Winbind makes users who are members of a domain appear to be normal users, with
the domain name frequently included as a prefix of the user name. Kerberos
doesn't handle this perfectly.
Specifically, for a user named tester in domain TEST and realm
TEST.EXAMPLE.COM, we have two names.
Kerberos principal name (userPrincipalName): tester@TEST.EXAMPLE.COM
Winbind/POSIX user name: TEST\tester
For certain internal functions (such as access control checking using a
user's .k5login file), the library will need to convert a principal name
to a user name. This is controlled by the 'auth_to_local_names' and
'auth_to_local' configuration settings for the default realm in /krb5.conf.
One such mapping would look like:
default_relam = TEST.EXAMPLE.COM
auth_to_local = RULE:[1:$0\$1](TEST\.EXAMPLE\.COM\\.*)s/TEST\.EXAMPLE\.COM/TEST/g
auth_to_local = DEFAULT
The argument to RULE: is the concatentation of:
* An optional input formulation
"[" number-of-components ":" template "]"
Where number-of-components is the number of instance parts + 1, and the
template mixes literal text with portions of the principal name ($1
is the root part, $2 is the first instance, $3 the second, etc., $0 the
realm in MIT krb5 1.3.4 and later).
* An optional regex
If specified, the formulated string must match this regexp for this rule
to be applied.
* An optional sed expression
"s/" matchexp "/" output "/" ["g"]
The DEFAULT rule more or less equates to
and must be explicitly listed to benefit from its effects if any RULEs are
This solves one problem, but pam_krb5 needs some way to convert a user name
which is provided by PAM into a principal name, and there is no configurable
way to do this using the Kerberos libraries. To support this, pam_krb5 has a
"mappings" configuration directive which can be used to map a user name to a
principal name. The directive takes pairs of arguments (regexps and output
specifiers). A specifier can refer to a substring matched in its regexp by
specifying a "$" and the relative location of the substring in the regexp.
pam = {
mappings = TEST\\(.*) $1@TEST.EXAMPLE.COM