#827 Add initial ELN Pungi configuration.
Merged 4 years ago by mohanboddu. Opened 4 years ago by jkaluza.
jkaluza/pungi-fedora eln-fork  into  eln

file modified
+1 -1
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ 

  This repo holds the config files that define what goes in and comes

- out of a Fedora compose using pungi.

+ out of an ELN compose using ODCS (Pungi).

file removed
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@ 

- #!/bin/sh

- #set -x

- export LC_ALL=C

- LABEL=$1

- # Remove the label from arguments. It gets special treatment. Other arguments

- # to the script are passed to pungi-koji directly.

- shift

- CONFIG="fedora-cloud.conf"

- TARGET_DIR="/mnt/koji/compose/cloud"

- #OLD_COMPOSES_DIR="--old-composes=/mnt/fedora_koji/compose/f23 --old-composes=$TARGET_DIR"


- DEST=$(pwd)

- DATE=$(date "+%Y%m%d")

- # the Pungi 'shortname', which we will include in fedmsgs for disambiguation

- SHORT="Fedora-Cloud"

- RELEASE="29"


- COMPSFILE="comps-f29.xml"

- TMPDIR=`mktemp -d /tmp/$RELEASE.$DATE.XXXX`

- TOMAIL="devel@lists.fedoraproject.org test@lists.fedoraproject.org"

- FROM="Fedora Branched Report <rawhide@fedoraproject.org>"

- RSYNCPREFIX="sudo -u ftpsync"


- # uncomment and edit for resuming a failed compose

- #COMPOSE_ID="Fedora-23-20150530.n.0"

- # assume a releng dir is a git checkout of the releng repo

- # if it does not exist clone it

- if [ -d releng ]; then

-     pushd releng

-     git pull --rebase

-     popd

- else

-     git clone https://pagure.io/releng.git

- fi

- # Set up our fedmsg function, using the releng repo definition

- fedmsg_json_start=$(printf '{"log": "start", "branch": "%s", "arch": "%s", "short": "%s"}' "$RELEASE" "$ARCH" "$SHORT")

- FEDMSG_MODNAME="compose"


- . ./releng/scripts/fedmsg-functions.sh

- # Announce that we are starting, even though we don't know the compose_id yet..

- send_fedmsg "${fedmsg_json_start}" ${RELEASE} start

- CMD="pungi-koji --notification-script=/usr/bin/pungi-fedmsg-notification --config=$CONFIG --old-composes=$TARGET_DIR $OLD_COMPOSES_DIR $NIGHTLY --label=$LABEL"

- if [ -z "$COMPOSE_ID" ]; then

-     CMD="$CMD --target-dir=$TARGET_DIR"

- else

-     CMD="$CMD --debug-mode --compose-dir=$TARGET_DIR/$COMPOSE_ID"

- fi

- time $CMD "$@"

- if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then

-     exit 1

- fi



- SHORTCOMPOSE_ID=$(echo $NEWCOMPOSE_ID|sed -e 's|Fedora-.*-||g')


- # Set this to use later for a few items include depcheck


- # Public URL the compose will wind up at, we put it in fedmsgs

- LOCATION=$(echo $DESTDIR|sed -e 's,/mnt/koji,https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org,g')

- # Update fedmsg template

- fedmsg_json_start=$(printf '{"log": "start", "branch": "%s", "arch": "%s", "short": "%s", "compose_id": "%s", "location": "%s"}' "$RELEASE" "$ARCH" "$SHORT" "$NEWCOMPOSE_ID", "$LOCATION")

- fedmsg_json_done=$(printf '{"log": "done", "branch": "%s", "arch": "%s", "short": "%s", "compose_id": "%s", "location": "%s"}' "$RELEASE" "$ARCH" "$SHORT" "$NEWCOMPOSE_ID" "$LOCATION")



- # Tell interested persons that the rsync is starting (zomg!)

- #send_fedmsg "${fedmsg_json_start}" ${RELEASE} rsync.start

- #for dir in CloudImage metadata ;

- #  do

- #    $RSYNCPREFIX rsync -avhH $DESTDIR/compose/$dir/ /pub/alt/atomic/testing/$SHORTCOMPOSE_ID/$dir/ ;

- #  done

- # Tell interested persons that the rsync is done.

- #send_fedmsg "${fedmsg_json_done}" ${RELEASE} rsync.complete

- # Tell everyone by fedmsg about the compose

- send_fedmsg "${fedmsg_json_done}" ${RELEASE} complete

- # Tell everyone by email about the compose

- SUBJECT='Fedora '$RELEASE' compose report: '$SHORTCOMPOSE_ID' changes'

- #for tomail in $TOMAIL ; do

- #    cat $DESTDIR/logs/*verbose $DESTDIR/logs/depcheck | \

- #         mutt -e "set from=\"$FROM\"" -e 'set envelope_from=yes' -s "$SUBJECT" $tomail

- #done


- find $TARGET_DIR  -xdev -depth -maxdepth 2 -mtime +14  -exec rm -rf {} \;

file removed
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ 

- #!/bin/sh

- export LC_ALL=C

- LABEL=$1

- # Remove the label from arguments. It gets special treatment. Other arguments

- # to the script are passed to pungi-koji directly.

- shift

- CONFIG="fedora-container.conf"

- TARGET_DIR="/mnt/koji/compose/container"

- #OLD_COMPOSES_DIR="--old-composes=/mnt/fedora_koji/compose/f23 --old-composes=$TARGET_DIR"


- DEST=$(pwd)

- DATE=$(date "+%Y%m%d")

- # the Pungi 'shortname', which we will include in fedmsgs for disambiguation

- SHORT="Fedora-Docker"

- RELEASE="29"


- COMPSFILE="comps-f29.xml"

- TMPDIR=`mktemp -d /tmp/$RELEASE.$DATE.XXXX`

- TOMAIL="devel@lists.fedoraproject.org test@lists.fedoraproject.org"

- FROM="Fedora Branched Report <rawhide@fedoraproject.org>"

- RSYNCPREFIX="sudo -u ftpsync"


- # uncomment and edit for resuming a failed compose

- #COMPOSE_ID="Fedora-23-20150530.n.0"

- # assume a releng dir is a git checkout of teh releng repo

- # if it does not exist clone it

- if [ -d releng ]; then

-     pushd releng

-     git pull --rebase

-     popd

- else

-     git clone https://pagure.io/releng.git

- fi

- # Set up our fedmsg function, using the releng repo definition

- fedmsg_json_start=$(printf '{"log": "start", "branch": "%s", "arch": "%s", "short": "%s"}' "$RELEASE" "$ARCH" "$SHORT")

- FEDMSG_MODNAME="compose"


- . ./releng/scripts/fedmsg-functions.sh

- # Announce that we are starting...

- send_fedmsg "${fedmsg_json_start}" ${RELEASE} start

- CMD="pungi-koji --notification-script=/usr/bin/pungi-fedmsg-notification --config=$CONFIG --old-composes=$TARGET_DIR $OLD_COMPOSES_DIR $NIGHTLY --label=$LABEL"

- if [ -z "$COMPOSE_ID" ]; then

-     CMD="$CMD --target-dir=$TARGET_DIR"

- else

-     CMD="$CMD --debug-mode --compose-dir=$TARGET_DIR/$COMPOSE_ID"

- fi

- time $CMD "$@"

- if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then

-     exit 1

- fi



- SHORTCOMPOSE_ID=$(echo $NEWCOMPOSE_ID|sed -e 's|Fedora-.*-||g')


- # Set this to use later for a few items include depcheck


- # Public URL the compose will wind up at, we put it in fedmsgs

- LOCATION=$(echo $DESTDIR|sed -e 's,/mnt/koji,https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org,g')

- # Update fedmsg template

- fedmsg_json_start=$(printf '{"log": "start", "branch": "%s", "arch": "%s", "short": "%s", "compose_id": "%s", "location": "%s"}' "$RELEASE" "$ARCH" "$SHORT" "$NEWCOMPOSE_ID", "$LOCATION")

- fedmsg_json_done=$(printf '{"log": "done", "branch": "%s", "arch": "%s", "short": "%s", "compose_id": "%s", "location": "%s"}' "$RELEASE" "$ARCH" "$SHORT" "$NEWCOMPOSE_ID" "$LOCATION")



- # Tell interested persons that the rsync is starting (zomg!)

- #send_fedmsg "${fedmsg_json_start}" ${RELEASE} rsync.start

- #for dir in Docker metadata ;

- #  do

- #    $RSYNCPREFIX rsync -avhH $DESTDIR/compose/$dir/ /pub/alt/atomic/testing/$SHORTCOMPOSE_ID/$dir/ ;

- #  done

- # Tell interested persons that the rsync is done.

- #send_fedmsg "${fedmsg_json_done}" ${RELEASE} rsync.complete

- # Tell everyone by fedmsg about the compose

- send_fedmsg "${fedmsg_json_done}" ${RELEASE} complete

- SUBJECT='Fedora '$RELEASE' compose report: '$SHORTCOMPOSE_ID' changes'

- #for tomail in $TOMAIL ; do

- #    cat $DESTDIR/logs/*verbose $DESTDIR/logs/depcheck | \

- #         mutt -e "set from=\"$FROM\"" -e 'set envelope_from=yes' -s "$SUBJECT" $tomail

- #done


- find $TARGET_DIR  -xdev -depth -maxdepth 2 -mtime +14  -exec rm -rf {} \;

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@ 


+ release_name = 'Fedora-ELN'

+ release_short = 'Fedora-ELN'

+ release_version = 'Rawhide'



+ # For now we only build RPM repositories.

+ skip_phases = [

+     "createiso",

+     "buildinstall",

+     "live_media",

+     "live_images",

+     "ostree",

+     "osbs",

+     "extra_isos",

+     "image_build"

+ ]



+ comps_file = {

+     'scm': 'git',

+     'repo': 'https://pagure.io/fedora-comps.git',

+     'branch': 'master',

+     'file': 'comps-eln.xml',

+     'command': 'make comps-eln.xml'

+ }


+ module_defaults_dir = {

+     'scm': 'git',

+     'repo': 'https://pagure.io/releng/fedora-module-defaults.git',

+     'branch': 'eln',

+     'dir': '.'

+ }


+ variants_file='variants-eln.xml'

+ sigkeys = ['9570FF31', 'D300E724']


+ # limit tree architectures

+ # if undefined, all architectures from variants.xml will be included

+ tree_arches = ['aarch64', 'armhfp', 'ppc64le', 's390x', 'x86_64']


+ # limit tree variants

+ # if undefined, all variants from variants.xml will be included

+ #tree_variants = ['Server']


+ hashed_directories = True


+ # RUNROOT settings

+ runroot_method = 'koji'

+ runroot_channel = 'compose'

+ runroot_tag = 'eln-build'



+ pkgset_source = 'koji' # koji, repos



+ # pkgset_repos format: {arch: [repo1_url, repo2_url, ...]}

+ # pkgset_repos = {}



+ pkgset_koji_tag = 'eln'

+ pkgset_koji_inherit = False


+ filter_system_release_packages = False



+ gather_method = {

+     '^.*': {                # For all variants

+         'comps': 'deps',    # resolve dependencies for packages from comps file

+         'module': 'nodeps', # but not for packages from modules

+     }

+ }

+ gather_backend = 'dnf'

+ gather_profiler = True

+ check_deps = False

+ greedy_method = 'build'


+ repoclosure_backend = 'dnf'


+ # fomat: [(variant_uid_regex, {arch|*: [repos]})]

+ # gather_lookaside_repos = []



+ # format: {variant_uid: {arch: package: [arch1, arch2, None (for any arch)]}}

+ #gather_source_mapping = '/path/to/mapping.json'




+ createrepo_deltas = False

+ createrepo_database = True

+ createrepo_use_xz = True

+ createrepo_extra_args = ['--zck', '--zck-dict-dir=/usr/share/fedora-repo-zdicts/rawhide']

+ createrepo_num_workers = 10



+ media_checksums = ['sha256']

+ media_checksum_one_file = True

+ media_checksum_base_filename = '%(release_short)s-%(variant)s-%(version)s-%(arch)s-%(date)s%(type_suffix)s.%(respin)s'

+ #jigdo

+ create_jigdo = False



+ iso_hfs_ppc64le_compatible = False



+ buildinstall_method = 'lorax'

+ buildinstall_skip = [

+     ('^Everything$', {

+         'i386': True

+     }),

+ ]


+ # Enables macboot on x86_64 for all variants and disables upgrade image building

+ # everywhere.

+ # Use 3GB image size for all arches.

+ lorax_options = [

+   ('^.*$', {

+      'x86_64': {

+          'nomacboot': False

+      },

+      '*': {

+          'noupgrade': True,

+          'rootfs_size': 3

+      }

+   })

+ ]


+ #extra_packages = [

+ #    '/mnt/packages/foo*',

+ #]



+ # fomat: [(variant_uid_regex, {arch|*: [packages]})]

+ additional_packages = [

+     ('^Everything$', {

+         '*': [

+             '*',

+         ],

+     }),

+ ]


+ multilib = [

+     ('^Everything$', {

+         'x86_64': ['devel', 'runtime'],

+     })

+ ]


+ filter_packages = [

+     ("^.*$", {"*": ["glibc32", "libgcc32"]}),

+ ]



+ # format: {arch|*: [packages]}

+ multilib_blacklist = {

+     '*': ['kernel', 'kernel-PAE*', 'kernel*debug*',

+         'dmraid-devel', 'kdeutils-devel', 'mkinitrd-devel',

+         'php-devel', 'java-*', 'bash-devel',

+         'httpd-devel', 'tomcat-native', 'php*', 'httpd',

+         'krb5-server', 'krb5-server-ldap', 'mod_*', 'ghc-*'

+     ],

+ }



+ # format: {arch|*: [packages]}

+ multilib_whitelist = {

+     '*': ['libgnat', 'wine', 'lmms-vst', 'nspluginwrapper',

+         'libflashsupport', 'valgrind', 'perl-libs', 'redhat-lsb',

+         'yaboot', 'syslinux-extlinux-nonlinux', 'syslinux-nonlinux',

+         'syslinux-tftpboot', 'nosync', '*-static', 'apitrace-libs',

+         'fakeroot-libs', 'postgresql-odbc', 'mysql-connector-odbc',

+         'fakechroot-libs','mesa-vdpau-drivers', 'p11-kit-trust',

+         'mariadb-connector-odbc', 'compiler-rt',

+         'nvidia-query-resource-opengl-lib',

+         'ibus-libs', 'ibus-gtk2', 'ibus-gtk3',

+         'glib-networking'

+     ],

+ }


file removed
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@ 


- release_name = 'Fedora-Cloud'

- release_short = 'Fedora-Cloud'

- release_version = '29'

- release_is_layered = False

- skip_phases = ["buildinstall", "productimg", "pkgset", "gather", "extra_files", "createrepo"]


- bootable = False 

- comps_file = {

-     'scm': 'git',

-     'repo': 'https://pagure.io/fedora-comps.git',

-     'branch': 'master',

-     'file': 'comps-f29.xml',

-     'command': 'make comps-f29.xml'

- }

- variants_file='variants-fedora.xml'

- sigkeys = ['429476B4'] # None = unsigned

- # limit tree architectures

- # if undefined, all architectures from variants.xml will be included

- tree_arches = ['aarch64', 'ppc64le', 's390x', 'x86_64']

- # limit tree variants

- # if undefined, all variants from variants.xml will be included

- tree_variants = ['Cloud']

- hashed_directories = True

- # RUNROOT settings

- runroot = True

- #runroot_channel = 'fedora_compose'

- runroot_channel = 'compose'

- runroot_tag = 'f29-build'


- pkgset_source = 'koji' # koji, repos

- pkgset_koji_tag = 'f29-updates'

- pkgset_koji_inherit = True

- filter_system_release_packages = False


- gather_source = 'comps'

- gather_method = 'deps'

- gather_profiler = True

- check_deps = False

- greedy_method = 'build'

- # fomat: [(variant_uid_regex, {arch|*: [repos]})]

- # gather_lookaside_repos = []


- # format: {variant_uid: {arch: package: [arch1, arch2, None (for any arch)]}}

- #gather_source_mapping = '/path/to/mapping.json'


- createrepo_c = True

- createrepo_checksum = 'sha256'


- media_checksums = ['sha256']

- media_checksum_one_file = True

- media_checksum_base_filename = 'Fedora-%(variant)s-%(version)s-%(date)s.%(respin)s-%(arch)s'

- #jigdo

- create_jigdo = False

- #extra_packages = [

- #    '/mnt/packages/foo*',

- #]

- # fomat: [(variant_uid_regex, {arch|*: [packages]})]

- additional_packages = [

-     ('.*', {

-         '*': [

-             'kernel.*',

-             'dracut.*',

-             'autocorr-.*',

-             'eclipse-nls-.*',

-             'hunspell-.*',

-             'hyphen-.*',

-             'calligra-l10n-.*',

-             'kde-l10n-.*',

-             'libreoffice-langpack-.*',

-             'man-pages-.*',

-             'mythes-.*',

-         ],

-     }),

-     ('^Everything$', {

-         '*': [

-             '*',

-         ],

-     }),

-     ('^Server$', {

-         '*': [

-         ],

-     }),

-     ('^Workstation$', {

-         '*': [

-         ],

-     }),

-     ('^Cloud$', {

-         '*': [

-         ],

-     }),

- ]


- multilib = [

-     ('^Everything$', {

-         'x86_64': ['devel', 'runtime'],

-     })

- ]

- filter_packages = [

-     ('(Workstation|Server)$', {

-         '*': [

-         'kernel*debug*',

-         'kernel-kdump*',

-         'kernel-tools*',

-         'syslog-ng*',

-         'astronomy-bookmarks',

-         'generic*',

-         'GConf2-dbus*',

-         'bluez-gnome',

-         'java-1.8.0-openjdk',

-         'community-mysql*',

-         'jruby*',

-         'gimp-help-*',

-         ]

-     }),

- ]

- # format: {arch|*: [packages]}

- multilib_blacklist = {

-     '*': ['kernel', 'kernel-PAE*', 'kernel*debug*',

-         'dmraid-devel', 'kdeutils-devel', 'mkinitrd-devel',

-         'php-devel', 'java-*',

-         'httpd-devel', 'tomcat-native', 'php*', 'httpd',

-         'krb5-server', 'krb5-server-ldap', 'mod_*', 'ghc-*'

-     ],

- }

- # format: {arch|*: [packages]}

- multilib_whitelist = {

-     '*': ['libgnat', 'wine', 'lmms-vst', 'nspluginwrapper',

-         'libflashsupport', 'valgrind', 'perl-libs', 'redhat-lsb',

-         'yaboot', 'syslinux-extlinux-nonlinux', 'syslinux-nonlinux',

-         'syslinux-tftpboot', 'nosync', '*-static', 'apitrace-libs',

-         'fakeroot-libs', 'postgresql-odbc', 'mysql-connector-odbc',

-         'fakechroot-libs','mesa-vdpau-drivers', 'p11-kit-trust',

-         'mariadb-connector-odbc', 'compiler-rt'

-     ],

- }


- createiso_skip = [

-         ('^Workstation$', {

-             '*': True,

-             'src': True

-         }),

-         ('^Server$', {

-             'src': True

-         }),

-         ('^Cloud$', {

-             '*': True,

-             'src': True

-         }),

-         ('^Everything$', {

-             '*': True,

-             'src': True

-         }),

-     ]

- # fomat: [(variant_uid_regex, {arch|*: [scm_dicts]})]

- #extra_files = [

- #    ('^(Server|Workstation|Cloud)$', {

- #        '*': [

- #            {

- #                'scm': 'rpm',

- #                'repo': 'fedora-release-%(variant_id_lower)s',

- #                'branch': None,

- #                'file': [

- #                    '/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-release',

- #                ],

- #                'target': '',

- #            },

- #        ],

- #    }),

- #]

- # Image name respecting Fedora's image naming policy

- image_name_format = 'Fedora-%(variant)s-%(disc_type)s-%(arch)s-%(version)s-%(date)s.%(respin)s.iso'

- # # Use the same format for volume id

- image_volid_formats = [

-      'Fedora-%(variant)s-%(disc_type)s-%(arch)s-%(version)s'

-      ]

- # No special handling for layered products, use same format as for regular images

- image_volid_layered_product_formats = []

- # Replace 'Cloud' with 'C' in volume id etc.

- volume_id_substitutions = {

-                  'Beta': 'B',

-               'Rawhide': 'rawh',

-         'Astronomy_KDE': 'AstK',

-            'Silverblue': 'SB',

-              'Cinnamon': 'Cinn',

-                 'Cloud': 'C',

-          'Design_suite': 'Dsgn',

-        'Electronic_Lab': 'Elec',

-            'Everything': 'E',

-                 'Games': 'Game',

-                'Images': 'img',

-               'Jam_KDE': 'Jam',

-           'MATE_Compiz': 'MATE',

-      # Note https://pagure.io/pungi-fedora/issue/533

-      'Python-Classroom': 'Clss',

-      'Python_Classroom': 'Clss',

-              'Robotics': 'Robo',

-        'Scientific_KDE': 'SciK',

-              'Security': 'Sec',

-                'Server': 'S',

-         '-Workstation-': '-WS-',

- }

- disc_types = {

-     'boot': 'netinst',

-     'live': 'Live',

- }

- translate_paths = [

-    ('/mnt/koji/compose/', 'https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/'),

- ]

- image_build = {

-     '^Cloud$': [

-         {

-             'image-build': {

-                     'format': [('qcow2','qcow2'), ('raw-xz','raw.xz')],

-                     'name': 'Fedora-Cloud-Base',

-                     'target': 'f29',

-                     'version': '29',

-                     'release': None,

-                     'ksurl': 'git+https://pagure.io/fedora-kickstarts.git?#origin/f29',

-                     'kickstart': 'fedora-cloud-base.ks',

-                     'distro': 'Fedora-22',

-                     'disk_size': 4,

-                     'arches': ['aarch64', 'ppc64le', 's390x', 'x86_64'],

-                     'repo': [

-                         'https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/updates/f29-updates/compose/Everything/$arch/os/'

-                         'https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/29/latest-Fedora-29/compose/Everything/$arch/os/' 

-                     ],

-                     'install_tree_from': 'https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/29/latest-Fedora-29/compose/Everything/$arch/os/',

-                     'subvariant': 'Cloud_Base'

-                      }

-         },

-         {

-             'image-build': {

-                     'format': [('vagrant-libvirt','vagrant-libvirt.box'), ('vagrant-virtualbox','vagrant-virtualbox.box')]

-                     'name': 'Fedora-Cloud-Base-Vagrant',

-                     'target': 'f29',

-                     'version': '29',

-                     'release': None,

-                     'ksurl': 'git+https://pagure.io/fedora-kickstarts.git?#origin/f29',

-                     'kickstart': 'fedora-cloud-base-vagrant.ks',

-                     'distro': 'Fedora-22',

-                     'disk_size': 40,

-                     'arches': ['x86_64'],

-                     'repo': [

-                         'https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/updates/f29-updates/compose/Everything/$arch/os/'

-                         'https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/29/latest-Fedora-29/compose/Everything/$arch/os/' 

-                     ],

-                     'install_tree_from': 'https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/29/latest-Fedora-29/compose/Everything/$arch/os/',

-                     'subvariant': 'Cloud_Base',

-                      }

-         },

-         ],

- }

- koji_profile = 'compose_koji'

file removed
@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@ 


- release_name = 'Fedora-Container'

- release_short = 'Fedora-Container'

- release_version = '29'

- release_is_layered = False

- skip_phases = ["buildinstall", "productimg", "pkgset", "gather", "extra_files", "createrepo"]


- bootable = False

- comps_file = {

-     'scm': 'git',

-     'repo': 'https://pagure.io/fedora-comps.git',

-     'branch': 'master',

-     'file': 'comps-f29.xml',

-     'command': 'make comps-f29.xml'

- }

- variants_file='variants-fedora.xml'

- sigkeys = ['429476B4'] # None = unsigned

- # limit tree architectures

- # if undefined, all architectures from variants.xml will be included

- tree_arches = ['armhfp', 'aarch64', 'ppc64le', 's390x', 'x86_64']

- # limit tree variants

- # if undefined, all variants from variants.xml will be included

- tree_variants = ['Container']

- hashed_directories = True

- # RUNROOT settings

- runroot = True

- #runroot_channel = 'fedora_compose'

- runroot_channel = 'compose'

- runroot_tag = 'f29-build'


- pkgset_source = 'koji' # koji, repos

- pkgset_koji_tag = 'f29-updates'

- pkgset_koji_inherit = True

- filter_system_release_packages = False


- gather_source = 'comps'

- gather_method = 'deps'

- gather_profiler = True

- check_deps = False

- greedy_method = 'build'

- # fomat: [(variant_uid_regex, {arch|*: [repos]})]

- # gather_lookaside_repos = []


- # format: {variant_uid: {arch: package: [arch1, arch2, None (for any arch)]}}

- #gather_source_mapping = '/path/to/mapping.json'


- createrepo_c = True

- createrepo_checksum = 'sha256'


- media_checksums = ['sha256']

- media_checksum_one_file = True

- media_checksum_base_filename = 'Fedora-%(variant)s-%(version)s-%(date)s.%(respin)s-%(arch)s'

- #jigdo

- create_jigdo = False

- #extra_packages = [

- #    '/mnt/packages/foo*',

- #]

- # fomat: [(variant_uid_regex, {arch|*: [packages]})]

- additional_packages = [

-     ('.*', {

-         '*': [

-             'kernel.*',

-             'dracut.*',

-             'autocorr-.*',

-             'eclipse-nls-.*',

-             'hunspell-.*',

-             'hyphen-.*',

-             'calligra-l10n-.*',

-             'kde-l10n-.*',

-             'libreoffice-langpack-.*',

-             'man-pages-.*',

-             'mythes-.*',

-         ],

-     }),

-     ('^Everything$', {

-         '*': [

-             '*',

-         ],

-     }),

-     ('^Server$', {

-         '*': [

-         ],

-     }),

-     ('^Workstation$', {

-         '*': [

-         ],

-     }),

-     ('^Cloud$', {

-         '*': [

-         ],

-     }),

- ]


- multilib = [

-     ('^Everything$', {

-         'x86_64': ['devel', 'runtime'],

-     })

- ]

- filter_packages = [

-     ('(Workstation|Server)$', {

-         '*': [

-         'kernel*debug*',

-         'kernel-kdump*',

-         'kernel-tools*',

-         'syslog-ng*',

-         'astronomy-bookmarks',

-         'generic*',

-         'GConf2-dbus*',

-         'bluez-gnome',

-         'java-1.8.0-openjdk',

-         'community-mysql*',

-         'jruby*',

-         'gimp-help-*',

-         ]

-     }),

- ]

- # format: {arch|*: [packages]}

- multilib_blacklist = {

-     '*': ['kernel', 'kernel-PAE*', 'kernel*debug*',

-         'dmraid-devel', 'kdeutils-devel', 'mkinitrd-devel',

-         'php-devel', 'java-*',

-         'httpd-devel', 'tomcat-native', 'php*', 'httpd',

-         'krb5-server', 'krb5-server-ldap', 'mod_*', 'ghc-*'

-     ],

- }

- # format: {arch|*: [packages]}

- multilib_whitelist = {

-     '*': ['libgnat', 'wine', 'lmms-vst', 'nspluginwrapper',

-         'libflashsupport', 'valgrind', 'perl-libs', 'redhat-lsb',

-         'yaboot', 'syslinux-extlinux-nonlinux', 'syslinux-nonlinux',

-         'syslinux-tftpboot', 'nosync', '*-static', 'apitrace-libs',

-         'fakeroot-libs', 'postgresql-odbc', 'mysql-connector-odbc',

-         'fakechroot-libs','mesa-vdpau-drivers', 'p11-kit-trust',

-         'mariadb-connector-odbc', 'compiler-rt'

-     ],

- }


- createiso_skip = [

-         ('^Workstation$', {

-             '*': True,

-             'src': True

-         }),

-         ('^Server$', {

-             'src': True

-         }),

-         ('^Cloud$', {

-             '*': True,

-             'src': True

-         }),

-         ('^Everything$', {

-             '*': True,

-             'src': True

-         }),

-     ]

- # fomat: [(variant_uid_regex, {arch|*: [scm_dicts]})]

- #extra_files = [

- #    ('^(Server|Workstation|Cloud)$', {

- #        '*': [

- #            {

- #                'scm': 'rpm',

- #                'repo': 'fedora-release-%(variant_id_lower)s',

- #                'branch': None,

- #                'file': [

- #                    '/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-release',

- #                ],

- #                'target': '',

- #            },

- #        ],

- #    }),

- #]

- # Image name respecting Fedora's image naming policy

- image_name_format = 'Fedora-%(variant)s-%(disc_type)s-%(arch)s-%(version)s-%(date)s.%(respin)s.iso'

- # # Use the same format for volume id

- image_volid_formats = [

-      'Fedora-%(variant)s-%(disc_type)s-%(arch)s-%(version)s'

-      ]

- # No special handling for layered products, use same format as for regular images

- image_volid_layered_product_formats = []

- # Replace 'Cloud' with 'C' in volume id etc.

- volume_id_substitutions = {

-                  'Beta': 'B',

-               'Rawhide': 'rawh',

-         'Astronomy_KDE': 'AstK',

-            'Silverblue': 'SB',

-              'Cinnamon': 'Cinn',

-                 'Cloud': 'C',

-          'Design_suite': 'Dsgn',

-        'Electronic_Lab': 'Elec',

-            'Everything': 'E',

-                 'Games': 'Game',

-                'Images': 'img',

-               'Jam_KDE': 'Jam',

-           'MATE_Compiz': 'MATE',

-      # Note https://pagure.io/pungi-fedora/issue/533

-      'Python-Classroom': 'Clss',

-      'Python_Classroom': 'Clss',

-              'Robotics': 'Robo',

-        'Scientific_KDE': 'SciK',

-              'Security': 'Sec',

-                'Server': 'S',

-         '-Workstation-': '-WS-',

- }

- disc_types = {

-     'boot': 'netinst',

-     'live': 'Live',

- }

- translate_paths = [

-    ('/mnt/koji/compose/', 'https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/'),

- ]


- # These will be inherited by live_media, live_images and image_build

- global_ksurl = 'git+https://pagure.io/fedora-kickstarts.git?#origin/f29'


- global_version = '29'

- global_target = 'f29'


- image_build = {

-     '^Container$': [

-         {

-             'image-build': {

-                     'format': [('docker', 'tar.xz')],

-                     'name': 'Fedora-Container-Base',

-                     'kickstart': 'fedora-container-base.ks',

-                     'distro': 'Fedora-22',

-                     'disk_size': 5,

-                     'arches': ['armhfp', 'aarch64', 'ppc64le', 's390x', 'x86_64'],

-                     'install_tree_from': 'https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/29/latest-Fedora-29/compose/Everything/$arch/os/',

-                     'repo': [

-                         'https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/updates/f29-updates/compose/Everything/$arch/os/'

-                         'https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/29/latest-Fedora-29/compose/Everything/$arch/os/'

-                     ],

-                     'subvariant': 'Container_Base'

-                     },

-             'factory-parameters': {

-                 'dockerversion': "1.10.1",

-                 'docker_cmd':  '[ "/bin/bash" ]',

-                 'docker_env': '[ "DISTTAG=f29container", "FGC=f29", "container=oci" ]',

-                 'docker_label': '{ "name": "fedora", "license": "MIT", "vendor": "Fedora Project", "version": "29"}',

-             },

-         },

-         {

-             'image-build': {

-                     'format': [('docker', 'tar.xz')],

-                     'name': 'Fedora-Container-Minimal-Base',

-                     'kickstart': 'fedora-container-base-minimal.ks',

-                     'distro': 'Fedora-22',

-                     'disk_size': 5,

-                     'arches': ['armhfp', 'aarch64', 'ppc64le', 's390x', 'x86_64'],

-                     'install_tree_from': 'https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/29/latest-Fedora-29/compose/Everything/$arch/os/',

-                     'repo': [

-                         'https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/updates/f29-updates/compose/Everything/$arch/os/'

-                         'https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/29/latest-Fedora-29/compose/Everything/$arch/os/'

-                     ],

-                     'subvariant': 'Container_Minimal_Base',

-                     },

-             'factory-parameters': {

-                 'dockerversion': "1.10.1",

-                 'docker_cmd':  '[ "/bin/bash" ]',

-                 'docker_env': '[ "DISTTAG=f29container", "FGC=f29", "container=oci" ]',

-                 'docker_label': '{ "name": "fedora", "license": "MIT", "vendor": "Fedora Project", "version": "29"}',

-             },

-         }

-         ],

- }

- koji_profile = 'compose_koji'

file removed
@@ -1,836 +0,0 @@ 


- release_name = 'Fedora'

- release_short = 'Fedora'

- release_version = 'Rawhide'



- comps_file = {

-     'scm': 'git',

-     'repo': 'https://pagure.io/fedora-comps.git',

-     'branch': 'master',

-     'file': 'comps-rawhide.xml',

-     'command': 'make comps-rawhide.xml'

- }

- module_defaults_dir = {

-     'scm': 'git',

-     'repo': 'https://pagure.io/releng/fedora-module-defaults.git',

-     'branch': 'master',

-     'dir': '.'

- }


- variants_file='variants-fedora.xml'

- sigkeys = ['9570FF31']


- # limit tree architectures

- # if undefined, all architectures from variants.xml will be included

- tree_arches = ['aarch64', 'armhfp', 'ppc64le', 's390x', 'x86_64']


- # limit tree variants

- # if undefined, all variants from variants.xml will be included

- #tree_variants = ['Server']


- hashed_directories = True


- # RUNROOT settings

- runroot_method = 'koji'

- runroot_channel = 'compose'

- runroot_tag = 'f33-build'



- pkgset_source = 'koji' # koji, repos



- # pkgset_repos format: {arch: [repo1_url, repo2_url, ...]}

- # pkgset_repos = {}



- pkgset_koji_tag = 'f33'

- pkgset_koji_inherit = False


- filter_system_release_packages = False



- gather_method = {

-     '^.*': {                # For all variants

-         'comps': 'deps',    # resolve dependencies for packages from comps file

-         'module': 'nodeps', # but not for packages from modules

-     }

- }

- gather_backend = 'dnf'

- gather_profiler = True

- check_deps = False

- greedy_method = 'build'


- repoclosure_backend = 'dnf'


- # fomat: [(variant_uid_regex, {arch|*: [repos]})]

- # gather_lookaside_repos = []



- # format: {variant_uid: {arch: package: [arch1, arch2, None (for any arch)]}}

- #gather_source_mapping = '/path/to/mapping.json'




- createrepo_deltas = False

- createrepo_database = True

- createrepo_use_xz = True

- createrepo_extra_args = ['--zck', '--zck-dict-dir=/usr/share/fedora-repo-zdicts/rawhide']

- createrepo_num_workers = 10



- media_checksums = ['sha256']

- media_checksum_one_file = True

- media_checksum_base_filename = '%(release_short)s-%(variant)s-%(version)s-%(arch)s-%(date)s%(type_suffix)s.%(respin)s'

- #jigdo

- create_jigdo = False



- iso_hfs_ppc64le_compatible = False



- buildinstall_method = 'lorax'

- buildinstall_skip = [

-     ('^Modular$', {

-         '*': True

-     }),

-     ('^Everything$', {

-         'i386': True

-     }),

- ]


- # Enables macboot on x86_64 for all variants and disables upgrade image building

- # everywhere.

- # Use 3GB image size for all arches.

- lorax_options = [

-   ('^.*$', {

-      'x86_64': {

-          'nomacboot': False

-      },

-      '*': {

-          'noupgrade': True,

-          'rootfs_size': 3

-      }

-   })

- ]


- #extra_packages = [

- #    '/mnt/packages/foo*',

- #]



- # fomat: [(variant_uid_regex, {arch|*: [packages]})]

- additional_packages = [

-     ('^(Server|Everything)$', {

-         '*': [

-             'kernel*',

-             'dracut.*',

-             'autocorr-*',

-             'eclipse-nls',

-             'eclipse-nls-*',

-             'hunspell-*',

-             'hyphen-*',

-             'kde-l10n-*',

-             'libreoffice-langpack-*',

-             'man-pages-*',

-             'mythes-*',

-         ],

-     }),


-     ('^Everything$', {

-         '*': [

-             '*',

-         ],

-     }),


-     ('^Server$', {

-         '*': [


-         ],

-     }),


- ]


- multilib = [

-     ('^Everything$', {

-         'x86_64': ['devel', 'runtime'],

-     })

- ]


- filter_packages = [

-     ("^.*$", {"*": ["glibc32", "libgcc32"]}),

-     ('(Server)$', {

-         '*': [

-         'kernel*debug*',

-         'kernel-kdump*',

-         'kernel-tools*',

-         'syslog-ng*',

-         'astronomy-bookmarks',

-         'generic*',

-         'GConf2-dbus*',

-         'bluez-gnome',

-         'java-11-openjdk',

-         'community-mysql*',

-         'jruby*',

-         'gimp-help-*',

-         ]

-     }),

- ]



- # format: {arch|*: [packages]}

- multilib_blacklist = {

-     '*': ['kernel', 'kernel-PAE*', 'kernel*debug*',

-         'dmraid-devel', 'kdeutils-devel', 'mkinitrd-devel',

-         'php-devel', 'java-*', 'bash-devel',

-         'httpd-devel', 'tomcat-native', 'php*', 'httpd',

-         'krb5-server', 'krb5-server-ldap', 'mod_*', 'ghc-*'

-     ],

- }



- # format: {arch|*: [packages]}

- multilib_whitelist = {

-     '*': ['libgnat', 'wine', 'lmms-vst', 'nspluginwrapper',

-         'libflashsupport', 'valgrind', 'perl-libs', 'redhat-lsb',

-         'yaboot', 'syslinux-extlinux-nonlinux', 'syslinux-nonlinux',

-         'syslinux-tftpboot', 'nosync', '*-static', 'apitrace-libs',

-         'fakeroot-libs', 'postgresql-odbc', 'mysql-connector-odbc',

-         'fakechroot-libs','mesa-vdpau-drivers', 'p11-kit-trust',

-         'mariadb-connector-odbc', 'compiler-rt',

-         'nvidia-query-resource-opengl-lib',

-         'ibus-libs', 'ibus-gtk2', 'ibus-gtk3',

-         'glib-networking'

-     ],

- }


- createiso_skip = [

-         ('^Server$', {

-             'src': True

-         }),


-         ('^Everything$', {

-             '*': True,

-             'src': True

-         }),


-         ('^Modular$', {

-             '*': True,

-             'src': True

-         }),


-     ]


- # fomat: [(variant_uid_regex, {arch|*: [scm_dicts]})]

- #extra_files = [

- #    ('^(Server)$', {

- #        '*': [

- #            {

- #                'scm': 'rpm',

- #                'repo': 'fedora-release-%(variant_id_lower)s',

- #                'branch': None,

- #                'file': [

- #                    '/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-release',

- #                ],

- #                'target': '',

- #            },

- #        ],

- #    }),

- #]


- # Image name respecting Fedora's image naming policy

- image_name_format = '%(release_short)s-%(variant)s-%(disc_type)s-%(arch)s-%(version)s-%(date)s%(type_suffix)s.%(respin)s.iso'

- # # Use the same format for volume id

- image_volid_formats = [

-      '%(release_short)s-%(variant)s-%(disc_type)s-%(arch)s-%(version)s'

-      ]

- # No special handling for layered products, use same format as for regular images

- image_volid_layered_product_formats = []

- # Used by Pungi to replace 'Cloud' with 'C' (etc.) in ISO volume IDs.

- # There is a hard 32-character limit on ISO volume IDs, so we use

- # these to try and produce short enough but legible IDs. Note this is

- # duplicated in Koji for live images, as livemedia-creator does not

- # allow Pungi to tell it what volume ID to use. Note:

- # https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Adamwill/Draft_fedora_image_naming_policy

- # '-Workstation-' is a temporary workaround. See

- # https://pagure.io/pungi-fedora/pull-request/525

- volume_id_substitutions = {

-                  'Beta': 'B',

-               'Rawhide': 'rawh',

-         'Astronomy_KDE': 'AstK',

-            'Silverblue': 'SB',

-              'Cinnamon': 'Cinn',

-                 'Cloud': 'C',

-            'Comp_Neuro': 'CNr',

-          'Design_suite': 'Dsgn',

-        'Electronic_Lab': 'Elec',

-            'Everything': 'E',

-                 'Games': 'Game',

-                'Images': 'img',

-               'Jam_KDE': 'Jam',

-           'MATE_Compiz': 'MATE',

-      # Note https://pagure.io/pungi-fedora/issue/533

-      'Python-Classroom': 'Clss',

-      'Python_Classroom': 'Clss',

-              'Robotics': 'Robo',

-        'Scientific_KDE': 'SciK',

-              'Security': 'Sec',

-                'Server': 'S',

-         '-Workstation-': '-WS-',

- }


- disc_types = {

-     'boot': 'netinst',

-     'live': 'Live',

- }


- translate_paths = [

-    ('/mnt/koji/compose/', 'https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/'),

- ]


- # These will be inherited by live_media, live_images and image_build

- global_ksurl = 'git+https://pagure.io/fedora-kickstarts.git?#HEAD'


- global_version = 'Rawhide'

- # live_images ignores this in favor of live_target

- global_target = 'f33'


- image_build = {

-     '^Container$': [

-         {

-             'image-build': {

-                     'format': [('docker', 'tar.xz')],

-                     'name': 'Fedora-Container-Base',

-                     'kickstart': 'fedora-container-base.ks',

-                     'distro': 'Fedora-22',

-                     'disk_size': 5,

-                     'arches': ['armhfp', 'aarch64', 'ppc64le', 's390x', 'x86_64'],

-                     'repo': 'Everything',

-                     'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                     'subvariant': 'Container_Base',

-                     'failable': ['*'],

-                     },

-             'factory-parameters': {

-                 'dockerversion': "1.10.1",

-                 'docker_cmd':  '[ "/bin/bash" ]',

-                 'docker_env': '[ "DISTTAG=f33container", "FGC=f33", "container=oci" ]',

-                 'docker_label': '{ "name": "fedora", "license": "MIT", "vendor": "Fedora Project", "version": "33"}',

-             },

-         },

-         {

-             'image-build': {

-                     'format': [('docker', 'tar.xz')],

-                     'name': 'Fedora-Container-Minimal-Base',

-                     'kickstart': 'fedora-container-base-minimal.ks',

-                     'distro': 'Fedora-22',

-                     'disk_size': 5,

-                     'arches': ['armhfp', 'aarch64', 'ppc64le', 's390x', 'x86_64'],

-                     'repo': 'Everything',

-                     'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                     'subvariant': 'Container_Minimal_Base',

-                     'failable': ['*'],

-                     },

-             'factory-parameters': {

-                 'dockerversion': "1.10.1",

-                 'docker_cmd':  '[ "/bin/bash" ]',

-                 'docker_env': '[ "DISTTAG=f33container", "FGC=f33", "container=oci" ]',

-                 'docker_label': '{ "name": "fedora", "license": "MIT", "vendor": "Fedora Project", "version": "33"}',

-             },

-         }

-         ],

-     '^Cloud$': [

-         {

-             'image-build': {

-                     'format': [('qcow2','qcow2'), ('raw-xz','raw.xz'), ('vmdk','vmdk')],

-                     'name': 'Fedora-Cloud-Base',

-                     'kickstart': 'fedora-cloud-base.ks',

-                     'distro': 'Fedora-22',

-                     'disk_size': 4,

-                     'arches': ['aarch64', 'ppc64le', 's390x', 'x86_64'],

-                     'repo': 'Everything',

-                     'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                     'subvariant': 'Cloud_Base',

-                     'failable': ['ppc64le', 's390x'],

-                      }

-         },

-         {

-             'image-build': {

-                     'format': [('vagrant-libvirt','vagrant-libvirt.box'), ('vagrant-virtualbox','vagrant-virtualbox.box')],

-                     'name': 'Fedora-Cloud-Base-Vagrant',

-                     'kickstart': 'fedora-cloud-base-vagrant.ks',

-                     'distro': 'Fedora-22',

-                     'disk_size': 40,

-                     'arches': ['x86_64'],

-                     'repo': 'Everything',

-                     'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                     'subvariant': 'Cloud_Base',

-                     'failable': ['*'],

-             },

-         },

-         ],

-     '^Labs$': [

-         {

-             'image-build': {

-                     'format': [('vagrant-libvirt','vagrant-libvirt.box'), ('vagrant-virtualbox','vagrant-virtualbox.box')],

-                     'name': 'Fedora-Python-Classroom-Vagrant',

-                     'kickstart': 'fedora-python-classroom-vagrant.ks',

-                     'distro': 'Fedora-22',

-                     'disk_size': 40,

-                     'arches': ['x86_64'],

-                     'repo': 'Everything',

-                     'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                     'subvariant': 'Python_Classroom',

-                     'failable': ['*'],

-                      },

-             'factory-parameters': {

-                     'ova-option': 'vagrant_sync_directory=/home/vagrant/sync'

-             }

-         },

-         {

-             'image-build': {

-                     'format': [('vagrant-libvirt','vagrant-libvirt.box'), ('vagrant-virtualbox','vagrant-virtualbox.box')],

-                     'name': 'Fedora-Scientific-Vagrant',

-                     'kickstart': 'fedora-scientific-vagrant.ks',

-                     'distro': 'Fedora-22',

-                     'disk_size': 40,

-                     'arches': ['x86_64'],

-                     'repo': 'Everything',

-                     'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                     'subvariant': 'Scientific',

-                     'failable': ['*'],

-                      },

-             'factory-parameters': {

-                     'ova-option': 'vagrant_sync_directory=/home/vagrant/sync'

-             }

-         },

-         ],

-     '^Spins': [

-         {

-             'image-build': {

-                     'format': [('raw-xz','raw.xz')],

-                     'name': 'Fedora-Minimal',

-                     'kickstart': 'fedora-disk-minimal.ks',

-                     'distro': 'Fedora-22',

-                     'disk_size': 5,

-                     'arches': ['armhfp', 'aarch64'],

-                     'repo': 'Everything',

-                     'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                     'subvariant': 'Minimal',

-                     'failable': ['*'],

-                      }

-         },

-         {

-             'image-build': {

-                     'format': [('raw-xz','raw.xz')],

-                     'name': 'Fedora-Xfce',

-                     'kickstart': 'fedora-disk-xfce.ks',

-                     'distro': 'Fedora-22',

-                     'disk_size': 8,

-                     'arches': ['aarch64'],

-                     'repo': 'Everything',

-                     'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                     'subvariant': 'Xfce',

-                     'failable': ['*'],

-                      }

-         },

-         ],

-     '^Workstation$': [

-         {

-             'image-build': {

-                     'format': [('raw-xz','raw.xz')],

-                     'name': 'Fedora-Workstation',

-                     'kickstart': 'fedora-disk-workstation.ks',

-                     'distro': 'Fedora-22',

-                     'disk_size': 11,

-                     'arches': ['armhfp', 'aarch64'],

-                     'repo': 'Everything',

-                     'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                     'subvariant': 'Workstation',

-                     'failable': ['armhfp'],

-                      }

-         },

-         ],

-     '^Server$': [

-         {

-             'image-build': {

-                     'format': [('raw-xz','raw.xz')],

-                     'name': 'Fedora-Server',

-                     'kickstart': 'fedora-disk-server.ks',

-                     'distro': 'Fedora-22',

-                     'disk_size': 7,

-                     'arches': ['armhfp', 'aarch64'],

-                     'repo': 'Server',

-                     'install_tree_from': 'Server',

-                     'subvariant': 'Server',

-                     'failable': ['*'],

-                      }

-         },

-         ],

- }


- live_media = {

-     '^Workstation$': [

-             {

-                 'name': 'Fedora-Workstation-Live',

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-live-workstation.ks',

-                 'arches': ['x86_64', 'ppc64le'],

-                 'failable': ['ppc64le'],

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                 'subvariant': 'Workstation'


-             }

-         ],

-     '^Spins': [

-             {

-                 'name': 'Fedora-KDE-Live',

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-live-kde.ks',

-                 'arches': ['x86_64'],

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                 'subvariant': 'KDE'


-             },

-             {

-                 'name': 'Fedora-Xfce-Live',

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-live-xfce.ks',

-                 'arches': ['x86_64'],

-                 'failable': ['*'],

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                 'subvariant': 'Xfce'

-             },

-             {

-                 'name': 'Fedora-SoaS-Live',

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-live-soas.ks',

-                 'arches': ['x86_64'],

-                 'failable': ['*'],

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                 'subvariant': 'SoaS'

-             },

-             {

-                 'name': 'Fedora-Cinnamon-Live',

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-live-cinnamon.ks',

-                 'arches': ['x86_64'],

-                 'failable': ['*'],

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                 'subvariant': 'Cinnamon'

-             },

-             {

-                 'name': 'Fedora-LXDE-Live',

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-live-lxde.ks',

-                 'arches': ['x86_64'],

-                 'failable': ['*'],

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                 'subvariant': 'LXDE'

-             },

-             {

-                 'name': 'Fedora-MATE_Compiz-Live',

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-live-mate_compiz.ks',

-                 'arches': ['x86_64'],

-                 'failable': ['*'],

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                 'subvariant': 'Mate'

-             },

-             {

-                 'name': 'Fedora-LXQt-Live',

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-live-lxqt.ks',

-                 'arches': ['x86_64'],

-                 'failable': ['*'],

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                 'subvariant': 'LXQt'

-             }

-         ],

-     '^Labs$': [

-             {

-                 'name': 'Fedora-Astronomy_KDE-Live',

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-live-astronomy_kde.ks',

-                 'arches': ['x86_64'],

-                 'failable': ['*'],

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                 'subvariant': 'Astronomy_KDE'

-             },

-             {

-                 'name': 'Fedora-Comp_Neuro-Live',

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-live-comp_neuro.ks',

-                 'arches': ['x86_64'],

-                 'failable': ['*'],

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                 'subvariant': 'Comp_Neuro'

-             },

-             {

-                 'name': 'Fedora-Design_suite-Live',

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-live-design_suite.ks',

-                 'arches': ['x86_64'],

-                 'failable': ['*'],

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                 'subvariant': 'Design_suite'

-             },

-             {

-                 'name': 'Fedora-Scientific_KDE-Live',

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-live-scientific_kde.ks',

-                 'arches': ['x86_64'],

-                 'failable': ['*'],

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                 'subvariant': 'Scientific_KDE'

-             },

-             {

-                 'name': 'Fedora-Games-Live',

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-live-games.ks',

-                 'arches': ['x86_64'],

-                 'failable': ['*'],

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                 'subvariant': 'Games'

-             },

-             {

-                 'name': 'Fedora-Security-Live',

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-live-security.ks',

-                 'arches': ['x86_64'],

-                 'failable': ['*'],

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                 'subvariant': 'Security'

-             },

-             {

-                 'name': 'Fedora-Jam_KDE-Live',

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-live-jam_kde.ks',

-                 'arches': ['x86_64'],

-                 'failable': ['*'],

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                 'subvariant': 'Jam_KDE'

-             },

-             {

-                 'name': 'Fedora-Robotics-Live',

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-live-robotics.ks',

-                 'arches': ['x86_64'],

-                 'failable': ['*'],

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                 'subvariant': 'Robotics'

-             },

-             {

-                 'name': 'Fedora-Python-Classroom-Live',

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-live-python-classroom.ks',

-                 'arches': ['x86_64'],

-                 'failable': ['*'],

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                 'subvariant': 'Python_Classroom'

-             }

-     ],

- }


- failable_deliverables = [

-     ('^Server$', { 

-         '*': ['buildinstall', 'iso'],

-     }),

-     ('^.*$', {

-         # Buildinstall is non blocking

-         'src': ['buildinstall'],

-         # Nothing on i386, ppc64le blocks the compose

-         'i386': ['buildinstall', 'iso'],

-         'ppc64le': ['buildinstall', 'iso'],

-         's390x': ['buildinstall', 'iso'],

-     })

- ]


- live_target = 'f33'

- live_images_no_rename = True

- # fomat: [(variant_uid_regex, {arch|*: scm_dict})]

- live_images = [

-     ('^Workstation$', {

-         'armhfp': {

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-arm-workstation.ks',

-                 'name': 'Fedora-Workstation-armhfp',

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'type': 'appliance',

-                 'failable': True,

-                 }

-     }),

-     ('^Server$', {

-         'armhfp': {

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-arm-server.ks',

-                 'name': 'Fedora-Server-armhfp',

-                 'type': 'appliance',

-                 'failable': True,

-                 }

-     }),

-     ('^Spins$', {

-         'armhfp': [{

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-arm-kde.ks',

-                 'name': 'Fedora-KDE-armhfp',

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'type': 'appliance',

-                 'subvariant': 'KDE',

-                 'failable': True,

-                 },

-                 {

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-arm-lxde.ks',

-                 'name': 'Fedora-LXDE-armhfp',

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'type': 'appliance',

-                 'subvariant': 'LXDE',

-                 'failable': True,

-                 },

-                 {

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-arm-mate.ks',

-                 'name': 'Fedora-Mate-armhfp',

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'type': 'appliance',

-                 'subvariant': 'Mate',

-                 'failable': True,

-                 },

-                 {

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-arm-minimal.ks',

-                 'name': 'Fedora-Minimal-armhfp',

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'type': 'appliance',

-                 'subvariant': 'Minimal',

-                 'failable': False,

-                 },

-                 {

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-arm-soas.ks',

-                 'name': 'Fedora-SoaS-armhfp',

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'type': 'appliance',

-                 'subvariant': 'SoaS',

-                 'failable': True,

-                 },

-                 {

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-arm-xfce.ks',

-                 'name': 'Fedora-Xfce-armhfp',

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'type': 'appliance',

-                 'subvariant': 'Xfce',

-                 'failable': True,

-                 },

-                 {

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-arm-lxqt.ks',

-                 'name': 'Fedora-LXQt-armhfp',

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'type': 'appliance',

-                 'subvariant': 'LXQt',

-                 'failable': True,

-                 },]

-     }),

-     ('^Labs$', {

-         'armhfp': {

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-arm-python-classroom.ks',

-                 'name': 'Fedora-Python-Classroom-armhfp',

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'type': 'appliance',

-                 'subvariant': 'Python_Classroom',

-                 'failable': True,

-                 }

-     }),

- ]


- ostree = {

-     "^Silverblue$": {


-         "force_new_commit": True,

-         "treefile": "fedora-silverblue.yaml",

-         "config_url": "https://pagure.io/workstation-ostree-config.git",

-         "config_branch": "master",

-         "repo": "Everything",

-         "tag_ref": False,

-         "ostree_repo": "/mnt/koji/compose/ostree/repo/",

-         "ostree_ref": "fedora/rawhide/${basearch}/silverblue",

-         "arches": ["x86_64", "ppc64le", "aarch64"],

-         "failable": ['*'],

-     }

- }


- ostree_installer = [

-     ("^Silverblue$", {

-         "x86_64": {

-             "repo": "Everything",

-             "release": None,

-             "rootfs_size": "8",

-             "add_template": ["ostree-based-installer/lorax-configure-repo.tmpl",

-                              "ostree-based-installer/lorax-embed-repo.tmpl",

-                              "ostree-based-installer/lorax-embed-flatpaks.tmpl"],

-             "add_template_var": [

-                 "ostree_install_repo=https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/ostree/repo/",

-                 "ostree_update_repo=https://ostree.fedoraproject.org",

-                 "ostree_osname=fedora",

-                 "ostree_oskey=fedora-33-primary",

-                 "ostree_contenturl=mirrorlist=https://ostree.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist",

-                 "ostree_install_ref=fedora/rawhide/x86_64/silverblue",

-                 "ostree_update_ref=fedora/rawhide/x86_64/silverblue",

-                 "flatpak_remote_name=fedora",

-                 # using registry-no-cdn avoids redirects to the CDN;

-                 # needed because of network restrictions on koji runroot

-                 "flatpak_remote_url=oci+https://registry-no-cdn.fedoraproject.org",

-                 "flatpak_remote_refs=runtime/org.fedoraproject.Platform/x86_64/f32 app/org.gnome.Baobab/x86_64/stable app/org.gnome.Calculator/x86_64/stable app/org.gnome.Calendar/x86_64/stable app/org.gnome.Characters/x86_64/stable app/org.gnome.clocks/x86_64/stable app/org.gnome.Contacts/x86_64/stable app/org.gnome.eog/x86_64/stable app/org.gnome.Evince/x86_64/stable app/org.gnome.font-viewer/x86_64/stable app/org.gnome.gedit/x86_64/stable app/org.gnome.Logs/x86_64/stable app/org.gnome.Maps/x86_64/stable app/org.gnome.Screenshot/x86_64/stable app/org.gnome.Weather/x86_64/stable",

-             ],

-             'template_repo': 'https://pagure.io/fedora-lorax-templates.git',

-             'template_branch': 'master',

-             'extra_runroot_pkgs': ['flatpak'],

-             'failable': ['*'],

-         },

-         "ppc64le": {

-             "repo": "Everything",

-             "release": None,

-             "rootfs_size": "8",

-             "add_template": ["ostree-based-installer/lorax-configure-repo.tmpl",

-                              "ostree-based-installer/lorax-embed-repo.tmpl"],

-             "add_template_var": [

-                 "ostree_install_repo=https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/ostree/repo/",

-                 "ostree_update_repo=https://ostree.fedoraproject.org",

-                 "ostree_osname=fedora",

-                 "ostree_oskey=fedora-33-primary",

-                 "ostree_contenturl=mirrorlist=https://ostree.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist",

-                 "ostree_install_ref=fedora/rawhide/ppc64le/silverblue",

-                 "ostree_update_ref=fedora/rawhide/ppc64le/silverblue",

-                 "flatpak_remote_name=fedora",

-                 # using registry-no-cdn avoids redirects to the CDN;

-                 # needed because of network restrictions on koji runroot

-                 "flatpak_remote_url=oci+https://registry-no-cdn.fedoraproject.org",

-                 "flatpak_remote_refs=",

-             ],

-             'template_repo': 'https://pagure.io/fedora-lorax-templates.git',

-             'template_branch': 'master',

-             'extra_runroot_pkgs': ['flatpak'],

-             'failable': ['*'],

-         },

-         "aarch64": {

-             "repo": "Everything",

-             "release": None,

-             "rootfs_size": "8",

-             "add_template": ["ostree-based-installer/lorax-configure-repo.tmpl",

-                              "ostree-based-installer/lorax-embed-repo.tmpl"],

-             "add_template_var": [

-                 "ostree_install_repo=https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/ostree/repo/",

-                 "ostree_update_repo=https://ostree.fedoraproject.org",

-                 "ostree_osname=fedora",

-                 "ostree_oskey=fedora-33-primary",

-                 "ostree_contenturl=mirrorlist=https://ostree.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist",

-                 "ostree_install_ref=fedora/rawhide/aarch64/silverblue",

-                 "ostree_update_ref=fedora/rawhide/aarch64/silverblue",

-                 "flatpak_remote_name=fedora",

-                 # using registry-no-cdn avoids redirects to the CDN;

-                 # needed because of network restrictions on koji runroot

-                 "flatpak_remote_url=oci+https://registry-no-cdn.fedoraproject.org",

-                 "flatpak_remote_refs=",

-             ],

-             'template_repo': 'https://pagure.io/fedora-lorax-templates.git',

-             'template_branch': 'master',

-             'extra_runroot_pkgs': ['flatpak'],

-             'failable': ['*'],

-         }

-     })

- ]


- koji_profile = 'compose_koji'

file removed
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@ 

- #!/bin/sh



- export LC_ALL=C


- CONFIG="fedora.conf"

- TARGET_DIR="/mnt/koji/compose/rawhide"

- #OLD_COMPOSES_DIR="--old-composes=/mnt/fedora_koji/compose/f23 --old-composes=$TARGET_DIR"

- NIGHTLY="--nightly"

- SKIP_PHASES="--skip-phase=productimg"

- DEST=$(pwd)

- DATE=$(date "+%Y%m%d")

- SHORT="Fedora"

- RELEASE="rawhide"


- COMPSFILE="comps-rawhide.xml"

- TMPDIR=`mktemp -d /tmp/$RELEASE.$DATE.XXXX`

- TOMAIL="devel@lists.fedoraproject.org test@lists.fedoraproject.org"

- FROM="Fedora Rawhide Report <rawhide@fedoraproject.org>"

- RSYNCPREFIX="sudo -u ftpsync"

- RSYNCTARGET="/pub/fedora/linux/development/$RELEASE"

- RSYNCALTTARGET="/pub/alt/development/$RELEASE"

- RSYNCSECTARGET="/pub/fedora-secondary/development/$RELEASE"

- OSTREESRCREPO="/mnt/koji/compose/ostree/repo/"

- OSTREEDESTREPO="/mnt/koji/ostree/repo/"


- # uncomment and edit for resuming a failed compose

- #COMPOSE_ID="Fedora-23-20150530.n.0"


- # assume a releng dir is a git checkout of the releng repo

- # if it does not exist clone it

- if [ -d releng ]; then

-     pushd releng

-     git pull --rebase

-     popd

- else

-     git clone https://pagure.io/releng.git

- fi


- # Set up our fedmsg function, using the releng repo definition

- FEDMSG_MODNAME="compose"


- . ./releng/scripts/fedmsg-functions.sh


- # Announce that we are starting, even though we don't know the compose_id yet..

- fedmsg_json_start=$(printf '{"log": "start", "branch": "%s", "arch": "%s", "short": "%s"}' "$RELEASE" "$ARCH" "$SHORT")

- send_fedmsg "${fedmsg_json_start}" ${RELEASE} start


- #pushd $TMPDIR

- #git clone https://pagure.io/fedora-comps.git && {

- #    pushd fedora-comps

- #    make "${COMPSFILE}"

- #    cp "${COMPSFILE}" $DEST/

- #    popd

- #}

- #popd


- ./releng/scripts/block_retired.py --profile compose_koji

- ./releng/scripts/block_retired.py --profile compose_koji --namespace=container


- CMD="pungi-koji --notification-script=/usr/bin/pungi-fedmsg-notification --notification-script=pungi-wait-for-signed-ostree-handler --config=$CONFIG --old-composes=$TARGET_DIR $OLD_COMPOSES_DIR $NIGHTLY $SKIP_PHASES"


- if [ -z "$COMPOSE_ID" ]; then

-     CMD="$CMD --target-dir=$TARGET_DIR"

- else

-     CMD="$CMD --debug-mode --compose-dir=$TARGET_DIR/$COMPOSE_ID"

- fi


- time $CMD "$@"

- if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then

-     exit 1

- fi



- SHORTCOMPOSE_ID=$(echo $NEWCOMPOSE_ID|sed -e 's|Fedora-.*-||g')


- # Set this to use later for a few items include depcheck


- # Public URLs the synced compose will wind up at, we put them in fedmsgs

- LOCATION="https://dl.fedoraproject.org$RSYNCTARGET"

- ALT_LOCATION="https://dl.fedoraproject.org$RSYNCALTTARGET"

- SECONDARY_LOCATION="https://dl.fedoraproject.org$RSYNCSECTARGET"

- # Update fedmsg template

- fedmsg_json_start=$(printf '{"log": "start", "branch": "%s", "arch": "%s", "short": "%s", "compose_id": "%s", "location": "%s", "alt_location": "%s", "secondary_location": "%s"}' "$RELEASE" "$ARCH" "$SHORT" "$NEWCOMPOSE_ID", "$LOCATION", "$ALT_LOCATION", "$SECONDARY_LOCATION")

- fedmsg_json_done=$(printf '{"log": "done", "branch": "%s", "arch": "%s", "short": "%s", "compose_id": "%s", "location": "%s", "alt_location": "%s", "secondary_location": "%s"}' "$RELEASE" "$ARCH" "$SHORT" "$NEWCOMPOSE_ID", "$LOCATION", "$ALT_LOCATION", "$SECONDARY_LOCATION")


- # Fix permissions on the grub efi files and fonts (they're 0600)

- chmod -R go+r $DESTDIR/compose/*/*/os/EFI/


- if ! compose-changelog -p "$DESTDIR/logs/" "$TARGET_DIR/$OLDCOMPOSE_ID/" "$DESTDIR/" 2>"$DESTDIR/logs/changelog.stderr"; then

-     # Generating changelog failed. We should not send an empty announcement to

-     # general public.

-     TOMAIL=""

-     VERSION="$(rpm -q compose-utils)"

-     # Instead report it to rel-eng@ list.

-     mutt -e "set from=\"$FROM\"" \

-         -e 'set envelope_from=yes' \

-         -s "Generating changelog for $NEWCOMPOSE_ID failed (with $VERSION)" \

-         rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org \

-         < "$DESTDIR/changelog.stderr"

- fi


- # Figure out a version for broken deps e-mail that goes to package maintainers.

- # In Rawhide it's just rawhide, for branched versions we prepend F- to the number.

- if [ "$RELEASE" = "rawhide" ]; then


- else


- fi

- # disable sending email for now until we are sure we wont generating mass emails 

- ./releng/scripts/spam-o-matic --nomail --treename="$TREENAME" "$DESTDIR/compose/Everything/"  --only-arches ppc64le s390x x86_64> "$DESTDIR/logs/depcheck"


- [ -z "$ARCH" ] && {

- ./releng/scripts/critpath.py --url file://$DESTDIR/compose/Everything/ -o $DESTDIR/logs/critpath.txt rawhide &> $DESTDIR/logs/critpath.log

- }


- # Tell interested persons that the rsync is starting (zomg!)

- send_fedmsg "${fedmsg_json_start}" ${RELEASE} rsync.start


- # Sync the content to /pub/fedora

- if [ ! -d "$RSYNCTARGET" ]; then

-   mkdir "$RSYNCTARGET"

- fi

- $RSYNCPREFIX compose-partial-copy --arch=armhfp --arch=x86_64 --arch src \


-     --variant Everything --variant Cloud --variant Container \

-     --variant Server --variant Spins --variant Workstation --variant Silverblue --variant Modular \

-     --link-dest="$RSYNCTARGET/Everything" --exclude=repodata

- $RSYNCPREFIX compose-partial-copy --arch=armhfp --arch=x86_64 --arch src \


-     --variant Everything --variant Cloud --variant Container \

-     --variant Server --variant Spins --variant Workstation --variant Silverblue --variant Modular \

-     --link-dest="$RSYNCTARGET/Everything" --delete-after

- # aarch64 for Everything Server Cloud Container is primary

- $RSYNCPREFIX compose-partial-copy --arch=aarch64 \


-     --variant Everything --variant Server --variant Cloud --variant Container \

-     --variant Modular \

-     --link-dest="$RSYNCTARGET/Everything" --exclude=repodata

- $RSYNCPREFIX compose-partial-copy --arch=aarch64 \


-     --variant Everything --variant Server --variant Cloud --variant Container \

-     --variant Modular \

-     --link-dest="$RSYNCTARGET/Everything" --delete-after

- $RSYNCPREFIX rm "$RSYNCTARGET/.composeinfo"

- $RSYNCPREFIX ./releng/scripts/build_composeinfo "$RSYNCTARGET/" --name "$NEWCOMPOSE_ID"


- # Sync the content to /pub/alt

- if [ ! -d "$RSYNCALTTARGET" ]; then


- fi

- $RSYNCPREFIX compose-partial-copy --arch=armhfp --arch=x86_64 \


-     --variant Labs \

-     --link-dest="$RSYNCTARGET/Everything/" --exclude=repodata

- $RSYNCPREFIX compose-partial-copy --arch=armhfp --arch=x86_64 \


-     --variant Labs \

-     --link-dest="$RSYNCTARGET/Everything/" --delete-after


- $RSYNCPREFIX ./releng/scripts/build_composeinfo "$RSYNCALTTARGET/" --name "$NEWCOMPOSE_ID"


- # Sync the content to /pub/fedora-secondary

- if [ ! -d "$RSYNCSECTARGET" ]; then


- fi

- $RSYNCPREFIX compose-partial-copy --arch=ppc64le --arch=s390x \


-     --variant Everything --variant Cloud --variant Container \

-     --variant Labs --variant Server --variant Spins --variant Workstation --variant Modular \

-     --link-dest="$RSYNCTARGET/Everything/" --link-dest="$RSYNCSECTARGET/Everything/" --exclude=repodata

- $RSYNCPREFIX compose-partial-copy --arch=ppc64le --arch=s390x \


-     --variant Everything --variant Cloud --variant Container \

-     --variant Labs --variant Server --variant Spins --variant Workstation --variant Modular \

-     --link-dest="$RSYNCTARGET/Everything/" --link-dest="$RSYNCSECTARGET/Everything/" --delete-after

- # aarch64 is alternative for Labs Spins Workstation

- $RSYNCPREFIX compose-partial-copy --arch=aarch64 \


-     --variant Labs --variant Spins --variant Workstation \

-     --link-dest="$RSYNCTARGET/Everything/" --exclude=repodata

- $RSYNCPREFIX compose-partial-copy --arch=aarch64 \


-     --variant Labs --variant Spins --variant Workstation \

-     --link-dest="$RSYNCTARGET/Everything/" --delete-after


- $RSYNCPREFIX ./releng/scripts/build_composeinfo "$RSYNCSECTARGET/" --name "$NEWCOMPOSE_ID"


- # sync Silverblue to the unified ostree repo

- # Set the umask to so directories can get group write

- # https://pagure.io/releng/issue/8811

- old_umask=$(umask)

- umask 0002

- for arch in x86_64 ppc64le aarch64; do

-     ref="fedora/rawhide/${arch}/silverblue"

-     if ! ostree --repo=$OSTREESRCREPO rev-parse "${ref}"; then continue; fi


-     ostree pull-local --repo=$OSTREEDESTREPO $OSTREESRCREPO --depth=-1 "${ref}"

-     ostree summary -u --repo=$OSTREEDESTREPO # update summary file

- done

- # Set to old umask

- umask $old_umask


- # Push rawhide base container image to fedora registry

- pushd ./releng

- pushd ./scripts

- ./sync-latest-container-base-image.sh 33

- popd

- popd


- # Tell interested persons that the rsync is done.

- send_fedmsg "${fedmsg_json_done}" ${RELEASE} rsync.complete


- # Tell everyone by fedmsg about the compose

- send_fedmsg "${fedmsg_json_done}" ${RELEASE} complete


- # Tell everyone by email about the compose

- # "$DESTDIR/logs/depcheck" lets not cat out depcheck for now as it does

- # not understand rich dependencies

- SUBJECT='Fedora '$RELEASE' compose report: '$SHORTCOMPOSE_ID' changes'

- for tomail in $TOMAIL ; do

-     cat $DESTDIR/logs/*verbose  | \

-          mutt -e "set from=\"$FROM\"" -e 'set envelope_from=yes' -s "$SUBJECT" $tomail

- done


- # Removed all the older than 14 days composes

- find $TARGET_DIR  -xdev -depth -maxdepth 2 -mtime +14  -exec rm -rf {} \;

- send_fedmsg "${fedmsg_json_done}" ${RELEASE} cleanup.complete

file removed
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ 

- #!/bin/sh

- export LC_ALL=C

- LABEL=$1

- # Remove the label from arguments. It gets special treatment. Other arguments

- # to the script are passed to pungi-koji directly.

- shift

- CONFIG="fedora-final.conf"

- TARGET_DIR="/mnt/koji/compose/26"

- #OLD_COMPOSES_DIR="--old-composes=/mnt/fedora_koji/compose/f23 --old-composes=$TARGET_DIR"


- SKIP_PHASES="--skip-phase=productimg"

- DEST=$(pwd)

- DATE=$(date "+%Y%m%d")

- COMPSFILE="comps-f26.xml"

- TMPDIR=`mktemp -d /tmp/fedoraRC.$DATE.XXXX`

- # uncomment and edit for resuming a failed compose

- #COMPOSE_ID="Fedora-23-20150530.n.0"

- pushd $TMPDIR

- git clone https://pagure.io/fedora-comps.git && {

-     pushd fedora-comps

-     make "${COMPSFILE}"

-     cp "${COMPSFILE}" $DEST/

-     popd

- }

- popd

- CMD="pungi-koji --notification-script=/usr/bin/pungi-fedmsg-notification --config=$CONFIG --old-composes=$TARGET_DIR $OLD_COMPOSES_DIR $NIGHTLY $SKIP_PHASES --label=$LABEL"

- if [ -z "$COMPOSE_ID" ]; then

-     CMD="$CMD --target-dir=$TARGET_DIR"

- else

-     CMD="$CMD --debug-mode --compose-dir=$TARGET_DIR/$COMPOSE_ID"

- fi

- time $CMD "$@"

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ 

+ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

+ <!DOCTYPE variants PUBLIC "-//Red Hat, Inc.//DTD Variants info//EN" "variants2012.dtd">

+ <variants>

+     <variant id="Everything" name="Everything" type="variant">

+         <arches>

+             <arch>aarch64</arch>

+             <arch>armhfp</arch>

+             <arch>ppc64le</arch>

+             <arch>s390x</arch>

+             <arch>x86_64</arch>

+         </arches>

+     </variant>

+ </variants>

file removed
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@ 

- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

- <!DOCTYPE variants PUBLIC "-//Red Hat, Inc.//DTD Variants info//EN" "variants2012.dtd">

- <variants>

-     <variant id="Cloud" name="Cloud" type="variant" is_empty="true">

-         <arches>

-             <arch>aarch64</arch>

-             <arch>ppc64le</arch>

-             <arch>s390x</arch>

-             <arch>x86_64</arch>

-         </arches>

-     </variant>

-     <variant id="Container" name="Container" type="variant" is_empty="true">

-         <arches>

-             <arch>aarch64</arch>

-             <arch>armhfp</arch>

-             <arch>ppc64le</arch>

-             <arch>s390x</arch>

-             <arch>x86_64</arch>

-         </arches>

-     </variant>

-     <variant id="Everything" name="Everything" type="variant">

-         <arches>

-             <arch>aarch64</arch>

-             <arch>armhfp</arch>

-             <arch>ppc64le</arch>

-             <arch>s390x</arch>

-             <arch>x86_64</arch>

-         </arches>

-     </variant>

-     <variant id="Labs" name="Labs" type="variant" is_empty="true">

-         <arches>

-             <arch>armhfp</arch>

-             <arch>x86_64</arch>

-         </arches>

-     </variant>

-     <variant id="Server" name="Server" type="variant">

-         <arches>

-             <arch>armhfp</arch>

-             <arch>aarch64</arch>

-             <arch>ppc64le</arch>

-             <arch>s390x</arch>

-             <arch>x86_64</arch>

-         </arches>

-         <groups>

-             <group default="true">guest-agents</group>

-             <group default="true">standard</group>

-             <group default="true">core</group>

-             <group default="true">hardware-support</group>

-             <group default="true">networkmanager-submodules</group>

-             <group default="true">^server-product-environment</group>

-             <group default="true">server-product</group>

-             <group default="true">headless-management</group>

-             <group default="true">container-management</group>

-             <group default="true">domain-client</group>

-             <group default="true">server-hardware-support</group>

-             <group default="true">arm-tools</group>

-             <!-- Things needed for installation -->

-             <group default="true">anaconda-tools</group>

-             <group default="true">platform-vmware</group>

-         </groups>

-         <environments>

-           <environment display_order="2">server-product-environment</environment>

-           <environment display_order="99">custom-environment</environment>

-         </environments>

-     </variant>

-     <variant id="Spins" name="Spins" type="variant" is_empty="true">

-         <arches>

-             <arch>aarch64</arch>

-             <arch>armhfp</arch>

-             <arch>x86_64</arch>

-         </arches>

-     </variant>

-     <variant id="Workstation" name="Workstation" type="variant" is_empty="true">

-         <arches>

-             <arch>aarch64</arch>

-             <arch>armhfp</arch>

-             <arch>x86_64</arch>

-             <arch>ppc64le</arch>

-         </arches>

-     </variant>

-     <variant id="Silverblue" name="Silverblue" type="variant" is_empty="true">

-         <arches>

-             <arch>aarch64</arch>

-             <arch>armhfp</arch>

-             <arch>x86_64</arch>

-             <arch>ppc64le</arch>

-         </arches>

-     </variant>

-     <variant id="Modular" name="Modular" type="variant">

-         <arches>

-             <arch>armhfp</arch>

-             <arch>aarch64</arch>

-             <arch>ppc64le</arch>

-             <arch>s390x</arch>

-             <arch>x86_64</arch>

-         </arches>

-         <modules>

-             <kojitag>f33-modular</kojitag>

-         </modules>

-     </variant>

- </variants>

This PR removes all the fedora related config files and adds basic eln.conf and `variants-eln.xml.

Signed-off-by: Jan Kaluza jkaluza@redhat.com

I think we should call it as Fedora-ELN, just a preference.

I thought you are going to use eln-build here.

Are you generating the compose before gating or after gating, if before gating this is fine, but after gating, this should be just eln

Could you split the commit into 2 - first removal of unused/irrelevant files, second for adding "eln" files? It would be much easier to follow the changes.

Thanks, going to address the comments on Monday. I will also split it into two commits as suggested.

rebased onto b9bb31b0ee60eee4dc1d1b4bc60cb9b398663de0

4 years ago

@mohanboddu, @sharkcz, addressed the comments, split into two commits.

Note that this is really just an initial ELN configuration file which we are going to further test and improve over the time, at first using staging ODCS and staging Koji. It's not intended to be production ready in this state definitely.

The review is still more than welcome, but we should not go into the depths like whitelisted/blacklisted packages, because those are just copied from Fedora config without any obvious reason for now.

I would say once ELN-sig is satisfied with the configuration and we would like to use it for something more serious than our own internal testing, we would give releng the branch for review.

rebased onto 25e24b2

4 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by mohanboddu

4 years ago