#1433 doc: Update doc/contributing.rst
Merged 3 years ago by lsedlar. Opened 3 years ago by hlin.
hlin/pungi RHELCMP-1773  into  master

file modified
+44 -64
@@ -7,64 +7,22 @@ 



  In order to work on *Pungi*, you should install recent version of *Fedora*.

- These packages will have to installed:


-  * createrepo_c

-  * cvs

-  * gcc

-  * genisoimage

-  * gettext

-  * git

-  * gobject-introspection

-  * isomd5sum

-  * jigdo

-  * kobo

-  * krb5-devel

-  * libcurl-devel

-  * libmodulemd

-  * libselinux-python

-  * lorax

-  * python-dogpile-cache

-  * python-jsonschema

-  * python-kickstart

-  * python-libcomps

-  * python-lockfile

-  * python-lxml

-  * python2-multilib

-  * python-productmd

-  * PyYAML

-  * repoview

-  * rpm-devel

-  * syslinux

-  * yum

-  * yum-utils


- For running unit tests, these packages are recommended as well:


-  * python-mock

-  * python-pytest

-  * python-pytest-cov

-  * python-unittest2

-  * rpmdevtools

-  * python-parameterized


- While being difficult, it is possible to work on *Pungi* using *virtualenv*.

- Install *python-virtualenvwrapper* (after installation you have to add the command

- to *source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh* to your shell startup file,

- depending on where it was installed by package manager) and use following steps.

- It will link system libraries into the virtual environment and install all packages

- preferably from PyPI or from tarball. You will still need to install all of the non-Python

- packages above as they are used by calling an executable. ::


-     $ mkvirtualenv pungienv

-     $ for pkg in gi libcomps pykickstart rpmUtils selinux urlgrabber yum; do ln -vs "$(deactivate && python -c 'import os, '$pkg'; print(os.path.dirname('$pkg'.__file__))')" "$(virtualenvwrapper_get_site_packages_dir)"; done

-     $ for pkg in _deltarpm krbV _selinux deltarpm sqlitecachec _sqlitecache; do ln -vs "$(deactivate && python -c 'import os, '$pkg'; print('$pkg'.__file__)')" "$(virtualenvwrapper_get_site_packages_dir)"; done

-     $ pip install -U pip

-     $ PYCURL_SSL_LIBRARY=nss pip install pycurl --no-binary :all:

-     $ pip install beanbag jsonschema 'kobo>=0.6.0' lockfile lxml mock pytest pytest-cov productmd pyopenssl python-multilib requests requests-kerberos setuptools sphinx ordered_set koji PyYAML dogpile.cache parameterized


- Now you should be able to run all existing tests.


+ Python2

+ -------


+ Fedora 29 is recommended because some packages are not available in newer Fedora release, e.g. python2-libcomps.


+ Install required packages ::


+     $ sudo dnf install -y krb5-devel gcc make libcurl-devel python2-devel python2-createrepo_c kobo-rpmlib yum python2-libcomps python2-libselinx


+ Python3

+ -------


+ Install required packages ::


+     $ sudo dnf install -y krb5-devel gcc make libcurl-devel python3-devel python3-createrepo_c python3-libcomps



@@ -121,7 +79,7 @@ 


        - you must sign-off on it. Use ``-s`` option when running ``git commit``.


-       - The code must be well formatted via ``black`` and pass ``flake8`` checking. Run ``tox`` to do the check.

+       - The code must be well formatted via ``black`` and pass ``flake8`` checking. Run ``tox -e black,flake8`` to do the check.


  - Create pull request in the pagure.io web UI

@@ -149,20 +107,42 @@ 

  You must write unit tests for any new code (except for trivial changes). Any

  code without sufficient test coverage may not be merged.


- To run all existing tests, suggested method is to use *pytest*. With

- additional options, it can generate code coverage. To make sure even tests from

- executable files are run, don't forget to use the ``--exe`` option. ::

+ To run all existing tests, suggested method is to use *tox*. ::


+     $ sudo dnf install python3-tox -y


+     $ tox -e py3

+     $ tox -e py27


+ Alternatively you could create a vitualenv, install deps and run tests

+ manually if you don't want to use tox. ::


+     $ sudo dnf install python3-virtualenvwrapper -y

+     $ mkvirtualenv --system-site-packages py3

+     $ workon py3

+     $ pip install -r requirements.txt -r test-requirements.txt

      $ make test

-     $ make test-cover


-     # Running single test file

-     $ python tests/test_arch.py [TestCase...]

+     # or with coverage

+     $ make test-coverage


+ If you need to run specified tests, *pytest* is recommended. ::


+     # Activate virtualenv first


+     # Run tests

+     $ pytest tests/test_config.py

+     $ pytest tests/test_config.py -k test_pkgset_mismatch_repos


  In the ``tests/`` directory there is a shell script ``test_compose.sh`` that

  you can use to try and create a miniature compose on dummy data. The actual

  data will be created by running ``make test-data`` in project root. ::


+     $ sudo dnf -y install rpm-build createrepo_c isomd5sum genisoimage syslinux


+     # Activate virtualenv (the one created by tox could be used)

+     $ source .tox/py3/bin/activate


      $ python setup.py develop

      $ make test-data

      $ make test-compose

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ 

+ # Some packages must be installed via dnf/yum first, see doc/contributing.rst

+ dict.sorted

+ dogpile.cache

+ fedmsg

+ funcsigs

+ jsonschema

+ kobo

+ koji

+ lxml

+ mmdzanata

+ modulemd

+ ordered_set

+ productmd

+ pykickstart

+ python-multilib

+ urlgrabber

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ 

+ mock

+ parameterized

+ pytest

+ pytest-cov

+ unittest2

file modified
+4 -38
@@ -21,26 +21,8 @@ 


  sitepackages = true

  deps =

-     funcsigs

-     productmd

-     jsonschema

-     fedmsg

-     ordered_set

-     python-multilib

-     modulemd

-     kobo

-     koji

-     pykickstart

-     lxml

-     dogpile.cache

-     mmdzanata

-     parameterized

-     dict.sorted

-     urlgrabber

-     mock

-     unittest2

-     pytest

-     pytest-cov

+     -rrequirements.txt

+     -rtest-requirements.txt

  whitelist_externals =


@@ -54,24 +36,8 @@ 


  sitepackages = true

  deps =

-     funcsigs

-     productmd

-     jsonschema

-     fedmsg

-     ordered_set

-     python-multilib

-     unittest2

-     modulemd

-     kobo

-     koji

-     pykickstart

-     lxml

-     dogpile.cache

-     mmdzanata

-     parameterized

-     dict.sorted

-     mock

-     pytest

+     -rrequirements.txt

+     -rtest-requirements.txt

  whitelist_externals =

