#267 nightly: Tweak ostree pruning for unified repo
Closed 5 years ago by kevin. Opened 7 years ago by walters.
walters/pungi-fedora repo-prune  into  master

file modified
+7 -3
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ 

  FROM="Fedora Rawhide Report <rawhide@fedoraproject.org>"

  RSYNCPREFIX="sudo -u ftpsync"

  ATOMIC=$(mktemp -d /tmp/atomic.${DIST}.$DATE.XXXX)

- ATOMICREPO="/mnt/koji/compose/atomic/$BRANCHED/"

- ATOMICDEST="/mnt/koji/atomic/$BRANCHED/"

+ ATOMICREPO="/mnt/koji/compose/atomic/repo/"

+ ATOMICDEST="/mnt/koji/atomic/repo/"

  OLDCOMPOSE_ID=$(cat $TARGET_DIR/latest-Fedora-Rawhide/COMPOSE_ID)

  # uncomment and edit for resuming a failed compose

@@ -85,7 +85,11 @@ 

  ./releng/scripts/critpath.py --url file://$DESTDIR/compose/Everything -o $DESTDIR/logs/critpath.txt branched &> $DESTDIR/logs/critpath.log



- ostree prune --repo=$ATOMICREPO --keep-younger-than="14 days ago" --refs-only

+ # The release branches are retained forever, but e.g.

+ # fedora-atomic/25/x86_64/updates/docker-host gets pruned.

+ ostree prune --repo=$ATOMICREPO --keep-younger-than="14 days ago" --refs-only \

+        --retain-branch-depth=fedora-atomic/25/x86_64/docker-host=-1 \

+        --retain-branch-depth=fedora/26/x86_64/atomic-host=-1 \


  # Tell interested persons that the rsync is starting (zomg!)

  send_fedmsg "${fedmsg_json_start}" ${DIST} rsync.start

All commits should be signed off for this repo.

please don't merge for now

Note that we won't have the repos merged for f26 - we'll work to make this happen soon, but not yet.

This is moot now I think. In any case we cannot merge it due to the silly sign off requirement.

I'm going to close this out, please file a new PR if there's anything here still needed.

Pull-Request has been closed by kevin

5 years ago