#201 Add eclipse-nls to additional packages
Merged 7 years ago by ausil. Opened 7 years ago by lsedlar.
lsedlar/pungi-fedora add-eclipse-nls  into  master

file modified
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ 




+             'eclipse-nls',




For depsolving with YUM this has no effect, but will add the package to DNF based compose.

YUM is matching the packages against NVR, so the -* at the end of the pattern matches version. DNF-based Pungi is only looking at package names.

How does it work with hunspell, hyphen and cetera?

Package named hunspell etc. is pulled in by something else.

(04:19:58 PM) ignatenkobrain: lsedlar: ^^ why that list actually exists?
(04:20:47 PM) lsedlar: ignatenkobrain, I have no idea
(04:21:43 PM) ignatenkobrain: lsedlar: can we try to drop that list at all? at least all this l10n/i18n stuff
(04:21:48 PM) ignatenkobrain: because it doesn't make any sense
(04:22:24 PM) lsedlar: ignatenkobrain, again no idea; that would be a question for someone from release engineering

for example, there are things like gnome-getting-started-docs-*, glibc-langpack-* which is not included. So I think we should drop this list at all.

As @lsedlar pointed out on IRC, comps contain langpacks-*, but those are not pulling anything from real l10n stuff.

Langpacks are used through reverse rich weak dependencies (Supplements which contain rich dependency).

Since pungi does manual depsolving, those bits are not getting into compose.

As @lsedlar pointed out on IRC, comps contain langpacks-*, but those are not pulling anything from real l10n stuff.

I did not say that (it may or may not be true, I did not check).

As @lsedlar pointed out on IRC, comps contain langpacks-*, but those are not pulling anything from real l10n stuff.

I did not say that (it may or may not be true, I did not check).

Hmm, then I misunderstood you =(

I did not understand what exactly is the problem here to create this PR. But if you want to install eclipse-nls-* packages then you should be already having eclipse-platform package installed along with the required langpacks-* packages.

Pull-Request has been merged by ausil

7 years ago