#941 Fix pagure.lib.git.get_revs_between
Merged 7 years ago by pingou. Opened 7 years ago by cverna.
cverna/pagure fix_get_revs  into  master

file modified
+6 -6
@@ -840,18 +840,18 @@ 




- def get_revs_between(torev, fromrev, abspath, forced=False):

+ def get_revs_between(oldrev, newrev, abspath, forced=False):

      """ Yield revisions between HEAD and BASE. """


-     cmd = ['rev-list', '%s...%s' % (torev, fromrev)]

+     cmd = ['rev-list', '%s...%s' % (oldrev, newrev)]

      if forced:

          head = get_default_branch(abspath)

          cmd.append('^%s' % head)

-     if set(fromrev) == set('0'):

-         cmd = ['rev-list', '%s' % torev]

-     elif set(torev) == set('0') or set(torev) == set('^0'):

+     if set(oldrev) == set('0'):

+         cmd = ['rev-list', '%s' % newrev]

+     elif set(newrev) == set('0') or set(newrev) == set('^0'):

          head = get_default_branch(abspath)

-         cmd = ['rev-list', '%s' % fromrev, '^%s' % head]

+         cmd = ['rev-list', '%s' % oldrev, '^%s' % head]

      return pagure.lib.git.read_git_lines(cmd, abspath)



file modified
+52 -4
@@ -16,9 +16,10 @@ 

  import shutil

  import sys

  import os


+ import tempfile

  import pygit2

  from mock import patch

+ from pagure.lib.repo import PagureRepo


  sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(

      os.path.abspath(__file__)), '..'))
@@ -1253,17 +1254,64 @@ 

          output = pagure.lib.git.read_git_lines(

              ['log', '-3', "--pretty='%H'"], gitrepo)

          self.assertEqual(len(output), 2)

-         to_hash = output[0].replace("'", '')

          from_hash = output[1].replace("'", '')


+         # Case 1, repo BASE is null and HEAD is equal to from_hash

+         to_hash = '0'

          output1 = pagure.lib.git.get_revs_between(

              to_hash, from_hash, gitrepo)

-         self.assertEqual(output1, [to_hash])

+         self.assertEqual(output1, [from_hash])


+         # Case 2, get revs between two commits (to_hash, from_hash)

+         to_hash = output[0].replace("'", '')

          output2 = pagure.lib.git.get_revs_between(

-             from_hash, to_hash, gitrepo)

+             to_hash, from_hash, gitrepo)

          self.assertEqual(output2, [to_hash])


+         # Case 3, get revs between two commits (from_hash, to_hash)

+         output3 = pagure.lib.git.get_revs_between(

+             from_hash, to_hash, gitrepo)

+         self.assertEqual(output3, [to_hash])


+         # Case 4, get revs between two commits on two different branches

+         newgitrepo = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='pagure-')

+         newrepo = pygit2.clone_repository(gitrepo, newgitrepo)

+         newrepo.create_branch('feature', newrepo.head.get_object())


+         with open(os.path.join(newgitrepo, 'sources'), 'w') as stream:

+             stream.write('foo\n bar')

+         newrepo.index.add('sources')

+         newrepo.index.write()


+         # Commits the files added

+         tree = newrepo.index.write_tree()

+         author = pygit2.Signature(

+             'Alice Author', 'alice@authors.tld')

+         committer = pygit2.Signature(

+             'Cecil Committer', 'cecil@committers.tld')

+         newrepo.create_commit(

+             'refs/heads/feature',  # the name of the reference to update

+             author,

+             committer,

+             'Add sources file for testing',

+             # binary string representing the tree object ID

+             tree,

+             # list of binary strings representing parents of the new commit

+             [to_hash]

+         )

+         branch_commit = newrepo.revparse_single('refs/heads/feature')


+         # Push to origin

+         ori_remote = newrepo.remotes[0]

+         PagureRepo.push(ori_remote, 'refs/heads/feature')


+         # Remove the clone

+         shutil.rmtree(newgitrepo)


+         output4 = pagure.lib.git.get_revs_between(

+             'feature', '0', gitrepo)

+         self.assertEqual(output4, [branch_commit.oid.hex])


      def test_get_author(self):

          """ Test the get_author method of pagure.lib.git. """


get_revs_between method returns an empty list, when you want to get the revision between a commit and the base of the repo.

Should we document # Case 3?

3 new commits added

  • Added test case for repo BASE is null
  • Switched newrev and oldrev in logic in order to fix
  • rename get_revs_between arguments
7 years ago

I had a look at adding test of get_revs_between for forced push and new branches, but it seems to be quite an effort. (at least for me :sweat_smile: )

I wonder if we should merge this PR and open a ticket to enhance the test later, or maybe it does not worth the effort to test these 2 cases.

The current test suite doesn't not cover the forced push and new branches cases.

The new branch case shouldn't be too hard no?

  • Add two comments on master
  • Add a comment in a new branch

Otherwise, we'll need to rebase before we merge :)


7 years ago

New branch test case added.

Could we keep these comments? There are most helpful to help fixing the tests when we change the JSON format (new info added most often).

Is it two commits on a new branch or two commits in two different branches?

Couple of comments, otherwise looks good :)

4 new commits added

  • Add test case for get revs between 2 branches
  • Added test case for repo BASE is null
  • Switched newrev and oldrev in logic in order to fix
  • rename get_revs_between arguments
7 years ago

I have added back the print statement and updated the comment :wink:

Pull-Request has been merged by pingou

7 years ago