#1410 Change createrepo_c settings to zstd
Merged 24 days ago by kevin. Opened 3 months ago by mattia.
mattia/pungi-fedora zstd-again  into  main

file modified
+3 -3
@@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ 



  createrepo_deltas = False

- createrepo_database = True

- createrepo_use_xz = True

- createrepo_extra_args = ['--general-compress-type', 'gz', '--zck', '--zck-dict-dir=/usr/share/fedora-repo-zdicts/rawhide']

+ createrepo_database = False

+ createrepo_use_xz = False

+ createrepo_extra_args = ['--general-compress-type', 'zstd', '--zck', '--zck-dict-dir=/usr/share/fedora-repo-zdicts/rawhide']

  createrepo_num_workers = 10



Re-enable zstd compression, see #1288

Signed-off-by: Mattia Verga mattia.verga@tiscali.it

So, I don't think we should push this on a friday. ;)

And we should probibly advertise it some.

I was surprised rhel9 createrepo_c still doesn't have zstd support. ;(

So, I dropped the ball on this one. ;) Well, I was also dragging my feet some...

But it looks like https://issues.redhat.com/browse/RHEL-67689 (rhel9 createrepo_c support) isn't going to be solved anytime soon...

Should we just bite the bullet and do it? Or wait for that? I do fear it's going to break a lot of rhel9 consumers that merge/do things to the repos (koji/pulp), but... we can't wait forever.

Would setting up a COPR repo to rebuild createrepo_c >1.0 for EL9 and suggesting who needs it to upgrade using the COPR repo a feasible workaround?
Whoever is trying to use F41 updates repository under rhel9 is already broken. I think this change will break Rawhide?

Yeah, it could be... but rebuilding > 1.0 will have the defaults changes, so would it be more helpful to just rebuild the existing rhel9 one with --enable zstd?

Would you be able to do that? or want me to?

Yeah, f41 updates is already changed, this would affect rawhide.

I can try, but I have no RH account to access RHEL SRPMs... shall I use the one from CentOS at https://mirror.stream.centos.org/9-stream/AppStream/source/tree/Packages/ or use the last 0.21 from Fedora 39? Or RHEL sources have higher versions?

So, I dropped the ball on this one. ;) Well, I was also dragging my feet some...

But it looks like https://issues.redhat.com/browse/RHEL-67689 (rhel9 createrepo_c support) isn't going to be solved anytime soon...

Should we just bite the bullet and do it? Or wait for that? I do fear it's going to break a lot of rhel9 consumers that merge/do things to the repos (koji/pulp), but... we can't wait forever.

Dunno about Koji, but Pulp won't break because we package our own fresh createrepo_c.

In theory we could just produce a new pre-1.0 version of createrepo_c that includes the zstd support without changing any defaults.

So, I dropped the ball on this one. ;) Well, I was also dragging my feet some...

But it looks like https://issues.redhat.com/browse/RHEL-67689 (rhel9 createrepo_c support) isn't going to be solved anytime soon...

Should we just bite the bullet and do it? Or wait for that? I do fear it's going to break a lot of rhel9 consumers that merge/do things to the repos (koji/pulp), but... we can't wait forever.

Dunno about Koji, but Pulp won't break because we package our own fresh createrepo_c.

In theory we could just produce a new pre-1.0 release of createrepo_c that includes the zstd support without changing any defaults.

So, I dropped the ball on this one. ;) Well, I was also dragging my feet some...

But it looks like https://issues.redhat.com/browse/RHEL-67689 (rhel9 createrepo_c support) isn't going to be solved anytime soon...

Should we just bite the bullet and do it? Or wait for that? I do fear it's going to break a lot of rhel9 consumers that merge/do things to the repos (koji/pulp), but... we can't wait forever.

Dunno about Koji, but Pulp won't break because we package our own fresh createrepo_c.

In theory we could just produce a new pre-1.0 release of createrepo_c that includes the zstd support without changing any defaults.

This honestly feels like the safest approach, if it's feasible.

Could it be published somewhere that we could point others to?

And when should we push this? ;)

I think this would work code-wise, but it's up to the maintainers (@amatej) to decide what exactly to do here.


Hi everyone, are we talking here only about EL9 or possibly also about lower releases?

Well, mostly el9, but if 8 is on the table too that might be nice. :)

I have created builds in COPR with rhel 8 and 9 versions plus backported zstd support:

(I could also put them somewhere else if you prefer.)

Awesome. As long as we have a place to point to.

So, I am going to send an email to devel-announce about this, then merge this unless anyone objects quickly. ;)

rebased onto ba52430

24 days ago

Pull-Request has been merged by kevin

24 days ago