#236 Fedora-Modular-F26: Add rest of the modules which have been planned for F26.
Merged 7 years ago by ausil. Opened 7 years ago by jkaluza.
jkaluza/pungi-fedora f26  into  f26

file modified
@@ -18,6 +18,21 @@ 




+                 <module>shim-master</module>

+                 <module>dnf-f26</module>

+                 <module>memcached-f26</module>

+                 <module>dhcp-server-f26</module>

+                 <module>shared-userspace-f26</module>

+                 <module>mongodb-f26</module>

+                 <module>mariadb-f26</module>

+                 <module>nodejs-f26</module>

+                 <module>source-to-image-f26</module>

+                 <module>postgresql-f26</module>

+                 <module>dhcp-f26</module>

+                 <module>postfix-f26</module>

+                 <module>sssd-f26</module>

+                 <module>installer-f26</module>

+                 <module>php-f26</module>




Add properly rebuilt and signed modules to Fedora-Modular-F26 compose.

We are using shim from master stream, because it is hard to build this module according to @contyk and we are going to use the shim from the single stream instead of rebuilding it in each stream.

We should be able to merge this PR even while on the freeze, because it touches only Fedora-Modular-* compose. See https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/1706 for more information.

all commits need to be signed off on


7 years ago

Looks like signoff was added in the last rebase.

Yes... I always forgot to add that "-s" to git commit :(

Pull-Request has been merged by ausil

7 years ago