#1288 Retry watching koji tasks on server outage
Merged 4 years ago by lsedlar. Opened 4 years ago by hlin.
hlin/pungi master  into  master

@@ -308,6 +308,10 @@ 

          """Checks if output indicates connection error."""

          return re.search('error: failed to connect\n$', output)


+     def _has_offline_error(self, output):

+         """Check if output indicates server offline."""

+         return re.search('koji: ServerOffline:', output)


      def _wait_for_task(self, task_id, logfile=None, max_retries=None):

          """Tries to wait for a task to finish. On connection error it will

          retry with `watch-task` command.
@@ -318,8 +322,8 @@ 

          while True:

              retcode, output = run(cmd, can_fail=True, logfile=logfile, universal_newlines=True)


-             if retcode == 0 or not self._has_connection_error(output):

-                 # Task finished for reason other than connection error.

+             if retcode == 0 or not (self._has_connection_error(output) or self._has_offline_error(output)):

+                 # Task finished for reason other than connection error or server offline error.

                  return retcode, output


              attempt += 1
@@ -345,7 +349,7 @@ 

                                 % (" ".join(command), output))

          task_id = int(match.groups()[0])


-         if retcode != 0 and self._has_connection_error(output):

+         if retcode != 0 and (self._has_connection_error(output) or self._has_offline_error(output)):

              retcode, output = self._wait_for_task(task_id, logfile=log_file, max_retries=max_retries)


          return {

@@ -701,6 +701,22 @@ 

                                      can_fail=True, logfile=None, universal_newlines=True)])

          self.assertEqual(sleep.mock_calls, [mock.call(i * 10) for i in range(1, 2)])


+     @mock.patch('pungi.wrappers.kojiwrapper.run')

+     def test_server_offline_and_retry(self, run):

+         output = 'Created task: 1234\nkoji: ServerOffline:'

+         retry = 'Created task: 1234\nOook\n'

+         run.side_effect = [(1, output), (0, retry)]


+         result = self.koji.run_blocking_cmd('cmd')


+         self.assertDictEqual(result, {'retcode': 0, 'output': retry, 'task_id': 1234})

+         self.assertEqual(run.mock_calls,

+                          [mock.call('cmd', can_fail=True, logfile=None, env=None,

+                                     universal_newlines=True),

+                           mock.call(['koji', '--profile=custom-koji', 'watch-task', '1234'],

+                                     can_fail=True, logfile=None, universal_newlines=True)])




