#810 Improve pagure's documentation
Merged 8 years ago by pingou. Opened 8 years ago by pingou.

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+ First Steps on pagure

+ =====================


+ When coming to pagure for the first time there are a few things one should

+ do or check to ensure all works as desired.


+ Login to pagure or create your account

+ --------------------------------------


+ Pagure has its own user account system.


+ For instances of pagure such as the one at `pagure.io <https://pagure.io>`_

+ where the authentication is delegated to a third party (in the case of

+ pagure.io, the Fedora Account System) via OpenID, the local user account

+ is created upon login.


+ This means, you cannot be added to a group or a project before you login for

+ the first time as the system will simply not know you.


+ If you run your own pagure instance which uses the local authentication

+ system, then you will find on the login page an option to create a new

+ account.



+ Upload your SSH key

+ -------------------


+ Pagure uses gitolite to manage who has read/write access to which git

+ repository via `ssh <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_Shell>`_.


+ An ssh key is composed of two parts:


+ * a private key, which you must keep to yourself and never share with anyone.

+ * a public key, which is public and therefore can be shared with anyone.


+ If you have never generated a ssh key, you can do so by running:


+ ::


+     ssh-keygen


+ or alternatively on GNOME using the application ``seahorse``.


+ This will create two files in ``~/.ssh/`` (``~`` is the symbol for your home

+ folder).


+ These two files will be named (for example) ``id_rsa`` and ``id_rsa.pub``.

+ The first one is the private key that must never be shared. The second is

+ the public key that can be uploaded on pagure to give you ssh access.


+ To upload your public key onto pagure, login and click on the user icon on

+ the top right corner, there, select ``My settings``.


+ .. image:: _static/pagure_my_settings.png

+         :target: _static/pagure_my_settings.png



+ Configure the default email address

+ -----------------------------------


+ If the pagure instance you use is using local user authentication, then when

+ you created your account you could choose whichever email address you prefer

+ to use, but in the case (like pagure.io) where the pagure instance relies

+ on an external authentication service, the email address provided by this

+ service may be different from the one you prefer.


+ Your settings' page (cf the image above for how to access to the page) allow

+ you to add multiple email address and set one as default.


+ Your default email address is the address that will be used to send you

+ notifications and also as the email address in the git commit if you merge

+ a pull-request with a merge commit.


+ For online editing, when doing the commit, you will be presented with the

+ list of valid email addresses associated with your account and you will be

+ able to choose which one you wish to use.


+ .. note:: All email address will need to be confirmed to be activated, this

+           is done via a link sent by email to the address. If you do not

+           receive this link, don't forget to check your spam folder!

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+                                             Grants/Denies access

+                                                +------------+                           +-----------+

+                                                |            |                           |           |

+      User's git actions+---------------------->|  Gitolite  +-------------------------->+ Git repos |

+                                                |            |                           |           |

+                                                +-----+------+                           +-----------+

+                                                      ^

+                                                      |

+                                                      |

+                                                      +------------------------------------------+

+                                                                                                 |

+                                                                                                 |

+                                                 +-------------------------+                     |

+                          Notifications          |                         |                     |

+            +------------------------------------+  Postfix                |<--------------------------------+

+            |                                    |                         |                     |           |

+            |                                    |     +-------------------+                     |           |

+            |                                    |     |                   |                     |           |

+            v                                    |     |  Pagure's milter  |                     |           |

+     User's mail client                          |     |                   +--------------+      |           |

+            +                                    +-----+--------+----------+              |      |           |

+            |                                                   ^                 Updates |      |           |

+            |                                                   |                         |      |           |

+            |             Replies                               |                         |      |           |

+            +---------------------------------------------------+                         |      |           |

+                                                                                          |      |           |

+                                                                                          |      |           |

+                                                 +--------------+                         |      |           |

+                                                 |              |                         |      |           |

+                        +----------------------->|  Pagure      |                         v      |           |

+                        |                        |  Doc server  |                   +------------+-+         |

+                        |                        |              |                   |{s}           |         |

+                        |                        +--------------+          +------->|   Database   |         |

+                        |                                                  |        |              |         |

+    User's web browser--+ http requests                            Updates |        +--------------+         |

+         ^              |                                         & queries|                                 |

+         |              |                                                  |                                 |

+         |              |                        +--------------+          |                                 |

+         |              |                        |              +----------+---------------------------------+

+         |              +----------------------->|  Pagure      |

+         |                                       |  web server  +---+           +----------------------+               +----------------+

+         |                                       |              |   |           |                      |               |                |

+         |                                       +--------------+   |           |  Pagure              |               |   Third Party  |

+         |                                                          +---------->|  Web hooks' server   +-------------->|   Services     |

+         |                                                          |           |                      |               |                |

+         |                                                    redis |           +----------------------+               +----------------+

+         |                                                          |

+         |                                                          |           +----------------------+

+         |                                                          +---------->|                      |

+         |                                                                      |  Pagure              |

+         +----------------------------------------------------------------------+  EventSource server  |

+                                Server-Sent Event                               |                      |

+                                                                                +----------------------+

file modified
@@ -9,6 +9,20 @@ 

  .. contents::



+ Before going into the overall picture, one should realize that most of the

+ components listed above are optional.


+ Here is a diagram representing pagure without all the optionals components:


+ .. image:: _static/overview_simple.png

+         :target: _static/overview_simple.png



+ And here is a diagram of all the components together:


+ .. image:: _static/overview.png

+         :target: _static/overview.png


  Pagure core application


@@ -17,6 +31,18 @@ 

  This is the main application for the forge.



+ Gitolite

+ --------


+ Currently pagure uses `gitolite <http://gitolite.com/gitolite/index.html>`_

+ to grant or deny `ssh <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_Shell>`_ access

+ to the git repositories, in other words to grant or deny read and/or write

+ access to the git repositories.


+ Pagure supports cloning over both ssh and http, but writing can only be done

+ via ssh, through gitolite.



  Pagure doc server


@@ -56,3 +82,23 @@ 

  someone is viewing it. For example, while you are reading a ticket if someone

  comments on it, the comment will automatically show up on the page without

  the need for you to reload the entire page.


+ The flow is: the main pagure server does an action, sends a message over

+ redis, the eventsource server picks it up and send it to the browsers waiting

+ for it, then javascript code is executed to refresh the page based on the

+ information received.



+ Pagure web-hook Server

+ -------------------------


+ Sends notifications to third party services using POST http requests.


+ This is the second notifications system in pagure with `fedmsg <http://fedmsg.com/>`_.

+ These notifications are running on their own service to prevent blocking the

+ main web application in case the third part service is timing-out or just

+ being slow.


+ The flow is: the main pagure server does an action, sends a message over

+ redis, the web-hook server picks it up, build the query and performs the

+ POST request to the specified URLs.

@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ 


+                                       Grants/Denies access

+                                          +------------+                           +-----------+

+                                          |cfffca4     |                           |           |

+ User's git actions+--------------------->+  Gitolite  +-------------------------->+ Git repos |

+                                          |            |                           |           |

+                                          +------------+                           +-----------+

+                                                  ^

+                                                  |

+                                                  +-----------------------------+

+                                                                                |

+ User's mail client                                                             |

+        ^                                  +---------------+                    |

+        |             Notifications        |               |                    |

+        +----------------------------------+  Mail server  |                    |

+                                           |               |                    |

+                                           +---------------+                    |

+                                                  ^                             |

+                                                  |                             |

+                                                  |                             |

+                                           +--------------+   Updates    +--------------+

+                                           |              |  & queries   |{s}           |

+ User's web browser+---------------------->+  Pagure      +------------->|   Database   |

+                                           |  web server  |              |              |

+                                           |              |              +--------------+

+                                           +--------------+

@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ 

+ Customize the PR page

+ =====================


+ Pagure offers the possibility to customize the page that creates pull-request

+ to add your specific information, such as: please follow the XYZ coding style,

+ run the tests or whatever you wish to inform contributors when they open a

+ new pull-request.


+ The customization is done via a file in the git repository containing the

+ meta-data for the pull-requests. This file must be placed under a ``templates``

+ folder, be named ``contributing.md`` and can be formated as you wish using

+ markdown.



+ Example

+ -------


+ For a project named ``test`` on ``pagure.io``.


+ * First, clone the pull-request git repo [#f1]_ and move into it


+ ::


+     git clone ssh://git@pagure.org/requests/test.git

+     cd test


+ * Create the templates folder


+ ::


+     mkdir templates


+ * Create the customized PR info


+ ::


+     vim templates/contributing.md


+ And place in this file the following content:


+ ::


+     Contributing to test

+     ====================


+     When creating a pull-request against test, there are couple of items to do

+     that will speed up the review process:


+     * Ensure the unit-tests are all passing (cf the ``runtests.sh`` script at the

+       top level of the sources)

+     * Check if your changes are [pep8](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/)

+       compliant for this you can install ``python-pep8`` and run the ``pep8`` CLI

+       tool



+ * Commit and push the changes to the git repo


+ ::


+     git add templates

+     git commit -m "Customize the PR page"

+     git push



+ * And this is how it will look like


+ .. image:: _static/pagure_custom_pr.png

+         :target: _static/pagure_custom_pr.png




+ .. [#f1] All the URLs to the different git repositories can be found on the

+          main page of the project, on the right-side menu, under the section

+          ``Source GIT URLs``, click on ``more`` to see them.

@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ 

+ Templates for ticket input

+ ==========================


+ Pagure offers the possibility to add templates for ticket's input. These

+ templates do not enforce anything, users will have the possibility to simply

+ ignore it, or even to not follow it, but it also helps structuring the

+ ticket opened against a project and highlighting the information that are

+ often requested/needed.


+ The templates are provided in the git repository containing the meta-data

+ for the tickets.

+ They must be placed under a ``templates`` folder in this git repository,

+ end with ``.md``and as the extension suggests can be formated as markdown.


+ If you create a template ``templates/default.md``, it will be shown by

+ default when someone ask to create a new ticket.




+ Example

+ -------


+ For a project named ``test`` on ``pagure.io``.


+ * First, clone the ticket git repo [#f1]_ and move into it


+ ::


+     git clone ssh://git@pagure.io/tickets/pagure.git

+     cd test


+ * Create the templates folder


+ ::


+     mkdir templates


+ * Create a default template


+ ::


+     vim templates/default.md


+ And place in this file the following content:


+ ::


+     ##### Issue


+     ##### Steps to reproduce

+     1.

+     2.

+     3.


+     ##### Actual results


+     ##### Expected results


+ * Commit and push the changes to the git repo


+ ::


+     git add templates

+     git commit -m "Add a default template for tickets"

+     git push



+ * And this is how it will look like


+ .. image:: _static/pagure_ticket_template.png

+         :target: _static/pagure_ticket_template.png




+ .. [#f1] All the URLs to the different git repositories can be found on the

+          main page of the project, on the right-side menu, under the section

+          ``Source GIT URLs``, click on ``more`` to see them.

file modified
@@ -10,4 +10,7 @@ 

  .. toctree::

     :maxdepth: 2


+    first_steps

+    ticket_templates

+    pr_custom_page


no initial comment

Pull-Request has been rebased

8 years ago

Pull-Request has been rebased

8 years ago

s/for example/alternatively/

How do the services communicate with the main process? unix pipes? redis queues? smoke signals? carrier pigeons?

maybe s/to create/that creates/

s/are providing/are provided/ ?

Looks good overall. I left a couple comments, but :+1: nonetheless.

Pull-Request has been updated

8 years ago

I think I could address all the points you mentioned.

Let's merge and adjust again in the future if/when needed :)

Pull-Request has been merged by pingou

8 years ago