#1 Add ability to read configuration from /etc/security/faillock.conf
Merged 4 years ago by tmraz. Opened 4 years ago by rga.
https://github.com/redhatrises/pam-redhat/ faillock-conf  into  master

Fix typos and update descriptions
Gabe • 4 years ago  
Add faillock.conf
Gabe • 4 years ago  
Adds the capability for pam_faillock to read from /etc/security/faillock.conf (#1537242)
Brian Ward • 4 years ago  
file modified
+4 -2
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@


  EXTRA_DIST = README $(MANS) $(XMLS) tst-pam_faillock


- man_MANS = pam_faillock.8 faillock.8

- XMLS = README.xml pam_faillock.8.xml faillock.8.xml

+ man_MANS = pam_faillock.8 faillock.8 faillock.conf.8

+ XMLS = README.xml pam_faillock.8.xml faillock.8.xml faillock.conf.8.xml


  TESTS = tst-pam_faillock

@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@

  faillock_LDFLAGS = -Wl,-z,now @PIE_LDFLAGS@

  faillock_LDADD = -L$(top_builddir)/libpam -lpam $(LIBAUDIT)


+ secureconf_DATA = faillock.conf


  securelib_LTLIBRARIES = pam_faillock.la

  sbin_PROGRAMS = faillock


file added
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@

+ # Configuration for locking the user after multiple failed

+ # authentication attempts.

+ #

+ # The directory where the user files with the failure records are kept.

+ # The default is /var/run/faillock.

+ # dir = /var/run/faillock

+ #

+ # Will log the user name into the system log if the user is not found.

+ # Enabled if option is present.

+ # audit

+ #

+ # Don't print informative messages.

+ # Enabled if option is present.

+ # silent

+ #

+ # Don't log informative messages via syslog.

+ # Enabled if option is present.

+ # no_log_info

+ #

+ # Deny access if the number of consecutive authentication failures

+ # for this user during the recent interval exceeds n tries.

+ # The default is 3.

+ # deny = 3

+ #

+ # The length of the interval during which the consecutive

+ # authentication failures must happen for the user account

+ # lock out is <replaceable>n</replaceable> seconds.

+ # The default is 900 (15 minutes).

+ # fail_interval = 900

+ #

+ # The access will be reenabled after n seconds after the lock out.

+ # The value 0 has the same meaning as value `never` - the access

+ # will not be reenabled without resetting the faillock

+ # entries by the `faillock` command.

+ # The default is 600 (10 minutes).

+ # unlock_time = 600

+ #

+ # Root account can become locked as well as regular accounts.

+ # Enabled if option is present.

+ # even_deny_root

+ #

+ # This option implies the `even_deny_root` option.

+ # Allow access after n seconds to root account after the

+ # account is locked. In case the option is not specified

+ # the value is the same as of the `unlock_time` option.

+ # root_unlock_time = 900

+ #

+ # If a group name is specified with this option, members

+ # of the group will be handled by this module the same as

+ # the root account (the options `even_deny_root>` and

+ # `root_unlock_time` will apply to them.

+ # By default, the option is not set.

+ # admin_group = <admin_group_name>

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@

+ <?xml version="1.0" encoding='UTF-8'?>

+ <!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.3//EN"

+ 	"http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.3/docbookx.dtd">


+ <refentry id="faillock.conf">


+   <refmeta>

+     <refentrytitle>faillock.conf</refentrytitle>

+     <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>

+     <refmiscinfo class="sectdesc">Linux-PAM Manual</refmiscinfo>

+   </refmeta>


+   <refnamediv id="faillock.conf-name">

+     <refname>faillock.conf</refname>

+     <refpurpose>pam_faillock configuration file</refpurpose>

+   </refnamediv>


+   <refsect1 id="faillock.conf-description">


+     <title>DESCRIPTION</title>

+     <para>

+        <emphasis remap='B'>faillock.conf</emphasis> provides a way to configure the

+        default settings for locking the user after multiple failed authentication attempts.

+        This file is read by the <emphasis>pam_faillock</emphasis> module and is the

+        preferred method over configuring <emphasis>pam_faillock</emphasis> directly.

+     </para>

+     <para>

+        The file has a very simple <emphasis>name = value</emphasis> format with possible comments

+        starting with <emphasis>#</emphasis> character. The whitespace at the beginning of line, end

+        of line, and around the <emphasis>=</emphasis> sign is ignored.

+     </para>

+   </refsect1>


+   <refsect1 id="faillock.conf-options">


+     <title>OPTIONS</title>

+          <variablelist>

+             <varlistentry>

+               <term>

+                 <option>dir=<replaceable>/path/to/tally-directory</replaceable></option>

+               </term>

+               <listitem>

+                 <para>

+                   The directory where the user files with the failure records are kept. The

+                   default is <filename>/var/run/faillock</filename>.

+                 </para>

+               </listitem>

+             </varlistentry>

+             <varlistentry>

+               <term>

+                 <option>audit</option>

+               </term>

+               <listitem>

+                 <para>

+                   Will log the user name into the system log if the user is not found.

+                 </para>

+               </listitem>

+             </varlistentry>

+             <varlistentry>

+               <term>

+                 <option>silent</option>

+               </term>

+               <listitem>

+                 <para>

+                   Don't print informative messages. This option is implicit

+                   in the <emphasis>authfail</emphasis> and <emphasis>authsucc</emphasis>

+                   functions.

+                 </para>

+               </listitem>

+             </varlistentry>

+             <varlistentry>

+               <term>

+                 <option>no_log_info</option>

+               </term>

+               <listitem>

+                 <para>

+                   Don't log informative messages via <citerefentry><refentrytitle>syslog</refentrytitle><manvolnum>3</manvolnum></citerefentry>.

+                 </para>

+               </listitem>

+             </varlistentry>

+             <varlistentry>

+               <term>

+                 <option>deny=<replaceable>n</replaceable></option>

+               </term>

+               <listitem>

+                 <para>

+                   Deny access if the number of consecutive authentication failures

+                   for this user during the recent interval exceeds

+                   <replaceable>n</replaceable>. The default is 3.

+                 </para>

+               </listitem>

+             </varlistentry>

+             <varlistentry>

+               <term>

+                 <option>fail_interval=<replaceable>n</replaceable></option>

+               </term>

+               <listitem>

+                 <para>

+                   The length of the interval during which the consecutive

+                   authentication failures must happen for the user account

+                   lock out is <replaceable>n</replaceable> seconds.

+                   The default is 900 (15 minutes).

+                 </para>

+               </listitem>

+             </varlistentry>

+             <varlistentry>

+               <term>

+                 <option>unlock_time=<replaceable>n</replaceable></option>

+               </term>

+               <listitem>

+                 <para>

+                   The access will be reenabled after

+                   <replaceable>n</replaceable> seconds after the lock out.

+                   The value 0 has the same meaning as value

+                   <emphasis>never</emphasis> - the access

+                   will not be reenabled without resetting the faillock

+                   entries by the <citerefentry><refentrytitle>faillock</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry> command.

+                   The default is 600 (10 minutes).

+                 </para>

+                 <para>

+                   Note that the default directory that <emphasis>pam_faillock</emphasis>

+                   uses is usually cleared on system boot so the access will be also reenabled

+                   after system reboot. If that is undesirable a different tally directory

+                   must be set with the <option>dir</option> option.

+                 </para>

+                 <para>

+                   Also note that it is usually undesirable to permanently lock

+                   out the users as they can become easily a target of denial of service

+                   attack unless the usernames are random and kept secret to potential

+                   attackers.

+                 </para>

+               </listitem>

+             </varlistentry>

+             <varlistentry>

+               <term>

+                 <option>even_deny_root</option>

+               </term>

+               <listitem>

+                 <para>

+                   Root account can become locked as well as regular accounts.

+                 </para>

+               </listitem>

+             </varlistentry>

+             <varlistentry>

+               <term>

+                 <option>root_unlock_time=<replaceable>n</replaceable></option>

+               </term>

+               <listitem>

+                 <para>

+                   This option implies <option>even_deny_root</option> option.

+                   Allow access after <replaceable>n</replaceable> seconds

+                   to root account after the account is locked. In case the

+                   option is not specified the value is the same as of the

+                   <option>unlock_time</option> option.

+                 </para>

+               </listitem>

+             </varlistentry>

+             <varlistentry>

+               <term>

+                 <option>admin_group=<replaceable>name</replaceable></option>

+               </term>

+               <listitem>

+                 <para>

+                   If a group name is specified with this option, members

+                   of the group will be handled by this module the same as

+                   the root account (the options <option>even_deny_root</option>

+                   and <option>root_unlock_time</option> will apply to them.

+                   By default the option is not set.

+                 </para>

+               </listitem>

+             </varlistentry>

+         </variablelist>

+   </refsect1>


+   <refsect1 id='faillock.conf-examples'>

+     <title>EXAMPLES</title>

+     <para>

+       /etc/security/faillock.conf file example:

+     </para>

+     <programlisting>

+ deny=4

+ even_deny_root

+ unlock_time=1200

+     </programlisting>

+   </refsect1>


+   <refsect1 id="faillock.conf-files">

+     <title>FILES</title>

+     <variablelist>

+       <varlistentry>

+         <term><filename>/etc/security/faillock.conf</filename></term>

+         <listitem>

+           <para>the config file for custom options</para>

+         </listitem>

+       </varlistentry>

+     </variablelist>

+   </refsect1>


+   <refsect1 id='faillock.conf-see_also'>

+     <title>SEE ALSO</title>

+     <para>

+       <citerefentry>

+         <refentrytitle>faillock</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum>

+       </citerefentry>,

+       <citerefentry>

+         <refentrytitle>pam_faillock</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum>

+       </citerefentry>,

+       <citerefentry>

+         <refentrytitle>pam.conf</refentrytitle><manvolnum>5</manvolnum>

+       </citerefentry>,

+       <citerefentry>

+         <refentrytitle>pam.d</refentrytitle><manvolnum>5</manvolnum>

+       </citerefentry>,

+       <citerefentry>

+         <refentrytitle>pam</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum>

+       </citerefentry>

+     </para>

+   </refsect1>


+   <refsect1 id='faillock.conf-author'>

+     <title>AUTHOR</title>

+       <para>

+         pam_faillock was written by Tomas Mraz. The support for faillock.conf was written by Brian Ward.

+       </para>

+   </refsect1>


+ </refentry>

file modified
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@



  #define FAILLOCK_DEFAULT_TALLYDIR "/var/run/faillock"

+ #define FAILLOCK_DEFAULT_CONF "/etc/security/faillock.conf"


  int open_tally(const char *dir, const char *user, uid_t uid, int create);

  int read_tally(int fd, struct tally_data *tallies);

file modified
+36 -143
@@ -126,141 +126,11 @@




-             <varlistentry>

-               <term>

-                 <option>dir=<replaceable>/path/to/tally-directory</replaceable></option>

-               </term>

-               <listitem>

-                 <para>

-                   The directory where the user files with the failure records are kept. The

-                   default is <filename>/var/run/faillock</filename>.

-                 </para>

-               </listitem>

-             </varlistentry>

-             <varlistentry>

-               <term>

-                 <option>audit</option>

-               </term>

-               <listitem>

-                 <para>

-                   Will log the user name into the system log if the user is not found.

-                 </para>

-               </listitem>

-             </varlistentry>

-             <varlistentry>

-               <term>

-                 <option>silent</option>

-               </term>

-               <listitem>

-                 <para>

-                   Don't print informative messages. This option is implicite

-                   in the <emphasis>authfail</emphasis> and <emphasis>authsucc</emphasis>

-                   functions.

-                 </para>

-               </listitem>

-             </varlistentry>

-             <varlistentry>

-               <term>

-                 <option>no_log_info</option>

-               </term>

-               <listitem>

-                 <para>

-                   Don't log informative messages via <citerefentry><refentrytitle>syslog</refentrytitle><manvolnum>3</manvolnum></citerefentry>.

-                 </para>

-               </listitem>

-             </varlistentry>

-             <varlistentry>

-               <term>

-                 <option>deny=<replaceable>n</replaceable></option>

-               </term>

-               <listitem>

-                 <para>

-                   Deny access if the number of consecutive authentication failures

-                   for this user during the recent interval exceeds

-                   <replaceable>n</replaceable>. The default is 3.

-                 </para>

-               </listitem>

-             </varlistentry>

-             <varlistentry>

-               <term>

-                 <option>fail_interval=<replaceable>n</replaceable></option>

-               </term>

-               <listitem>

-                 <para>

-                   The length of the interval during which the consecutive

-                   authentication failures must happen for the user account

-                   lock out is <replaceable>n</replaceable> seconds.

-                   The default is 900 (15 minutes).

-                 </para>

-               </listitem>

-             </varlistentry>

-             <varlistentry>

-               <term>

-                 <option>unlock_time=<replaceable>n</replaceable></option>

-               </term>

-               <listitem>

-                 <para>

-                   The access will be reenabled after

-                   <replaceable>n</replaceable> seconds after the lock out.

-                   The value 0 has the same meaning as value

-                   <emphasis>never</emphasis> - the access

-                   will not be reenabled without resetting the faillock

-                   entries by the <citerefentry><refentrytitle>faillock</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry> command.

-                   The default is 600 (10 minutes).

-                 </para>

-                 <para>

-                   Note that the default directory that <emphasis>pam_faillock</emphasis>

-                   uses is usually cleared on system boot so the access will be also reenabled

-                   after system reboot. If that is undesirable a different tally directory

-                   must be set with the <option>dir</option> option.

-                 </para>

-                 <para>

-                   Also note that it is usually undesirable to permanently lock

-                   out the users as they can become easily a target of denial of service

-                   attack unless the usernames are random and kept secret to potential

-                   attackers.

-                 </para>

-               </listitem>

-             </varlistentry>

-             <varlistentry>

-               <term>

-                 <option>even_deny_root</option>

-               </term>

-               <listitem>

-                 <para>

-                   Root account can become locked as well as regular accounts.

-                 </para>

-               </listitem>

-             </varlistentry>

-             <varlistentry>

-               <term>

-                 <option>root_unlock_time=<replaceable>n</replaceable></option>

-               </term>

-               <listitem>

-                 <para>

-                   This option implies <option>even_deny_root</option> option.

-                   Allow access after <replaceable>n</replaceable> seconds

-                   to root account after the account is locked. In case the

-                   option is not specified the value is the same as of the

-                   <option>unlock_time</option> option.

-                 </para>

-               </listitem>

-             </varlistentry>

-             <varlistentry>

-               <term>

-                 <option>admin_group=<replaceable>name</replaceable></option>

-               </term>

-               <listitem>

-                 <para>

-                   If a group name is specified with this option, members

-                   of the group will be handled by this module the same as

-                   the root account (the options <option>even_deny_root></option>

-                   and <option>root_unlock_time</option> will apply to them.

-                   By default the option is not set.

-                 </para>

-               </listitem>

-             </varlistentry>


+         <para>

+           Options configured on the module command line is not recommend, and

+           <emphasis>/etc/security/faillock.conf</emphasis> should be used instead.

+         </para>



    <refsect1 id="pam_faillock-types">
@@ -306,6 +176,9 @@

    <refsect1 id='pam_faillock-notes'>



+       Options configured on the module command line is not recommend, and

+       <emphasis>/etc/security/faillock.conf</emphasis> should be used instead.

+     <para>

        <emphasis>pam_faillock</emphasis> setup in the PAM stack is different

        from the <emphasis>pam_tally2</emphasis> module setup.

@@ -316,9 +189,9 @@



        Note that using the module in <option>preauth</option> without the

-       <option>silent</option> option or with <emphasis>requisite</emphasis>

-       control field leaks an information about existence or

-       non-existence of an user account in the system because

+       <option>silent</option> option specified in <filename>/etc/security/faillock.conf</filename>

+       or with <emphasis>requisite</emphasis> control field leaks an information about

+       existence or non-existence of an user account in the system because

        the failures are not recorded for the unknown users. The message

        about the user account being locked is never displayed for nonexisting

        user accounts allowing the adversary to infer that a particular account
@@ -341,15 +214,26 @@

        be added to tell the user that his login is blocked by the module and also to abort

        the authentication without even asking for password in such case.


+     <para>

+       /etc/security/faillock.conf file example:

+     </para>

+     <programlisting>

+ deny=4

+ even_deny_root

+ unlock_time=1200

+     </programlisting>

+     <para>

+       /etc/pam.d/config file example:

+     </para>


  auth     required       pam_securetty.so

  auth     required       pam_env.so

  auth     required       pam_nologin.so

- # optionally call: auth requisite pam_faillock.so preauth deny=4 even_deny_root unlock_time=1200

+ # optionally call: auth requisite pam_faillock.so preauth

  # to display the message about account being locked

  auth     [success=1 default=bad] pam_unix.so

- auth     [default=die]  pam_faillock.so authfail deny=4 even_deny_root unlock_time=1200

- auth     sufficient     pam_faillock.so authsucc deny=4 even_deny_root unlock_time=1200

+ auth     [default=die]  pam_faillock.so authfail

+ auth     sufficient     pam_faillock.so authsucc

  auth     required       pam_deny.so

  account  required       pam_unix.so

  password required       pam_unix.so shadow
@@ -367,11 +251,11 @@

  auth     required       pam_securetty.so

  auth     required       pam_env.so

  auth     required       pam_nologin.so

- auth     required       pam_faillock.so preauth silent deny=4 even_deny_root unlock_time=1200

+ auth     required       pam_faillock.so preauth

  # optionally use requisite above if you do not want to prompt for the password

- # on locked accounts, possibly with removing the silent option as well

+ # on locked accounts

  auth     sufficient     pam_unix.so

- auth     [default=die]  pam_faillock.so authfail deny=4 even_deny_root unlock_time=1200

+ auth     [default=die]  pam_faillock.so authfail

  auth     required       pam_deny.so

  account  required       pam_faillock.so

  # if you drop the above call to pam_faillock.so the lock will be done also
@@ -394,6 +278,12 @@

            <para>the files logging the authentication failures for users</para>



+       <varlistentry>

+         <term><filename>/etc/security/faillock.conf</filename></term>

+         <listitem>

+           <para>the config file for pam_faillock options</para>

+         </listitem>

+       </varlistentry>



@@ -404,6 +294,9 @@




+         <refentrytitle>faillock.conf</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum>

+       </citerefentry>,

+       <citerefentry>




file modified
+181 -1
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@

  #include <time.h>

  #include <pwd.h>

  #include <syslog.h>

+ #include <ctype.h>



  #include <libaudit.h>
@@ -69,6 +70,9 @@



  #define MAX_TIME_INTERVAL 604800 /* 7 days */





  struct options {

  	unsigned int action;
@@ -78,6 +82,7 @@

  	unsigned int unlock_time;

  	unsigned int root_unlock_time;

  	const char *dir;

+ 	const char *conf;

  	const char *user;

  	const char *admin_group;

  	int failures;
@@ -87,21 +92,35 @@

  	uint64_t now;



+ int read_config_file(

+ 	pam_handle_t *pamh,

+ 	struct options *opts,

+ 	const char *cfgfile

+ );


+ void set_conf_opt(

+ 	pam_handle_t *pamh,

+ 	struct options *opts,

+ 	const char *name,

+ 	const char *value

+ );


  static void

  args_parse(pam_handle_t *pamh, int argc, const char **argv,

  		int flags, struct options *opts)


  	int i;

+ 	int rv;

  	memset(opts, 0, sizeof(*opts));



+ 	opts->conf = FAILLOCK_DEFAULT_CONF;

  	opts->deny = 3;

  	opts->fail_interval = 900;

  	opts->unlock_time = 600;

  	opts->root_unlock_time = MAX_TIME_INTERVAL+1;


  	for (i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {


  		if (strncmp(argv[i], "dir=", 4) == 0) {

  			if (argv[i][4] != '/') {

  				pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_ERR,
@@ -184,12 +203,173 @@




+ 	if ((rv=read_config_file(pamh, opts, opts->conf)) != PAM_SUCCESS) {

+ 		pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_ERR,

+ 					"Error opening conf file. Using defaults.");

+ 	}


  	if (opts->root_unlock_time == MAX_TIME_INTERVAL+1)

  		opts->root_unlock_time = opts->unlock_time;

  	if (flags & PAM_SILENT)

  		opts->flags |= FAILLOCK_FLAG_SILENT;



+ /* parse a single configuration file */

+ int

+ read_config_file(pam_handle_t *pamh, struct options *opts, const char *cfgfile)

+ {

+ 	FILE *f;

+ 	char linebuf[FAILLOCK_CONF_MAX_LINELEN+1];


+ 	f = fopen(cfgfile, "r");

+ 	if (f == NULL) {

+ 		/* ignore non-existent default config file */

+ 		if (errno == ENOENT && strcmp(cfgfile, FAILLOCK_DEFAULT_CONF) == 0)

+ 			return 0;


+ 	}


+ 	while (fgets(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), f) != NULL) {

+ 		size_t len;

+ 		char *ptr;

+ 		char *name;

+ 		int eq;


+ 		len = strlen(linebuf);

+ 		/* len cannot be 0 unless there is a bug in fgets */

+ 		if (len && linebuf[len - 1] != '\n' && !feof(f)) {

+ 			(void) fclose(f);


+ 		}


+ 		if ((ptr=strchr(linebuf, '#')) != NULL) {

+ 			*ptr = '\0';

+ 		} else {

+ 			ptr = linebuf + len;

+ 		}


+ 		/* drop terminating whitespace including the \n */

+ 		while (ptr > linebuf) {

+ 			if (!isspace(*(ptr-1))) {

+ 				*ptr = '\0';

+ 				break;

+ 			}

+ 			--ptr;

+ 		}


+ 		/* skip initial whitespace */

+ 		for (ptr = linebuf; isspace(*ptr); ptr++);

+ 		if (*ptr == '\0')

+ 			continue;


+ 		/* grab the key name */

+ 		eq = 0;

+ 		name = ptr;

+ 		while (*ptr != '\0') {

+ 			if (isspace(*ptr) || *ptr == '=') {

+ 				eq = *ptr == '=';

+ 				*ptr = '\0';

+ 				++ptr;

+ 				break;

+ 			}

+ 			++ptr;

+ 		}


+ 		/* grab the key value */

+ 		while (*ptr != '\0') {

+ 			if (*ptr != '=' || eq) {

+ 				if (!isspace(*ptr)) {

+ 					break;

+ 				}

+ 			} else {

+ 				eq = 1;

+ 			}

+ 			++ptr;

+ 		}


+ 		/* set the key:value pair on opts */

+ 		set_conf_opt(pamh, opts, name, ptr);

+ 	}


+ 	(void)fclose(f);

+ 	return PAM_SUCCESS;

+ }


+ void set_conf_opt(pam_handle_t *pamh, struct options *opts, const char *name, const char *value)

+ {

+ 	if (strncmp(name, "dir", 3) == 0) {

+ 		if (value[0] != '/') {

+ 			pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_ERR,

+ 				"Tally directory is not absolute path (%s); keeping default", value);

+ 		} else {

+ 			opts->dir = value;

+ 		}

+ 	}

+ 	else if (strncmp(name, "deny", 4) == 0) {

+ 		if (sscanf(value, "%hu", &opts->deny) != 1) {

+ 			pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_ERR,

+ 				"Bad number supplied for deny argument");

+ 		}

+ 	}

+ 	else if (strncmp(name, "fail_interval", 13) == 0) {

+ 		unsigned int temp;

+ 		if (sscanf(value, "%u", &temp) != 1 ||

+ 			temp > MAX_TIME_INTERVAL) {

+ 			pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_ERR,

+ 				"Bad number supplied for fail_interval argument");

+ 		} else {

+ 			opts->fail_interval = temp;

+ 		}

+ 	}

+ 	else if (strncmp(name, "unlock_time", 11) == 0) {

+ 		unsigned int temp;


+ 		if (strcmp(value, "never") == 0) {

+ 			opts->unlock_time = 0;

+ 		}

+ 		else if (sscanf(value, "%u", &temp) != 1 ||

+ 			temp > MAX_TIME_INTERVAL) {

+ 			pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_ERR,

+ 				"Bad number supplied for unlock_time argument");

+ 		}

+ 		else {

+ 			opts->unlock_time = temp;

+ 		}

+ 	}

+ 	else if (strncmp(name, "root_unlock_time", 16) == 0) {

+ 		unsigned int temp;


+ 		if (strcmp(value, "never") == 0) {

+ 			opts->root_unlock_time = 0;

+ 		}

+ 		else if (sscanf(value, "%u", &temp) != 1 ||

+ 			temp > MAX_TIME_INTERVAL) {

+ 			pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_ERR,

+ 				"Bad number supplied for root_unlock_time argument");

+ 		} else {

+ 			opts->root_unlock_time = temp;

+ 		}

+ 	}

+ 	else if (strncmp(name, "admin_group", 11) == 0) {

+ 		opts->admin_group = value;

+ 	}

+ 	else if (strcmp(name, "even_deny_root") == 0) {

+ 		opts->flags |= FAILLOCK_FLAG_DENY_ROOT;

+ 	}

+ 	else if (strcmp(name, "audit") == 0) {

+ 		opts->flags |= FAILLOCK_FLAG_AUDIT;

+ 	}

+ 	else if (strcmp(name, "silent") == 0) {

+ 		opts->flags |= FAILLOCK_FLAG_SILENT;

+ 	}

+ 	else if (strcmp(name, "no_log_info") == 0) {

+ 		opts->flags |= FAILLOCK_FLAG_NO_LOG_INFO;

+ 	}

+ 	else {

+ 		pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_ERR, "Unknown option: %s", name);

+ 	}

+ }


  static int get_pam_user(pam_handle_t *pamh, struct options *opts)


  	const char *user;

Adds the capability for pam_faillock to read from /etc/security/faillock.conf (#1537242)

rebased onto f045e67

4 years ago

This is superfluous paragraph. Should not be there as it is in the pam_faillock manpage. On the other hand there should be a simple sentence saying something about the faillock.conf configuration file.

This section should not be here at all. Or there should be at most some reference to the pam_faillock page.

Again, this section is not needed or at most there should be example of the faillock.conf file and reference to the pam_faillock manpage.

I'd probably use something like: The support for faillock.conf was written by Brian Ward.

You should not drop the options from the manual page. At least not from here.

You can drop the option description from here and you can also write here something about using the options on module command line is not recommended and faillock.conf should be used instead.

Do not drop this paragraph from here. You can adjust it to mention faillock.conf. I.E. "...using the module in preauth without the silent option specified in faillock.conf or with....."

Please keep the support for the options on module command line. This is absolutely necessary for backwards compatibility.

rebased onto f020288

4 years ago

rebased onto 30135d3

4 years ago

1 new commit added

  • Add faillock.conf
4 years ago

@tmraz updated the PR with your suggestions. Also, added a commit that adds faillock.conf.

Copy & paste error from pwquality.conf documentation.

Better would be: "configure the default settings for locking the user after multiple failed authentication attempts."
Or something similar.

3 new commits added

  • Fix typos and update descriptions
  • Add faillock.conf
  • Adds the capability for pam_faillock to read from /etc/security/faillock.conf (#1537242)
4 years ago

Copy & paste error from pwquality.conf documentation.

sigh.... definitely was a brain copy/paste

Better would be: "configure the default settings for locking the user after multiple failed authentication attempts."

@tmraz this is definitely better. Fixed.

3 new commits added

  • Fix typos and update descriptions
  • Add faillock.conf
  • Adds the capability for pam_faillock to read from /etc/security/faillock.conf (#1537242)
4 years ago

A spurious character here?

Unfortunately yes. Fixed.

Pull-Request has been merged by tmraz

4 years ago