#1410 Rename tox targets
Closed 3 years ago by lsedlar. Opened 3 years ago by lsedlar.
lsedlar/pungi fix-flake  into  master

file modified
+3 -5
@@ -1,19 +1,17 @@ 


- envlist = py27, py36

+ envlist = flake8,black


- [testenv]

+ [testenv:flake8]

  deps =


  whitelist_externals = sh

  commands =

      sh -c "flake8 pungi pungi_utils setup.py tests/*py"


- [testenv:py36]

+ [testenv:black]

  deps =

-     {[testenv]deps}


  commands =

-     {[testenv]commands}

      black --check --diff pungi pungi_utils setup.py tests --exclude tests/_composes



This should make it obvious what each target does, and it also removes the duplicated run of flake8.

It's ok but for flake8 I think it would be better to run against both py2 and py3 before dropping py2 support.

That's a very good point. I didn't realize flake8 can give different results on different python versions.

Pull-Request has been closed by lsedlar

3 years ago