#244 f25: fedora-atomic: add in override for vagrant sync location
Closed 7 years ago by dustymabe. Opened 7 years ago by dustymabe.
dustymabe/pungi-fedora dusty-f25  into  f25

file modified
+4 -1
@@ -251,7 +251,10 @@ 


                      'install_tree_from': 'Cloud',

                      'subvariant': 'Atomic'

-                      }

+                      },

+             'factory-parameters': {

+                     'vagrant_sync_directory': '/home/vagrant/sync',

+             }




Go ahead and update the fedora-atomic.conf so that when it gets
branched it will have the override already in there.

Signed-off-by: Dusty Mabe dusty@dustymabe.com
(cherry picked from commit b69707b)

actually, nevermind - let's just leave f25 alone and we'll fix it going forward for f26 and beyond.

Pull-Request has been closed by dustymabe

7 years ago