#1341 EPEL 10 nightly compose
Merged 9 days ago by kevin. Opened 19 days ago by carlwgeorge.
carlwgeorge/pungi-fedora epel10-init  into  epel10

file removed
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ 

- This repo holds the config files that define what goes in and comes

- out of a Fedora compose using pungi.

file removed
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@ 

- #!/bin/sh

- #set -x

- export LC_ALL=C

- LABEL=$1

- # Remove the label from arguments. It gets special treatment. Other arguments

- # to the script are passed to pungi-koji directly.

- shift

- CONFIG="fedora-cloud.conf"

- TARGET_DIR="/mnt/koji/compose/cloud"

- MD_ARCHIVE_DIR="/mnt/koji/compose/metadata-archive"


- #OLD_COMPOSES_DIR="--old-composes=/mnt/fedora_koji/compose/f23 --old-composes=$TARGET_DIR"


- DEST=$(pwd)

- DATE=$(date "+%Y%m%d")

- # the Pungi 'shortname', which we will include in fedmsgs for disambiguation

- SHORT="Fedora-Cloud"

- RELEASE="42"


- COMPSFILE="comps-f42.xml"

- TMPDIR=`mktemp -d /tmp/$RELEASE.$DATE.XXXX`

- TOMAIL="test-reports@lists.fedoraproject.org"

- FROM="Fedora Branched Report <rawhide@fedoraproject.org>"

- RSYNCPREFIX="sudo -u ftpsync"


- # uncomment and edit for resuming a failed compose

- #COMPOSE_ID="Fedora-23-20150530.n.0"

- # assume a releng dir is a git checkout of the releng repo

- # if it does not exist clone it

- if [ -d releng ]; then

-     pushd releng

-     git pull --rebase

-     popd

- else

-     git clone https://pagure.io/releng.git

- fi

- # Set up our fedmsg function, using the releng repo definition

- fedmsg_json_start=$(printf '{"log": "start", "branch": "%s", "arch": "%s", "short": "%s"}' "$RELEASE" "$ARCH" "$SHORT")

- FEDMSG_MODNAME="compose"


- . ./releng/scripts/fedmsg-functions.sh

- # Announce that we are starting, even though we don't know the compose_id yet..

- send_fedmsg "${fedmsg_json_start}" ${RELEASE} start

- CMD="pungi-koji --notification-script=/usr/bin/pungi-fedmsg-notification --config=$CONFIG --old-composes=$TARGET_DIR $OLD_COMPOSES_DIR $NIGHTLY --label=$LABEL"

- if [ -z "$COMPOSE_ID" ]; then

-     CMD="$CMD --target-dir=$TARGET_DIR"

- else

-     CMD="$CMD --debug-mode --compose-dir=$TARGET_DIR/$COMPOSE_ID"

- fi

- time $CMD "$@"

- if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then

-     exit 1

- fi



- SHORTCOMPOSE_ID=$(echo $NEWCOMPOSE_ID|sed -e 's|Fedora-.*-||g')


- # Set this to use later for a few items include depcheck


- # Public URL the compose will wind up at, we put it in fedmsgs

- LOCATION=$(echo $DESTDIR|sed -e 's,/mnt/koji,https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org,g')

- # Update fedmsg template

- fedmsg_json_start=$(printf '{"log": "start", "branch": "%s", "arch": "%s", "short": "%s", "compose_id": "%s", "location": "%s"}' "$RELEASE" "$ARCH" "$SHORT" "$NEWCOMPOSE_ID", "$LOCATION")

- fedmsg_json_done=$(printf '{"log": "done", "branch": "%s", "arch": "%s", "short": "%s", "compose_id": "%s", "location": "%s"}' "$RELEASE" "$ARCH" "$SHORT" "$NEWCOMPOSE_ID" "$LOCATION")



- # Tell interested persons that the rsync is starting (zomg!)

- #send_fedmsg "${fedmsg_json_start}" ${RELEASE} rsync.start

- #for dir in CloudImage metadata ;

- #  do

- #    $RSYNCPREFIX rsync -avhH $DESTDIR/compose/$dir/ /pub/alt/atomic/testing/$SHORTCOMPOSE_ID/$dir/ ;

- #  done

- # Tell interested persons that the rsync is done.

- #send_fedmsg "${fedmsg_json_done}" ${RELEASE} rsync.complete

- # Tell everyone by fedmsg about the compose

- send_fedmsg "${fedmsg_json_done}" ${RELEASE} complete

- # Tell everyone by email about the compose

- SUBJECT='Fedora '$RELEASE' compose report: '$SHORTCOMPOSE_ID' changes'

- #for tomail in $TOMAIL ; do

- #    cat $DESTDIR/logs/*verbose $DESTDIR/logs/depcheck | \

- #         mutt -e "set from=\"$FROM\"" -e 'set envelope_from=yes' -s "$SUBJECT" $tomail

- #done


- # Copy the metadata to the non-garbage-collected metadata archive

- YEAR=$(echo "${SHORTCOMPOSE_ID}" | cut -c1-4)


- cp "${DESTDIR}"/compose/metadata/*.json "${MD_ARCHIVE_DIR}/${YEAR}/${NEWCOMPOSE_ID}/"

- # Add the compose ID to the 'series' file which records the

- # compose IDs for each SHORT name in order

- mkdir -p "${SERIES_DIR}"



- find $TARGET_DIR  -xdev -depth -maxdepth 2 -mtime +14  -exec rm -rf {} \;

file removed
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@ 

- #!/bin/sh

- export LC_ALL=C

- LABEL=$1

- # Remove the label from arguments. It gets special treatment. Other arguments

- # to the script are passed to pungi-koji directly.

- shift

- CONFIG="fedora-container.conf"

- TARGET_DIR="/mnt/koji/compose/container"

- MD_ARCHIVE_DIR="/mnt/koji/compose/metadata-archive"


- #OLD_COMPOSES_DIR="--old-composes=/mnt/fedora_koji/compose/f23 --old-composes=$TARGET_DIR"


- DEST=$(pwd)

- DATE=$(date "+%Y%m%d")

- # the Pungi 'shortname', which we will include in fedmsgs for disambiguation

- SHORT="Fedora-Docker"

- RELEASE="42"


- COMPSFILE="comps-f42.xml"

- TMPDIR=`mktemp -d /tmp/$RELEASE.$DATE.XXXX`

- TOMAIL="test-reports@lists.fedoraproject.org"

- FROM="Fedora Branched Report <rawhide@fedoraproject.org>"

- RSYNCPREFIX="sudo -u ftpsync"


- # uncomment and edit for resuming a failed compose

- #COMPOSE_ID="Fedora-23-20150530.n.0"

- # assume a releng dir is a git checkout of teh releng repo

- # if it does not exist clone it

- if [ -d releng ]; then

-     pushd releng

-     git pull --rebase

-     popd

- else

-     git clone https://pagure.io/releng.git

- fi

- # Set up our fedmsg function, using the releng repo definition

- fedmsg_json_start=$(printf '{"log": "start", "branch": "%s", "arch": "%s", "short": "%s"}' "$RELEASE" "$ARCH" "$SHORT")

- FEDMSG_MODNAME="compose"


- . ./releng/scripts/fedmsg-functions.sh

- # Announce that we are starting...

- send_fedmsg "${fedmsg_json_start}" ${RELEASE} start

- CMD="pungi-koji --notification-script=/usr/bin/pungi-fedmsg-notification --config=$CONFIG --old-composes=$TARGET_DIR $OLD_COMPOSES_DIR $NIGHTLY --label=$LABEL"

- if [ -z "$COMPOSE_ID" ]; then

-     CMD="$CMD --target-dir=$TARGET_DIR"

- else

-     CMD="$CMD --debug-mode --compose-dir=$TARGET_DIR/$COMPOSE_ID"

- fi

- time $CMD "$@"

- if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then

-     exit 1

- fi



- SHORTCOMPOSE_ID=$(echo $NEWCOMPOSE_ID|sed -e 's|Fedora-.*-||g')


- # Set this to use later for a few items include depcheck


- # Public URL the compose will wind up at, we put it in fedmsgs

- LOCATION=$(echo $DESTDIR|sed -e 's,/mnt/koji,https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org,g')

- # Update fedmsg template

- fedmsg_json_start=$(printf '{"log": "start", "branch": "%s", "arch": "%s", "short": "%s", "compose_id": "%s", "location": "%s"}' "$RELEASE" "$ARCH" "$SHORT" "$NEWCOMPOSE_ID", "$LOCATION")

- fedmsg_json_done=$(printf '{"log": "done", "branch": "%s", "arch": "%s", "short": "%s", "compose_id": "%s", "location": "%s"}' "$RELEASE" "$ARCH" "$SHORT" "$NEWCOMPOSE_ID" "$LOCATION")



- # Tell interested persons that the rsync is starting (zomg!)

- #send_fedmsg "${fedmsg_json_start}" ${RELEASE} rsync.start

- #for dir in Docker metadata ;

- #  do

- #    $RSYNCPREFIX rsync -avhH $DESTDIR/compose/$dir/ /pub/alt/atomic/testing/$SHORTCOMPOSE_ID/$dir/ ;

- #  done

- # Tell interested persons that the rsync is done.

- #send_fedmsg "${fedmsg_json_done}" ${RELEASE} rsync.complete

- # Tell everyone by fedmsg about the compose

- send_fedmsg "${fedmsg_json_done}" ${RELEASE} complete

- SUBJECT='Fedora '$RELEASE' compose report: '$SHORTCOMPOSE_ID' changes'

- #for tomail in $TOMAIL ; do

- #    cat $DESTDIR/logs/*verbose $DESTDIR/logs/depcheck | \

- #         mutt -e "set from=\"$FROM\"" -e 'set envelope_from=yes' -s "$SUBJECT" $tomail

- #done


- pushd ./releng

- pushd ./scripts

- # Publish OCI container images we just built to Fedora and Quay registries

- ./sync-latest-container-base-image.sh $RELEASE

- # Also convert latest Atomic Desktop ostrees to OCIs and publish those, even

- # though this script does not build them (because Bodhi cannot do this itself)

- ./sync-ostree-base-containers.sh $RELEASE

- popd

- popd


- # Copy the metadata to the non-garbage-collected metadata archive

- YEAR=$(echo "${SHORTCOMPOSE_ID}" | cut -c1-4)


- cp "${DESTDIR}"/compose/metadata/*.json "${MD_ARCHIVE_DIR}/${YEAR}/${NEWCOMPOSE_ID}/"

- # Add the compose ID to the 'series' file which records the

- # compose IDs for each SHORT name in order

- mkdir -p "${SERIES_DIR}"



- find $TARGET_DIR  -xdev -depth -maxdepth 2 -mtime +14  -exec rm -rf {} \;

@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@ 

- #!/usr/bin/python3


- import argparse


- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(

-     description=(

-         "Script for generating Fedora Beta and Final Pungi configs."

-     )

- )

- parser.add_argument(

-     "milestone",

-     help="The milestone whose config to generate",

-     choices=("beta", "final"),

- )


- parser.add_argument(

-     "--major",

-     help="The major release number",

-     type=int,

-     default=1

- )


- parser.add_argument(

-     "--minor",

-     help="The minor release number",

-     type=int,

-     default=1

- )


- args = parser.parse_args()


- with open("fedora.conf", "r", encoding="utf-8") as nightlyfh:

-     nightly = nightlyfh.read().splitlines()


- out = []

- rel = ""

- for line in nightly:

-     if line.strip().startswith("pkgset_koji_tag"):

-         # this is useful to know later

-         rel = line.split("=")[1].strip().replace("'", "")

-         shortrel = rel.replace("f", "")

-         line = line.replace(rel, f"{rel}-compose")

-     if line.strip().startswith("pkgset_koji_inherit"):

-         line = line.replace("False", "True")

-     if line.strip().startswith("media_checksum_base_filename"):

-         if args.milestone == "beta":

-             line = "media_checksum_base_filename = '%(release_short)s-%(variant)s-%(dirname)s-%(version)s_%(label)s-%(arch)s'"

-         else:

-             line = f"media_checksum_base_filename = '%(release_short)s-%(variant)s-%(version)s-{args.major}.{args.minor}-%(arch)s'"

-     if line.strip().startswith("image_name_format"):

-         if args.milestone == "beta":

-             line = "image_name_format = '%(release_short)s-%(variant)s-%(disc_type)s-%(arch)s-%(version)s_%(label)s.iso'"

-         else:

-             line = f"image_name_format = '%(release_short)s-%(variant)s-%(disc_type)s-%(arch)s-%(version)s-{args.major}.{args.minor}.iso'"

-     if line.strip().startswith("global_release"):

-         line = f"global_release = '{args.major}.{args.minor}'"

-     if line.strip().startswith("global_version") and args.milestone == "beta":

-         if not shortrel:

-             sys.exit("We should've figured out shortrel by now!")

-         line = line.replace(shortrel, f"{shortrel}_Beta")

-     if line.strip().startswith("'template_branch'"):

-         if not rel:

-             sys.exit("We should've figured out rel by now!")

-         line = line.replace("main", rel)

-     out.append(line)


- with open(f"fedora-{args.milestone}.conf", "w", encoding="utf-8") as outfh:

-     outfh.write("\n".join(out) + "\n")

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ 


+ release_name = 'Fedora-EPEL'

+ release_short = 'Fedora-EPEL'

+ release_version = '10'



+ comps_file = {

+     'scm': 'git',

+     'repo': 'https://pagure.io/fedora-comps.git',

+     'branch': 'main',

+     'file': 'comps-epel10.xml',

+     'command': 'make comps-epel10.xml',

+ }

+ variants_file='variants.xml'



+ createrepo_num_workers = 10

+ createrepo_extra_args = ['--general-compress-type', 'gz']



+ sigkeys = ['e37ed158']

+ pkgset_source = 'koji'

+ pkgset_koji_tag = 'epel10.0'

+ pkgset_koji_inherit = False



+ gather_method = {

+     '^.*': {                # For all variants

+         'comps': 'deps',    # resolve dependencies for packages from comps file

+     }

+ }

+ greedy_method = 'build'

+ additional_packages = [

+     ('^Everything$', {

+         '*': [

+             '*',

+         ],

+     }),

+ ]

+ filter_system_release_packages = False

+ hashed_directories = True

+ check_deps = False


+ # KOJI

+ koji_profile = 'compose_koji'

+ runroot_method = 'koji'

+ runroot_channel = 'compose'

+ runroot_tag = 'epel10.0-build'



+ translate_paths = [

+    ('/mnt/koji/compose/', 'https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/'),

+ ]

file removed
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@ 

- # Import general configuration from general.conf

- from general import *

- # Import multilib configuration from multilib.conf

- from multilib import *



- release_name = 'Fedora-Cloud'

- release_short = 'Fedora-Cloud'

- release_version = '42'

- skip_phases = ["buildinstall", "productimg", "pkgset", "gather", "extra_files", "createrepo"]


- comps_file = {

-     'scm': 'git',

-     'repo': 'https://pagure.io/fedora-comps.git',

-     'branch': 'main',

-     'file': 'comps-f42.xml',

-     'command': 'make comps-f42.xml'

- }

- variants_file='variants-fedora.xml'

- sigkeys = ['105ef944'] # None = unsigned


- # limit tree variants

- # if undefined, all variants from variants.xml will be included

- tree_variants = ['Cloud']


- pkgset_koji_tag = 'f42-updates'

- pkgset_koji_inherit = True


- gather_method = 'deps'

- gather_profiler = True

- # fomat: [(variant_uid_regex, {arch|*: [repos]})]

- # gather_lookaside_repos = []


- # format: {variant_uid: {arch: package: [arch1, arch2, None (for any arch)]}}

- #gather_source_mapping = '/path/to/mapping.json'


- createrepo_c = True

- createrepo_checksum = 'sha256'


- media_checksum_base_filename = 'Fedora-%(variant)s-%(version)s-%(date)s.%(respin)s-%(arch)s'

- #extra_packages = [

- #    '/mnt/packages/foo*',

- #]

- # fomat: [(variant_uid_regex, {arch|*: [packages]})]

- additional_packages = [

-     ('.*', {

-         '*': [

-             'kernel.*',

-             'dracut.*',

-             'autocorr-.*',

-             'eclipse-nls-.*',

-             'hunspell-.*',

-             'hyphen-.*',

-             'calligra-l10n-.*',

-             'kde-l10n-.*',

-             'libreoffice-langpack-.*',

-             'man-pages-.*',

-             'mythes-.*',

-         ],

-     }),

-     ('^Everything$', {

-         '*': [

-             '*',

-         ],

-     }),

-     ('^Server$', {

-         '*': [

-         ],

-     }),

-     ('^Workstation$', {

-         '*': [

-         ],

-     }),

-     ('^Cloud$', {

-         '*': [

-         ],

-     }),

- ]


- filter_packages = [

-     ('(Workstation|Server)$', {

-         '*': [

-         'kernel*debug*',

-         'kernel-kdump*',

-         'kernel-tools*',

-         'syslog-ng*',

-         'astronomy-bookmarks',

-         'generic*',

-         'GConf2-dbus*',

-         'bluez-gnome',

-         'java-1.8.0-openjdk',

-         'community-mysql*',

-         'jruby*',

-         'gimp-help-*',

-         ]

-     }),

- ]


- createiso_skip = [

-         ('^Workstation$', {

-             '*': True,

-             'src': True

-         }),

-         ('^Server$', {

-             'src': True

-         }),

-         ('^Cloud$', {

-             '*': True,

-             'src': True

-         }),

-         ('^Everything$', {

-             '*': True,

-             'src': True

-         }),

-     ]

- # fomat: [(variant_uid_regex, {arch|*: [scm_dicts]})]

- #extra_files = [

- #    ('^(Server|Workstation|Cloud)$', {

- #        '*': [

- #            {

- #                'scm': 'rpm',

- #                'repo': 'fedora-release-%(variant_id_lower)s',

- #                'branch': None,

- #                'file': [

- #                    '/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-release',

- #                ],

- #                'target': '',

- #            },

- #        ],

- #    }),

- #]

- # Image name respecting Fedora's image naming policy

- image_name_format = 'Fedora-%(variant)s-%(disc_type)s-%(arch)s-%(version)s-%(date)s.%(respin)s.iso'

- # # Use the same format for volume id

- image_volid_formats = [

-      'Fedora-%(variant)s-%(disc_type)s-%(arch)s-%(version)s'

-      ]


- # These will be inherited by live_media, live_images, image_build, and kiwibuild


- global_version = '42'

- global_target = 'f42'


- # kiwi image global configuration

- kiwibuild_description_scm = 'git+https://pagure.io/fedora-kiwi-descriptions.git?#HEAD'

- kiwibuild_description_path = 'Fedora.kiwi'

- # global_version is substituted by kobo as part of reading of this

- # config file, the other specifiers are passed through to kiwi

- kiwibuild_bundle_name_format = '%%N-%s-%%I.%%A' % global_version


- # kiwi images need another target that uses old mock chroot

- kiwibuild_target = 'f42-kiwi'


- kiwibuild = {

-     '^Cloud$': [

-         {

- 	    'kiwi_profile': 'Cloud-Base-Generic',

- 	    'arches': ['aarch64', 'ppc64le', 's390x', 'x86_64'],

- 	    'repos': [

- 		'https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/updates/f42-updates/compose/Everything/$arch/os/',

- 		'https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/42/latest-Fedora-42/compose/Everything/$arch/os/'

- 	    ],

- 	    'subvariant': 'Cloud_Base',

- 	    'failable': ['ppc64le', 's390x'],

-         },

-         {

- 	    'kiwi_profile': 'Cloud-Base-AmazonEC2',

- 	    'arches': ['aarch64', 'x86_64'],

- 	    'repos': [

- 		'https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/updates/f42-updates/compose/Everything/$arch/os/',

- 		'https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/42/latest-Fedora-42/compose/Everything/$arch/os/'

- 	    ],

- 	    'subvariant': 'Cloud_Base',

- 	    'failable': ['*'],

-         },

-         {

- 	    'kiwi_profile': 'Cloud-Base-Azure',

- 	    'arches': ['aarch64', 'x86_64'],

- 	    'repos': [

- 		'https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/updates/f42-updates/compose/Everything/$arch/os/',

- 		'https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/42/latest-Fedora-42/compose/Everything/$arch/os/'

- 	    ],

- 	    'subvariant': 'Cloud_Base',

- 	    'failable': ['*'],

-         },

-         {

- 	    'kiwi_profile': 'Cloud-Base-GCE',

- 	    'arches': ['aarch64', 'x86_64'],

- 	    'repos': [

- 		'https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/updates/f42-updates/compose/Everything/$arch/os/',

- 		'https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/42/latest-Fedora-42/compose/Everything/$arch/os/'

- 	    ],

- 	    'subvariant': 'Cloud_Base',

- 	    'failable': ['*'],

-         },

-         {

- 	    'kiwi_profile': 'Cloud-Base-UEFI-UKI',

- 	    'arches': ['aarch64', 'x86_64'],

- 	    'repos': [

- 		'https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/updates/f42-updates/compose/Everything/$arch/os/',

- 		'https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/42/latest-Fedora-42/compose/Everything/$arch/os/'

- 	    ],

- 	    'subvariant': 'Cloud_Base_UKI',

- 	    'failable': ['*'],

-         },

-         {

- 	    'kiwi_profile': 'Cloud-Base-Vagrant-libvirt',

- 	    'arches': ['aarch64', 'x86_64'],

- 	    'repos': [

- 		'https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/updates/f42-updates/compose/Everything/$arch/os/',

- 		'https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/42/latest-Fedora-42/compose/Everything/$arch/os/'

- 	    ],

- 	    'subvariant': 'Cloud_Base',

- 	    'failable': ['*'],

-         },

-         {

- 	    'kiwi_profile': 'Cloud-Base-Vagrant-VirtualBox',

- 	    'arches': ['x86_64'],

- 	    'repos': [

- 		'https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/updates/f42-updates/compose/Everything/$arch/os/',

- 		'https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/42/latest-Fedora-42/compose/Everything/$arch/os/'

- 	    ],

- 	    'subvariant': 'Cloud_Base',

- 	    'failable': ['*'],

-         }

-         ],

- }


- koji_profile = 'compose_koji'

file removed
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@ 

- # Import general configuration from general.conf

- from general import *

- # Import multilib configuration from multilib.conf

- from multilib import *



- release_name = 'Fedora-Container'

- release_short = 'Fedora-Container'

- release_version = '42'

- skip_phases = ["buildinstall", "productimg", "pkgset", "gather", "extra_files", "createrepo"]


- comps_file = {

-     'scm': 'git',

-     'repo': 'https://pagure.io/fedora-comps.git',

-     'branch': 'main',

-     'file': 'comps-f42.xml',

-     'command': 'make comps-f42.xml'

- }

- sigkeys = ['105ef944'] # None = unsigned

- # limit tree variants

- # if undefined, all variants from variants.xml will be included

- tree_variants = ['Container']


- pkgset_koji_tag = 'f42-updates'

- pkgset_koji_inherit = True


- gather_method = 'deps'

- gather_profiler = True

- # fomat: [(variant_uid_regex, {arch|*: [repos]})]

- # gather_lookaside_repos = []


- # format: {variant_uid: {arch: package: [arch1, arch2, None (for any arch)]}}

- #gather_source_mapping = '/path/to/mapping.json'


- createrepo_c = True

- createrepo_checksum = 'sha256'


- media_checksum_base_filename = 'Fedora-%(variant)s-%(version)s-%(date)s.%(respin)s-%(arch)s'

- #extra_packages = [

- #    '/mnt/packages/foo*',

- #]

- # fomat: [(variant_uid_regex, {arch|*: [packages]})]

- additional_packages = [

-     ('.*', {

-         '*': [

-             'kernel.*',

-             'dracut.*',

-             'autocorr-.*',

-             'eclipse-nls-.*',

-             'hunspell-.*',

-             'hyphen-.*',

-             'calligra-l10n-.*',

-             'kde-l10n-.*',

-             'libreoffice-langpack-.*',

-             'man-pages-.*',

-             'mythes-.*',

-         ],

-     }),

-     ('^Everything$', {

-         '*': [

-             '*',

-         ],

-     }),

-     ('^Server$', {

-         '*': [

-         ],

-     }),

-     ('^Workstation$', {

-         '*': [

-         ],

-     }),

-     ('^Cloud$', {

-         '*': [

-         ],

-     }),

- ]


- filter_packages = [

-     ('(Workstation|Server)$', {

-         '*': [

-         'kernel*debug*',

-         'kernel-kdump*',

-         'kernel-tools*',

-         'syslog-ng*',

-         'astronomy-bookmarks',

-         'generic*',

-         'GConf2-dbus*',

-         'bluez-gnome',

-         'java-1.8.0-openjdk',

-         'community-mysql*',

-         'jruby*',

-         'gimp-help-*',

-         ]

-     }),

- ]


- createiso_skip = [

-         ('^Workstation$', {

-             '*': True,

-             'src': True

-         }),

-         ('^Server$', {

-             'src': True

-         }),

-         ('^Cloud$', {

-             '*': True,

-             'src': True

-         }),

-         ('^Everything$', {

-             '*': True,

-             'src': True

-         }),

-     ]

- # fomat: [(variant_uid_regex, {arch|*: [scm_dicts]})]

- #extra_files = [

- #    ('^(Server|Workstation|Cloud)$', {

- #        '*': [

- #            {

- #                'scm': 'rpm',

- #                'repo': 'fedora-release-%(variant_id_lower)s',

- #                'branch': None,

- #                'file': [

- #                    '/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-release',

- #                ],

- #                'target': '',

- #            },

- #        ],

- #    }),

- #]

- # Image name respecting Fedora's image naming policy

- image_name_format = 'Fedora-%(variant)s-%(disc_type)s-%(arch)s-%(version)s-%(date)s.%(respin)s.iso'

- # # Use the same format for volume id

- image_volid_formats = [

-      'Fedora-%(variant)s-%(disc_type)s-%(arch)s-%(version)s'

-      ]


- # These will be inherited by live_media, live_images, image_build, and kiwibuild


- global_version = '42'

- global_target = 'f42'


- # kiwi image global configuration

- kiwibuild_description_scm = 'git+https://pagure.io/fedora-kiwi-descriptions.git?#HEAD'

- kiwibuild_description_path = 'Fedora.kiwi'

- # global_version is substituted by kobo as part of reading of this

- # config file, the other specifiers are passed through to kiwi

- kiwibuild_bundle_name_format = '%%N-%s-%%I.%%A.%%T.tar' % global_version



- kiwibuild = {

-     '^Container$': [

-         {

- 	    'kiwi_profile': 'Container-Base-Generic',

- 	    'arches': ['aarch64', 'ppc64le', 's390x', 'x86_64'],

- 	    'repos': [

- 		'https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/updates/f42-updates/compose/Everything/$arch/os/',

- 		'https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/42/latest-Fedora-42/compose/Everything/$arch/os/'

- 	    ],

- 	    'subvariant': 'Container_Base',

-         },

-         {

- 	    'kiwi_profile': 'Container-Base-Generic-Minimal',

- 	    'arches': ['aarch64', 'ppc64le', 's390x', 'x86_64'],

- 	    'repos': [

- 		'https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/updates/f42-updates/compose/Everything/$arch/os/',

- 		'https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/42/latest-Fedora-42/compose/Everything/$arch/os/'

- 	    ],

- 	    'subvariant': 'Container_Minimal_Base',

-         },

-         {

- 	    'kiwi_profile': 'Container-Toolbox',

- 	    'arches': ['aarch64', 'ppc64le', 's390x', 'x86_64'],

- 	    'repos': [

- 		'https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/updates/f42-updates/compose/Everything/$arch/os/',

- 		'https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/42/latest-Fedora-42/compose/Everything/$arch/os/'

- 	    ],

- 	    'subvariant': 'Container_Toolbox',

-         }

-         ],

- }

- koji_profile = 'compose_koji'

file removed
@@ -1,1056 +0,0 @@ 

- # Import general configuration from general.conf

- from general import *

- # Import multilib configuration from multilib.conf

- from multilib import *



- release_name = 'Fedora'

- release_short = 'Fedora'

- release_version = 'Rawhide'



- comps_file = {

-     'scm': 'git',

-     'repo': 'https://pagure.io/fedora-comps.git',

-     'branch': 'main',

-     'file': 'comps-rawhide.xml',

-     'command': 'make comps-rawhide.xml'

- }


- variants_file='variants-fedora.xml'

- sigkeys = ['105ef944']


- # limit tree variants

- # if undefined, all variants from variants.xml will be included

- #tree_variants = ['Server']


- # RUNROOT settings

- runroot_method = 'koji'



- pkgset_source = 'koji' # koji, repos



- # pkgset_repos format: {arch: [repo1_url, repo2_url, ...]}

- # pkgset_repos = {}



- pkgset_koji_tag = 'f42'

- pkgset_koji_inherit = False



- gather_method = {

-     '^.*': {                # For all variants

-         'comps': 'deps',    # resolve dependencies for packages from comps file

-     }

- }

- gather_backend = 'dnf'

- gather_profiler = False


- repoclosure_backend = 'dnf'


- # format: [(variant_uid_regex, {arch|*: [repos]})]

- # gather_lookaside_repos = []



- # format: {variant_uid: {arch: package: [arch1, arch2, None (for any arch)]}}

- #gather_source_mapping = '/path/to/mapping.json'




- createrepo_deltas = False

- createrepo_database = True

- createrepo_use_xz = True

- createrepo_extra_args = ['--general-compress-type', 'gz', '--zck', '--zck-dict-dir=/usr/share/fedora-repo-zdicts/rawhide']

- createrepo_num_workers = 10



- media_checksum_base_filename = '%(release_short)s-%(variant)s-%(dirname)s-%(version)s-%(arch)s-%(date)s%(type_suffix)s.%(respin)s'



- iso_hfs_ppc64le_compatible = False


- # use xorrisofs to make isos

- createiso_use_xorrisofs = True



- buildinstall_method = 'lorax'

- buildinstall_skip = [

-     ('^Everything$', {

-         'i386': True

-     }),

- ]


- # Enables macboot on x86_64 for all variants and disables upgrade image building

- # everywhere.

- # Use 3GB image size for all arches.

- lorax_options = [

-   ('^.*$', {

-      'x86_64': {

-          'nomacboot': False,

-          'squashfs_only': True

-      },

-      '*': {

-          'noupgrade': True,

-          'rootfs_size': 3,

-          'squashfs_only': True

-      }

-   })

- ]


- #extra_packages = [

- #    '/mnt/packages/foo*',

- #]



- # format: [(variant_uid_regex, {arch|*: [packages]})]

- additional_packages = [

-     ('^(Server|Everything)$', {

-         '*': [

-             'kernel*',

-             'dracut.*',

-             'autocorr-*',

-             'eclipse-nls',

-             'eclipse-nls-*',

-             'glibc-langpack-*',

-             'hunspell-*',

-             'hyphen-*',

-             'kde-l10n-*',

-             'langpacks-*',

-             'man-pages-*',

-             'mythes-*',

-             'python3.*-debuginfo',

-         ],

-     }),


-     ('^Everything$', {

-         '*': [

-             '*',

-         ],

-     }),


-     ('^Server$', {

-         '*': [


-         ],

-     }),


- ]


- filter_packages = [

-     ("^.*$", {

-         "*": ["glibc32", "libgcc32"],

-         "s390x": ["rust-std-static-wasm*"],

-     }),

-     ('(Server)$', {

-         '*': [

-         'kernel*debug*',

-         'kernel-kdump*',

-         'kernel-tools*',

-         'syslog-ng*',

-         'astronomy-bookmarks',

-         'generic*',

-         'GConf2-dbus*',

-         'bluez-gnome',

-         'java-11-openjdk',

-         'community-mysql*',

-         'jruby*',

-         'gimp-help-*',

-         ]

-     }),

- ]


- createiso_skip = [

-         ('^Server$', {

-             'src': True

-         }),


-         ('^Everything$', {

-             '*': True,

-             'src': True

-         }),

-     ]


- # format: [(variant_uid_regex, {arch|*: [scm_dicts]})]

- #extra_files = [

- #    ('^(Server)$', {

- #        '*': [

- #            {

- #                'scm': 'rpm',

- #                'repo': 'fedora-release-%(variant_id_lower)s',

- #                'branch': None,

- #                'file': [

- #                    '/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-release',

- #                ],

- #                'target': '',

- #            },

- #        ],

- #    }),

- #]


- # Image name respecting Fedora's image naming policy

- image_name_format = '%(release_short)s-%(variant)s-%(disc_type)s-%(arch)s-%(version)s-%(date)s%(type_suffix)s.%(respin)s.iso'

- # # Use the same format for volume id

- image_volid_formats = [

-      '%(release_short)s-%(variant)s-%(disc_type)s-%(arch)s-%(version)s'

-      ]



- # These will be inherited by live_media, live_images and image_build

- global_ksurl = 'git+https://pagure.io/fedora-kickstarts.git?#HEAD'


- global_version = 'Rawhide'

- # live_images ignores this in favor of live_target

- global_target = 'f42'

- # kiwi images need another target that uses old mock chroot

- kiwibuild_target = 'f42-kiwi'


- # kiwi image global configuration

- kiwibuild_description_scm = 'git+https://pagure.io/fedora-kiwi-descriptions.git?#HEAD'

- kiwibuild_description_path = 'Fedora.kiwi'

- # global_version is substituted by kobo as part of reading of this

- # config file, the other specifiers are passed through to kiwi

- kiwibuild_bundle_name_format = '%%N-%s-%%I.%%A' % global_version


- # custom variable to make things easier



- image_build = {

-     '^Labs$': [

-         {

-             'image-build': {

-                     'format': [('vagrant-libvirt','vagrant-libvirt.box'), ('vagrant-virtualbox','vagrant-virtualbox.box')],

-                     'name': 'Fedora-Python-Classroom-Vagrant',

-                     'kickstart': 'fedora-python-classroom-vagrant.ks',

-                     'distro': 'Fedora-22',

-                     'disk_size': 42,

-                     'arches': ['x86_64'],

-                     'repo': 'Everything',

-                     'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                     'subvariant': 'Python_Classroom',

-                     'failable': ['*'],

-                      },

-             'factory-parameters': {

-                     'ova-option': 'vagrant_sync_directory=/home/vagrant/sync'

-             }

-         },

-         {

-             'image-build': {

-                     'format': [('vagrant-libvirt','vagrant-libvirt.box'), ('vagrant-virtualbox','vagrant-virtualbox.box')],

-                     'name': 'Fedora-Scientific-Vagrant',

-                     'kickstart': 'fedora-scientific-vagrant.ks',

-                     'distro': 'Fedora-22',

-                     'disk_size': 42,

-                     'arches': ['x86_64'],

-                     'repo': 'Everything',

-                     'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                     'subvariant': 'Scientific',

-                     'failable': ['*'],

-                      },

-             'factory-parameters': {

-                     'ova-option': 'vagrant_sync_directory=/home/vagrant/sync'

-             }

-         },

-         {

-             'image-build': {

-                     'format': [('raw-xz','raw.xz')],

-                     'name': 'Fedora-Python-Classroom',

-                     'kickstart': 'fedora-disk-python-classroom.ks',

-                     'distro': 'Fedora-30',

-                     'disk_size': 18,

-                     'arches': ['aarch64'],

-                     'repo': 'Everything',

-                     'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                     'subvariant': 'Python_Classroom',

-                     'failable': ['*'],

-                      }

-         },

-         ],

-     '^Spins': [

-         {

-             'image-build': {

-                     'format': [('raw-xz','raw.xz')],

-                     'name': 'Fedora-KDE',

-                     'kickstart': 'fedora-disk-kde.ks',

-                     'distro': 'Fedora-30',

-                     'disk_size': 18,

-                     'arches': ['aarch64'],

-                     'repo': 'Everything',

-                     'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                     'subvariant': 'KDE',

-                     'failable': [''],

-                      }

-         },

-         {

-             'image-build': {

-                     'format': [('raw-xz','raw.xz')],

-                     'name': 'Fedora-SoaS',

-                     'kickstart': 'fedora-disk-soas.ks',

-                     'distro': 'Fedora-30',

-                     'disk_size': 10,

-                     'arches': ['aarch64'],

-                     'repo': 'Everything',

-                     'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                     'subvariant': 'SoaS',

-                     'failable': ['*'],

-                      }

-         },

-         {

-             'image-build': {

-                     'format': [('raw-xz','raw.xz')],

-                     'name': 'Fedora-Xfce',

-                     'kickstart': 'fedora-disk-xfce.ks',

-                     'distro': 'Fedora-30',

-                     'disk_size': 15,

-                     'arches': ['aarch64'],

-                     'repo': 'Everything',

-                     'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                     'subvariant': 'Xfce',

-                     'failable': ['*'],

-                      }

-         },

-         {

-             'image-build': {

-                     'format': [('raw-xz','raw.xz')],

-                     'name': 'Fedora-LXQt',

-                     'kickstart': 'fedora-disk-lxqt.ks',

-                     'distro': 'Fedora-30',

-                     'disk_size': 13,

-                     'arches': ['aarch64'],

-                     'repo': 'Everything',

-                     'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                     'subvariant': 'LXQt',

-                     'failable': ['*'],

-                      }

-         },

-         ],

-     '^Workstation$': [

-         {

-             'image-build': {

-                     'format': [('raw-xz','raw.xz')],

-                     'name': 'Fedora-Workstation',

-                     'kickstart': 'fedora-disk-workstation.ks',

-                     'distro': 'Fedora-30',

-                     'disk_size': '16GB',

-                     'arches': ['aarch64'],

-                     'repo': 'Everything',

-                     'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                     'subvariant': 'Workstation',

-                     'failable': [''],

-                      }

-         },

-         ],

-     '^Server$': [

-         {

-             'image-build': {

-                     'format': [('raw-xz','raw.xz')],

-                     'name': 'Fedora-Server',

-                     'kickstart': 'fedora-disk-server.ks',

-                     'distro': 'Fedora-30',

-                     'disk_size': 7,

-                     'arches': ['aarch64'],

-                     'repo': 'Server',

-                     'install_tree_from': 'Server',

-                     'subvariant': 'Server',

-                     'failable': ['*'],

-                      }

-         },

-         {

-             'image-build': {

-                     'format': [('qcow2','qcow2')],

-                     'name': 'Fedora-Server-KVM',

-                     'kickstart': 'fedora-server-vm-full.ks',

-                     'distro': 'Fedora-22',

-                     'disk_size': 7,

-                     'arches': ['aarch64', 'ppc64le', 's390x', 'x86_64'],

-                     'repo': 'Everything',

-                     'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                     'subvariant': 'Server_KVM',

-                     'failable': ['*'],

-                      }

-         },

-         ],

- }


- kiwibuild = {

-     '^Cloud$': [

-         {

-             'kiwi_profile': 'Cloud-Base-Generic',

-             'arches': ['aarch64', 'ppc64le', 's390x', 'x86_64'],

-             'repos': ['Everything'],

-             'subvariant': 'Cloud_Base',

-             'failable': ['ppc64le', 's390x'],

-         },

-         {

-             'kiwi_profile': 'Cloud-Base-AmazonEC2',

-             'arches': ['aarch64', 'x86_64'],

-             'repos': ['Everything'],

-             'subvariant': 'Cloud_Base',

-             'failable': ['*'],

-         },

-         {

-             'kiwi_profile': 'Cloud-Base-Azure',

-             'arches': ['aarch64', 'x86_64'],

-             'repos': ['Everything'],

-             'subvariant': 'Cloud_Base',

-             'failable': ['*'],

-         },

-         {

-             'kiwi_profile': 'Cloud-Base-GCE',

-             'arches': ['aarch64', 'x86_64'],

-             'repos': ['Everything'],

-             'subvariant': 'Cloud_Base',

-             'failable': ['*'],

-         },

-         {

-             'kiwi_profile': 'Cloud-Base-UEFI-UKI',

-             'arches': ['aarch64', 'x86_64'],

-             'repos': ['Everything'],

-             'subvariant': 'Cloud_Base_UKI',

-             'failable': ['*'],

-         },

-         {

-             'kiwi_profile': 'Cloud-Base-Vagrant-libvirt',

-             'arches': ['aarch64', 'x86_64'],

-             'repos': ['Everything'],

-             'subvariant': 'Cloud_Base',

-             'failable': ['*'],

-         },

-         {

-             'kiwi_profile': 'Cloud-Base-Vagrant-VirtualBox',

-             'arches': ['x86_64'],

-             'repos': ['Everything'],

-             'subvariant': 'Cloud_Base',

-             'failable': ['*'],

-         }

-         ],

-     '^Container$': [

-         {

-             'kiwi_profile': 'Container-Base-Generic',

-             'arches': ['aarch64', 'ppc64le', 's390x', 'x86_64'],

-             'repos': ['Everything'],

-             'subvariant': 'Container_Base',

-             'target': global_target,

-             'bundle_name_format': '%%N-%s-%%I.%%A.%%T.tar' % global_version,

-             'failable': ['*'],

-         },

-         {

-             'kiwi_profile': 'Container-Base-Generic-Minimal',

-             'arches': ['aarch64', 'ppc64le', 's390x', 'x86_64'],

-             'repos': ['Everything'],

-             'subvariant': 'Container_Minimal_Base',

-             'target': global_target,

-             'bundle_name_format': '%%N-%s-%%I.%%A.%%T.tar' % global_version,

-             'failable': ['*'],

-         },

-         {

-             'kiwi_profile': 'Container-Toolbox',

-             'arches': ['aarch64', 'ppc64le', 's390x', 'x86_64'],

-             'repos': ['Everything'],

-             'subvariant': 'Container_Toolbox',

-             'target': global_target,

-             'bundle_name_format': '%%N-%s-%%I.%%A.%%T.tar' % global_version,

-             'failable': [''],

-         }

-         ],

-     '^Spins$': [

-         {

-             'kiwi_profile': 'MiracleWM-Disk',

-             'arches': ['aarch64'],

-             'repos': ['Everything'],

-             'subvariant': 'MiracleWM',

-             'type': 'oem',

-             'failable': ['*'],

-         },

-         {

-             'kiwi_profile': 'MiracleWM-Live',

-             'arches': ['aarch64', 'x86_64'],

-             'repos': ['Everything'],

-             'subvariant': 'MiracleWM',

-             'type': 'iso',

-             'type_attr': [

-                           'volid=%s-MirWM-Live-%s' % (release_short, global_version),

-                           'application_id=%s-MiracleWM-Live-%s' % (release_short, global_version),

-                          ],

-             'failable': ['*'],

-         },

-         {

-             'kiwi_profile': 'KDE-Mobile-Disk',

-             'arches': ['aarch64'],

-             'repos': ['Everything'],

-             'subvariant': 'KDE_Mobile',

-             'type': 'oem',

-             'failable': ['*'],

-         },

-         {

-             'kiwi_profile': 'KDE-Mobile-Live',

-             'arches': ['aarch64', 'x86_64'],

-             'repos': ['Everything'],

-             'subvariant': 'KDE_Mobile',

-             'type': 'iso',

-             'type_attr': [

-                           'volid=%s-KDEM-Live-%s' % (release_short, KIWI_ISO_VOLID_VERSION),

-                           'application_id=%s-KDE_Mobile-Live-%s' % (release_short, global_version),

-                          ],

-             'failable': ['*'],

-         }

-         ],

- }


- live_media = {

-     '^Workstation$': [

-             {

-                 'name': 'Fedora-Workstation-Live',

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-live-workstation.ks',

-                 'arches': ['x86_64', 'ppc64le', 'aarch64'],

-                 'failable': ['ppc64le', 'aarch64'],

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                 'subvariant': 'Workstation'


-             }

-         ],

-     '^Spins': [

-             {

-                 'name': 'Fedora-KDE-Live',

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-live-kde.ks',

-                 'arches': ['x86_64', 'aarch64', 'ppc64le'],

-                 'failable': ['aarch64', 'ppc64le'],

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                 'subvariant': 'KDE'


-             },

-             {

-                 'name': 'Fedora-Xfce-Live',

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-live-xfce.ks',

-                 'arches': ['x86_64'],

-                 'failable': ['*'],

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                 'subvariant': 'Xfce'

-             },

-             {

-                 'name': 'Fedora-SoaS-Live',

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-live-soas.ks',

-                 'arches': ['x86_64'],

-                 'failable': ['*'],

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                 'subvariant': 'SoaS'

-             },

-             {

-                 'name': 'Fedora-Cinnamon-Live',

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-live-cinnamon.ks',

-                 'arches': ['x86_64'],

-                 'failable': ['*'],

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                 'subvariant': 'Cinnamon'

-             },

-             {

-                 'name': 'Fedora-LXDE-Live',

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-live-lxde.ks',

-                 'arches': ['x86_64'],

-                 'failable': ['*'],

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                 'subvariant': 'LXDE'

-             },

-             {

-                 'name': 'Fedora-MATE_Compiz-Live',

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-live-mate_compiz.ks',

-                 'arches': ['x86_64'],

-                 'failable': ['*'],

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                 'subvariant': 'Mate'

-             },

-             {

-                 'name': 'Fedora-LXQt-Live',

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-live-lxqt.ks',

-                 'arches': ['x86_64', 'aarch64'],

-                 'failable': ['*'],

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                 'subvariant': 'LXQt'

-             },

-             {

-                 'name': 'Fedora-Budgie-Live',

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-live-budgie.ks',

-                 'arches': ['x86_64'],

-                 'failable': ['*'],

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                 'subvariant': 'Budgie'

-             },

-             {

-                 'name': 'Fedora-i3-Live',

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-live-i3.ks',

-                 'arches': ['x86_64', 'aarch64'],

-                 'failable': ['*'],

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                 'subvariant': 'i3'

-             },

-             {

-                 'name': 'Fedora-Sway-Live',

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-live-sway.ks',

-                 'arches': ['x86_64'],

-                 'failable': ['*'],

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                 'subvariant': 'Sway'

-             }

-         ],

-     '^Labs$': [

-             {

-                 'name': 'Fedora-Astronomy_KDE-Live',

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-live-astronomy_kde.ks',

-                 'arches': ['x86_64'],

-                 'failable': ['*'],

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                 'subvariant': 'Astronomy_KDE'

-             },

-             {

-                 'name': 'Fedora-Comp_Neuro-Live',

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-live-comp_neuro.ks',

-                 'arches': ['x86_64'],

-                 'failable': ['*'],

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                 'subvariant': 'Comp_Neuro'

-             },

-             {

-                 'name': 'Fedora-Design_suite-Live',

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-live-design_suite.ks',

-                 'arches': ['x86_64'],

-                 'failable': ['*'],

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                 'subvariant': 'Design_suite'

-             },

-             {

-                 'name': 'Fedora-Scientific_KDE-Live',

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-live-scientific_kde.ks',

-                 'arches': ['x86_64'],

-                 'failable': ['*'],

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                 'subvariant': 'Scientific_KDE'

-             },

-             {

-                 'name': 'Fedora-Games-Live',

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-live-games.ks',

-                 'arches': ['x86_64'],

-                 'failable': ['*'],

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                 'subvariant': 'Games'

-             },

-             {

-                 'name': 'Fedora-Security-Live',

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-live-security.ks',

-                 'arches': ['x86_64'],

-                 'failable': ['*'],

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                 'subvariant': 'Security'

-             },

-             {

-                 'name': 'Fedora-Jam_KDE-Live',

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-live-jam_kde.ks',

-                 'arches': ['x86_64'],

-                 'failable': ['*'],

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                 'subvariant': 'Jam_KDE'

-             },

-             {

-                 'name': 'Fedora-Robotics-Live',

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-live-robotics.ks',

-                 'arches': ['x86_64'],

-                 'failable': ['*'],

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                 'subvariant': 'Robotics'

-             },

-             {

-                 'name': 'Fedora-Python-Classroom-Live',

-                 'kickstart': 'fedora-live-python-classroom.ks',

-                 'arches': ['x86_64'],

-                 'failable': ['*'],

-                 'repo': 'Everything',

-                 'install_tree_from': 'Everything',

-                 'subvariant': 'Python_Classroom'

-             }

-     ],

- }


- failable_deliverables = [

-     ('^.*$', {

-         # Buildinstall is non blocking

-         'src': ['buildinstall'],

-         # Nothing on i386, ppc64le blocks the compose

-         'i386': ['buildinstall', 'iso'],

-         'ppc64le': ['buildinstall', 'iso'],

-         's390x': ['buildinstall', 'iso'],

-     })

- ]


- ostree = {

-     "^Silverblue$": {


-         "force_new_commit": True,

-         "unified_core": True,

-         "treefile": "silverblue-ostree.yaml",

-         "config_url": "https://pagure.io/workstation-ostree-config.git",

-         "config_branch": "main",

-         "repo": "Everything",

-         "tag_ref": False,

-         "ostree_repo": "/mnt/koji/compose/ostree/repo/",

-         "ostree_ref": "fedora/rawhide/${basearch}/silverblue",

-         "runroot_packages": ["selinux-policy-targeted"],

-         "arches": ["x86_64", "ppc64le", "aarch64"],

-         "failable": ['*'],

-     },

-     "^Kinoite$": {


-         "force_new_commit": True,

-         "unified_core": True,

-         "treefile": "kinoite-ostree.yaml",

-         "config_url": "https://pagure.io/workstation-ostree-config.git",

-         "config_branch": "main",

-         "repo": "Everything",

-         "tag_ref": False,

-         "ostree_repo": "/mnt/koji/compose/ostree/repo/",

-         "ostree_ref": "fedora/rawhide/${basearch}/kinoite",

-         "runroot_packages": ["selinux-policy-targeted"],

-         "arches": ["x86_64", "ppc64le", "aarch64"],

-         "failable": ['*'],

-     },

-     "^Sericea$": {


-         "force_new_commit": True,

-         "unified_core": True,

-         "treefile": "sway-atomic-ostree.yaml",

-         "config_url": "https://pagure.io/workstation-ostree-config.git",

-         "config_branch": "main",

-         "repo": "Everything",

-         "tag_ref": False,

-         "ostree_repo": "/mnt/koji/compose/ostree/repo/",

-         "ostree_ref": "fedora/rawhide/${basearch}/sericea",

-         "runroot_packages": ["selinux-policy-targeted"],

-         "arches": ["x86_64", "aarch64"],

-         "failable": ['*'],

-     },

-     "^Onyx$": {


-         "force_new_commit": True,

-         "unified_core": True,

-         "treefile": "budgie-atomic-ostree.yaml",

-         "config_url": "https://pagure.io/workstation-ostree-config.git",

-         "config_branch": "main",

-         "repo": "Everything",

-         "tag_ref": False,

-         "ostree_repo": "/mnt/koji/compose/ostree/repo/",

-         "ostree_ref": "fedora/rawhide/${basearch}/onyx",

-         "runroot_packages": ["selinux-policy-targeted"],

-         "arches": ["x86_64"],

-         "failable": ['*'],

-     }

- }


- ostree_container = {

-     "^Silverblue$": {


-         "config_url": "https://pagure.io/workstation-ostree-config.git",

-         "config_branch": "main",

-         "treefile": "silverblue.yaml",

-         "arches": ["x86_64", "ppc64le", "aarch64"],

-         "failable": ['*'],

-     },

-     "^Kinoite$": {


-         "config_url": "https://pagure.io/workstation-ostree-config.git",

-         "config_branch": "main",

-         "treefile": "kinoite.yaml",

-         "arches": ["x86_64", "ppc64le", "aarch64"],

-         "failable": ['*'],

-     },

-     "^Sericea$": {


-         "config_url": "https://pagure.io/workstation-ostree-config.git",

-         "config_branch": "main",

-         "treefile": "sway-atomic.yaml",

-         "arches": ["x86_64", "aarch64"],

-         "failable": ['*'],

-     },

-     "^Onyx$": {


-         "config_url": "https://pagure.io/workstation-ostree-config.git",

-         "config_branch": "main",

-         "treefile": "budgie-atomic.yaml",

-         "arches": ["x86_64"],

-         "failable": ['*'],

-     }

- }


- ostree_installer = [

-     ("^Silverblue$", {

-         "x86_64": {

-             "repo": "Everything",

-             "release": None,

-             "rootfs_size": "9",

-             "add_template": ["ostree-based-installer/lorax-configure-repo.tmpl",

-                              "ostree-based-installer/lorax-embed-repo.tmpl",

-                              "ostree-based-installer/lorax-embed-flatpaks.tmpl"],

-             "add_template_var": [

-                 "ostree_install_repo=https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/ostree/repo/",

-                 "ostree_update_repo=https://ostree.fedoraproject.org",

-                 "ostree_osname=fedora",

-                 "ostree_oskey=fedora-42-primary",

-                 "ostree_contenturl=mirrorlist=https://ostree.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist",

-                 "ostree_install_ref=fedora/rawhide/x86_64/silverblue",

-                 "ostree_update_ref=fedora/rawhide/x86_64/silverblue",

-                 "flatpak_remote_name=fedora",

-                 # using registry-no-cdn avoids redirects to the CDN;

-                 # needed because of network restrictions on koji runroot

-                 "flatpak_remote_url=oci+https://registry-no-cdn.fedoraproject.org",

-                 # keeping them on the stable release until the flatpak sig confirms the next update

-                 "flatpak_remote_refs=runtime/org.fedoraproject.Platform/x86_64/f40 app/org.gnome.baobab/x86_64/stable app/org.gnome.Calculator/x86_64/stable app/org.gnome.Calendar/x86_64/stable app/org.gnome.Characters/x86_64/stable app/org.gnome.Snapshot/x86_64/stable app/org.gnome.clocks/x86_64/stable app/org.gnome.Connections/x86_64/stable app/org.gnome.Contacts/x86_64/stable app/org.gnome.Evince/x86_64/stable app/org.gnome.Extensions/x86_64/stable app/org.gnome.font-viewer/x86_64/stable app/org.gnome.TextEditor/x86_64/stable app/org.gnome.Loupe/x86_64/stable app/org.gnome.Logs/x86_64/stable app/org.gnome.Maps/x86_64/stable app/org.fedoraproject.MediaWriter/x86_64/stable app/org.gnome.NautilusPreviewer/x86_64/stable app/org.gnome.Weather/x86_64/stable",

-             ],

-             'template_repo': 'https://pagure.io/fedora-lorax-templates.git',

-             'template_branch': 'main',

-             # dbus-run-session is needed for Flatpak to talk to flatpak-oci-authenticator

-             'extra_runr