#221 RFE: new tool pungi-compose-id
Closed: Fixed None Opened 8 years ago by ausil.

we have a few times where we need to know the previous compose id or what the next compose id will be. or the compose that just ran. there is some ugly things in pungi-fedora's nightly.sh to deal with it. ideally we have a stand along tool that can take the pungi config file and tell us what we need to know.

I have added a pull request to compose-utils with a script that might be able to handle this use case.

It can list all composes in a directory and sort them (default behaviour). With --last it will show the latest compose id. With --next it will compute what the next compose id should be. With --precedes=OTHER_COMPOSE_ID it will show which compose was done before the given one.

The filtering options are only useful when there are composes for multiple different products in the directory.

$ compose-list -h
usage: compose-list [-h] [--short SHORT] [--name NAME] [--ver VERSION]
                    [--type COMPOSE_TYPE]
                    [--precedes COMPOSE_ID | --next | --last]

positional arguments:
  DIR                   directory with composes

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --short SHORT         only work with composes with this short name
  --name NAME           only work with composes with this name
  --ver VERSION         only work with composes with this version
  --type COMPOSE_TYPE   only work with composes with this type
  --precedes COMPOSE_ID
                        show compose preceding the given one
  --next                show what next compose ID is going to be
  --last                show most recent compose

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