_util.collect_module_obsoletes(

+             self.topdir, mod_list, mod_index

+         )


+         # Obsoletes should not me merged without corresponding module

+         # if module list is present

+         if "python" in mod_list:

+             mod = mod_index.get_module("httpd")

+             self.assertIsNone(mod)

+         else:

+             mod = mod_index.get_module("httpd")


+             # No modules

+             if "httpd" not in mod_list:

+                 self.assertIsNone(mod.get_obsoletes())

+             else:

+                 self.assertIsNotNone(mod)

+                 obsoletes_from_orig = mod.get_newest_active_obsoletes("1.22.1", None)


+                 self.assertEqual(

+                     obsoletes_from_orig.get_obsoleted_by_module_name(), "httpd-new"

+                 )


+     def test_collect_module_obsoletes_without_modlist(self):

+         stream = self._get_stream("nginx", "1.22.1")

+         mod_index = Modulemd.ModuleIndex()

+         mod_index.add_module_stream(stream)


+         data = [

+             ("httpd", "1.22.1", ("httpd-new", "3.0")),

+             ("nginx", "10.4", ("nginx", "11.1.22")),

+             ("nginx", "11.1.22", ("nginx", "66")),

+         ]

+         self._write_obsoletes(data)


+         mod_index = module_util.collect_module_obsoletes(self.topdir, [], mod_index)


+         # All obsoletes are merged into main Index when filter is empty

+         self.assertEqual(len(mod_index.get_module_names()), 2)


+         mod = mod_index.get_module("httpd")

+         self.assertIsNotNone(mod)


+         self.assertEqual(len(mod.get_obsoletes()), 1)


+         mod = mod_index.get_module("nginx")

+         self.assertIsNotNone(mod)


+         self.assertEqual(len(mod.get_obsoletes()), 2)

file modified
+35 -8
@@ -96,24 +96,51 @@ 


      @helpers.unittest.skipUnless(Modulemd, "Skipping tests, no module support")


+     @mock.patch("pungi.phases.pkgset.common.collect_module_obsoletes")


-     def test_run_with_modulemd(self, amm, cmd, mock_run):

-         mmd = {"x86_64": [mock.Mock()]}

+     def test_run_with_modulemd(self, amm, cmo, cmd, mock_run):

+         # Test Index for cmo

+         mod_index = Modulemd.ModuleIndex.new()

+         mmdobs = Modulemd.Obsoletes.new(

+             1, 10993435, "mod_name", "mod_stream", "testmsg"

+         )

+         mmdobs.set_obsoleted_by("mod_name", "mod_name_2")

+         mod_index.add_obsoletes(mmdobs)

+         cmo.return_value = mod_index


+         mmd = {

+             "x86_64": [

+                 Modulemd.ModuleStream.new(

+                     Modulemd.ModuleStreamVersionEnum.TWO, "mod_name", "stream_name"

+                 )

+             ]

+         }


              self.compose, self.pkgset, self.prefix, mmd=mmd



              os.path.join(self.topdir, "work/global/module_defaults"),

-             set(x.get_module_name.return_value for x in mmd["x86_64"]),

+             {"mod_name"},



-         amm.assert_called_once_with(

-             mock.ANY,

-             os.path.join(self.topdir, "work/x86_64/repo/foo"),

-             cmd.return_value,


+         cmo.assert_called_once()

+         cmd.assert_called_once()

+         amm.assert_called_once()


+         self.assertEqual(

+             amm.mock_calls[0].args[1], os.path.join(self.topdir, "work/x86_64/repo/foo")

+         )

+         self.assertIsInstance(amm.mock_calls[0].args[2], Modulemd.ModuleIndex)

+         self.assertIsNotNone(amm.mock_calls[0].args[2].get_module("mod_name"))

+         # Check if proper Index is used by add_modular_metadata

+         self.assertIsNotNone(

+             amm.mock_calls[0].args[2].get_module("mod_name").get_obsoletes()

+         )

+         self.assertEqual(

+             amm.mock_calls[0].args[3],

              os.path.join(self.topdir, "logs/x86_64/arch_repo_modulemd.foo.x86_64.log"),


-         cmd.return_value.add_module_stream.assert_called_once_with(mmd["x86_64"][0])



  class TestCreateArchRepos(helpers.PungiTestCase):

Fixes issue: https://pagure.io/pungi/issue/1592

  • Remove validation for modules obsoletes. We can have multiple obsoletes for one module
  • Add unit tests to cover basic scenarios for modules defaults && obsoletes.
  • Add additional check for invalid yaml file in Defaults. I spotted this writing tests.Previously, empty list of default would be returned when invalid yaml is present in Defaults directory. iter_module_defaults loads defaults one by one but collect_module_defaults uses update_from_defaults_directory.
  • Using MergeIndex for Obsoletes only (for now).

@ppisar Thanks, already fixed it.

rebased onto 119bfd1377e6a439e5650c8e62f64d44d04ed069

2 years ago

rebased onto 119bfd1377e6a439e5650c8e62f64d44d04ed069

2 years ago

Is this variable needed? The index gets appended, then retrieved from that last position, and the list is never used again.

Is this variable needed? The index gets appended, then retrieved from that last position, and the list is never used again.

I had a similar comment and then I removed it.

The problem is that merger.associate_index() does NOT copy it's argument (nor increases a reference counter on the object). It only stores a pointer. Because the loop reuses index variable, Python garbage collector could deallocate the index object before merger.resolve() processes it. It's a feature of the underlying C library libmodulemd.

Oh, that's great info. It should be in a comment in the file so that next time someone tries to refactor the code they don't break it.

rebased onto de70b78e1ad650a15706b5c56cd883fb367a9347

2 years ago

Yes, that might be a little confusing. I rebased code with added note.

There's a difference in this function now: before this patch, the given mod_index was modified with new data. In current code it always returns a new index instance. There are places that call this function and expect the argument to be modified. Instead they should store the returned value.

rebased onto d7b5afb698d690652d6f15aeb2d171221ad1d782

2 years ago

Yes, my bad I missed is somehow. Should be fixed now. I added one more assert to check if proper index is used in common.py after merge in collect_module_obsoletes.

Previously collect_module_obsoletes modified mod_index from argument and also returned it. It didn't make any difference because it was the same object. It could be slightly confusing because in common.py we could see:

mod_index = collect_module_obsoletes

and in createrepo.py

collect_module_obsoletes(obsoletes_dir, module_names, mod_index)

rebased onto fe48e2d70a24f4feaeb7a1691bd5f46f1911c4ee

2 years ago

rebased onto fe48e2d70a24f4feaeb7a1691bd5f46f1911c4ee

2 years ago

rebased onto 84c452c678f4e531b855467a88c8e554cc642950

2 years ago

pretty please pagure-ci rebuild

2 years ago

@lsedlar PR should be fine now, all tests passed. Can we merge it ?

rebased onto 3aa7ba102c3b1c85b098bb88af4c59d5658360b4

2 years ago

The code looks good to me now. I tried to run a light test with it (including a single obsoletes document in the repo), and that worked fine.
If you want to run some more complicated test before merging, let me know. Otherwise let's get this finally merged.

rebased onto ca185aa

2 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by lsedlar

2 years ago