#5469 Remove gitolite support
Merged a month ago by ngompa. Opened a month ago by wombelix.

file modified
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ 

  Removed features (in 6.0):


  * repoSpanner, which was never completed and eventually abandoned.

+ * gitolite, ``pagure_authorized_keys`` is now the default auth backend.


  Configuration keys removed (in 6.0);

@@ -22,6 +23,19 @@ 










+ * GL_RC









  From 5.12 to 5.13

@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ 

+ """Drop project read_only column


+ Revision ID: 6a8ca213d503

+ Revises: 5df8314dfc13

+ Create Date: 2024-04-24 21:49:11.394451


+ """


+ from alembic import op

+ import sqlalchemy as sa



+ # revision identifiers, used by Alembic.

+ revision = '6a8ca213d503'

+ down_revision = '5df8314dfc13'



+ def upgrade():

+     op.drop_column('projects', 'read_only')



+ def downgrade():

+     op.add_column('projects', sa.Column('read_only', sa.Boolean(), default=True, nullable=False))

@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@ 

- # configuration variables for gitolite


- # This file is in perl syntax.  But you do NOT need to know perl to edit it --

- # just mind the commas, use single quotes unless you know what you're doing,

- # and make sure the brackets and braces stay matched up!


- # (Tip: perl allows a comma after the last item in a list also!)


- # HELP for commands can be had by running the command with "-h".


- # HELP for all the other FEATURES can be found in the documentation (look for

- # "list of non-core programs shipped with gitolite" in the master index) or

- # directly in the corresponding source file.


- %RC = (


-     # ------------------------------------------------------------------

-     GL_REPO_BASE                    => '/home/vagrant/pagure_data/repos',


-     # default umask gives you perms of '0700'; see the rc file docs for

-     # how/why you might change this

-     UMASK                           =>  0077,


-     # look for "git-config" in the documentation

-     GIT_CONFIG_KEYS                 =>  '',


-     # comment out if you don't need all the extra detail in the logfile

-     LOG_EXTRA                       =>  1,

-     # syslog options

-     # 1. leave this section as is for normal gitolite logging

-     # 2. uncomment this line to log only to syslog:

-     # LOG_DEST                      => 'syslog',

-     # 3. uncomment this line to log to syslog and the normal gitolite log:

-     # LOG_DEST                      => 'syslog,normal',


-     # roles.  add more roles (like MANAGER, TESTER, ...) here.

-     #   WARNING: if you make changes to this hash, you MUST run 'gitolite

-     #   compile' afterward, and possibly also 'gitolite trigger POST_COMPILE'

-     ROLES => {

-         READERS                     =>  1,

-         WRITERS                     =>  1,

-     },


-     # enable caching (currently only Redis).  PLEASE RTFM BEFORE USING!!!

-     # CACHE                         =>  'Redis',


-     # ------------------------------------------------------------------


-     # rc variables used by various features


-     # the 'info' command prints this as additional info, if it is set

-         # SITE_INFO                 =>  'Please see http://blahblah/gitolite for more help',


-     # the CpuTime feature uses these

-         # display user, system, and elapsed times to user after each git operation

-         # DISPLAY_CPU_TIME          =>  1,

-         # display a warning if total CPU times (u, s, cu, cs) crosses this limit

-         # CPU_TIME_WARN_LIMIT       =>  0.1,


-     # the Mirroring feature needs this

-         # HOSTNAME                  =>  "foo",



-         # CACHE_TTL                 =>  600,


-     # ------------------------------------------------------------------


-     # suggested locations for site-local gitolite code (see cust.html)


-         # this one is managed directly on the server

-         # LOCAL_CODE                =>  "$ENV{HOME}/local",


-         # or you can use this, which lets you put everything in a subdirectory

-         # called "local" in your gitolite-admin repo.  For a SECURITY WARNING

-         # on this, see http://gitolite.com/gitolite/non-core.html#pushcode

-         # LOCAL_CODE                =>  "$rc{GL_ADMIN_BASE}/local",


-     # ------------------------------------------------------------------


-     # List of commands and features to enable


-     ENABLE => [


-         # COMMANDS


-             # These are the commands enabled by default

-             'help',

-             'desc',

-             'info',

-             'perms',

-             'writable',


-             # Uncomment or add new commands here.

-             # 'create',

-             # 'fork',

-             # 'mirror',

-             # 'readme',

-             # 'sskm',

-             # 'D',


-         # These FEATURES are enabled by default.


-             # essential (unless you're using smart-http mode)

-             'ssh-authkeys',


-             # creates git-config enties from gitolite.conf file entries like 'config foo.bar = baz'

-             'git-config',


-             # creates git-daemon-export-ok files; if you don't use git-daemon, comment this out

-             'daemon',


-             # creates projects.list file; if you don't use gitweb, comment this out

-             #'gitweb',


-         # These FEATURES are disabled by default; uncomment to enable.  If you

-         # need to add new ones, ask on the mailing list :-)


-         # user-visible behaviour


-             # prevent wild repos auto-create on fetch/clone

-             # 'no-create-on-read',

-             # no auto-create at all (don't forget to enable the 'create' command!)

-             # 'no-auto-create',


-             # access a repo by another (possibly legacy) name

-             # 'Alias',


-             # give some users direct shell access.  See documentation in

-             # sts.html for details on the following two choices.

-             # "Shell $ENV{HOME}/.gitolite.shell-users",

-             # 'Shell alice bob',


-             # set default roles from lines like 'option default.roles-1 = ...', etc.

-             # 'set-default-roles',


-             # show more detailed messages on deny

-             # 'expand-deny-messages',


-             # show a message of the day

-             # 'Motd',


-         # system admin stuff


-             # enable mirroring (don't forget to set the HOSTNAME too!)

-             # 'Mirroring',


-             # allow people to submit pub files with more than one key in them

-             # 'ssh-authkeys-split',


-             # selective read control hack

-             # 'partial-copy',


-             # manage local, gitolite-controlled, copies of read-only upstream repos

-             # 'upstream',


-             # updates 'description' file instead of 'gitweb.description' config item

-             # 'cgit',


-             # allow repo-specific hooks to be added

-             # 'repo-specific-hooks',


-         # performance, logging, monitoring...


-             # be nice

-             # 'renice 10',


-             # log CPU times (user, system, cumulative user, cumulative system)

-             # 'CpuTime',


-         # syntactic_sugar for gitolite.conf and included files


-             # allow backslash-escaped continuation lines in gitolite.conf

-             # 'continuation-lines',


-             # create implicit user groups from directory names in keydir/

-             # 'keysubdirs-as-groups',


-             # allow simple line-oriented macros

-             # 'macros',


-         # Kindergarten mode


-             # disallow various things that sensible people shouldn't be doing anyway

-             # 'Kindergarten',

-     ],


- );


- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- # per perl rules, this should be the last line in such a file:

- 1;


- # Local variables:

- # mode: perl

- # End:

- # vim: set syn=perl:

@@ -199,6 +199,5 @@ 







@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ 

- ---


- - name: Install gitolite3

-   dnf:

-     name:

-       - gitolite3

-     state: present


- - name: Install gitolite.rc to ~/.gitolite.rc

-   become_user: "{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}"

-   copy:

-     src: gitolite3.rc

-     dest: /home/{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}/.gitolite.rc


- - name: Create a key for gitolite

-   become_user: "{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}"

-   command: ssh-keygen -f gitolite_rsa -t rsa -N ''

-   args:

-     chdir: /home/{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}

-     creates: /home/{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}/gitolite_rsa.pub


- - name: Setup gitolite

-   become_user: "{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}"

-   command: gitolite setup -pk gitolite_rsa.pub

-   args:

-     chdir: /home/{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}

@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ 


  - import_tasks: clamav.yml

  - import_tasks: eventsource.yml

- #- include: gitolite.yml

  - import_tasks: milter.yml

  - import_tasks: postgres.yml


file modified
+4 -221
@@ -140,10 +140,6 @@ 

    (if ``ENABLE_TICKETS`` is ``True``)

  * a repo with metadata of pull requests opened against the project


- Note that gitolite config value ``GL_REPO_BASE`` (if using gitolite 3)

- or ``$REPO_BASE`` (if using gitolite 2) **must** have exactly the same

- value as ``GIT_FOLDER``.




@@ -243,24 +239,14 @@ 


  This configuration key allows specifying which git auth backend to use.


- Git auth backends can either be static (like gitolite), where a file is

- generated when something changed and then used on login, or dynamic,

- where the actual ACLs are checked in a git hook before being applied.


  By default pagure provides the following backends:


  - `test_auth`: simple debugging backend printing and returning the string ``Called GitAuthTestHelper.generate_acls()``

- - `gitolite2`: allows deploying pagure on the top of gitolite 2

- - `gitolite3`: allows deploying pagure on the top of gitolite 3

  - `pagure`: Pagure git auth implementation (using keyhelper.py and aclchecker.py) that is used via sshd AuthorizedKeysCommand

  - `pagure_authorized_keys`: Pagure git auth implementation that writes to authorized_keys file


  Defaults to: ``pagure_authorized_keys``


- .. note:: The option GITOLITE_BACKEND is the legacy name, and for backwards compatibility reasons will override this setting


- .. note:: These options can be expended, cf :ref:`custom-gitolite`.



  Configure Pagure Auth

@@ -290,8 +276,6 @@ 


      GIT_AUTH_BACKEND = "pagure"






      SSH_COMMAND = ([
@@ -327,150 +311,12 @@ 


      GIT_AUTH_BACKEND = "pagure_authorized_keys"




      SSH_COMMAND = ([



      ], {"GL_USER": "%(username)s"})



- Configure Gitolite

- ------------------


- Pagure can use `gitolite <http://gitolite.com/>`_ as an authorization layer.

- Gitolite relies on `SSH <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_Shell>`_ for

- the authentication. In other words, SSH lets you in and gitolite checks if

- you are allowed to do what you are trying to do once you are inside.


- Pagure supports both gitolite 2 and gitolite 3 and the code generating

- the gitolite configuration can be customized for easier integration with

- other systems (cf :ref:`custom-gitolite`).


- Using Gitolite also requires setting the following in ``pagure.cfg``:


- ::


-     HTTP_REPO_ACCESS_GITOLITE = "/usr/share/gitolite3/gitolite-shell"


-     SSH_COMMAND = (

-         [

-             "/usr/share/gitolite3/gitolite-shell",

-             "%(username)s",

-             "%(cmd)s",

-             "%(reponame)s",

-         ],

-         {},

-     )



- This ensures that the Gitolite environment is used for interacting with

- Git repositories. Further customizations are listed below.



- **gitolite 2 and 3**

- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^


- This configuration key points to the home directory of the user under which

- gitolite is ran.




- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


- This configuration key points to the folder where gitolite stores and accesses

- the public SSH keys of all the user have access to the server.


- Since pagure is the user interface, it is pagure that writes down the files

- in this directory, effectively setting up the users to be able to use gitolite.




- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


- This configuration key points to the gitolite.conf file where pagure writes

- the gitolite repository access configuration.




- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


- This configuration is useful for large pagure deployment where recompiling

- the gitolite config file can take a long time. By default the compilation

- of gitolite's configuration file is done by the pagure_worker, which spawns

- by default 4 concurrent workers. If it takes a while to recompile the

- gitolite configuration file, these workers may be stepping on each others'

- toes.

- In this situation, this configuration key allows you to direct the messages

- asking for the gitolite configuration file to be compiled to a different

- queue which can then be handled by a different service/worker.


- Pagure provides a ``pagure_gitolite_worker.service`` systemd service file

- pre-configured to handles these messages if this configuration key is set

- to ``gitolite_queue``.



- **gitolite 2 only**

- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



- ^^^^^


- This configuration key points to the file ``gitolite.rc`` used by gitolite

- to record who has access to what (ie: who has access to which repo/branch).




- ^^^^^^^^^


- This configuration key indicates the folder in which the gitolite tools can

- be found. It can be as simple as ``/usr/bin/`` if the tools have been installed

- using a package manager or something like ``/opt/bin/`` for a more custom

- install.



- **gitolite 3 only**

- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


- By setting this configuration key to ``True``, you can turn on using the

- gitolite ``compile-1`` binary. This speeds up gitolite task when it recompiles

- configuration after new project is created. In order to use this, you need to

- have the ``compile-1`` gitolite command.


- There are two ways to have it,


- #. You distribution already has the file installed for you and you can then

-    just use it.

- #. You need to download and install it yourself. We are describing what

-    needs to be done for this here below.


- Installing the ``compile-1`` command:


- * You also have to make sure that your distribution of gitolite contains

-   `patch <https://github.com/sitaramc/gitolite/commit/c4b6521a4b82e639f6ed776abad79c>`_

-   which makes gitolite respect ``ALLOW_ORPHAN_GL_CONF`` configuration variable,

-   if this patch isn't already present, you will have to make the change yourself.

- * In your ``gitolite.rc`` set ``ALLOW_ORPHAN_GL_CONF`` to ``1`` (you may

-   have to add it yourself).

- * Still in your ``gitolite.rc`` file, uncomment ``LOCAL_CODE`` file and set

-   it to a full path of a directory that you choose (for example

-   ``/usr/local/share/gitolite3``).

- * Create a subdirectory ``commands`` under the path you picked for ``LOCAL_CODE``

-   (in our example, you will need to do: ``mkdir -p /usr/local/share/gitolite3/commands``)

- * Finally, install the ``compile-1`` command in this ``commands`` subdirectory

-   If your installation doesn't ship this file, you can `download it

-   <https://github.com/sitaramc/gitolite/blob/master/contrib/commands/compile-1>`_.

-   (Ensure the file is executable, otherwise gitolite will not find it)


- Defaults to: ``False``



  EventSource options


@@ -546,7 +392,7 @@ 


  List of groups, either local or remote (if the openid server used supports the

  group extension), that are the site admins. These admins can regenerate the

- gitolite configuration, the ssh key files, and the hook-token for every project

+ ssh key files, and the hook-token for every project

  as well as manage users and groups.


@@ -1363,8 +1209,7 @@ 


  This configuration keys enables or disables allowing users to delete git

  branches from the user interface. In sensible pagure instance you may

- want to turn this off and with a customized gitolite configuration you can

- prevent users from deleting branches in their git repositories.

+ want to turn this off.


  Defaults to: ``True``.

@@ -1658,38 +1503,6 @@ 

    any project on this pagure instance.




- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


- This configuration key allows you to include some content at the *top* of

- the gitolite configuration file (such as some specific group definition),

- thus allowing to customize the gitolite configuration file with elements

- and information that are outside of pagure's control.


- This can be used in combination with ``GITOLITE_POST_CONFIG`` to further

- customize gitolite's configuration file. It can also be used with

- ``EXTERNAL_COMMITTER`` to give commit access to git repos based on external

- information.


- Defaults to: ``None``




- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


- This configuration key allows you to include some content at the *end* of

- the gitolite configuration file (such as some project definition or access),

- thus allowing to customize the gitolite configuration file with elements

- and information that are outside of pagure's control.


- This can be used in combination with ``GITOLITE_PRE_CONFIG`` to further

- customize gitolite's configuration file. It can also be used with

- ``EXTERNAL_COMMITTER`` to give commit access to git repos based on external

- information.


- Defaults to: ``None``





@@ -1865,17 +1678,6 @@ 

  Defaults to: ``False``




- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


- This configuration key configures the path to the gitolite-shell binary.

- If this is set to None, Git http-backend is used directly.

- Only set this to ``None`` if you intend to provide HTTP push access via Pagure, and

- are using a dynamic ACL backend.


- Defaults to: ``/usr/share/gitolite3/gitolite-shell``





@@ -2171,23 +1973,11 @@ 

  2.10 of pagure.




- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


- This configuration key specifies which version of gitolite you are

- using, it can be either ``2`` or ``3``.


- Defaults to: ``3``.


- This has been replaced by `GITOLITE_BACKEND` in the release 3.0 of pagure.






- These configuration values were removed. It has been found out that

- due to how Pagure writes repo names in the gitolite configuration file,

- these must have fixed paths relative to `GIT_FOLDER`. Specifically, they

+ These configuration values were removed. These must have

+ fixed paths relative to `GIT_FOLDER`. Specifically, they

  must occupy subdirectories `docs`, `requests` and `tickets` under `GIT_FOLDER`.

  They are now computed automatically based on value of `GIT_FOLDER`.

  Usage of docs and tickets can be triggered by setting `ENABLE_DOCS` and
@@ -2243,13 +2033,6 @@ 

  documentation <https://docs.pagure.org/pagure/usage/theming.html>`_




- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


- This configuration key allowed specifying the gitolite backend.

- This has now been replaced by GIT_AUTH_BACKEND, please see that option

- for information on valid values.





@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ 

- .. _custom-gitolite:


- Customize the gitolite configuration

- ====================================


- Pagure provides a mechanism to allow customizing the creation and

- compilation of the configuration file of gitolite.


- To customize the gitolite configuration file, we invite you to look at the

- `sources of the module pagure.lib.git_auth

- <https://pagure.io/pagure/blob/master/f/pagure/lib/git_auth.py>`_.


- As you can see it defines the following class::


-     class GitAuthHelper(object):


-         __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta


-         @staticmethod

-         @abc.abstractmethod

-         def generate_acls():

-             pass


-         @classmethod

-         @abc.abstractmethod

-         def remove_acls(self, session, project):

-             pass


- This will be the class you will have to inherit from in order to inject your

- own code.

- You will then declare an entry point in your `setup.py` following this

- template::


-     entry_points="""

-     [pagure.git_auth.helpers]

-     my_git_auth = my_pagure.my_module:MyGitAuthTestHelper

-     """


- Then you can adjust pagure's configuration file to say::


-     GITOLITE_BACKEND = 'my_git_auth'

file modified
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ 




-    custom_gitolite_conf




file modified
+2 -1
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ 

                                           Grants/Denies access                                         |                                    |

                                              +------------+                           +-----------+    |    +----------------------+        |

                                              |            |                           |           |    |    |                      |        |

-   User's git actions +--------------------->+  Gitolite  +-------------------------->+ Git repos +----+--->+  pagure logcom       |        |

+   User's git actions +--------------------->+  pagure    +-------------------------->+ Git repos +----+--->+  pagure logcom       |        |

+                                             |  auth keys |                           |           |         |                      |

                                              |            |                           |           |         |                      |        |

                                              +-----+------+                           +---------+-+         +----------------+-----+        |

                                                    ^                                            ^                            |              |

file modified
+2 -14
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ 

  Pagure core application



- The core application is the flask application interacting with gitolite to

- provide a web UI to the git repositories as well as tickets and pull-requests.

+ The core application is the flask application and provide a web UI to

+ the git repositories as well as tickets and pull-requests.

  This is the main application for the forge.


@@ -47,18 +47,6 @@ 

  <http://www.celeryproject.org/>`_ could be used instead.



- Gitolite

- --------


- Currently pagure uses `gitolite <http://gitolite.com/gitolite/index.html>`_

- to grant or deny `ssh <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_Shell>`_ access

- to the git repositories, in other words to grant or deny read and/or write

- access to the git repositories.


- Pagure supports cloning over both ssh and http, but writing can only be done

- via ssh, through gitolite.



  Pagure doc server



file modified
+2 -1
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ 

                                        Grants/Denies access

                                           +------------+                           +-----------+

                                           |cfffca4     |                           |           |

- User's git actions+--------------------->+  Gitolite  +-------------------------->+ Git repos |

+ User's git actions+--------------------->+  pagure    +-------------------------->+ Git repos |

+                                          |  auth keys |                           |           |

                                           |            |                           |           |

                                           +------------+                           +-----------+

                                                   ^                                          ^

@@ -29,9 +29,6 @@ 

  Upload your SSH key



- Pagure uses gitolite to manage who has read/write access to which git

- repository via `ssh <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_Shell>`_.


  An ssh key is composed of two parts:


  * a private key, which you must keep to yourself and never share with anyone.

file modified
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ 




-    read_only




file removed
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ 

- Understanding Read Only Mode of projects

- =========================================


- If a project is in Read Only Mode, the users of the project may not be

- able to modify the git repository of the project. Let's say you forked

- a project, then the forked project goes into a read only mode. You won't

- be able to modify the git repository of the forked project in that mode.

- After the read only mode is gone, you can begin to use the git repository

- again. Let's say you decide to add another user to your fork, this time

- the project will go in read only mode again but, you still will be able

- to use the git repository while the new user will have to wait for read

- only mode to get over. This is also true when you remove a user from your

- project. The removed user can still access the project's git repository,

- given that he had at least commit access, until the read only mode is over.


- In Pagure, we use gitolite for Access Control Lists when using SSH.

- Modifying gitolite may be a time taking task (depending on number of projects

- hosted on the pagure instance) that's why Pagure does it outside of HTTP

- Request-Response Cycle.


- Whenever you fork a project or add/remove a new user/group to project,

- gitolite needs to be refreshed in order to put those changes in effect

- for ssh based git usage.



- Actions that put the project in read only mode

- ----------------------------------------------


- All the actions that needs gitolite to be compiled, will bring the

- project in read only mode.


- * Creating/Forking a project. (only the fork will be in read only mode)

- * Adding/Removing a user/group from a project.

file removed
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@ 

- # paths and configuration variables for gitolite


- # please read comments before editing


- # this file is meant to be pulled into a perl program using "do" or "require".


- # You do NOT need to know perl to edit the paths; it should be fairly

- # self-explanatory and easy to maintain perl syntax :-)


- # --------------------------------------

- # Do not uncomment these values unless you know what you're doing

- # $GL_PACKAGE_CONF = "";



- # --------------------------------------


- # --------------------------------------


- # this is where the repos go.  If you provide a relative path (not starting

- # with "/"), it's relative to your $HOME.  You may want to put in something

- # like "/bigdisk" or whatever if your $HOME is too small for the repos, for

- # example


- $REPO_BASE="/path/to/git/repositories/";


- # the default umask for repositories is 0077; change this if you run stuff

- # like gitweb and find it can't read the repos.  Please note the syntax;  the

- # leading 0 is required


- $REPO_UMASK = 0002;

- # $REPO_UMASK = 0027;       # gets you 'rwxr-x---'

- # $REPO_UMASK = 0022;       # gets you 'rwxr-xr-x'


- # part of the setup of gitweb is a variable called $projects_list (please see

- # gitweb documentation for more on this).  Set this to the same value:


- $PROJECTS_LIST = $ENV{HOME} . "/projects.list";


- # --------------------------------------


- # I see no reason anyone may want to change the gitolite admin directory, but

- # feel free to do so.  However, please note that it *must* be an *absolute*

- # path (i.e., starting with a "/" character)


- # gitolite admin directory, files, etc


- $GL_ADMINDIR="/etc/gitolite";


- # --------------------------------------


- # templates for location of the log files and format of their names


- # I prefer this template (note the %y and %m placeholders)

- # it produces files like `~/.gitolite/logs/gitolite-2009-09.log`


- $GL_LOGT="/var/log/gitolite/gitolite-%y-%m.log";


- # other choices are below, or you can make your own -- but PLEASE MAKE SURE

- # the directory exists and is writable; gitolite won't do that for you (unless

- # it is the default, which is "$GL_ADMINDIR/logs")


- # $GL_LOGT="$GL_ADMINDIR/logs/gitolite-%y-%m-%d.log";

- # $GL_LOGT="$GL_ADMINDIR/logs/gitolite-%y.log";


- # --------------------------------------


- # Please DO NOT change these three paths


- $GL_CONF="$GL_ADMINDIR/conf/gitolite.conf";


- $GL_CONF_COMPILED="$GL_ADMINDIR/conf/gitolite.conf-compiled.pm";


- # --------------------------------------


- # if git on your server is on a standard path (that is

- #       ssh git@server git --version

- # works), leave this setting as is.  Otherwise, choose one of the

- # alternatives, or write your own


- $GIT_PATH="";

- # $GIT_PATH="/opt/bin/";


- # --------------------------------------


- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

- #                   BIG CONFIG SETTINGS


- # Please read doc/big-config.mkd for details








- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------


- #

- #       Settings below this point may have security implications.  That

- #       usually means that I have not thought hard enough about all the

- #       possible ways to crack security if these settings are enabled.


- #       Please see details on each setting for specifics, if any.

- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------




- # --------------------------------------


- #

- # Gitolite allows you to set git repo options using the "config" keyword; see

- # conf/example.conf for details and syntax.

- #

- # However, if you are in an installation where the repo admin does not (and

- # should not) have shell access to the server, then allowing him to set

- # arbitrary repo config options *may* be a security risk -- some config

- # settings may allow executing arbitrary commands.

- #

- # You have 3 choices.  By default $GL_GITCONFIG_KEYS is left empty, which

- # completely disables this feature (meaning you cannot set git configs from

- # the repo config).




- # The second choice is to give it a space separated list of settings you

- # consider safe.  (These are actually treated as a set of regular expression

- # patterns, and any one of them must match).  For example:

- # $GL_GITCONFIG_KEYS = "core\.logAllRefUpdates core\..*compression";

- # allows repo admins to set one of those 3 config keys (yes, that second

- # pattern matches two settings from "man git-config", if you look)

- #

- # The third choice (which you may have guessed already if you're familiar with

- # regular expressions) is to allow anything and everything:

- # $GL_GITCONFIG_KEYS = ".*";


- # --------------------------------------



- # security note: runs an external command (htpasswd) with specific arguments,

- # including a user-chosen "password".


- # if you want to enable the "htpasswd" command, give this the absolute path to

- # whatever file apache (etc) expect to find the passwords in.




- # Look in doc/3 ("easier to link gitweb authorisation with gitolite" section)

- # for more details on using this feature.


- # --------------------------------------



- # security note: runs an external command (rsync) with specific arguments, all

- # presumably filled in correctly by the client-side rsync.


- # base path of all the files that are accessible via rsync.  Must be an

- # absolute path.  Leave it undefined or set to the empty string to disable the

- # rsync helper.


- $RSYNC_BASE = "";


- # $RSYNC_BASE = "/home/git/up-down";

- # $RSYNC_BASE = "/tmp/up-down";


- # --------------------------------------



- # security note: runs an external command (svnserve) with specific arguments,

- # as specified below. %u is substituted with the username.


- # This setting allows launching svnserve when requested by the ssh client.

- # This allows using the same SSH setup (hostname/username/public key) for both

- # SVN and git access. Leave it undefined or set to the empty string to disable

- # svnserve access.


- $SVNSERVE = "";

- # $SVNSERVE = "/usr/bin/svnserve -r /var/svn/ -t --tunnel-user=%u";


- # --------------------------------------



- # security note: this used to in a separate "wildrepos" branch.  You can

- # create repositories based on wild cards, give "ownership" to the specific

- # user who created it, allow him/her to hand out R and RW permissions to other

- # users to collaborate, etc.  This is powerful stuff, and I've made it as

- # secure as I can, but it hasn't had the kind of rigorous line-by-line

- # analysis that the old "master" branch had.


- # This has now been rolled into master, with all the functionality gated by

- # this variable.  Set this to 1 if you want to enable the wildrepos features.

- # Please see doc/4-wildcard-repositories.mkd for details.




- # --------------------------------------



- # If set, this value will be used as the default user-level permission rule of

- # new wildcard repositories. The user can change this value with the setperms command

- # as desired after repository creation; it is only a default. Note that @all can be

- # used here but is special; no other groups can be used in user-level permissions.


- # $GL_WILDREPOS_DEFPERMS = 'R = @all';


- # --------------------------------------



- # by default, the update hook in every repo chains to "update.secondary".

- # Similarly, the post-update hook in the admin repo chains to

- # "post-update.secondary".  If you're fine with the defaults, there's no need

- # to do anything here.  However, if you want to use different names or paths,

- # change these variables


- # $UPDATE_CHAINS_TO = "hooks/update.secondary";

- # $ADMIN_POST_UPDATE_CHAINS_TO = "hooks/post-update.secondary";


- # --------------------------------------



- # WARNING: Use this feature only if (a) you really really know what you're

- # doing or (b) you really don't care too much about security.  Please read

- # doc/admin-defined-commands.mkd for details.


- # $GL_ADC_PATH = "";


- # --------------------------------------

- # per perl rules, this should be the last line in such a file:

- 1;


- # Local variables:

- # mode: perl

- # End:

- # vim: set syn=perl:

file removed
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@ 

- # configuration variables for gitolite


- # This file is in perl syntax.  But you do NOT need to know perl to edit it --

- # just mind the commas, use single quotes unless you know what you're doing,

- # and make sure the brackets and braces stay matched up!


- # (Tip: perl allows a comma after the last item in a list also!)


- # HELP for commands can be had by running the command with "-h".


- # HELP for all the other FEATURES can be found in the documentation (look for

- # "list of non-core programs shipped with gitolite" in the master index) or

- # directly in the corresponding source file.


- %RC = (


-     # ------------------------------------------------------------------


-     GL_REPO_BASE                    => '/path/to/git/repositories',


-     # default umask gives you perms of '0700'; see the rc file docs for

-     # how/why you might change this

-     UMASK                           =>  0077,


-     # look for "git-config" in the documentation

-     GIT_CONFIG_KEYS                 =>  '',


-     # comment out if you don't need all the extra detail in the logfile

-     LOG_EXTRA                       =>  1,

-     # syslog options

-     # 1. leave this section as is for normal gitolite logging

-     # 2. uncomment this line to log only to syslog:

-     # LOG_DEST                      => 'syslog',

-     # 3. uncomment this line to log to syslog and the normal gitolite log:

-     # LOG_DEST                      => 'syslog,normal',


-     # roles.  add more roles (like MANAGER, TESTER, ...) here.

-     #   WARNING: if you make changes to this hash, you MUST run 'gitolite

-     #   compile' afterward, and possibly also 'gitolite trigger POST_COMPILE'

-     ROLES => {

-         READERS                     =>  1,

-         WRITERS                     =>  1,

-     },


-     # enable caching (currently only Redis).  PLEASE RTFM BEFORE USING!!!

-     # CACHE                         =>  'Redis',


-     # ------------------------------------------------------------------


-     # rc variables used by various features


-     # the 'info' command prints this as additional info, if it is set

-         # SITE_INFO                 =>  'Please see http://blahblah/gitolite for more help',


-     # the CpuTime feature uses these

-         # display user, system, and elapsed times to user after each git operation

-         # DISPLAY_CPU_TIME          =>  1,

-         # display a warning if total CPU times (u, s, cu, cs) crosses this limit

-         # CPU_TIME_WARN_LIMIT       =>  0.1,


-     # the Mirroring feature needs this

-         # HOSTNAME                  =>  "foo",



-         # CACHE_TTL                 =>  600,


-     # ------------------------------------------------------------------


-     # suggested locations for site-local gitolite code (see cust.html)


-         # this one is managed directly on the server

-         # LOCAL_CODE                =>  "$ENV{HOME}/local",


-         # or you can use this, which lets you put everything in a subdirectory

-         # called "local" in your gitolite-admin repo.  For a SECURITY WARNING

-         # on this, see http://gitolite.com/gitolite/non-core.html#pushcode

-         # LOCAL_CODE                =>  "$rc{GL_ADMIN_BASE}/local",


-     # ------------------------------------------------------------------


-     # List of commands and features to enable


-     ENABLE => [


-         # COMMANDS


-             # These are the commands enabled by default

-             'help',

-             'desc',

-             'info',

-             'perms',

-             'writable',


-             # Uncomment or add new commands here.

-             # 'create',

-             # 'fork',

-             # 'mirror',

-             # 'readme',

-             # 'sskm',

-             # 'D',


-         # These FEATURES are enabled by default.


-             # essential (unless you're using smart-http mode)

-             'ssh-authkeys',


-             # creates git-config enties from gitolite.conf file entries like 'config foo.bar = baz'

-             'git-config',


-             # creates git-daemon-export-ok files; if you don't use git-daemon, comment this out

-             'daemon',


-             # creates projects.list file; if you don't use gitweb, comment this out

-             #'gitweb',


-         # These FEATURES are disabled by default; uncomment to enable.  If you

-         # need to add new ones, ask on the mailing list :-)


-         # user-visible behaviour


-             # prevent wild repos auto-create on fetch/clone

-             # 'no-create-on-read',

-             # no auto-create at all (don't forget to enable the 'create' command!)

-             # 'no-auto-create',


-             # access a repo by another (possibly legacy) name

-             # 'Alias',


-             # give some users direct shell access.  See documentation in

-             # sts.html for details on the following two choices.

-             # "Shell $ENV{HOME}/.gitolite.shell-users",

-             # 'Shell alice bob',


-             # set default roles from lines like 'option default.roles-1 = ...', etc.

-             # 'set-default-roles',


-             # show more detailed messages on deny

-             # 'expand-deny-messages',


-             # show a message of the day

-             # 'Motd',


-         # system admin stuff


-             # enable mirroring (don't forget to set the HOSTNAME too!)

-             # 'Mirroring',


-             # allow people to submit pub files with more than one key in them

-             # 'ssh-authkeys-split',


-             # selective read control hack

-             # 'partial-copy',


-             # manage local, gitolite-controlled, copies of read-only upstream repos

-             # 'upstream',


-             # updates 'description' file instead of 'gitweb.description' config item

-             # 'cgit',


-             # allow repo-specific hooks to be added

-             # 'repo-specific-hooks',


-         # performance, logging, monitoring...


-             # be nice

-             # 'renice 10',


-             # log CPU times (user, system, cumulative user, cumulative system)

-             # 'CpuTime',


-         # syntactic_sugar for gitolite.conf and included files


-             # allow backslash-escaped continuation lines in gitolite.conf

-             # 'continuation-lines',


-             # create implicit user groups from directory names in keydir/

-             # 'keysubdirs-as-groups',


-             # allow simple line-oriented macros

-             # 'macros',


-         # Kindergarten mode


-             # disallow various things that sensible people shouldn't be doing anyway

-             # 'Kindergarten',

-     ],


- );


- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- # per perl rules, this should be the last line in such a file:

- 1;


- # Local variables:

- # mode: perl

- # End:

- # vim: set syn=perl:

file modified
@@ -99,31 +99,6 @@ 




- ### Configuration file for gitolite

- GITOLITE_CONFIG = os.path.join(

-     os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)),

-     '..',

-     'gitolite.conf'

- )



- ### Home folder of the gitolite user

- ### Folder where to run gl-compile-conf from



- ### Version of gitolite used: 2 or 3?



- ### Folder containing all the public ssh keys for gitolite



- ### Path to the gitolite.rc file

- GL_RC = None


- ### Path to the /bin directory where the gitolite tools can be found

- GL_BINDIR = None



  # SSH Information


  ### SSH commend for interacting with repositories

file modified
@@ -268,10 +268,6 @@ 

  install -p -m 644 files/pagure_worker.service \



- # Install the systemd file for the gitolite worker

- install -p -m 644 files/pagure_gitolite_worker.service \

-     $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_unitdir}/pagure_gitolite_worker.service


  # Install the systemd file for the web-hook

  install -p -m 644 files/pagure_webhook.service \

@@ -365,7 +361,6 @@ 



  %systemd_post pagure_worker.service

- %systemd_post pagure_gitolite_worker.service

  %systemd_post pagure_api_key_expire_mail.timer

  %systemd_post pagure_mirror_project_in.timer

  %post web-nginx
@@ -388,7 +383,6 @@ 



  %systemd_preun pagure_worker.service

- %systemd_preun pagure_gitolite_worker.service

  %systemd_preun pagure_api_key_expire_mail.timer

  %systemd_preun pagure_mirror_project_in.timer

  %preun web-nginx
@@ -411,7 +405,6 @@ 



  %systemd_postun_with_restart pagure_worker.service

- %systemd_postun_with_restart pagure_gitolite_worker.service

  %systemd_postun pagure_api_key_expire_mail.timer

  %systemd_postun pagure_mirror_project_in.timer

  %postun web-nginx
@@ -451,7 +444,6 @@ 




- %{_unitdir}/pagure_gitolite_worker.service




@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ 

- [Unit]

- Description=Pagure worker for backend git interaction

- After=redis.target

- Documentation=https://pagure.io/pagure


- [Service]

- ExecStart=/usr/bin/celery -A pagure.lib.tasks worker --loglevel=INFO -c 1 -Q gitolite_queue -n gitolite

- Environment="PAGURE_CONFIG=/etc/pagure/pagure.cfg"

- Type=simple

- User=git

- Group=git

- Restart=on-failure


- [Install]

- WantedBy=multi-user.target

@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ 




- Description=Pagure worker for gitolite interactions

+ Description=Pagure worker




file modified
@@ -547,7 +547,6 @@ 




-         project.api_generate_acls,




file modified
@@ -365,9 +365,6 @@ 




-             pagure.lib.git.generate_gitolite_acls(

-                 project=None, group=group.group_name

-             )

          except (pagure.exceptions.PagureException, SQLAlchemyError) as err:


              raise pagure.exceptions.APIError(
@@ -453,9 +450,6 @@ 




-             pagure.lib.git.generate_gitolite_acls(

-                 project=None, group=group.group_name

-             )

          except (pagure.exceptions.PagureException, SQLAlchemyError) as err:


              raise pagure.exceptions.APIError(

file modified
@@ -1674,8 +1674,6 @@ 


          raise pagure.exceptions.APIError(400, error_code=APIERROR.EDBERROR)


-     pagure.lib.git.generate_gitolite_acls(project=project)


      return flask.jsonify(project.to_json(public=False, api=True))


@@ -1784,83 +1782,6 @@ 

      return jsonout



- @API.route("/<repo>/git/generateacls", methods=["POST"])

- @API.route("/<namespace>/<repo>/git/generateacls", methods=["POST"])

- @API.route("/fork/<username>/<repo>/git/generateacls", methods=["POST"])

- @API.route(

-     "/fork/<username>/<namespace>/<repo>/git/generateacls", methods=["POST"]

- )

- @api_login_required(acls=["generate_acls_project"])

- @api_method

- def api_generate_acls(repo, username=None, namespace=None):

-     """

-     Generate Gitolite ACLs on a project

-     -----------------------------------

-     Generate Gitolite ACLs on a project. This is restricted to Pagure admins.


-     This is an asynchronous call.


-     ::


-         POST /api/0/rpms/python-requests/git/generateacls



-     Input

-     ^^^^^


-     +------------------+---------+--------------+---------------------------+

-     | Key              | Type    | Optionality  | Description               |

-     +==================+=========+==============+===========================+

-     | ``wait``         | boolean | Optional     | | A boolean to specify if |

-     |                  |         |              |   this API call should    |

-     |                  |         |              |   return a taskid or if it|

-     |                  |         |              |   should wait for the task|

-     |                  |         |              |   to finish.              |

-     +------------------+---------+--------------+---------------------------+



-     Sample response

-     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


-     ::


-         wait=False:

-         {

-           'message': 'Project ACL generation queued',

-           'taskid': '123-abcd'

-         }


-         wait=True:

-         {

-           'message': 'Project ACLs generated'

-         }


-     """

-     project = _get_repo(repo, username, namespace)

-     _check_token(project, project_token=False)


-     wait = pagure.utils.is_true(get_request_data().get("wait"))


-     try:

-         task = pagure.lib.git.generate_gitolite_acls(project=project)


-         if wait:

-             task.get()

-             output = {"message": "Project ACLs generated"}

-         else:

-             output = {

-                 "message": "Project ACL generation queued",

-                 "taskid": task.id,

-             }

-     except pagure.exceptions.PagureException as err:

-         raise pagure.exceptions.APIError(

-             400, error_code=APIERROR.ENOCODE, error=str(err)

-         )


-     jsonout = flask.jsonify(output)

-     return jsonout



  @API.route("/<repo>/git/branch", methods=["POST"])

  @API.route("/<namespace>/<repo>/git/branch", methods=["POST"])

  @API.route("/fork/<username>/<repo>/git/branch", methods=["POST"])
@@ -2807,10 +2728,6 @@ 

                      if grp.id == group_obj.id:



-                 pagure.lib.query.update_read_only_mode(

-                     flask.g.session, project, read_only=True

-                 )

-                 pagure.lib.git.generate_gitolite_acls(project=project)



@@ -2823,7 +2740,6 @@ 


              raise pagure.exceptions.APIError(400, error_code=APIERROR.EDBERROR)


-         pagure.lib.git.generate_gitolite_acls(project=project)

          output = project.to_json(api=True, public=True)


          raise pagure.exceptions.APIError(
@@ -3500,16 +3416,6 @@ 

              401, error_code=APIERROR.ENOTHIGHENOUGH



-     if project.read_only:

-         error = (

-             "The ACLs of this project are being refreshed in the backend "

-             "this prevents the project from being deleted. Please wait "

-             "for this task to finish before trying again. Thanks!"

-         )

-         raise pagure.exceptions.APIError(

-             400, error_code=APIERROR.ENOCODE, error=error

-         )


      project_json = project.to_json(public=True, api=True)



file modified
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ 

  import pagure.lib.model_base  # noqa: E402

  import pagure.lib.query  # noqa: E402

  import pagure.lib.tasks_utils  # noqa: E402

- from pagure.flask_app import generate_user_key_files  # noqa: E402

  from pagure.utils import get_repo_path  # noqa: E402


  _config = pagure.config.reload_config()
@@ -50,49 +49,6 @@ 




- def _parser_refresh_gitolite(subparser):

-     """Set up the CLI argument parser for the refresh-gitolite action.


-     :arg subparser: an argparse subparser allowing to have action's specific

-         arguments


-     """

-     local_parser = subparser.add_parser(

-         "refresh-gitolite", help="Re-generate the gitolite config file"

-     )

-     local_parser.add_argument(

-         "--user", help="User of the project (to use only on forks)"

-     )

-     local_parser.add_argument(

-         "--project",

-         help="Project to update (as namespace/project if there "

-         "is a namespace)",

-     )

-     local_parser.add_argument("--group", help="Group to refresh")

-     local_parser.add_argument(

-         "--all",

-         dest="all_",

-         default=False,

-         action="store_true",

-         help="Refresh all the projects",

-     )

-     local_parser.set_defaults(func=do_generate_acl)



- def _parser_refresh_ssh(subparser):

-     """Set up the CLI argument parser for the refresh-ssh action.


-     :arg subparser: an argparse subparser allowing to have action's specific

-         arguments


-     """

-     local_parser = subparser.add_parser(

-         "refresh-ssh",

-         help="Re-write to disk every user's ssh key stored in the database",

-     )

-     local_parser.set_defaults(func=do_refresh_ssh)



  def _parser_clear_hook_token(subparser):

      """Set up the CLI argument parser for the clear-hook-token action.

@@ -287,32 +243,6 @@ 




- def _parser_read_only(subparser):

-     """Set up the CLI argument parser for the read-only action.


-     :arg subparser: an argparse subparser allowing to have action's specific

-         arguments


-     """

-     local_parser = subparser.add_parser(

-         "read-only", help="Get or set the read-only flag on a project"

-     )

-     local_parser.add_argument(

-         "--user", help="User of the project (to use only on forks)"

-     )

-     local_parser.add_argument(

-         "project",

-         help="Project to update (as namespace/project if there "

-         "is a namespace)",

-     )

-     local_parser.add_argument(

-         "--ro",

-         help="Read-Only status to set (has to be: true or false), do not "

-         "specify to get the current status",

-     )

-     local_parser.set_defaults(func=do_read_only)



  def _parser_new_group(subparser):

      """Set up the CLI argument parser for the new-group action.

@@ -543,12 +473,6 @@ 


      subparser = parser.add_subparsers(title="actions")


-     # refresh-gitolite

-     _parser_refresh_gitolite(subparser)


-     # refresh-ssh

-     _parser_refresh_ssh(subparser)


      # clear-hook-token


@@ -561,9 +485,6 @@ 

      # update-watch



-     # read-only

-     _parser_read_only(subparser)


      # new-group


@@ -634,78 +555,6 @@ 




- def do_generate_acl(args):

-     """Regenerate the gitolite ACL file.



-     :arg args: the argparse object returned by ``parse_arguments()``.


-     """

-     _log.debug("group:          %s", args.group)

-     _log.debug("project:        %s", args.project)

-     _log.debug("user:           %s", args.user)

-     _log.debug("all:            %s", args.all_)


-     title = None

-     project = None

-     if args.project:

-         project = _get_project(args.project, user=args.user)

-         title = project.fullname

-     if args.all_:

-         title = "all"

-         project = -1


-     if not args.all_ and not args.project:

-         print(

-             "Please note that you have not selected a project or --all. "

-             "Do you want to recompile the existing config file?"

-         )

-         if not _ask_confirmation():

-             return


-     helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper()

-     _log.debug("Got helper: %s", helper)


-     group_obj = None

-     if args.group:

-         group_obj = pagure.lib.query.search_groups(

-             session, group_name=args.group

-         )

-     _log.debug(

-         "Calling helper: %s with arg: project=%s, group=%s",

-         helper,

-         project,

-         group_obj,

-     )


-     print(

-         "Do you want to re-generate the gitolite.conf file for group: %s "

-         "and project: %s?" % (group_obj, title)

-     )

-     if _ask_confirmation():

-         helper.generate_acls(project=project, group=group_obj)

-         pagure.lib.tasks_utils.gc_clean()

-         print("Gitolite ACLs updated")



- def do_refresh_ssh(_):

-     """Regenerate the user key files.


-     :arg _: the argparse object returned by ``parse_arguments()``, which is

-         ignored as there are no argument to pass to this action.


-     """

-     print(

-         "Do you want to re-generate all the ssh keys for every user in "

-         "the database? (Depending on your instance this may take a while "

-         "and result in an outage while it lasts)"

-     )

-     if _ask_confirmation():

-         generate_user_key_files()

-         print("User key files regenerated")

-         do_generate_acl()



  def do_generate_hook_token(_):

      """Regenerate the hook_token for each projects in the DB.

@@ -1173,48 +1022,6 @@ 




- def do_read_only(args):

-     """Set or update the read-only status of a project.


-     :arg args: the argparse object returned by ``parse_arguments()``.


-     """


-     _log.debug("project:       %s", args.project)

-     _log.debug("user:          %s", args.user)

-     _log.debug("read-only:     %s", args.ro)


-     # Validate user

-     pagure.lib.query.get_user(session, args.user)


-     # Get the project

-     project = _get_project(args.project, user=args.user)


-     _check_project(project, project=args.project)


-     # Validate ro flag

-     if args.ro and args.ro.lower() not in ["true", "false"]:

-         raise pagure.exceptions.PagureException(

-             "Invalid read-only status specified: %s is not in: "

-             "true, false" % args.ro.lower()

-         )


-     if not args.ro:

-         print(

-             "The current read-only flag of the project %s is set to %s"

-             % (project.fullname, project.read_only)

-         )

-     else:

-         pagure.lib.query.update_read_only_mode(

-             session, project, read_only=(args.ro.lower() == "true")

-         )

-         session.commit()

-         print(

-             "The read-only flag of the project %s has been set to %s"

-             % (project.fullname, args.ro.lower() == "true")

-         )



  def do_new_group(args):

      """Create a new group in this pagure instance.


file modified
@@ -39,10 +39,6 @@ 


      config["REQUESTS_FOLDER"] = os.path.join(config["GIT_FOLDER"], "requests")


-     if "GITOLITE_BACKEND" in config:

-         # This is for backwards compatibility purposes

-         config["GIT_AUTH_BACKEND"] = config["GITOLITE_BACKEND"]


      return config



file modified
+1 -41
@@ -158,7 +158,6 @@ 



  # Folder containing to the git repos

- # Note that this must be exactly the same as GL_REPO_BASE in gitolite.rc

  GIT_FOLDER = os.path.join(

      os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "..", "lcl", "repos"

@@ -176,46 +175,15 @@ 

  # Whether to enable scanning for viruses in attachments



- # Configuration file for gitolite

- GITOLITE_CONFIG = os.path.join(

-     os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "..", "lcl", "gitolite.conf"

- )


  # Configuration keys to specify where the upload folder is and what is its

  # name

  UPLOAD_FOLDER_PATH = os.path.join(

      os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "..", "lcl", "releases"




- # Home folder of the gitolite user -- Folder where to run gl-compile-conf from



- # Version of gitolite used: 2 or 3?



- # Folder containing all the public ssh keys for gitolite



  # Backend for git auth decisions

- # This may be either a static helper (like gitolite based) or dynamic.

  GIT_AUTH_BACKEND = "pagure_authorized_keys"


- # Legacy option name for GIT_AUTH_BACKEND, retained for backwards compatibility

- # This option overrides GIT_AUTH_BACKEND

- # GITOLITE_BACKEND = "gitolite3"


- # Whether or not this installation of Pagure should use `gitolite compile-1`

- # to improve speed of some gitolite operations. See documentation for more

- # info about how to set this up.



- # Path to the gitolite.rc file

- GL_RC = None

- # Path to the /bin directory where the gitolite tools can be found

- GL_BINDIR = None



  # Whether or not to run "git gc --auto" after every change to a project

  # This will use default git config values

  # See https://git-scm.com/docs/git-gc#git-gc---auto for more details
@@ -337,7 +305,6 @@ 

      "create_project": "Create a new project",

      "commit_flag": "Flag a commit",

      "fork_project": "Fork a project",

-     "generate_acls_project": "Generate the Gitolite ACLs on a project",

      "internal_access": "Access Pagure's internal APIs",

      "issue_assign": "Assign issue to someone",

      "issue_change_status": "Change the status of a ticket",
@@ -372,11 +339,7 @@ 


  # List of ACLs which a regular user is allowed to associate to an API token

  # from the ACLs above


-     key

-     for key in ACLS.keys()

-     if key not in ["generate_acls_project", "internal_access"]

- ]

+ USER_ACLS = [key for key in ACLS.keys() if key not in ["internal_access"]]


  # From the ACLs above lists which ones are tolerated to be associated with

  # an API token that isn't linked to a particular project.
@@ -400,7 +363,6 @@ 




-     "generate_acls_project",



@@ -566,8 +528,6 @@ 


  # Whether to allow pushing via HTTP


- # Path to Gitolite-shell if using that, None to use Git directly



  # Configuration for the key helper

  # Look a username up in the database, overrides SSH_KEYS_USERNAME_EXPECT

file modified
@@ -222,22 +222,6 @@ 

      return app



- def generate_user_key_files():

-     """Regenerate the key files used by gitolite."""

-     gitolite_home = pagure_config.get("GITOLITE_HOME", None)

-     if gitolite_home:

-         users = pagure.lib.query.search_user(flask.g.session)

-         for user in users:

-             pagure.lib.query.update_user_ssh(

-                 flask.g.session,

-                 user,

-                 None,

-                 pagure_config.get("GITOLITE_KEYDIR", None),

-                 update_only=True,

-             )

-     pagure.lib.git.generate_gitolite_acls(project=None)



  def admin_session_timedout():

      """Check if the current user has been authenticated for more than what

      is allowed (defaults to 15 minutes).

@@ -3335,67 +3335,6 @@ 




- class GitoliteEnvironmentHighPrecMixin(Environment):

-     def get_pusher(self):

-         return self.osenv.get("GL_USER", "unknown user")



- class GitoliteEnvironmentLowPrecMixin(Environment):

-     def get_repo_shortname(self):

-         # The gitolite environment variable $GL_REPO is a pretty good

-         # repo_shortname (though it's probably not as good as a value

-         # the user might have explicitly put in his config).

-         return (

-             self.osenv.get("GL_REPO", None)

-             or super(

-                 GitoliteEnvironmentLowPrecMixin, self

-             ).get_repo_shortname()

-         )


-     def get_fromaddr(self, change=None):

-         GL_USER = self.osenv.get("GL_USER")

-         if GL_USER is not None:

-             # Find the path to gitolite.conf.  Note that gitolite v3

-             # did away with the GL_ADMINDIR and GL_CONF environment

-             # variables (they are now hard-coded).

-             GL_ADMINDIR = self.osenv.get(

-                 "GL_ADMINDIR",

-                 os.path.expanduser(os.path.join("~", ".gitolite")),

-             )

-             GL_CONF = self.osenv.get(

-                 "GL_CONF", os.path.join(GL_ADMINDIR, "conf", "gitolite.conf")

-             )

-             if os.path.isfile(GL_CONF):

-                 f = open(GL_CONF, "rU")

-                 try:

-                     in_user_emails_section = False

-                     re_template = r"^\s*#\s*%s\s*$"

-                     re_begin, re_user, re_end = (

-                         re.compile(re_template % x)

-                         for x in (

-                             r"BEGIN\s+USER\s+EMAILS",

-                             re.escape(GL_USER) + r"\s+(.*)",

-                             r"END\s+USER\s+EMAILS",

-                         )

-                     )

-                     for l in f:

-                         l = l.rstrip("\n")

-                         if not in_user_emails_section:

-                             if re_begin.match(l):

-                                 in_user_emails_section = True

-                             continue

-                         if re_end.match(l):

-                             break

-                         m = re_user.match(l)

-                         if m:

-                             return m.group(1)

-                 finally:

-                     f.close()

-         return super(GitoliteEnvironmentLowPrecMixin, self).get_fromaddr(

-             change

-         )



  class IncrementalDateTime(object):

      """Simple wrapper to give incremental date/times.

@@ -4063,10 +4002,6 @@ 



      "generic": {"highprec": GenericEnvironmentMixin},

-     "gitolite": {

-         "highprec": GitoliteEnvironmentHighPrecMixin,

-         "lowprec": GitoliteEnvironmentLowPrecMixin,

-     },

      "stash": {

          "highprec": StashEnvironmentHighPrecMixin,

          "lowprec": StashEnvironmentLowPrecMixin,
@@ -4097,10 +4032,7 @@ 

          env = config.get("environment")


      if not env:

-         if "GL_USER" in osenv and "GL_REPO" in osenv:

-             env = "gitolite"

-         else:

-             env = "generic"

+         env = "generic"

      return env


@@ -4139,7 +4071,6 @@ 


  GerritEnvironment = build_environment_klass("gerrit")

  StashEnvironment = build_environment_klass("stash")

- GitoliteEnvironment = build_environment_klass("gitolite")

  GenericEnvironment = build_environment_klass("generic")



file modified
@@ -88,9 +88,6 @@ 

              "multimailhook.mailingList", "", project.mail_hook.mail_to



-             "multimailhook.environment", "", "gitolite"

-         )

-         repo_obj.config.set_multivar(

              "multimailhook.repoName", "", project.fullname


          repo_obj.config.set_multivar("multimailhook.mailer", "", "smtp")

file modified
@@ -143,36 +143,6 @@ 

          return "".join(filter(None, patch))



- def generate_gitolite_acls(project=None, group=None):

-     """Generate the gitolite configuration file.


-     :arg project: the project of which to update the ACLs. This argument

-             can take three values: ``-1``, ``None`` and a project.

-             If project is ``-1``, the configuration should be refreshed for

-             *all* projects.

-             If project is ``None``, there no specific project to refresh

-             but the ssh key of an user was added and updated.

-             If project is a pagure.lib.model.Project, the configuration of

-             this project should be updated.

-     :type project: None, int or pagure.lib.model.Project

-     :kwarg group: the group to refresh the members of

-     :type group: None or str


-     """

-     if project != -1:

-         task = pagure.lib.tasks.generate_gitolite_acls.delay(

-             namespace=project.namespace if project else None,

-             name=project.name if project else None,

-             user=project.user.user if project and project.is_fork else None,

-             group=group,

-         )

-     else:

-         task = pagure.lib.tasks.generate_gitolite_acls.delay(

-             name=-1, group=group

-         )

-     return task



  def update_git(obj, repo):

      """Schedules an update_repo task after determining arguments."""

      ticketuid = None
@@ -401,7 +371,6 @@ 

              fullname=fullname or username,



-             keydir=pagure_config.get("GITOLITE_KEYDIR", None),



@@ -1119,9 +1088,6 @@ 


              env = os.environ.copy()

              env["GL_USER"] = username

-             env["GL_BYPASS_ACCESS_CHECKS"] = "1"

-             if pagure_config.get("GITOLITE_HOME"):

-                 env["HOME"] = pagure_config["GITOLITE_HOME"]



              out = subprocess.check_output(
@@ -2942,10 +2908,7 @@ 

          _log.debug("Running a git push to %s", project.fullname)

          env = os.environ.copy()

          env["GL_USER"] = "pagure"

-         env["GL_BYPASS_ACCESS_CHECKS"] = "1"

          env["internal"] = "yes"

-         if pagure_config.get("GITOLITE_HOME"):

-             env["HOME"] = pagure_config["GITOLITE_HOME"]



          out = subprocess.check_output(

file modified
+1 -761
@@ -13,20 +13,12 @@ 

  import json

  import logging

  import os

- import subprocess

- import tempfile

  from io import open


  import pkg_resources

- import werkzeug.utils

  from six import with_metaclass

- from six.moves import dbm_gnu


- import pagure.exceptions

- import pagure.lib.model_base

- import pagure.lib.query

  from pagure.config import config as pagure_config

- from pagure.lib import model

  from pagure.utils import is_repo_collaborator, lookup_deploykey


  # logging.config.dictConfig(pagure_config.get('LOGGING') or {'version': 1})
@@ -42,7 +34,7 @@ 

      :arg backend: The name of the backend to find on the system (declared via

          the entry_points in setup.py).

          Pagure comes by default with the following backends:

-             test_auth, gitolite2, gitolite3

+             test_auth, pagure_authorized_keys

      :type backend: str


@@ -70,8 +62,6 @@ 

          _log.debug("Was unable to find any helpers, registering built-in")

          cls = {

              "test_auth": GitAuthTestHelper,

-             "gitolite2": Gitolite2Auth,

-             "gitolite3": Gitolite3Auth,

              "pagure": PagureGitAuth,

              "pagure_authorized_keys": PagureGitAuth,

@@ -92,48 +82,6 @@ 

      is_dynamic = False



-     @abc.abstractmethod

-     def generate_acls(self, project, group=None):

-         """This is the method that is called by pagure to generate the

-         configuration file.


-         :arg project: the project of which to update the ACLs. This argument

-             can take three values: ``-1``, ``None`` and a project.

-             If project is ``-1``, the configuration should be refreshed for

-             *all* projects.

-             If project is ``None``, there no specific project to refresh

-             but the ssh key of an user was added and updated or a group

-             was removed.

-             If project is a pagure.lib.model.Project, the configuration of

-             this project should be updated.

-         :type project: None, int or pagure.lib.model.Project

-         :kwarg group: the group to refresh the members of

-         :type group: None or pagure.lib.model.PagureGroup


-         (This behaviour is based on the workflow of gitolite, if you are

-         implementing a different auth backend and need more granularity,

-         feel free to let us know.)


-         """

-         pass


-     @classmethod

-     @abc.abstractmethod

-     def remove_acls(self, session, project):

-         """This is the method that is called by pagure to remove a project

-         from the configuration file.


-         :arg cls: the current class

-         :type: GitAuthHelper

-         :arg session: the session with which to connect to the database

-         :arg project: the project to remove from the gitolite configuration

-             file.

-         :type project: pagure.lib.model.Project


-         """

-         pass


-     @classmethod

      # This method can't be marked as abstract, since it's new and that would

      # break backwards compatibility

      def check_acl(cls, session, project, username, refname, **info):
@@ -191,680 +139,11 @@ 

              return stream.read()



- class Gitolite2Auth(GitAuthHelper):

-     """A gitolite 2 authentication module."""


-     @classmethod

-     def _process_project(cls, project, config, global_pr_only):

-         """Generate the gitolite configuration for the specified project.


-         :arg project: the project to generate the configuration for

-         :type project: pagure.lib.model.Project

-         :arg config: a list containing the different lines of the

-             configuration file

-         :type config: list

-         :arg groups: a dictionary containing the group name as key and the

-             users member of the group as values

-         :type groups: dict(str: list)

-         :arg global_pr_only: boolean on whether the pagure instance enforces

-             the PR workflow only or not

-         :type global_pr_only: bool

-         :return: the updated config

-         :return type: list


-         """

-         _log.debug("    Processing project: %s", project.fullname)


-         # Check if the project or the pagure instance enforce the PR only

-         # development model.

-         pr_only = project.settings.get("pull_request_access_only", False)


-         repos_to_create = ["repos"]

-         if pagure_config.get("ENABLE_DOCS", True):

-             repos_to_create.append("docs/")

-         if pagure_config.get("ENABLE_TICKETS", True):

-             repos_to_create.append("tickets/")

-         # no setting yet to disable pull-requests

-         repos_to_create.append("requests/")

-         for repos in repos_to_create:

-             if repos == "repos":

-                 # Do not grant access to project enforcing the PR model

-                 if pr_only or (global_pr_only and not project.is_fork):

-                     continue

-                 repos = ""


-             config.append("repo %s%s" % (repos, project.fullname))

-             if not project.private and repos not in ["tickets/", "requests/"]:

-                 config.append("  R   = @all")

-             if project.committer_groups:

-                 config.append(

-                     "  RW+ = @%s"

-                     % " @".join(

-                         [

-                             group.group_name

-                             for group in project.committer_groups

-                         ]

-                     )

-                 )

-             config.append("  RW+ = %s" % project.user.user)

-             for user in project.committers:

-                 # This should never be the case (that the project.user

-                 # is in the committers) but better safe than sorry

-                 if user.user != project.user.user:

-                     config.append("  RW+ = %s" % user.user)

-             for deploykey in project.deploykeys:

-                 access = "R"

-                 if deploykey.pushaccess:

-                     access = "RW+"

-                 # Note: the replace of / with _ is because gitolite

-                 # users can't contain a /. At first, this might look

-                 # like deploy keys in a project called

-                 # $namespace_$project would give access to the repos of

-                 # a project $namespace/$project or vica versa, however

-                 # this is NOT the case because we add the deploykey.id

-                 # to the end of the deploykey name, which means it is

-                 # unique. The project name is solely there to make it

-                 # easier to determine what project created the deploykey

-                 # for admins.

-                 config.append(

-                     "  %s = deploykey_%s_%s"

-                     % (

-                         access,

-                         werkzeug.utils.secure_filename(project.fullname),

-                         deploykey.id,

-                     )

-                 )

-             config.append("")


-         return config


-     @classmethod

-     def _clean_current_config(cls, current_config, project):

-         """Remove the specified project from the current configuration file


-         :arg current_config: the content of the current/actual gitolite

-             configuration file read from the disk

-         :type current_config: list

-         :arg project: the project to update in the configuration file

-         :type project: pagure.lib.model.Project


-         """

-         keys = [

-             "repo %s%s" % (repos, project.fullname)

-             for repos in ["", "docs/", "tickets/", "requests/"]

-         ]


-         keep = True

-         config = []

-         for line in current_config:

-             line = line.rstrip()


-             if line in keys:

-                 keep = False

-                 continue


-             if keep is False and line == "":

-                 keep = True


-             if keep:

-                 config.append(line)


-         return config


-     @classmethod

-     def _clean_groups(cls, config, group=None):

-         """Removes the groups in the given configuration file.


-         :arg config: the current configuration

-         :type config: list

-         :kwarg group: the group to refresh the members of

-         :type group: None or pagure.lib.model.PagureGroup

-         :return: the configuration without the groups

-         :return type: list


-         """


-         if group is None:

-             output = [

-                 row.rstrip()

-                 for row in config

-                 if not row.startswith("@") and row.strip() != "# end of groups"

-             ]

-         else:

-             end_grp = None

-             seen = False

-             output = []

-             for idx, row in enumerate(config):

-                 if end_grp is None and row.startswith("repo "):

-                     end_grp = idx


-                 if row.startswith("@%s " % group.group_name):

-                     seen = True

-                     row = "@%s  = %s" % (

-                         group.group_name,

-                         " ".join(

-                             sorted([user.username for user in group.users])

-                         ),

-                     )

-                 output.append(row)


-             if not seen:

-                 row = "@%s  = %s" % (

-                     group.group_name,

-                     " ".join(sorted([user.username for user in group.users])),

-                 )

-                 output.insert(end_grp, "")

-                 output.insert(end_grp, row)


-         return output


-     @classmethod

-     def _generate_groups_config(cls, session):

-         """Generate the gitolite configuration for all of the groups.


-         :arg session: the session with which to connect to the database

-         :return: the gitolite configuration for the groups

-         :return type: list


-         """

-         query = session.query(model.PagureGroup).order_by(

-             model.PagureGroup.group_name

-         )


-         groups = {}

-         for grp in query.all():

-             groups[grp.group_name] = [user.username for user in grp.users]


-         return groups


-     @classmethod

-     def _get_current_config(cls, configfile, preconfig=None, postconfig=None):

-         """Load the current gitolite configuration file from the disk.


-         :arg configfile: the name of the configuration file to load

-         :type configfile: str

-         :kwarg preconf: the content of the file to include at the top of the

-             gitolite configuration file, used here to determine that a part of

-             the configuration file should be cleaned at the top.

-         :type preconf: None or str

-         :kwarg postconf: the content of the file to include at the bottom of

-             the gitolite configuration file, used here to determine that a part

-             of the configuration file should be cleaned at the bottom.

-         :type postconf: None or str


-         """

-         _log.info("Reading in the current configuration: %s", configfile)

-         with open(configfile) as stream:

-             current_config = [line.rstrip() for line in stream]

-         if current_config and current_config[-1] == "# end of body":

-             current_config = current_config[:-1]


-         if preconfig:

-             idx = None

-             for idx, row in enumerate(current_config):

-                 if row.strip() == "# end of header":

-                     break

-             if idx is not None:

-                 idx = idx + 1

-                 _log.info("Removing the first %s lines", idx)

-                 current_config = current_config[idx:]


-         if postconfig:

-             idx = None

-             for idx, row in enumerate(current_config):

-                 if row.strip() == "# end of body":

-                     break

-             if idx is not None:

-                 _log.info(

-                     "Keeping the first %s lines out of %s",

-                     idx,

-                     len(current_config),

-                 )

-                 current_config = current_config[:idx]


-         return current_config


-     @classmethod

-     def write_gitolite_acls(

-         cls,

-         session,

-         configfile,

-         project,

-         preconf=None,

-         postconf=None,

-         group=None,

-     ):

-         """Generate the configuration file for gitolite for all projects

-         on the forge.


-         :arg cls: the current class

-         :type: Gitolite2Auth

-         :arg session: a session to connect to the database with

-         :arg configfile: the name of the configuration file to generate/write

-         :type configfile: str

-         :arg project: the project to update in the gitolite configuration

-             file. It can be of three types/values.

-             If it is ``-1`` or if the file does not exist on disk, the

-             entire gitolite configuration will be re-generated.

-             If it is ``None``, the gitolite configuration will have its

-             groups information updated but not the projects and will be

-             re-compiled.

-             If it is a ``pagure.lib.model.Project``, the gitolite

-             configuration will be updated for just this project.

-         :type project: None, int or spagure.lib.model.Project

-         :kwarg preconf: a file to include at the top of the configuration

-             file

-         :type preconf: None or str

-         :kwarg postconf: a file to include at the bottom of the

-             configuration file

-         :type postconf: None or str

-         :kwarg group: the group to refresh the members of

-         :type group: None or pagure.lib.model.PagureGroup


-         """

-         _log.info("Write down the gitolite configuration file")


-         preconfig = None

-         if preconf:

-             _log.info(

-                 "Loading the file to include at the top of the generated one"

-             )

-             preconfig = _read_file(preconf)


-         postconfig = None

-         if postconf:

-             _log.info(

-                 "Loading the file to include at the end of the generated one"

-             )

-             postconfig = _read_file(postconf)


-         global_pr_only = pagure_config.get("PR_ONLY", False)

-         config = []

-         groups = {}

-         if group is None:

-             groups = cls._generate_groups_config(session)


-         if project == -1 or not os.path.exists(configfile):

-             _log.info("Refreshing the configuration for all projects")

-             query = session.query(model.Project).order_by(model.Project.id)

-             for project in query.all():

-                 config = cls._process_project(project, config, global_pr_only)

-         elif project:

-             _log.info("Refreshing the configuration for one project")

-             config = cls._process_project(project, config, global_pr_only)


-             current_config = cls._get_current_config(

-                 configfile, preconfig, postconfig

-             )


-             current_config = cls._clean_current_config(current_config, project)


-             config = current_config + config


-         if config:

-             _log.info("Cleaning the group %s from the loaded config", group)

-             config = cls._clean_groups(config, group=group)


-         else:

-             current_config = cls._get_current_config(

-                 configfile, preconfig, postconfig

-             )


-             _log.info("Cleaning the group %s from the config on disk", group)

-             config = cls._clean_groups(current_config, group=group)


-         if not config:

-             return


-         _log.info("Writing the configuration to: %s", configfile)

-         with open(configfile, "w", encoding="utf-8") as stream:

-             if preconfig:

-                 stream.write(preconfig + "\n")

-                 stream.write("# end of header\n")


-             if groups:

-                 for key in sorted(groups):

-                     stream.write("@%s  = %s\n" % (key, " ".join(groups[key])))

-                 stream.write("# end of groups\n\n")


-             prev = None

-             for row in config:

-                 if prev is None:

-                     prev = row

-                 if prev == row == "":

-                     continue

-                 stream.write(row + "\n")

-                 prev = row


-             stream.write("# end of body\n")


-             if postconfig:

-                 stream.write(postconfig + "\n")


-     @classmethod

-     def _remove_from_gitolite_cache(cls, cache_file, project):

-         """Removes project from gitolite cache file (gl-conf.cache)


-         Gitolite has no notion of "deleting" a project and it can only

-         add values to gl-conf.cache. Therefore we must manually wipe all

-         entries related to a project when deleting it.

-         If this method is not executed and if someone creates a project

-         with the same fullname again then its `gl-conf` file won't get

-         created (see link to commit below) and any subsequent invocation of

-         `gitolite trigger POST_COMPILE` will fail, thus preventing creation

-         of new repos/forks at the whole pagure instance.


-         See https://github.com/sitaramc/gitolite/commit/41b7885b77c

-         (later reverted upstream, but still used in most Pagure deployments)


-         :arg cls: the current class

-         :type: Gitolite2Auth

-         :arg cache_file: path to the cache file

-         :type cache_file: str

-         :arg project: the project to remove from gitolite cache file

-         :type project: pagure.lib.model.Project

-         """

-         _log.info("Remove project from the gitolite cache file")

-         cf = None

-         try:

-             # unfortunately dbm_gnu.open isn't a context manager in Python 2 :(

-             cf = dbm_gnu.open(cache_file, "ws")

-             for repo in ["", "docs/", "tickets/", "requests/"]:

-                 to_remove = repo + project.fullname

-                 if to_remove.encode("ascii") in cf:

-                     del cf[to_remove]

-         except dbm_gnu.error as e:

-             msg = "Failed to remove project from gitolite cache: {msg}".format(

-                 msg=e[1]

-             )

-             raise pagure.exceptions.PagureException(msg)

-         finally:

-             if cf:

-                 cf.close()


-     @classmethod

-     def remove_acls(cls, session, project):

-         """Remove a project from the configuration file for gitolite.


-         :arg cls: the current class

-         :type: Gitolite2Auth

-         :arg session: the session with which to connect to the database

-         :arg project: the project to remove from the gitolite configuration

-             file.

-         :type project: pagure.lib.model.Project


-         """

-         _log.info("Remove project from the gitolite configuration file")


-         if not project:

-             raise RuntimeError("Project undefined")


-         configfile = pagure_config["GITOLITE_CONFIG"]

-         preconf = pagure_config.get("GITOLITE_PRE_CONFIG") or None

-         postconf = pagure_config.get("GITOLITE_POST_CONFIG") or None


-         if not os.path.exists(configfile):

-             _log.info(

-                 "Not configuration file found at: %s... bailing" % configfile

-             )

-             return


-         preconfig = None

-         if preconf:

-             _log.info(

-                 "Loading the file to include at the top of the generated one"

-             )

-             preconfig = _read_file(preconf)


-         postconfig = None

-         if postconf:

-             _log.info(

-                 "Loading the file to include at the end of the generated one"

-             )

-             postconfig = _read_file(postconf)


-         config = []

-         groups = cls._generate_groups_config(session)


-         _log.info("Removing the project from the configuration")


-         current_config = cls._get_current_config(

-             configfile, preconfig, postconfig

-         )


-         current_config = cls._clean_current_config(current_config, project)


-         config = current_config + config


-         if config:

-             _log.info("Cleaning the groups from the loaded config")

-             config = cls._clean_groups(config)


-         else:

-             current_config = cls._get_current_config(

-                 configfile, preconfig, postconfig

-             )


-             _log.info("Cleaning the groups from the config on disk")

-             config = cls._clean_groups(config)


-         if not config:

-             return


-         _log.info("Writing the configuration to: %s", configfile)

-         with open(configfile, "w", encoding="utf-8") as stream:

-             if preconfig:

-                 stream.write(preconfig + "\n")

-                 stream.write("# end of header\n")


-             if groups:

-                 for key in sorted(groups):

-                     stream.write("@%s  = %s\n" % (key, " ".join(groups[key])))

-                 stream.write("# end of groups\n\n")


-             prev = None

-             for row in config:

-                 if prev is None:

-                     prev = row

-                 if prev == row == "":

-                     continue

-                 stream.write(row + "\n")

-                 prev = row


-             stream.write("# end of body\n")


-             if postconfig:

-                 stream.write(postconfig + "\n")


-         gl_cache_path = os.path.join(

-             os.path.dirname(configfile), "..", "gl-conf.cache"

-         )

-         if os.path.exists(gl_cache_path):

-             cls._remove_from_gitolite_cache(gl_cache_path, project)


-     @staticmethod

-     def _get_gitolite_command():

-         """Return the gitolite command to run based on the info in the

-         configuration file.

-         """

-         _log.info("Compiling the gitolite configuration")

-         gitolite_folder = pagure_config.get("GITOLITE_HOME", None)

-         if gitolite_folder:

-             cmd = "GL_RC=%s GL_BINDIR=%s gl-compile-conf" % (

-                 pagure_config.get("GL_RC"),

-                 pagure_config.get("GL_BINDIR"),

-             )

-             _log.debug("Command: %s", cmd)

-             return cmd


-     @classmethod

-     def _repos_from_lines(cls, lines):

-         """Return list of strings representing complete repo entries from list

-         of lines as returned by _process_project.

-         """

-         repos = []

-         for line in lines:

-             if line.startswith("repo "):

-                 repos.append([line])

-             else:

-                 repos[-1].append(line)

-         for i, repo_lines in enumerate(repos):

-             repos[i] = "\n".join(repo_lines)

-         return repos


-     @classmethod

-     def _run_gitolite_cmd(cls, cmd):

-         """Run gitolite command as subprocess, raise PagureException

-         if it fails.

-         """

-         if cmd:

-             proc = subprocess.Popen(

-                 cmd,

-                 shell=True,

-                 stdout=subprocess.PIPE,

-                 stderr=subprocess.PIPE,

-                 cwd=pagure_config["GITOLITE_HOME"],

-             )

-             stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()

-             if proc.returncode != 0:

-                 error_msg = (

-                     'The command "{0}" failed with'

-                     '\n\n  out: "{1}\n\n  err:"{2}"'.format(

-                         cmd, stdout, stderr

-                     )

-                 )

-                 raise pagure.exceptions.PagureException(error_msg)


-     @classmethod

-     def generate_acls(cls, project, group=None):

-         """Generate the gitolite configuration file for all repos


-         :arg project: the project to update in the gitolite configuration

-             file. It can be of three types/values.

-             If it is ``-1`` or if the file does not exist on disk, the

-             entire gitolite configuration will be re-generated.

-             If it is ``None``, the gitolite configuration will not be

-             changed but will be re-compiled.

-             If it is a ``pagure.lib.model.Project``, the gitolite

-             configuration will be updated for just this project.

-         :type project: None, int or pagure.lib.model.Project

-         :kwarg group: the group to refresh the members of

-         :type group: None or pagure.lib.model.PagureGroup


-         """

-         _log.info("Refresh gitolite configuration")


-         if project is not None or group is not None:

-             session = pagure.lib.model_base.create_session(

-                 pagure_config["DB_URL"]

-             )

-             cls.write_gitolite_acls(

-                 session,

-                 project=project,

-                 configfile=pagure_config["GITOLITE_CONFIG"],

-                 preconf=pagure_config.get("GITOLITE_PRE_CONFIG") or None,

-                 postconf=pagure_config.get("GITOLITE_POST_CONFIG") or None,

-                 group=group,

-             )

-             session.remove()


-         if (

-             not group

-             and project not in [None, -1]

-             and hasattr(cls, "_individual_repos_command")

-             and pagure_config.get("GITOLITE_HAS_COMPILE_1", False)

-         ):

-             # optimization for adding single repo - we don't want to recompile

-             # whole gitolite.conf

-             repos_config = []

-             cls._process_project(

-                 project, repos_config, pagure_config.get("PR_ONLY", False)

-             )

-             # repos_config will contain lines for repo itself as well as

-             # docs, requests, tickets; compile-1 only accepts one repo,

-             # so we have to run it separately for all of them

-             for repo in cls._repos_from_lines(repos_config):

-                 repopath = repo.splitlines()[0][len("repo ") :].strip()

-                 repotype = repopath.split("/")[0]

-                 if (

-                     repotype == "docs" and not pagure_config.get("ENABLE_DOCS")

-                 ) or (

-                     repotype == "tickets"

-                     and not pagure_config.get("ENABLE_TICKETS")

-                 ):

-                     continue

-                 with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f:

-                     f.write(repo)

-                     f.flush()

-                     cmd = cls._individual_repos_command(f.name)

-                     cls._run_gitolite_cmd(cmd)

-         else:

-             cmd = cls._get_gitolite_command()

-             cls._run_gitolite_cmd(cmd)



- class Gitolite3Auth(Gitolite2Auth):

-     """A gitolite 3 authentication module."""


-     @staticmethod

-     def _individual_repos_command(config_file):

-         _log.info(

-             "Compiling gitolite configuration %s for single repository",

-             config_file,

-         )

-         gitolite_folder = pagure_config.get("GITOLITE_HOME", None)

-         if gitolite_folder:

-             cmd = "HOME=%s gitolite compile-1 %s" % (

-                 gitolite_folder,

-                 config_file,

-             )

-             _log.debug("Command: %s", cmd)

-             return cmd


-     @staticmethod

-     def _get_gitolite_command():

-         """Return the gitolite command to run based on the info in the

-         configuration file.

-         """

-         _log.info("Compiling the gitolite configuration")

-         gitolite_folder = pagure_config.get("GITOLITE_HOME", None)

-         if gitolite_folder:

-             cmd = (

-                 "HOME=%s gitolite compile && HOME=%s gitolite trigger "

-                 "POST_COMPILE" % (gitolite_folder, gitolite_folder)

-             )

-             _log.debug("Command: %s", cmd)

-             return cmd


-     @classmethod

-     def post_compile_only(cls):

-         """This method runs `gitolite trigger POST_COMPILE` without touching

-         any other gitolite configuration. Most importantly, this will process

-         SSH keys used by gitolite.

-         """

-         _log.info("Triggering gitolite POST_COMPILE")

-         gitolite_folder = pagure_config.get("GITOLITE_HOME", None)

-         if gitolite_folder:

-             cmd = "HOME=%s gitolite trigger POST_COMPILE" % gitolite_folder

-             _log.debug("Command: %s", cmd)

-             cls._run_gitolite_cmd(cmd)



  class PagureGitAuth(GitAuthHelper):

      """Standard Pagure git auth implementation."""


      is_dynamic = True


-     @classmethod

-     def generate_acls(self, project, group=None):

-         """This function is required but not used."""

-         pass


-     @classmethod

-     def remove_acls(self, session, project):

-         """This function is required but not used."""

-         pass


      def info(self, msg):

          """Function that prints info about decisions to clients.

@@ -918,45 +197,6 @@ 

      is_dynamic = True



-     def generate_acls(cls, project, group=None):

-         """Print a statement when called, useful for debugging, only.


-         :arg project: this variable is just printed out but not used

-             in any real place.

-         :type project: None, int or spagure.lib.model.Project

-         :kwarg group: the group to refresh the members of

-         :type group: None or pagure.lib.model.PagureGroup


-         """

-         out = (

-             "Called GitAuthTestHelper.generate_acls() "

-             "with args: project=%s, group=%s" % (project, group)

-         )

-         print(out)

-         return out


-     @classmethod

-     def remove_acls(cls, session, project):

-         """Print a statement about which a project would be removed from

-         the configuration file for gitolite.


-         :arg cls: the current class

-         :type: GitAuthHelper

-         :arg session: the session with which to connect to the database

-         :arg project: the project to remove from the gitolite configuration

-             file.

-         :type project: pagure.lib.model.Project


-         """


-         out = (

-             "Called GitAuthTestHelper.remove_acls() "

-             "with args: project=%s" % (project.fullname)

-         )

-         print(out)

-         return out


-     @classmethod

      def check_acl(

          cls, session, project, username, refname, pull_request, **info


file modified
@@ -383,7 +383,6 @@ 

      hook_token = sa.Column(sa.String(40), nullable=False, unique=True)

      avatar_email = sa.Column(sa.Text, nullable=True)

      is_fork = sa.Column(sa.Boolean, default=False, nullable=False)

-     read_only = sa.Column(sa.Boolean, default=True, nullable=False)

      parent_id = sa.Column(


          sa.ForeignKey("projects.id", onupdate="CASCADE"),

file modified
+1 -1
@@ -1104,7 +1104,7 @@ 

      been added.


      # string note: abspath, project and branch can only contain ASCII

-     # by policy (pagure and/or gitolite)

+     # by policy (pagure)

      commits_info = []

      for commit in commits:


file modified
+3 -137
@@ -283,93 +283,6 @@ 

          return None



- def create_deploykeys_ssh_keys_on_disk(project, gitolite_keydir):

-     """Create the ssh keys for the projects' deploy keys on the key dir.


-     This method does NOT support multiple ssh keys per deploy key.

-     """

-     if not gitolite_keydir:

-         # Nothing to do here, move right along

-         return


-     # First remove deploykeys that no longer exist

-     keyfiles = [

-         "deploykey_%s_%s.pub"

-         % (werkzeug.utils.secure_filename(project.fullname), key.id)

-         for key in project.deploykeys

-     ]


-     project_key_dir = os.path.join(

-         gitolite_keydir, "deploykeys", project.fullname

-     )

-     if not os.path.exists(project_key_dir):

-         os.makedirs(project_key_dir)


-     for keyfile in os.listdir(project_key_dir):

-         if keyfile not in keyfiles:

-             # This key is no longer in the project. Remove it.

-             os.remove(os.path.join(project_key_dir, keyfile))


-     for deploykey in project.deploykeys:

-         # See the comment in lib/git.py:write_gitolite_acls about why this

-         # name for a file is sane and does not inject a new security risk.

-         keyfile = "deploykey_%s_%s.pub" % (

-             werkzeug.utils.secure_filename(project.fullname),

-             deploykey.id,

-         )

-         if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(project_key_dir, keyfile)):

-             # We only take the very first key - deploykeys must be single keys

-             key = deploykey.public_ssh_key.split("\n")[0]

-             if not key:

-                 continue

-             if not is_valid_ssh_key(key):

-                 continue

-             with open(os.path.join(project_key_dir, keyfile), "w") as f:

-                 f.write(deploykey.public_ssh_key)



- def create_user_ssh_keys_on_disk(user, gitolite_keydir):

-     """Create the ssh keys for the user on the specific folder.


-     This is the method allowing to have multiple ssh keys per user.

-     """

-     if gitolite_keydir:

-         # First remove any old keyfiles for the user

-         # Assumption: we populated the keydir. This means that files

-         #  will be in 0/<username>.pub, ..., and not in any deeper

-         #  directory structures. Also, this means that if a user

-         #  had 5 lines, they will be up to at most keys_4/<username>.pub,

-         #  meaning that if a user is not in keys_<i>/<username>.pub, with

-         #  i being any integer, the user is most certainly not in

-         #  keys_<i+1>/<username>.pub.

-         i = 0

-         keyline_file = os.path.join(

-             gitolite_keydir, "keys_%i" % i, "%s.pub" % user.user

-         )

-         while os.path.exists(keyline_file):

-             os.unlink(keyline_file)

-             i += 1

-             keyline_file = os.path.join(

-                 gitolite_keydir, "keys_%i" % i, "%s.pub" % user.user

-             )


-         if not user.sshkeys:

-             return


-         # Now let's create new keyfiles for the user

-         i = 0

-         for key in user.sshkeys:

-             if not is_valid_ssh_key(key.public_ssh_key):

-                 continue

-             keyline_dir = os.path.join(gitolite_keydir, "keys_%i" % i)

-             if not os.path.exists(keyline_dir):

-                 os.mkdir(keyline_dir)

-             keyfile = os.path.join(keyline_dir, "%s.pub" % user.user)

-             with open(keyfile, "w") as stream:

-                 stream.write(key.public_ssh_key.strip())

-             i += 1



  def add_issue_comment(


@@ -1182,7 +1095,6 @@ 

          access_obj.access = access

          access_obj.branches = branches

          project.date_modified = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

-         update_read_only_mode(session, project, read_only=True)



@@ -1209,8 +1121,6 @@ 


      project.date_modified = datetime.datetime.utcnow()


-     # Mark the project as read only, celery will then unmark it

-     update_read_only_mode(session, project, read_only=True)


      # Commit so the JSON sent in the notification is up to date

@@ -1295,7 +1205,6 @@ 

          access_obj.branches = branches


          project.date_modified = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

-         update_read_only_mode(session, project, read_only=True)


          # Commit so the JSON sent in the notification is up to date

@@ -1323,8 +1232,6 @@ 


      # Make sure we won't have SQLAlchemy error before we continue

      project.date_modified = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

-     # Mark the project read_only, celery will then unmark it

-     update_read_only_mode(session, project, read_only=True)


      # Commit so the JSON sent in the notification is up to date

@@ -2289,10 +2196,8 @@ 



          if "pull_request_access_only" in update:

-             update_read_only_mode(session, repo, read_only=True)



-             pagure.lib.git.generate_gitolite_acls(project=repo)


          return "Edited successfully settings of repo: %s" % repo.fullname

@@ -3680,13 +3585,7 @@ 



  def set_up_user(

-     session,

-     username,

-     fullname,

-     default_email,

-     emails=None,

-     ssh_key=None,

-     keydir=None,

+     session, username, fullname, default_email, emails=None, ssh_key=None


      """Set up a new user into the database or update its information."""

      user = search_user(session, username=username)
@@ -3714,7 +3613,7 @@ 



      if ssh_key and not user.sshkeys:

-         update_user_ssh(session, user, ssh_key, keydir)

+         update_user_ssh(session, user, ssh_key)


      return user

@@ -3751,7 +3650,7 @@ 

              update_log_email_user(session, user_email, user)



- def update_user_ssh(session, user, ssh_key, keydir, update_only=False):

+ def update_user_ssh(session, user, ssh_key):

      """Set up a new user into the database or update its information."""

      if isinstance(user, six.string_types):

          user = get_user(session, user)
@@ -3770,12 +3669,6 @@ 




-     if keydir:

-         create_user_ssh_keys_on_disk(user, keydir)

-         if update_only:

-             pagure.lib.tasks.gitolite_post_compile_only.delay()

-         else:

-             pagure.lib.git.generate_gitolite_acls(project=None)



@@ -5653,30 +5546,6 @@ 

      return False



- def update_read_only_mode(session, repo, read_only=True):

-     """Remove the read only mode from the project


-     :arg session: The session object to query the db with

-     :arg repo: model.Project object to mark/unmark read only

-     :arg read_only: True if project is to be made read only,

-         False otherwise

-     """


-     if (

-         not repo

-         or not isinstance(repo, model.Project)

-         or read_only not in [True, False]

-     ):

-         return

-     helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper()

-     if helper.is_dynamic and read_only:

-         # No need to set a readonly flag if a dynamic auth backend is in use

-         return

-     if repo.read_only != read_only:

-         repo.read_only = read_only

-         session.add(repo)



  def issues_history_stats(session, project, detailed=False, weeks_range=53):

      """Returns the number of opened issues on the specified project over

      the last 365 days
@@ -5867,11 +5736,8 @@ 




-     # Mark the project as read_only, celery will unmark it

-     update_read_only_mode(session, project, read_only=True)



-     pagure.lib.git.generate_gitolite_acls(project=project)




file modified
+3 -86
@@ -84,82 +84,14 @@ 

      return toret



- @conn.task(queue=pagure_config.get("GITOLITE_CELERY_QUEUE", None), bind=True)

- @pagure_task

- def generate_gitolite_acls(

-     self, session, namespace=None, name=None, user=None, group=None

- ):

-     """Generate the gitolite configuration file either entirely or for a

-     specific project.


-     :arg session: SQLAlchemy session object

-     :type session: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session

-     :kwarg namespace: the namespace of the project

-     :type namespace: None or str

-     :kwarg name: the name of the project

-     :type name: None or str

-     :kwarg user: the user of the project, only set if the project is a fork

-     :type user: None or str

-     :kwarg group: the group to refresh the members of

-     :type group: None or str


-     """

-     project = None

-     if name and name != -1:

-         project = pagure.lib.query._get_project(

-             session, namespace=namespace, name=name, user=user

-         )


-     elif name == -1:

-         project = name

-     helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper()

-     _log.debug("Got helper: %s", helper)


-     group_obj = None

-     if group:

-         group_obj = pagure.lib.query.search_groups(session, group_name=group)

-     _log.debug(

-         "Calling helper: %s with arg: project=%s, group=%s",

-         helper,

-         project,

-         group_obj,

-     )

-     helper.generate_acls(project=project, group=group_obj)


-     pagure.lib.query.update_read_only_mode(session, project, read_only=False)

-     try:

-         session.commit()

-         _log.debug("Project %s is no longer in Read Only Mode", project)

-     except SQLAlchemyError:

-         session.rollback()

-         _log.exception("Failed to unmark read_only for: %s project", project)



- @conn.task(queue=pagure_config.get("GITOLITE_CELERY_QUEUE", None), bind=True)

- @pagure_task

- def gitolite_post_compile_only(self, session):

-     """Do gitolite post-processing only. Most importantly, this processes SSH

-     keys used by gitolite. This is an optimization task that's supposed to be

-     used if you only need to run `gitolite trigger POST_COMPILE` without

-     touching any other gitolite configuration

-     """

-     helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper()

-     _log.debug("Got helper: %s", helper)

-     if hasattr(helper, "post_compile_only"):

-         helper.post_compile_only()

-     else:

-         helper.generate_acls(project=None)



- @conn.task(queue=pagure_config.get("GITOLITE_CELERY_QUEUE", None), bind=True)

+ @conn.task(queue=pagure_config.get("FAST_CELERY_QUEUE", None), bind=True)


  def delete_project(

      self, session, namespace=None, name=None, user=None, action_user=None


      """Delete a project in pagure.


-     This is achieved in three steps:

-     - Remove the project from gitolite.conf

+     This is achieved in two steps:

      - Remove the git repositories on disk

      - Remove the project from the DB

@@ -185,14 +117,12 @@ 

              % (namespace, name, user)



-     # Remove the project from gitolite.conf

      helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper()

      _log.debug("Got helper: %s", helper)



          "Calling helper: %s with arg: project=%s", helper, project.fullname


-     helper.remove_acls(session=session, project=project)


      # Remove the git repositories on disk

@@ -323,13 +253,6 @@ 

                  master_ref = temp_gitrepo.lookup_reference("HEAD").resolve()

                  tempclone.push("pagure", master_ref.name, internal="yes")


-     task = generate_gitolite_acls.delay(

-         namespace=project.namespace,

-         name=project.name,

-         user=project.user.user if project.is_fork else None,

-     )

-     _log.info("Refreshing gitolite config queued in task: %s", task.id)


      return ret("ui_ns.view_repo", repo=name, namespace=namespace)


@@ -527,13 +450,7 @@ 

              msg=dict(project=repo_to.to_json(public=True), agent=user_forker),



-     _log.info("Project created, refreshing auth async")

-     task = generate_gitolite_acls.delay(

-         namespace=repo_to.namespace,

-         name=repo_to.name,

-         user=repo_to.user.user if repo_to.is_fork else None,

-     )

-     _log.info("Refreshing gitolite config queued in task: %s", task.id)

+     _log.info("Project created.")


      if editfile is None:

          return ret(

@@ -8,9 +8,6 @@ 


    {% elif not (current_user | user_group_can_ssh_commit) %}

      Only members of the {{ config["SSH_ACCESS_GROUPS"] | join(", ") }} group(s) can clone via ssh

-   {% elif repo.read_only %}

-      The permissions on this repository are being updated.

-      Cloning over SSH is disabled.

    {% else %}

      <div class="form-group">

        <div class="input-group input-group-sm">
@@ -260,19 +257,6 @@ 



  <div class="container pt-5 repo-body-container">

-     {% if repo.read_only %}

-     <div class="container pt-2">

-         <div class="alert alert-danger alert-dismissible" role="alert">

-           <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close">

-             <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>

-             <span class="sr-only">Close</span>

-           </button>

-           The permissions on this repository are being updated. This may take a while.

-           During this time, you or some of the project's contributors may not be able

-           to push to this repository.

-         </div>

-     </div>

-     {% endif %}

      {% if g.authenticated and repo.settings.get('pull_request_access_only') %}

      <div class="container pt-2">

          <div class="alert alert-info alert-dismissible" role="alert">

@@ -1070,13 +1070,6 @@ 


                <div class="row">

                  <div class="col">

-                     {% if repo.read_only %}

-           <button class="btn btn-danger disabled"

-             title="Action disabled while project's ACLs are being refreshed">

-               <i class="fa fa-trash"></i>

-               &nbsp; Delete the {{ repo.fullname }} project

-           </button>

-         {% else %}

            <form action="{{ url_for(


@@ -1090,7 +1083,6 @@ 

                  &nbsp; Delete the {{ repo.fullname }} project



-         {% endif %}




file modified
@@ -1239,10 +1239,6 @@ 




-             pagure.lib.query.create_user_ssh_keys_on_disk(

-                 user, pagure_config.get("GITOLITE_KEYDIR", None)

-             )

-             pagure.lib.tasks.gitolite_post_compile_only.delay()

              if (


                  == "pagure_authorized_keys"
@@ -1301,10 +1297,6 @@ 




-             pagure.lib.query.create_user_ssh_keys_on_disk(

-                 user, pagure_config.get("GITOLITE_KEYDIR", None)

-             )

-             pagure.lib.tasks.gitolite_post_compile_only.delay()

              if (


                  == "pagure_authorized_keys"

file modified
+5 -20
@@ -93,10 +93,10 @@ 



  def proxy_raw_git(project):

-     """Proxy a request to Git or gitolite3 via a subprocess."""

+     """Proxy a request to Git via a subprocess."""

      _log.debug("Raw git clone proxy started")

      remote_user = _get_remote_user(project)

-     # We are going to shell out to gitolite-shell. Prepare the env it needs.

+     # We are going to shell out, prepare the env it needs.

      gitenv = {

          "PATH": os.environ["PATH"],

          # These are the vars git-http-backend needs
@@ -130,18 +130,7 @@ 




-     gitolite = pagure_config["HTTP_REPO_ACCESS_GITOLITE"]

-     if gitolite:

-         gitenv.update(

-             {

-                 # These are the additional vars gitolite needs

-                 # Fun fact: REQUEST_URI is not even mentioned in RFC3875

-                 "REQUEST_URI": flask.request.full_path,

-                 "GITOLITE_HTTP_HOME": pagure_config["GITOLITE_HOME"],

-                 "HOME": pagure_config["GITOLITE_HOME"],

-             }

-         )

-     elif remote_user:

+     if remote_user:

          gitenv.update({"GL_USER": remote_user})


      # These keys are optional
@@ -162,12 +151,8 @@ 

          if not gitenv[key]:

              raise ValueError("Value for key %s unknown" % key)


-     if gitolite:

-         _log.debug("Running git via: %s", gitolite)

-         cmd = [gitolite]

-     else:

-         _log.debug("Running git via git directly")

-         cmd = ["/usr/bin/git", "http-backend"]

+     _log.debug("Running git via git directly")

+     cmd = ["/usr/bin/git", "http-backend"]


      # Note: using a temporary files to buffer the input contents

      # is non-ideal, but it is a way to make sure we don't need to have

file modified
@@ -85,7 +85,6 @@ 




-                 keydir=pagure_config.get("GITOLITE_KEYDIR", None),


          except pagure.exceptions.PagureException as err:

              message = str(err)

file modified
@@ -90,9 +90,6 @@ 




-             pagure.lib.git.generate_gitolite_acls(

-                 project=None, group=group.group_name

-             )


          except pagure.exceptions.PagureException as err:

@@ -277,7 +274,6 @@ 




-             pagure.lib.git.generate_gitolite_acls(project=None, group=group)


                  "User `%s` removed from the group `%s`" % (user, group)

@@ -337,7 +333,6 @@ 




-         pagure.lib.git.generate_gitolite_acls(project=None)

          flask.flash("Group `%s` has been deleted" % (group))


      return flask.redirect(flask.url_for("ui_ns.group_lists"))

file modified
@@ -109,7 +109,6 @@ 




-             keydir=pagure_config.get("GITOLITE_KEYDIR", None),



          # If groups are managed outside pagure, set up the user at login

file modified
@@ -1732,22 +1732,6 @@ 




-     if repo.read_only:

-         flask.flash(

-             "The ACLs of this project are being refreshed in the backend "

-             "this prevents the project from being deleted. Please wait "

-             "for this task to finish before trying again. Thanks!"

-         )

-         return flask.redirect(

-             flask.url_for(

-                 "ui_ns.view_settings",

-                 repo=repo.name,

-                 username=username,

-                 namespace=namespace,

-             )

-             + "#deleteproject-tab"

-         )


      task = pagure.lib.tasks.delete_project.delay(


@@ -1844,10 +1828,6 @@ 




-             pagure.lib.query.create_deploykeys_ssh_keys_on_disk(

-                 repo, pagure_config.get("GITOLITE_KEYDIR", None)

-             )

-             pagure.lib.tasks.gitolite_post_compile_only.delay()

              if (


                  == "pagure_authorized_keys"
@@ -1974,10 +1954,6 @@ 




-             pagure.lib.query.create_deploykeys_ssh_keys_on_disk(

-                 repo, pagure_config.get("GITOLITE_KEYDIR", None)

-             )

-             pagure.lib.tasks.gitolite_post_compile_only.delay()

              if (


                  == "pagure_authorized_keys"
@@ -2069,7 +2045,6 @@ 




-             pagure.lib.git.generate_gitolite_acls(project=repo)


              return flask.redirect(

@@ -2161,12 +2136,7 @@ 




-             # Mark the project as read_only, celery will unmark it

-             pagure.lib.query.update_read_only_mode(

-                 flask.g.session, repo, read_only=True

-             )


-             pagure.lib.git.generate_gitolite_acls(project=repo)

              flask.flash("Group removed")

          except SQLAlchemyError as err:  # pragma: no cover

@@ -2242,7 +2212,6 @@ 




-             pagure.lib.git.generate_gitolite_acls(project=repo)


              return flask.redirect(

@@ -3179,7 +3148,6 @@ 




-             pagure.lib.git.generate_gitolite_acls(project=repo)


                  "The project has been transferred to %s" % new_username


file modified
@@ -60,8 +60,6 @@ 



      test_auth = pagure.lib.git_auth:GitAuthTestHelper

-     gitolite2 = pagure.lib.git_auth:Gitolite2Auth

-     gitolite3 = pagure.lib.git_auth:Gitolite3Auth

      pagure = pagure.lib.git_auth:PagureGitAuth

      pagure_authorized_keys = pagure.lib.git_auth:PagureGitAuth


file modified
+1 -1
@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ 

              "enable_tickets": True,

              "tickets_folder": "%s/repos/tickets" % self.path,

              "global_path": self.dbfolder,

-             "authbackend": "gitolite3",

+             "authbackend": "pagure",

              "nogithooks": False,



file modified
@@ -78,139 +78,6 @@ 

          self.assertEqual(output, "No admin tokens found\n")



- class PagureAdminAdminRefreshGitolitetests(tests.Modeltests):

-     """Tests for pagure-admin refresh-gitolite"""


-     populate_db = False


-     def setUp(self):

-         """Set up the environnment, ran before every tests."""

-         super(PagureAdminAdminRefreshGitolitetests, self).setUp()

-         pagure.cli.admin.session = self.session


-         # Create the user pingou

-         item = pagure.lib.model.User(

-             user="pingou",

-             fullname="PY C",

-             password="foo",

-             default_email="bar@pingou.com",

-         )

-         self.session.add(item)

-         item = pagure.lib.model.UserEmail(user_id=1, email="bar@pingou.com")

-         self.session.add(item)

-         self.session.commit()


-         # Create a couple of projects

-         tests.create_projects(self.session)


-         # Add a group

-         msg = pagure.lib.query.add_group(

-             self.session,

-             group_name="foo",

-             display_name="foo group",

-             description=None,

-             group_type="bar",

-             user="pingou",

-             is_admin=False,

-             blacklist=[],

-         )

-         self.session.commit()

-         self.assertEqual(msg, "User `pingou` added to the group `foo`.")


-         # Make the imported pagure use the correct db session

-         pagure.cli.admin.session = self.session


-     @patch("pagure.cli.admin._ask_confirmation")

-     @patch("pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper")

-     def test_do_refresh_gitolite_no_args(self, get_helper, conf):

-         """Test the do_generate_acl function with no special args."""

-         conf.return_value = True

-         helper = MagicMock()

-         get_helper.return_value = helper


-         args = munch.Munch(

-             {"group": None, "project": None, "all_": False, "user": None}

-         )

-         pagure.cli.admin.do_generate_acl(args)


-         get_helper.assert_called_with()

-         args = helper.generate_acls.call_args

-         self.assertIsNone(args[1].get("group"))

-         self.assertIsNone(args[1].get("project"))


-     @patch("pagure.cli.admin._ask_confirmation")

-     @patch("pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper")

-     def test_do_refresh_gitolite_all_project(self, get_helper, conf):

-         """Test the do_generate_acl function for all projects."""

-         conf.return_value = True

-         helper = MagicMock()

-         get_helper.return_value = helper


-         args = munch.Munch(

-             {"group": None, "project": None, "all_": True, "user": None}

-         )

-         pagure.cli.admin.do_generate_acl(args)


-         get_helper.assert_called_with()

-         args = helper.generate_acls.call_args

-         self.assertIsNone(args[1].get("group"))

-         self.assertEqual(args[1].get("project"), -1)


-     @patch("pagure.cli.admin._ask_confirmation")

-     @patch("pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper")

-     def test_do_refresh_gitolite_one_project(self, get_helper, conf):

-         """Test the do_generate_acl function for a certain project."""

-         conf.return_value = True

-         helper = MagicMock()

-         get_helper.return_value = helper


-         args = munch.Munch(

-             {"group": None, "project": "test", "all_": False, "user": None}

-         )

-         pagure.cli.admin.do_generate_acl(args)


-         get_helper.assert_called_with()

-         args = helper.generate_acls.call_args

-         self.assertIsNone(args[1].get("group"))

-         self.assertEqual(args[1].get("project").fullname, "test")


-     @patch("pagure.cli.admin._ask_confirmation")

-     @patch("pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper")

-     def test_do_refresh_gitolite_one_project_and_all(self, get_helper, conf):

-         """Test the do_generate_acl function for a certain project and all."""

-         conf.return_value = True

-         helper = MagicMock()

-         get_helper.return_value = helper


-         args = munch.Munch(

-             {"group": None, "project": "test", "all_": True, "user": None}

-         )

-         pagure.cli.admin.do_generate_acl(args)


-         get_helper.assert_called_with()

-         args = helper.generate_acls.call_args

-         self.assertIsNone(args[1].get("group"))

-         self.assertEqual(args[1].get("project"), -1)


-     @patch("pagure.cli.admin._ask_confirmation")

-     @patch("pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper")

-     def test_do_refresh_gitolite_one_group(self, get_helper, conf):

-         """Test the do_generate_acl function for a certain group."""

-         conf.return_value = True

-         helper = MagicMock()

-         get_helper.return_value = helper


-         args = munch.Munch(

-             {"group": "foo", "project": None, "all_": False, "user": None}

-         )

-         pagure.cli.admin.do_generate_acl(args)


-         get_helper.assert_called_with()

-         args = helper.generate_acls.call_args

-         self.assertEqual(args[1].get("group").group_name, "foo")

-         self.assertIsNone(args[1].get("project"))



  class PagureAdminAdminTokentests(tests.Modeltests):

      """Tests for pagure-admin admin-token"""

@@ -1168,187 +1035,6 @@ 




- class PagureAdminReadOnlyTests(tests.Modeltests):

-     """Tests for pagure-admin read-only"""


-     populate_db = False


-     def setUp(self):

-         """Set up the environnment, ran before every tests."""

-         super(PagureAdminReadOnlyTests, self).setUp()

-         pagure.cli.admin.session = self.session


-         # Create the user pingou

-         item = pagure.lib.model.User(

-             user="pingou",

-             fullname="PY C",

-             password="foo",

-             default_email="bar@pingou.com",

-         )

-         self.session.add(item)

-         item = pagure.lib.model.UserEmail(user_id=1, email="bar@pingou.com")

-         self.session.add(item)


-         # Create two projects for the user pingou

-         item = pagure.lib.model.Project(

-             user_id=1,  # pingou

-             name="test",

-             description="namespaced test project",

-             hook_token="aaabbbeee",

-             namespace="somenamespace",

-         )

-         self.session.add(item)


-         item = pagure.lib.model.Project(

-             user_id=1,  # pingou

-             name="test",

-             description="Test project",

-             hook_token="aaabbbccc",

-             namespace=None,

-         )

-         self.session.add(item)


-         self.session.commit()


-         # Make the imported pagure use the correct db session

-         pagure.cli.admin.session = self.session


-     def test_read_only_unknown_project(self):

-         """Test the read-only function of pagure-admin on an unknown

-         project.

-         """


-         args = munch.Munch({"project": "foob", "user": None, "ro": None})

-         with self.assertRaises(pagure.exceptions.PagureException) as cm:

-             pagure.cli.admin.do_read_only(args)

-         self.assertEqual(

-             cm.exception.args[0], "No project found with: project=foob"

-         )


-     def test_read_only_invalid_project(self):

-         """Test the read-only function of pagure-admin on an invalid

-         project.

-         """


-         args = munch.Munch({"project": "fo/o/b", "user": None, "ro": None})

-         with self.assertRaises(pagure.exceptions.PagureException) as cm:

-             pagure.cli.admin.do_read_only(args)

-         self.assertEqual(

-             cm.exception.args[0],

-             'Invalid project name, has more than one "/": fo/o/b',

-         )


-     def test_read_only(self):

-         """Test the read-only function of pagure-admin to get status of

-         a non-namespaced project.

-         """


-         args = munch.Munch({"project": "test", "user": None, "ro": None})

-         with tests.capture_output() as output:

-             pagure.cli.admin.do_read_only(args)

-         output = output.getvalue()

-         self.assertEqual(

-             "The current read-only flag of the project test is set to True\n",

-             output,

-         )


-     def test_read_only_namespace(self):

-         """Test the read-only function of pagure-admin to get status of

-         a namespaced project.

-         """


-         args = munch.Munch(

-             {"project": "somenamespace/test", "user": None, "ro": None}

-         )

-         with tests.capture_output() as output:

-             pagure.cli.admin.do_read_only(args)

-         output = output.getvalue()

-         self.assertEqual(

-             "The current read-only flag of the project somenamespace/test "

-             "is set to True\n",

-             output,

-         )


-     def test_read_only_namespace_changed(self):

-         """Test the read-only function of pagure-admin to set the status of

-         a namespaced project.

-         """


-         # Before

-         args = munch.Munch(

-             {"project": "somenamespace/test", "user": None, "ro": None}

-         )

-         with tests.capture_output() as output:

-             pagure.cli.admin.do_read_only(args)

-         output = output.getvalue()

-         self.assertEqual(

-             "The current read-only flag of the project somenamespace/test "

-             "is set to True\n",

-             output,

-         )


-         args = munch.Munch(

-             {"project": "somenamespace/test", "user": None, "ro": "false"}

-         )

-         with tests.capture_output() as output:

-             pagure.cli.admin.do_read_only(args)

-         output = output.getvalue()

-         self.assertEqual(

-             "The read-only flag of the project somenamespace/test has been "

-             "set to False\n",

-             output,

-         )


-         # After

-         args = munch.Munch(

-             {"project": "somenamespace/test", "user": None, "ro": None}

-         )

-         with tests.capture_output() as output:

-             pagure.cli.admin.do_read_only(args)

-         output = output.getvalue()

-         self.assertEqual(

-             "The current read-only flag of the project somenamespace/test "

-             "is set to False\n",

-             output,

-         )


-     def test_read_only_no_change(self):

-         """Test the read-only function of pagure-admin to set the status of

-         a namespaced project.

-         """


-         # Before

-         args = munch.Munch({"project": "test", "user": None, "ro": None})

-         with tests.capture_output() as output:

-             pagure.cli.admin.do_read_only(args)

-         output = output.getvalue()

-         self.assertEqual(

-             "The current read-only flag of the project test "

-             "is set to True\n",

-             output,

-         )


-         args = munch.Munch({"project": "test", "user": None, "ro": "true"})

-         with tests.capture_output() as output:

-             pagure.cli.admin.do_read_only(args)

-         output = output.getvalue()

-         self.assertEqual(

-             "The read-only flag of the project test has been " "set to True\n",

-             output,

-         )


-         # After

-         args = munch.Munch({"project": "test", "user": None, "ro": None})

-         with tests.capture_output() as output:

-             pagure.cli.admin.do_read_only(args)

-         output = output.getvalue()

-         self.assertEqual(

-             "The current read-only flag of the project test "

-             "is set to True\n",

-             output,

-         )



  class PagureNewGroupTests(tests.Modeltests):

      """Tests for pagure-admin new-group"""

@@ -2290,7 +1976,6 @@ 




-                 "generate_acls_project",



@@ -2343,7 +2028,6 @@ 




-                 "generate_acls_project",




@@ -42,15 +42,8 @@ 


      def setUp(self):

          super(PagureFlaskApiProjecttests, self).setUp()

-         self.gga_patcher = patch(

-             "pagure.lib.tasks.generate_gitolite_acls.delay"

-         )

-         self.mock_gen_acls = self.gga_patcher.start()

-         task_result = EagerResult("abc-1234", True, "SUCCESS")

-         self.mock_gen_acls.return_value = task_result


      def tearDown(self):

-         self.gga_patcher.stop()

          super(PagureFlaskApiProjecttests, self).tearDown()


      def test_api_git_tags(self):
@@ -2521,115 +2514,6 @@ 

              data, {"error": "Project not found", "error_code": "ENOPROJECT"}



-     def test_api_generate_acls(self):

-         """Test the api_generate_acls method of the flask api"""

-         tests.create_projects(self.session)

-         tests.create_tokens(self.session, project_id=None)

-         tests.create_tokens_acl(

-             self.session, "aaabbbcccddd", "generate_acls_project"

-         )

-         headers = {"Authorization": "token aaabbbcccddd"}


-         user = pagure.lib.query.get_user(self.session, "pingou")

-         output = self.app.post(

-             "/api/0/test/git/generateacls",

-             headers=headers,

-             data={"wait": False},

-         )

-         self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 200)

-         data = json.loads(output.get_data(as_text=True))

-         expected_output = {

-             "message": "Project ACL generation queued",

-             "taskid": "abc-1234",

-         }

-         self.assertEqual(data, expected_output)

-         self.mock_gen_acls.assert_called_once_with(

-             name="test", namespace=None, user=None, group=None

-         )


-     def test_api_generate_acls_json(self):

-         """Test the api_generate_acls method of the flask api using JSON"""

-         tests.create_projects(self.session)

-         tests.create_tokens(self.session, project_id=None)

-         tests.create_tokens_acl(

-             self.session, "aaabbbcccddd", "generate_acls_project"

-         )

-         headers = {

-             "Authorization": "token aaabbbcccddd",

-             "Content-Type": "application/json",

-         }


-         user = pagure.lib.query.get_user(self.session, "pingou")


-         output = self.app.post(

-             "/api/0/test/git/generateacls",

-             headers=headers,

-             data=json.dumps({"wait": False}),

-         )

-         self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 200)

-         data = json.loads(output.get_data(as_text=True))

-         expected_output = {

-             "message": "Project ACL generation queued",

-             "taskid": "abc-1234",

-         }

-         self.assertEqual(data, expected_output)

-         self.mock_gen_acls.assert_called_once_with(

-             name="test", namespace=None, user=None, group=None

-         )


-     def test_api_generate_acls_wait_true(self):

-         """Test the api_generate_acls method of the flask api when wait is

-         set to True"""

-         tests.create_projects(self.session)

-         tests.create_tokens(self.session, project_id=None)

-         tests.create_tokens_acl(

-             self.session, "aaabbbcccddd", "generate_acls_project"

-         )

-         headers = {"Authorization": "token aaabbbcccddd"}


-         task_result = Mock()

-         task_result.id = "abc-1234"

-         self.mock_gen_acls.return_value = task_result


-         user = pagure.lib.query.get_user(self.session, "pingou")

-         output = self.app.post(

-             "/api/0/test/git/generateacls",

-             headers=headers,

-             data={"wait": True},

-         )

-         self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 200)

-         data = json.loads(output.get_data(as_text=True))

-         expected_output = {"message": "Project ACLs generated"}

-         self.assertEqual(data, expected_output)

-         self.mock_gen_acls.assert_called_once_with(

-             name="test", namespace=None, user=None, group=None

-         )

-         self.assertTrue(task_result.get.called)


-     def test_api_generate_acls_no_project(self):

-         """Test the api_generate_acls method of the flask api when the project

-         doesn't exist"""

-         tests.create_projects(self.session)

-         tests.create_tokens(self.session, project_id=None)

-         tests.create_tokens_acl(

-             self.session, "aaabbbcccddd", "generate_acls_project"

-         )

-         headers = {"Authorization": "token aaabbbcccddd"}


-         user = pagure.lib.query.get_user(self.session, "pingou")

-         output = self.app.post(

-             "/api/0/test12345123/git/generateacls",

-             headers=headers,

-             data={"wait": False},

-         )

-         self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 404)

-         data = json.loads(output.get_data(as_text=True))

-         expected_output = {

-             "error_code": "ENOPROJECT",

-             "error": "Project not found",

-         }

-         self.assertEqual(data, expected_output)


      def test_api_new_git_branch(self):

          """Test the api_new_branch method of the flask api"""


@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ 

          tests.create_tokens_acl(self.session, token_id="aaabbbcccddd_foo")


          project = pagure.lib.query.get_authorized_project(self.session, "test")

-         project.read_only = False



@@ -95,16 +94,6 @@ 


          self.assertEqual(pagure.api.APIERROR.EINVALIDTOK.value, data["error"])


-     def test_delete_project_read_only_project(self):

-         headers = {"Authorization": "token aaabbbcccddd_test2"}


-         output = self.app.post("/api/0/test2/delete", headers=headers)

-         self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 400)

-         data = json.loads(output.get_data(as_text=True))

-         self.assertEqual(pagure.api.APIERROR.ENOCODE.name, data["error_code"])

-         error = "The ACLs of this project are being refreshed in the backend this prevents the project from being deleted. Please wait for this task to finish before trying again. Thanks!"

-         self.assertEqual(data["error"], error)


      def test_delete_project_not_allowed(self):

          headers = {"Authorization": "token aaabbbcccddd_foo"}


@@ -216,7 +216,6 @@ 



      @patch.dict("pagure.config.config", {"PAGURE_ADMIN_USERS": "foo"})

-     @patch("pagure.lib.git.generate_gitolite_acls", MagicMock())

      def test_give_project_not_owner_but_admin(self):

          """Test the give_project endpoint.

@@ -248,7 +247,6 @@ 



      @patch.dict("pagure.config.config", {"PAGURE_ADMIN_USERS": "foo"})

-     @patch("pagure.lib.git.generate_gitolite_acls", MagicMock())

      def test_give_project(self):

          """Test the give_project endpoint."""

@@ -280,7 +278,6 @@ 

              self.assertEqual(project.users[0].user, "pingou")


      @patch.dict("pagure.config.config", {"PAGURE_ADMIN_USERS": "foo"})

-     @patch("pagure.lib.git.generate_gitolite_acls", MagicMock())

      def test_give_project_already_user(self):

          """Test the give_project endpoint when the new main_admin is already

          a committer on the project."""
@@ -325,7 +322,6 @@ 

          "pagure.config.config", {"REQUIRED_GROUPS": {"*": ["packager"]}}


      @patch.dict("pagure.config.config", {"PAGURE_ADMIN_USERS": "foo"})

-     @patch("pagure.lib.git.generate_gitolite_acls", MagicMock())

      def test_give_project_not_in_required_group(self):

          """Test the give_project endpoint."""

@@ -355,7 +351,6 @@ 

          "pagure.config.config", {"REQUIRED_GROUPS": {"*": ["packager"]}}


      @patch.dict("pagure.config.config", {"PAGURE_ADMIN_USERS": "foo"})

-     @patch("pagure.lib.git.generate_gitolite_acls", MagicMock())

      def test_give_project_in_required_group(self):

          """Test the give_project endpoint."""


@@ -83,7 +83,6 @@ 


              "ALLOW_HTTP_PULL_PUSH": True,

              "ALLOW_HTTP_PUSH": False,

-             "HTTP_REPO_ACCESS_GITOLITE": None,



      def test_http_push_disabled(self):
@@ -102,7 +101,6 @@ 


              "ALLOW_HTTP_PULL_PUSH": True,

              "ALLOW_HTTP_PUSH": True,

-             "HTTP_REPO_ACCESS_GITOLITE": None,



      def test_http_push_unauthed(self):
@@ -132,7 +130,6 @@ 


              "ALLOW_HTTP_PULL_PUSH": True,

              "ALLOW_HTTP_PUSH": False,

-             "HTTP_REPO_ACCESS_GITOLITE": None,



      def test_http_clone(self):
@@ -161,7 +158,6 @@ 


              "ALLOW_HTTP_PULL_PUSH": True,

              "ALLOW_HTTP_PUSH": False,

-             "HTTP_REPO_ACCESS_GITOLITE": None,



      def test_http_clone_private(self):
@@ -193,7 +189,6 @@ 


              "ALLOW_HTTP_PULL_PUSH": True,

              "ALLOW_HTTP_PUSH": True,

-             "HTTP_REPO_ACCESS_GITOLITE": None,



      def test_http_push(self):
@@ -212,7 +207,6 @@ 


              "ALLOW_HTTP_PULL_PUSH": True,

              "ALLOW_HTTP_PUSH": True,

-             "HTTP_REPO_ACCESS_GITOLITE": None,



      def test_http_push_api_token(self):
@@ -236,7 +230,6 @@ 


              "ALLOW_HTTP_PULL_PUSH": True,

              "ALLOW_HTTP_PUSH": True,

-             "HTTP_REPO_ACCESS_GITOLITE": None,



      def test_http_push_projectless_api_token(self):
@@ -264,7 +257,6 @@ 


              "ALLOW_HTTP_PULL_PUSH": True,

              "ALLOW_HTTP_PUSH": True,

-             "HTTP_REPO_ACCESS_GITOLITE": None,



      def test_http_push__invalid_project_for_api_token(self):
@@ -286,7 +278,6 @@ 


              "ALLOW_HTTP_PULL_PUSH": True,

              "ALLOW_HTTP_PUSH": True,

-             "HTTP_REPO_ACCESS_GITOLITE": None,



      def test_http_push_api_token_invalid_user(self):
@@ -308,7 +299,6 @@ 


              "ALLOW_HTTP_PULL_PUSH": True,

              "ALLOW_HTTP_PUSH": True,

-             "HTTP_REPO_ACCESS_GITOLITE": None,



      def test_http_push_invalid_api_token(self):
@@ -330,7 +320,6 @@ 


              "ALLOW_HTTP_PULL_PUSH": True,

              "ALLOW_HTTP_PUSH": True,

-             "HTTP_REPO_ACCESS_GITOLITE": None,



      def test_http_push_invalid_acl_on_token(self):
@@ -356,7 +345,6 @@ 


              "ALLOW_HTTP_PULL_PUSH": True,

              "ALLOW_HTTP_PUSH": True,

-             "HTTP_REPO_ACCESS_GITOLITE": None,

              "PAGURE_AUTH": "local",


@@ -380,7 +368,6 @@ 


              "ALLOW_HTTP_PULL_PUSH": True,

              "ALLOW_HTTP_PUSH": True,

-             "HTTP_REPO_ACCESS_GITOLITE": None,

              "PAGURE_AUTH": "local",



@@ -4864,10 +4864,6 @@ 

          user = tests.FakeUser()

          user.username = "pingou"


-         repo = pagure.lib.query._get_project(self.session, "test")

-         pagure.lib.query.update_read_only_mode(

-             self.session, repo, read_only=False

-         )

          pingou = pagure.lib.query.get_user(self.session, "pingou")



@@ -1880,9 +1880,8 @@ 

              output = self.app.get("/test/settings")

              self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 200)


-     @patch("pagure.lib.git.generate_gitolite_acls")


-     def test_view_settings_pr_only(self, ast, gen_acl):

+     def test_view_settings_pr_only(self, ast):

          """Test the view_settings endpoint when turning on PR only."""

          ast.return_value = False

@@ -1948,15 +1947,6 @@ 




-             repo = pagure.lib.query.get_authorized_project(

-                 self.session, "test"

-             )

-             self.assertEqual(gen_acl.call_count, 1)

-             args = gen_acl.call_args

-             self.assertEqual(args[0], tuple())

-             self.assertListEqual(list(args[1]), ["project"])

-             self.assertEqual(args[1]["project"].fullname, "test")



      def test_fields_in_view_settings(self, ast):

          """Test the default fields in view_settings endpoint."""
@@ -2151,11 +2141,6 @@ 




-         repo = pagure.lib.query._get_project(self.session, "test")

-         pagure.lib.query.update_read_only_mode(

-             self.session, repo, read_only=False

-         )

-         self.session.commit()

          user = tests.FakeUser(username="pingou")

          with tests.user_set(self.app.application, user):

              output = self.app.get("/test")
@@ -2219,32 +2204,6 @@ 




-     def test_view_repo_read_only_no_ssh_url(self):

-         """Test viewing repo that is still readonly and thus user

-         should see a message instead of url for SSH cloning."""

-         tests.create_projects(self.session)

-         tests.create_projects_git(os.path.join(self.path, "repos"), bare=True)

-         repo = pagure.lib.query._get_project(self.session, "test")

-         pagure.lib.query.update_read_only_mode(

-             self.session, repo, read_only=True

-         )

-         pingou = pagure.lib.query.get_user(self.session, "pingou")

-         pagure.lib.query.add_sshkey_to_project_or_user(

-             session=self.session,

-             user=pingou,

-             ssh_key="ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAgQDAzBMSIlvPRaEiLOTVInErkRIw9CzQQcnslDekAn1jFnGf+SNa1acvbTiATbCX71AA03giKrPxPH79dxcC7aDXerc6zRcKjJs6MAL9PrCjnbyxCKXRNNZU5U9X/DLaaL1b3caB+WD6OoorhS3LTEtKPX8xyjOzhf3OQSzNjhJp5Q==",

-             pushaccess=True,

-             creator=pingou,

-         )

-         self.session.commit()

-         user = tests.FakeUser(username="pingou")


-         with tests.user_set(self.app.application, user):

-             output = self.app.get("/test")

-             self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 200)

-             output_text = output.get_data(as_text=True)

-             self.assertIn("Cloning over SSH is disabled.", output_text)


      def test_view_repo(self):

          """Test the view_repo endpoint."""

@@ -3896,12 +3855,6 @@ 

          output = self.app.post("/test/delete")

          self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 302)


-         # Ensure the project isn't read-only

-         repo = pagure.lib.query.get_authorized_project(self.session, "test")

-         repo.read_only = False

-         self.session.add(repo)

-         self.session.commit()


          with tests.user_set(self.app.application, user):

              # Only git repo

              output = self.app.post("/test/delete", follow_redirects=True)
@@ -4094,55 +4047,6 @@ 


              self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 404)


-     @patch("pagure.lib.notify.send_email")

-     @patch("pagure.decorators.admin_session_timedout")

-     def test_delete_read_only_repo(self, ast, send_email):

-         """Test the delete_repo endpoint when the repo is read_only"""

-         ast.return_value = False

-         send_email.return_value = True


-         tests.create_projects(self.session)

-         tests.create_projects_git(os.path.join(self.path, "repos"))


-         # Create all the git repos

-         tests.create_projects_git(os.path.join(self.path, "repos"))

-         tests.create_projects_git(os.path.join(self.path, "docs"))

-         tests.create_projects_git(

-             os.path.join(self.path, "tickets"), bare=True

-         )

-         tests.create_projects_git(

-             os.path.join(self.path, "requests"), bare=True

-         )


-         user = tests.FakeUser(username="pingou")

-         with tests.user_set(self.app.application, user):


-             repo = pagure.lib.query.get_authorized_project(

-                 self.session, "test"

-             )

-             self.assertNotEqual(repo, None)

-             repo.read_only = True

-             self.session.add(repo)

-             self.session.commit()


-             output = self.app.post("/test/delete", follow_redirects=True)

-             self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 200)

-             output_text = output.get_data(as_text=True)

-             self.assertIn(

-                 "<title>Settings - test - Pagure</title>", output_text

-             )

-             self.assertIn(

-                 "The ACLs of this project are being refreshed in the "

-                 "backend this prevents the project from being deleted. "

-                 "Please wait for this task to finish before trying again. "

-                 "Thanks!",

-                 output_text,

-             )

-             self.assertIn(

-                 'title="Action disabled while project\'s ACLs are being refreshed">',

-                 output_text,

-             )


      @patch("pagure.lib.notify.send_email", MagicMock(return_value=True))


      def test_delete_repo(self, ast):
@@ -4170,12 +4074,6 @@ 

          output = self.app.post("/test/delete")

          self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 302)


-         # Ensure the project isn't read-only

-         repo = pagure.lib.query.get_authorized_project(self.session, "test")

-         repo.read_only = False

-         self.session.add(repo)

-         self.session.commit()


          user = tests.FakeUser(username="pingou")

          with tests.user_set(self.app.application, user):

              tests.create_projects_git(os.path.join(self.path, "repos"))
@@ -4219,7 +4117,6 @@ 


                  description="test project #1",


-                 read_only=False,



@@ -4259,7 +4156,6 @@ 


                  description="test project #1",


-                 read_only=False,



@@ -4299,7 +4195,6 @@ 


                  description="test project #1",


-                 read_only=False,



@@ -4482,7 +4377,6 @@ 




-                 read_only=False,



@@ -4570,12 +4464,6 @@ 


          tests.create_projects_git(os.path.join(self.path, "repos"))


-         # Ensure the project isn't read-only

-         repo = pagure.lib.query.get_authorized_project(self.session, "test")

-         repo.read_only = False

-         self.session.add(repo)

-         self.session.commit()


          user = tests.FakeUser(username="pingou")

          with tests.user_set(self.app.application, user):

              # Check before deleting the project
@@ -4646,7 +4534,6 @@ 


                  description="test project #1",


-                 read_only=False,



@@ -4690,15 +4577,6 @@ 


              self.assertEqual(msg, "User added")


-             # Ensure the project isn't read-only (because adding an user

-             # will trigger an ACL refresh, thus read-only)

-             repo = pagure.lib.query.get_authorized_project(

-                 self.session, "test"

-             )

-             repo.read_only = False

-             self.session.add(repo)

-             self.session.commit()


              # Check before deleting the project

              output = self.app.get("/", follow_redirects=True)

              self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 200)
@@ -4776,7 +4654,6 @@ 


                  description="test project #1",


-                 read_only=False,



@@ -4834,15 +4711,6 @@ 


              self.assertEqual(msg, "Group added")


-             # Ensure the project isn't read-only (because adding a group

-             # will trigger an ACL refresh, thus read-only)

-             repo = pagure.lib.query.get_authorized_project(

-                 self.session, "test"

-             )

-             repo.read_only = False

-             self.session.add(repo)

-             self.session.commit()


              # check if group where we expect it

              repo = pagure.lib.query.get_authorized_project(

                  self.session, "test"
@@ -4918,7 +4786,6 @@ 


                  description="test project #1",


-                 read_only=False,



@@ -5818,7 +5685,7 @@ 

              self.assertIn("<strong>Create a new token</strong>", output_text)


                  output_text.count('<label class="c-input c-checkbox">'),

-                 len(pagure.config.config["ACLS"].keys()) - 2,

+                 len(pagure.config.config["ACLS"].keys()) - 1,



      @patch.dict("pagure.config.config", {"USER_ACLS": ["create_project"]})
@@ -7088,13 +6955,6 @@ 

          tests.create_projects_git(os.path.join(self.path, "repos"))

          pingou = pagure.lib.query.get_user(self.session, "pingou")


-         # Make the repo not read-only

-         repo = pagure.lib.query._get_project(self.session, "test")

-         pagure.lib.query.update_read_only_mode(

-             self.session, repo, read_only=False

-         )

-         self.session.commit()


          # Add a group and make pingou a member of it

          item = pagure.lib.model.PagureGroup(


@@ -134,43 +134,6 @@ 

          projects = pagure.lib.query.search_projects(self.session)

          self.assertEqual(len(projects), 4)


-     @patch.dict("pagure.config.config", {"ENABLE_DEL_PROJECTS": False})

-     @patch.dict("pagure.config.config", {"ENABLE_DEL_FORKS": True})

-     @patch("pagure.lib.notify.send_email", MagicMock(return_value=True))

-     @patch(

-         "pagure.decorators.admin_session_timedout",

-         MagicMock(return_value=False),

-     )

-     def test_delete_fork_when_project_off_refreshing(self):

-         """Test the delete_repo endpoint for a fork when only deleting main

-         project is forbidden but the fork is being refreshed in the backend

-         """

-         project = pagure.lib.query.get_authorized_project(

-             self.session, project_name="test", user="pingou"

-         )

-         self.assertIsNotNone(project)

-         # Ensure the project isn't read-only

-         project.read_only = True

-         self.session.add(project)

-         self.session.commit()


-         user = tests.FakeUser(username="pingou")

-         with tests.user_set(self.app.application, user):

-             output = self.app.post(

-                 "/fork/pingou/test/delete", follow_redirects=True

-             )

-             self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 200)

-             self.assertIn(

-                 "The ACLs of this project "

-                 "are being refreshed in the backend this prevents the "

-                 "project from being deleted. Please wait for this task to "

-                 "finish before trying again. Thanks!",

-                 output.get_data(as_text=True),

-             )


-         projects = pagure.lib.query.search_projects(self.session)

-         self.assertEqual(len(projects), 4)



          "pagure.config.config", {"FEDORA_MESSAGING_NOTIFICATIONS": True}

@@ -374,43 +337,3 @@ 


          projects = pagure.lib.query.search_projects(self.session)

          self.assertEqual(len(projects), 4)


-     @patch.dict("pagure.config.config", {"ENABLE_DEL_PROJECTS": False})

-     @patch.dict("pagure.config.config", {"ENABLE_DEL_FORKS": True})

-     @patch("pagure.lib.notify.send_email", MagicMock(return_value=True))

-     @patch(

-         "pagure.decorators.admin_session_timedout",

-         MagicMock(return_value=False),

-     )

-     def test_delete_fork_button_fork_del_allowed_read_only(self):

-         """Test that the delete button is absent when deletions of projects

-         is not allowed but deletions of forks is but fork is still being

-         processed.

-         """


-         project = pagure.lib.query.get_authorized_project(

-             self.session, project_name="test", user="pingou"

-         )

-         self.assertIsNotNone(project)

-         # Ensure the project is read-only

-         project.read_only = True

-         self.session.add(project)

-         self.session.commit()


-         user = tests.FakeUser(username="pingou")

-         with tests.user_set(self.app.application, user):

-             output = self.app.get("/fork/pingou/test/settings")

-             self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 200)

-             self.assertNotIn(

-                 '<form action="/fork/pingou/test/delete"',

-                 output.get_data(as_text=True),

-             )

-             self.assertIn(

-                 "title=\"Action disabled while project's ACLs are being "

-                 'refreshed">',

-                 output.get_data(as_text=True),

-             )

-             self.assertIn(

-                 "&nbsp; Delete the forks/pingou/test project",

-                 output.get_data(as_text=True),

-             )

file modified
@@ -2094,7 +2094,6 @@ 




-             keydir=pagure.config.config.get("GITOLITE_KEYDIR", None),

              ssh_key="ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAgQDtgzSO9d1IrKdmyBFUvtAJPLgGOhp0lSySkWRSe+/+3KXYjSnsLnCJQlO5M7JfaXhtTHEow86rh4W9+FoJdzo5iocAwH5xPZ5ttHLy7VHgTzNMUeMgKpjy6bBOdPoGPPG4mo7QCMCRJdWBRDv4OSEMLU5jQAvC272YK2V8L918VQ== root@test",


@@ -2118,7 +2117,6 @@ 


              fullname="Seth V",


-             keydir=pagure.config.config.get("GITOLITE_KEYDIR", None),



          # Nothing changed
@@ -2136,7 +2134,6 @@ 




-             keydir=pagure.config.config.get("GITOLITE_KEYDIR", None),



          # Email added
@@ -2153,7 +2150,6 @@ 




-             keydir=pagure.config.config.get("GITOLITE_KEYDIR", None),



          # Email should not be added
@@ -2186,7 +2182,6 @@ 




-             keydir=pagure.config.config.get("GITOLITE_KEYDIR", None),



@@ -2196,7 +2191,6 @@ 




-             keydir=pagure.config.config.get("GITOLITE_KEYDIR", None),



          # Email added
@@ -2213,7 +2207,6 @@ 




-             keydir=pagure.config.config.get("GITOLITE_KEYDIR", None),



          # Email should not be added
@@ -5291,157 +5284,6 @@ 


          self.assertEqual(key[3], "(RSA)")


-     def test_create_deploykeys_ssh_keys_on_disk_empty(self):

-         """Test the create_deploykeys_ssh_keys_on_disk function of

-         pagure.lib.query."""

-         self.assertIsNone(

-             pagure.lib.query.create_deploykeys_ssh_keys_on_disk(None, None)

-         )

-         self.assertFalse(

-             os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.path, "deploykeys", "test"))

-         )


-     def test_create_deploykeys_ssh_keys_on_disk_nokey(self):

-         """Test the create_deploykeys_ssh_keys_on_disk function of

-         pagure.lib.query."""

-         tests.create_projects(self.session)

-         project = pagure.lib.query._get_project(self.session, "test")


-         self.assertIsNone(

-             pagure.lib.query.create_deploykeys_ssh_keys_on_disk(

-                 project, self.path

-             )

-         )

-         self.assertTrue(

-             os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.path, "deploykeys", "test"))

-         )

-         self.assertEqual(

-             os.listdir(os.path.join(self.path, "deploykeys", "test")), []

-         )


-     @patch(

-         "pagure.lib.query.is_valid_ssh_key", MagicMock(return_value="foo bar")

-     )

-     def test_create_deploykeys_ssh_keys_on_disk(self):

-         """Test the create_deploykeys_ssh_keys_on_disk function of

-         pagure.lib.query."""

-         tests.create_projects(self.session)

-         project = pagure.lib.query._get_project(self.session, "test")


-         # Add a deploy key to the project

-         pingou = pagure.lib.query.get_user(self.session, "pingou")

-         msg = pagure.lib.query.add_sshkey_to_project_or_user(

-             self.session,

-             project=project,

-             ssh_key="foo bar",

-             pushaccess=False,

-             creator=pingou,

-         )

-         self.assertEqual(msg, "SSH key added")


-         self.assertIsNone(

-             pagure.lib.query.create_deploykeys_ssh_keys_on_disk(

-                 project, self.path

-             )

-         )

-         self.assertTrue(

-             os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.path, "deploykeys", "test"))

-         )

-         self.assertEqual(

-             os.listdir(os.path.join(self.path, "deploykeys", "test")),

-             ["deploykey_test_1.pub"],

-         )


-         # Remove the deploykey

-         project = pagure.lib.query._get_project(self.session, "test")

-         self.session.delete(project.deploykeys[0])

-         self.session.commit()


-         # Remove the file on disk

-         self.assertIsNone(

-             pagure.lib.query.create_deploykeys_ssh_keys_on_disk(

-                 project, self.path

-             )

-         )

-         self.assertTrue(

-             os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.path, "deploykeys", "test"))

-         )

-         self.assertEqual(

-             os.listdir(os.path.join(self.path, "deploykeys", "test")), []

-         )


-     @patch(

-         "pagure.lib.query.is_valid_ssh_key",

-         MagicMock(return_value="\nfoo bar"),

-     )

-     def test_create_deploykeys_ssh_keys_on_disk_empty_first_key(self):

-         """Test the create_deploykeys_ssh_keys_on_disk function of

-         pagure.lib.query."""

-         tests.create_projects(self.session)

-         project = pagure.lib.query._get_project(self.session, "test")


-         # Add a deploy key to the project

-         new_key_obj = pagure.lib.model.SSHKey(

-             project_id=project.id,

-             pushaccess=False,

-             public_ssh_key="\n foo bar",

-             ssh_short_key="\n foo bar",

-             ssh_search_key="\n foo bar",

-             creator_user_id=1,  # pingou

-         )


-         self.session.add(new_key_obj)

-         self.session.commit()


-         self.assertIsNone(

-             pagure.lib.query.create_deploykeys_ssh_keys_on_disk(

-                 project, self.path

-             )

-         )

-         self.assertTrue(

-             os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.path, "deploykeys", "test"))

-         )

-         self.assertEqual(

-             os.listdir(os.path.join(self.path, "deploykeys", "test")), []

-         )


-     def test_create_deploykeys_ssh_keys_on_disk_invalid(self):

-         """Test the create_deploykeys_ssh_keys_on_disk function of

-         pagure.lib.query."""

-         tests.create_projects(self.session)

-         project = pagure.lib.query._get_project(self.session, "test")


-         # Add a deploy key to the project

-         new_key_obj = pagure.lib.model.SSHKey(

-             project_id=project.id,

-             pushaccess=False,

-             public_ssh_key="foo bar",

-             ssh_short_key="foo bar",

-             ssh_search_key="foo bar",

-             creator_user_id=1,  # pingou

-         )


-         self.session.add(new_key_obj)

-         self.session.commit()


-         self.assertIsNone(

-             pagure.lib.query.create_deploykeys_ssh_keys_on_disk(

-                 project, self.path

-             )

-         )

-         self.assertTrue(

-             os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.path, "deploykeys", "test"))

-         )

-         self.assertEqual(

-             os.listdir(os.path.join(self.path, "deploykeys", "test")), []

-         )


-     def test_create_user_ssh_keys_on_disk_none(self):

-         """Test the create_user_ssh_keys_on_disk function of pagure.lib.query."""

-         self.assertIsNone(

-             pagure.lib.query.create_user_ssh_keys_on_disk(None, None)

-         )


      def test_update_user_settings_invalid_user(self):

          """Test the update_user_settings function of pagure.lib.query."""

@@ -5559,23 +5401,6 @@ 

          # Check emails after

          self.assertEqual(len(user.emails), 4)


-     @patch(

-         "pagure.lib.query.is_valid_ssh_key", MagicMock(return_value="foo bar")

-     )

-     def test_update_user_ssh_valid_key(self):

-         """Test the update_user_ssh function of pagure.lib.query."""

-         pagure.SESSION = self.session


-         pagure.lib.query.update_user_ssh(

-             self.session, user="pingou", ssh_key="foo key", keydir=self.path

-         )

-         self.session.commit()


-         self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.path, "keys_0")))

-         self.assertEqual(

-             os.listdir(os.path.join(self.path, "keys_0")), ["pingou.pub"]

-         )


      def test_add_user_pending_email_existing_email(self):

          """Test the add_user_pending_email function of pagure.lib.query."""

          user = pagure.lib.query.search_user(self.session, username="pingou")
@@ -5658,7 +5483,6 @@ 




-                 "generate_acls_project",



@@ -6069,31 +5893,6 @@ 


          self.assertEqual(len(out), 0)


-     def test_update_read_only_mode(self):

-         """Test the update_read_only_mode method of pagure.lib"""


-         tests.create_projects(self.session)


-         project_obj = pagure.lib.query._get_project(self.session, "test")

-         # Default mode of project is read only

-         self.assertEqual(project_obj.read_only, True)


-         # Remove read only

-         pagure.lib.query.update_read_only_mode(

-             self.session, project_obj, False

-         )

-         self.session.commit()


-         project_obj = pagure.lib.query._get_project(self.session, "test")

-         self.assertEqual(project_obj.read_only, False)


-         # Try reversing it back

-         pagure.lib.query.update_read_only_mode(self.session, project_obj, True)

-         self.session.commit()


-         project_obj = pagure.lib.query._get_project(self.session, "test")

-         self.assertEqual(project_obj.read_only, True)



  if __name__ == "__main__":


file modified
@@ -37,1329 +37,6 @@ 


      maxDiff = None


-     def test_write_gitolite_acls(self):

-         """Test the write_gitolite_acls function of pagure.lib.git.

-         when the new uesr is an made an admin"""

-         tests.create_projects(self.session)


-         repo = pagure.lib.query.get_authorized_project(self.session, "test")

-         # Add an user to a project

-         # The user will be an admin of the project

-         msg = pagure.lib.query.add_user_to_project(

-             session=self.session, project=repo, new_user="foo", user="pingou"

-         )

-         self.session.commit()

-         self.assertEqual(msg, "User added")

-         # Add a forked project

-         item = pagure.lib.model.Project(

-             user_id=1,  # pingou

-             name="test3",

-             description="test project #2",

-             is_fork=True,

-             parent_id=1,

-             hook_token="aaabbbvvv",

-         )

-         self.session.add(item)

-         self.session.commit()


-         outputconf = os.path.join(self.path, "test_gitolite.conf")


-         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper("gitolite3")

-         helper.write_gitolite_acls(

-             self.session, configfile=outputconf, project=-1

-         )


-         self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(outputconf))


-         with open(outputconf) as stream:

-             data = stream.read()


-         exp = """repo test

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou

-   RW+ = foo


- repo docs/test

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou

-   RW+ = foo


- repo tickets/test

-   RW+ = pingou

-   RW+ = foo


- repo requests/test

-   RW+ = pingou

-   RW+ = foo


- repo test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo somenamespace/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/somenamespace/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/somenamespace/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/somenamespace/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo forks/pingou/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/forks/pingou/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/forks/pingou/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/forks/pingou/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- # end of body

- """

-         # print data

-         self.assertEqual(data, exp)


-         os.unlink(outputconf)

-         self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(outputconf))


-     def test_write_gitolite_acls_preconf(self):

-         """Test the write_gitolite_acls function of pagure.lib.git with

-         a preconf set"""

-         tests.create_projects(self.session)


-         outputconf = os.path.join(self.path, "test_gitolite.conf")

-         preconf = os.path.join(self.path, "header_gitolite")

-         with open(preconf, "w") as stream:

-             stream.write("# this is a header that is manually added")


-         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper("gitolite3")

-         helper.write_gitolite_acls(

-             self.session, outputconf, project=-1, preconf=preconf

-         )

-         self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(outputconf))


-         with open(outputconf) as stream:

-             data = stream.read()


-         exp = """# this is a header that is manually added

- # end of header

- repo test

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/test

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/test

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/test

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo somenamespace/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/somenamespace/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/somenamespace/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/somenamespace/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- # end of body

- """

-         # print data

-         self.assertEqual(data.split("\n"), exp.split("\n"))


-         os.unlink(outputconf)

-         self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(outputconf))


-     def test_write_gitolite_acls_preconf_postconf(self):

-         """Test the write_gitolite_acls function of pagure.lib.git with

-         a postconf set"""

-         tests.create_projects(self.session)


-         outputconf = os.path.join(self.path, "test_gitolite.conf")


-         preconf = os.path.join(self.path, "header_gitolite")

-         with open(preconf, "w") as stream:

-             stream.write("# this is a header that is manually added")


-         postconf = os.path.join(self.path, "footer_gitolite")

-         with open(postconf, "w") as stream:

-             stream.write("# end of generated configuration")


-         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper("gitolite3")

-         helper.write_gitolite_acls(

-             self.session,

-             outputconf,

-             project=-1,

-             preconf=preconf,

-             postconf=postconf,

-         )

-         self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(outputconf))


-         with open(outputconf) as stream:

-             data = stream.read()


-         exp = """# this is a header that is manually added

- # end of header

- repo test

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/test

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/test

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/test

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo somenamespace/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/somenamespace/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/somenamespace/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/somenamespace/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- # end of body

- # end of generated configuration

- """

-         # print data

-         self.assertEqual(data, exp)


-         os.unlink(outputconf)

-         self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(outputconf))


-     def test_write_gitolite_acls_postconf(self):

-         """Test the write_gitolite_acls function of pagure.lib.git with

-         a preconf and a postconf set"""

-         tests.create_projects(self.session)


-         outputconf = os.path.join(self.path, "test_gitolite.conf")

-         postconf = os.path.join(self.path, "footer_gitolite")

-         with open(postconf, "w") as stream:

-             stream.write("# end of generated configuration")


-         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper("gitolite3")

-         helper.write_gitolite_acls(

-             self.session, outputconf, project=-1, postconf=postconf

-         )

-         self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(outputconf))


-         with open(outputconf) as stream:

-             data = stream.read()


-         exp = """repo test

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/test

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/test

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/test

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo somenamespace/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/somenamespace/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/somenamespace/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/somenamespace/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- # end of body

- # end of generated configuration

- """

-         # print data

-         self.assertEqual(data, exp)


-         os.unlink(outputconf)

-         self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(outputconf))


-     def test_write_gitolite_acls_deploykeys(self):

-         """Test write_gitolite_acls function to add deploy keys."""

-         tests.create_projects(self.session)


-         repo = pagure.lib.query.get_authorized_project(self.session, "test")

-         # Add two deploy keys (one readonly one push)

-         pingou = pagure.lib.query.get_user(self.session, "pingou")

-         msg1 = pagure.lib.query.add_sshkey_to_project_or_user(

-             session=self.session,

-             project=repo,

-             ssh_key="ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAgQDAzBMSIlvPRaEiLOTVInErkRIw9CzQQcnslDekAn1jFnGf+SNa1acvbTiATbCX71AA03giKrPxPH79dxcC7aDXerc6zRcKjJs6MAL9PrCjnbyxCKXRNNZU5U9X/DLaaL1b3caB+WD6OoorhS3LTEtKPX8xyjOzhf3OQSzNjhJp5Q==",

-             pushaccess=False,

-             creator=pingou,

-         )

-         msg2 = pagure.lib.query.add_sshkey_to_project_or_user(

-             session=self.session,

-             project=repo,

-             ssh_key="ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAgQC9Xwc2RDzPBhlEDARfHldGjudIVoa04tqT1JVKGQmyllTFz7Rb8CngQL3e7zyNzotnhwYKHdoiLlPkVEiDee4dWMUe48ilqId+FJZQGhyv8fu4BoFdE1AJUVylzmltbLg14VqG5gjTpXgtlrEva9arKwBMHJjRYc8ScaSn3OgyQw==",

-             pushaccess=True,

-             creator=pingou,

-         )

-         self.session.commit()

-         self.assertEqual(msg1, "SSH key added")

-         self.assertEqual(msg2, "SSH key added")

-         # Add a forked project

-         item = pagure.lib.model.Project(

-             user_id=1,  # pingou

-             name="test3",

-             description="test project #2",

-             is_fork=True,

-             parent_id=1,

-             hook_token="aaabbbvvv",

-         )

-         self.session.add(item)

-         self.session.commit()


-         outputconf = os.path.join(self.path, "test_gitolite.conf")


-         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper("gitolite3")

-         helper.write_gitolite_acls(self.session, outputconf, project=-1)


-         self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(outputconf))


-         with open(outputconf) as stream:

-             data = stream.read()


-         exp = """repo test

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou

-   R = deploykey_test_1

-   RW+ = deploykey_test_2


- repo docs/test

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou

-   R = deploykey_test_1

-   RW+ = deploykey_test_2


- repo tickets/test

-   RW+ = pingou

-   R = deploykey_test_1

-   RW+ = deploykey_test_2


- repo requests/test

-   RW+ = pingou

-   R = deploykey_test_1

-   RW+ = deploykey_test_2


- repo test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo somenamespace/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/somenamespace/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/somenamespace/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/somenamespace/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo forks/pingou/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/forks/pingou/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/forks/pingou/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/forks/pingou/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- # end of body

- """

-         # print data

-         self.assertEqual(data, exp)


-         os.unlink(outputconf)

-         self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(outputconf))


-     def test_write_gitolite_acls_ticket(self):

-         """Test the write_gitolite_acls function of pagure.lib.git.

-         when the new uesr is just a ticketer"""

-         tests.create_projects(self.session)


-         repo = pagure.lib.query.get_authorized_project(self.session, "test")

-         # Add an user to a project

-         # The user will be an admin of the project

-         msg = pagure.lib.query.add_user_to_project(

-             session=self.session,

-             project=repo,

-             new_user="foo",

-             user="pingou",

-             access="ticket",

-         )

-         self.session.commit()

-         self.assertEqual(msg, "User added")

-         # Add a forked project

-         item = pagure.lib.model.Project(

-             user_id=1,  # pingou

-             name="test3",

-             description="test project #2",

-             is_fork=True,

-             parent_id=1,

-             hook_token="aaabbbvvv",

-         )

-         self.session.add(item)

-         self.session.commit()


-         outputconf = os.path.join(self.path, "test_gitolite.conf")


-         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper("gitolite3")

-         helper.write_gitolite_acls(self.session, outputconf, project=-1)


-         self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(outputconf))


-         with open(outputconf) as stream:

-             data = stream.read()


-         exp = """repo test

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/test

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/test

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/test

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo somenamespace/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/somenamespace/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/somenamespace/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/somenamespace/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo forks/pingou/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/forks/pingou/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/forks/pingou/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/forks/pingou/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- # end of body

- """

-         # print data

-         self.assertEqual(data, exp)


-         os.unlink(outputconf)

-         self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(outputconf))


-     def test_write_gitolite_acls_commit(self):

-         """Test the write_gitolite_acls function of pagure.lib.git.

-         when the new uesr is just a committer"""

-         tests.create_projects(self.session)


-         repo = pagure.lib.query.get_authorized_project(self.session, "test")

-         # Add an user to a project

-         # The user will be an admin of the project

-         msg = pagure.lib.query.add_user_to_project(

-             session=self.session,

-             project=repo,

-             new_user="foo",

-             user="pingou",

-             access="commit",

-         )

-         self.session.commit()

-         self.assertEqual(msg, "User added")

-         # Add a forked project

-         item = pagure.lib.model.Project(

-             user_id=1,  # pingou

-             name="test3",

-             description="test project #2",

-             is_fork=True,

-             parent_id=1,

-             hook_token="aaabbbvvv",

-         )

-         self.session.add(item)

-         self.session.commit()


-         outputconf = os.path.join(self.path, "test_gitolite.conf")


-         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper("gitolite3")

-         helper.write_gitolite_acls(self.session, outputconf, project=-1)


-         self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(outputconf))


-         with open(outputconf) as stream:

-             data = stream.read()


-         exp = """repo test

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou

-   RW+ = foo


- repo docs/test

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou

-   RW+ = foo


- repo tickets/test

-   RW+ = pingou

-   RW+ = foo


- repo requests/test

-   RW+ = pingou

-   RW+ = foo


- repo test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo somenamespace/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/somenamespace/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/somenamespace/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/somenamespace/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo forks/pingou/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/forks/pingou/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/forks/pingou/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/forks/pingou/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- # end of body

- """

-         # print data

-         self.assertEqual(data, exp)


-         os.unlink(outputconf)

-         self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(outputconf))


-     def test_write_gitolite_acls_groups(self):

-         """Test the write_gitolite_acls function of pagure.lib.git with

-         groups as admin

-         """

-         tests.create_projects(self.session)


-         repo = pagure.lib.query.get_authorized_project(self.session, "test")


-         # Add a couple of groups

-         # They would be admins

-         msg = pagure.lib.query.add_group(

-             self.session,

-             group_name="sysadmin",

-             display_name="sysadmin group",

-             description=None,

-             group_type="user",

-             user="pingou",

-             is_admin=False,

-             blacklist=[],

-         )

-         self.session.commit()

-         self.assertEqual(msg, "User `pingou` added to the group `sysadmin`.")

-         msg = pagure.lib.query.add_group(

-             self.session,

-             group_name="devs",

-             display_name="devs group",

-             description=None,

-             group_type="user",

-             user="pingou",

-             is_admin=False,

-             blacklist=[],

-         )

-         self.session.commit()

-         self.assertEqual(msg, "User `pingou` added to the group `devs`.")


-         # Associate these groups to a project

-         msg = pagure.lib.query.add_group_to_project(

-             session=self.session,

-             project=repo,

-             new_group="sysadmin",

-             user="pingou",

-         )

-         self.session.commit()

-         self.assertEqual(msg, "Group added")

-         msg = pagure.lib.query.add_group_to_project(

-             session=self.session, project=repo, new_group="devs", user="pingou"

-         )

-         self.session.commit()

-         self.assertEqual(msg, "Group added")


-         # Add an user to a project

-         msg = pagure.lib.query.add_user_to_project(

-             session=self.session, project=repo, new_user="foo", user="pingou"

-         )

-         self.session.commit()

-         self.assertEqual(msg, "User added")

-         # Add a forked project

-         item = pagure.lib.model.Project(

-             user_id=1,  # pingou

-             name="test2",

-             description="test project #2",

-             is_fork=True,

-             parent_id=1,

-             hook_token="aaabbbvvv",

-         )

-         self.session.add(item)

-         self.session.commit()


-         outputconf = os.path.join(self.path, "test_gitolite.conf")


-         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper("gitolite3")

-         helper.write_gitolite_acls(self.session, outputconf, project=-1)


-         self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(outputconf))


-         with open(outputconf) as stream:

-             data = stream.read()


-         exp = """@devs  = pingou

- @sysadmin  = pingou

- # end of groups


- repo test

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = @devs @sysadmin

-   RW+ = pingou

-   RW+ = foo


- repo docs/test

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = @devs @sysadmin

-   RW+ = pingou

-   RW+ = foo


- repo tickets/test

-   RW+ = @devs @sysadmin

-   RW+ = pingou

-   RW+ = foo


- repo requests/test

-   RW+ = @devs @sysadmin

-   RW+ = pingou

-   RW+ = foo


- repo test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo somenamespace/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/somenamespace/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/somenamespace/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/somenamespace/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo forks/pingou/test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/forks/pingou/test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/forks/pingou/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/forks/pingou/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- # end of body

- """

-         # print data

-         self.assertEqual(data.split("\n"), exp.split("\n"))


-         os.unlink(outputconf)

-         self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(outputconf))


-     def test_write_gitolite_acls_groups_ticket(self):

-         """Test the write_gitolite_acls function of pagure.lib.git with

-         groups as ticketers

-         """

-         tests.create_projects(self.session)


-         repo = pagure.lib.query.get_authorized_project(self.session, "test")


-         # Add a couple of groups

-         # They would be ticketers

-         msg = pagure.lib.query.add_group(

-             self.session,

-             group_name="sysadmin",

-             display_name="sysadmin group",

-             description=None,

-             group_type="user",

-             user="pingou",

-             is_admin=False,

-             blacklist=[],

-         )

-         self.session.commit()

-         self.assertEqual(msg, "User `pingou` added to the group `sysadmin`.")

-         msg = pagure.lib.query.add_group(

-             self.session,

-             group_name="devs",

-             display_name="devs group",

-             description=None,

-             group_type="user",

-             user="pingou",

-             is_admin=False,

-             blacklist=[],

-         )

-         self.session.commit()

-         self.assertEqual(msg, "User `pingou` added to the group `devs`.")


-         # Associate these groups to a project

-         msg = pagure.lib.query.add_group_to_project(

-             session=self.session,

-             project=repo,

-             new_group="sysadmin",

-             user="pingou",

-             access="ticket",

-         )

-         self.session.commit()

-         self.assertEqual(msg, "Group added")

-         msg = pagure.lib.query.add_group_to_project(

-             session=self.session,

-             project=repo,

-             new_group="devs",

-             user="pingou",

-             access="ticket",

-         )

-         self.session.commit()

-         self.assertEqual(msg, "Group added")


-         # Add an user to a project

-         msg = pagure.lib.query.add_user_to_project(

-             session=self.session, project=repo, new_user="foo", user="pingou"

-         )

-         self.session.commit()

-         self.assertEqual(msg, "User added")

-         # Add a forked project

-         item = pagure.lib.model.Project(

-             user_id=1,  # pingou

-             name="test2",

-             description="test project #2",

-             is_fork=True,

-             parent_id=1,

-             hook_token="aaabbbvvv",

-         )

-         self.session.add(item)

-         self.session.commit()


-         outputconf = os.path.join(self.path, "test_gitolite.conf")


-         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper("gitolite3")

-         helper.write_gitolite_acls(self.session, outputconf, project=-1)


-         self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(outputconf))


-         with open(outputconf) as stream:

-             data = stream.read()


-         exp = """@devs  = pingou

- @sysadmin  = pingou

- # end of groups


- repo test

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou

-   RW+ = foo


- repo docs/test

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou

-   RW+ = foo


- repo tickets/test

-   RW+ = pingou

-   RW+ = foo


- repo requests/test

-   RW+ = pingou

-   RW+ = foo


- repo test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo somenamespace/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/somenamespace/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/somenamespace/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/somenamespace/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo forks/pingou/test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/forks/pingou/test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/forks/pingou/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/forks/pingou/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- # end of body

- """

-         # print data

-         self.assertEqual(data.split("\n"), exp.split("\n"))


-         os.unlink(outputconf)

-         self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(outputconf))


-     def test_write_gitolite_acls_groups_commit(self):

-         """Test the write_gitolite_acls function of pagure.lib.git with

-         groups as committers

-         """

-         tests.create_projects(self.session)


-         repo = pagure.lib.query.get_authorized_project(self.session, "test")


-         # Add a couple of groups

-         # They would be committers

-         msg = pagure.lib.query.add_group(

-             self.session,

-             group_name="sysadmin",

-             display_name="sysadmin group",

-             description=None,

-             group_type="user",

-             user="pingou",

-             is_admin=False,

-             blacklist=[],

-         )

-         self.session.commit()

-         self.assertEqual(msg, "User `pingou` added to the group `sysadmin`.")

-         msg = pagure.lib.query.add_group(

-             self.session,

-             group_name="devs",

-             display_name="devs group",

-             description=None,

-             group_type="user",

-             user="pingou",

-             is_admin=False,

-             blacklist=[],

-         )

-         self.session.commit()

-         self.assertEqual(msg, "User `pingou` added to the group `devs`.")


-         # Associate these groups to a project

-         msg = pagure.lib.query.add_group_to_project(

-             session=self.session,

-             project=repo,

-             new_group="sysadmin",

-             user="pingou",

-             access="commit",

-         )

-         self.session.commit()

-         self.assertEqual(msg, "Group added")

-         msg = pagure.lib.query.add_group_to_project(

-             session=self.session,

-             project=repo,

-             new_group="devs",

-             user="pingou",

-             access="commit",

-         )

-         self.session.commit()

-         self.assertEqual(msg, "Group added")


-         # Add an user to a project

-         msg = pagure.lib.query.add_user_to_project(

-             session=self.session, project=repo, new_user="foo", user="pingou"

-         )

-         self.session.commit()

-         self.assertEqual(msg, "User added")

-         # Add a forked project

-         item = pagure.lib.model.Project(

-             user_id=1,  # pingou

-             name="test2",

-             description="test project #2",

-             is_fork=True,

-             parent_id=1,

-             hook_token="aaabbbvvv",

-         )

-         self.session.add(item)

-         self.session.commit()


-         outputconf = os.path.join(self.path, "test_gitolite.conf")


-         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper("gitolite3")

-         helper.write_gitolite_acls(self.session, outputconf, project=-1)


-         self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(outputconf))


-         with open(outputconf) as stream:

-             data = stream.read()


-         exp = """@devs  = pingou

- @sysadmin  = pingou

- # end of groups


- repo test

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = @devs @sysadmin

-   RW+ = pingou

-   RW+ = foo


- repo docs/test

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = @devs @sysadmin

-   RW+ = pingou

-   RW+ = foo


- repo tickets/test

-   RW+ = @devs @sysadmin

-   RW+ = pingou

-   RW+ = foo


- repo requests/test

-   RW+ = @devs @sysadmin

-   RW+ = pingou

-   RW+ = foo


- repo test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo somenamespace/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/somenamespace/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/somenamespace/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/somenamespace/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo forks/pingou/test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/forks/pingou/test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/forks/pingou/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/forks/pingou/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- # end of body

- """

-         # print data

-         self.assertEqual(data.split("\n"), exp.split("\n"))


-         os.unlink(outputconf)

-         self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(outputconf))


-     def test_write_gitolite_project_pr_only(self):

-         """Test the write_gitolite_acls function of pagure.lib.git.

-         when the project enforces the PR approach.

-         """

-         tests.create_projects(self.session)


-         repo = pagure.lib.query._get_project(self.session, "test")

-         # Make the project enforce the PR workflow

-         settings = repo.settings

-         settings["pull_request_access_only"] = True

-         repo.settings = settings

-         self.session.add(repo)

-         self.session.commit()


-         # Add an user to a project

-         # The user will be an admin of the project

-         msg = pagure.lib.query.add_user_to_project(

-             session=self.session, project=repo, new_user="foo", user="pingou"

-         )

-         self.session.commit()

-         self.assertEqual(msg, "User added")

-         # Add a forked project

-         item = pagure.lib.model.Project(

-             user_id=1,  # pingou

-             name="test3",

-             description="test project #2",

-             is_fork=True,

-             parent_id=1,

-             hook_token="aaabbbvvv",

-         )

-         self.session.add(item)

-         self.session.commit()


-         outputconf = os.path.join(self.path, "test_gitolite.conf")


-         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper("gitolite3")

-         helper.write_gitolite_acls(self.session, outputconf, project=-1)


-         self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(outputconf))


-         with open(outputconf) as stream:

-             data = stream.read()


-         exp = """repo docs/test

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou

-   RW+ = foo


- repo tickets/test

-   RW+ = pingou

-   RW+ = foo


- repo requests/test

-   RW+ = pingou

-   RW+ = foo


- repo test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo somenamespace/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/somenamespace/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/somenamespace/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/somenamespace/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo forks/pingou/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/forks/pingou/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/forks/pingou/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/forks/pingou/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- # end of body

- """

-         # print data

-         self.assertEqual(data, exp)


-         os.unlink(outputconf)

-         self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(outputconf))


-     @patch.dict("pagure.config.config", {"PR_ONLY": True})

-     def test_write_gitolite_global_pr_only(self):

-         """Test the write_gitolite_acls function of pagure.lib.git.

-         when the pagure instance enforces the PR approach.

-         """

-         tests.create_projects(self.session)


-         repo = pagure.lib.query._get_project(self.session, "test")

-         self.assertFalse(repo.settings["pull_request_access_only"])


-         # Add an user to a project

-         # The user will be an admin of the project

-         msg = pagure.lib.query.add_user_to_project(

-             session=self.session, project=repo, new_user="foo", user="pingou"

-         )

-         self.session.commit()

-         self.assertEqual(msg, "User added")

-         # Add a forked project

-         item = pagure.lib.model.Project(

-             user_id=1,  # pingou

-             name="test3",

-             description="test project #2",

-             is_fork=True,

-             parent_id=1,

-             hook_token="aaabbbvvv",

-         )

-         self.session.add(item)

-         self.session.commit()


-         outputconf = os.path.join(self.path, "test_gitolite.conf")


-         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper("gitolite3")

-         helper.write_gitolite_acls(self.session, outputconf, project=-1)


-         self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(outputconf))


-         with open(outputconf) as stream:

-             data = stream.read()


-         exp = """repo docs/test

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou

-   RW+ = foo


- repo tickets/test

-   RW+ = pingou

-   RW+ = foo


- repo requests/test

-   RW+ = pingou

-   RW+ = foo


- repo docs/test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/somenamespace/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/somenamespace/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/somenamespace/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo forks/pingou/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/forks/pingou/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/forks/pingou/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/forks/pingou/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- # end of body

- """

-         # print data

-         self.assertEqual(data, exp)


-         os.unlink(outputconf)

-         self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(outputconf))



      def test_update_git(self, email_f):

          """Test the update_git of pagure.lib.git."""
@@ -3571,28 +2248,6 @@ 




-     @patch("subprocess.Popen")

-     def test_generate_gitolite_acls(self, popen):

-         """Test calling generate_gitolite_acls."""

-         pagure.SESSION = self.session

-         pagure.lib.git.SESSION = self.session

-         pagure.config.config["GITOLITE_HOME"] = "/tmp"


-         proc = MagicMock()

-         proc.communicate.return_value = (1, 2)

-         proc.returncode = 0

-         popen.return_value = proc

-         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper("gitolite3")

-         helper.generate_acls(project=None)

-         popen.assert_called_with(

-             "HOME=/tmp gitolite compile && "

-             "HOME=/tmp gitolite trigger POST_COMPILE",

-             cwd="/tmp",

-             shell=True,

-             stderr=-1,

-             stdout=-1,

-         )


      def test_is_forced_push_new_branch(self):



@@ -1,999 +0,0 @@ 

- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


- """

-  (c) 2017 - Copyright Red Hat Inc


-  Authors:

-    Pierre-Yves Chibon <pingou@pingoured.fr>


- """


- from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import


- import datetime

- import os

- import shutil

- import sys

- import tempfile

- import time

- import unittest

- from io import open


- import pygit2

- from mock import patch, MagicMock


- sys.path.insert(

-     0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "..")

- )


- import pagure.lib.git

- import pagure.lib.query

- import tests

- from pagure.lib.repo import PagureRepo



- CORE_CONFIG = """repo test

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/test

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/test

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/test

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo somenamespace/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/somenamespace/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/somenamespace/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/somenamespace/test3

-   RW+ = pingou"""



- class PagureLibGitoliteConfigtests(tests.Modeltests):

-     """Tests for pagure.lib.git"""


-     maxDiff = None


-     def setUp(self):

-         """Set up the environnment, ran before every tests."""

-         super(PagureLibGitoliteConfigtests, self).setUp()


-         tests.create_projects(self.session)


-         self.outputconf = os.path.join(self.path, "test_gitolite.conf")


-         self.preconf = os.path.join(self.path, "header_gitolite")

-         with open(self.preconf, "w") as stream:

-             stream.write("# this is a header that is manually added\n")

-             stream.write("\n")

-             stream.write("@group1 = foo bar baz\n")

-             stream.write("@group2 = threebean puiterwijk kevin pingou\n")


-         self.postconf = os.path.join(self.path, "footer_gitolite")

-         with open(self.postconf, "w", encoding="utf-8") as stream:

-             stream.write("# end of generated configuration\n")

-             stream.write(r"# \ó/")

-             stream.write("\n# end of footer\n")


-     def tearDown(self):

-         """Tearn down the environnment, ran before every tests."""

-         super(PagureLibGitoliteConfigtests, self).tearDown()


-         if os.path.exists(self.outputconf):

-             os.unlink(self.outputconf)

-         self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(self.outputconf))


-     def test_write_gitolite_pre_post_projectNone(self):

-         """Test the write_gitolite_acls function of pagure.lib.git with

-         a postconf set"""


-         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper("gitolite3")

-         helper.write_gitolite_acls(

-             self.session,

-             self.outputconf,

-             project=None,

-             preconf=self.preconf,

-             postconf=self.postconf,

-         )

-         self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.outputconf))


-         with open(self.outputconf, "r") as stream:

-             data = stream.read()


-         exp = (

-             r"""# this is a header that is manually added


- @group1 = foo bar baz

- @group2 = threebean puiterwijk kevin pingou


- # end of header

- %s


- # end of body

- # end of generated configuration

- # \ó/

- # end of footer


- """

-             % CORE_CONFIG

-         )

-         # print data

-         self.assertEqual(data, exp)


-     def test_write_gitolite_pre_post_projectNone_to_existing_file(self):

-         """Test the write_gitolite_acls function of pagure.lib.git with

-         a postconf set with existing output file"""


-         with open(self.outputconf, "w") as stream:

-             pass


-         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper("gitolite3")

-         helper.write_gitolite_acls(

-             self.session,

-             self.outputconf,

-             project=None,

-             preconf=self.preconf,

-             postconf=self.postconf,

-         )

-         self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.outputconf))


-         with open(self.outputconf) as stream:

-             data = stream.read()

-         self.assertEqual(data, "")


-     def test_write_gitolite_pre_post_project_1(self):

-         """Test the write_gitolite_acls function of pagure.lib.git with

-         a postconf set"""


-         with open(self.outputconf, "w") as stream:

-             pass


-         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper("gitolite3")

-         helper.write_gitolite_acls(

-             self.session,

-             self.outputconf,

-             project=-1,

-             preconf=self.preconf,

-             postconf=self.postconf,

-         )

-         self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.outputconf))


-         with open(self.outputconf) as stream:

-             data = stream.read()


-         exp = (

-             r"""# this is a header that is manually added


- @group1 = foo bar baz

- @group2 = threebean puiterwijk kevin pingou


- # end of header

- %s


- # end of body

- # end of generated configuration

- # \ó/

- # end of footer


- """

-             % CORE_CONFIG

-         )


-         # print data

-         self.assertEqual(data, exp)


-     def test_write_gitolite_pre_post_project_test(self):

-         """Test the write_gitolite_acls function of pagure.lib.git with

-         a postconf set"""


-         with open(self.outputconf, "w") as stream:

-             pass


-         project = pagure.lib.query._get_project(self.session, "test")


-         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper("gitolite3")

-         helper.write_gitolite_acls(

-             self.session,

-             self.outputconf,

-             project=project,

-             preconf=self.preconf,

-             postconf=self.postconf,

-         )

-         self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.outputconf))


-         with open(self.outputconf) as stream:

-             data = stream.read()


-         exp = r"""# this is a header that is manually added


- @group1 = foo bar baz

- @group2 = threebean puiterwijk kevin pingou


- # end of header

- repo test

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/test

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/test

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/test

-   RW+ = pingou


- # end of body

- # end of generated configuration

- # \ó/

- # end of footer


- """

-         # print data

-         self.assertEqual(data, exp)


-     def test_write_gitolite_pre_post_project_test_full_file(self):

-         """Test the write_gitolite_acls function of pagure.lib.git with

-         a postconf set"""


-         # Re-generate the gitolite config for all the projects

-         self.test_write_gitolite_pre_post_project_1()

-         self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.outputconf))


-         project = pagure.lib.query._get_project(self.session, "test")

-         project.user_id = 2

-         self.session.add(project)

-         self.session.commit()


-         project = pagure.lib.query._get_project(self.session, "test")

-         msg = pagure.lib.query.add_user_to_project(

-             self.session,

-             project=project,

-             new_user="pingou",

-             user="foo",

-             access="commit",

-         )

-         self.assertEqual(msg, "User added")

-         self.session.commit()


-         project = pagure.lib.query._get_project(self.session, "test")

-         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper("gitolite3")

-         helper.write_gitolite_acls(

-             self.session,

-             self.outputconf,

-             project=project,

-             preconf=self.preconf,

-             postconf=self.postconf,

-         )

-         self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.outputconf))


-         with open(self.outputconf) as stream:

-             data = stream.read()


-         exp = r"""# this is a header that is manually added


- @group1 = foo bar baz

- @group2 = threebean puiterwijk kevin pingou


- # end of header

- repo test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo somenamespace/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/somenamespace/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/somenamespace/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/somenamespace/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo test

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = foo

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/test

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = foo

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/test

-   RW+ = foo

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/test

-   RW+ = foo

-   RW+ = pingou


- # end of body

- # end of generated configuration

- # \ó/

- # end of footer


- """

-         # print data

-         self.assertEqual(data, exp)


-     @patch.dict(

-         "pagure.config.config", {"ENABLE_DOCS": False, "ENABLE_TICKETS": False}

-     )

-     def test_write_gitolite_disabled_docs_tickets(self):

-         """Test the write_gitolite_acls function when docs and tickets

-         are disabled"""


-         # Re-generate the gitolite config for all the projects

-         project = pagure.lib.query._get_project(self.session, "test")

-         project.user_id = 2

-         self.session.add(project)

-         self.session.commit()


-         project = pagure.lib.query._get_project(self.session, "test")

-         msg = pagure.lib.query.add_user_to_project(

-             self.session,

-             project=project,

-             new_user="pingou",

-             user="foo",

-             access="commit",

-         )

-         self.assertEqual(msg, "User added")

-         self.session.commit()


-         project = pagure.lib.query._get_project(self.session, "test")

-         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper("gitolite3")

-         helper.write_gitolite_acls(

-             self.session, self.outputconf, project=project

-         )

-         self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.outputconf))


-         with open(self.outputconf) as stream:

-             data = stream.read()


-         exp = """repo test

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = foo

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/test

-   RW+ = foo

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo somenamespace/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/somenamespace/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- # end of body

- """

-         self.assertEqual(data, exp)



- class PagureLibGitoliteGroupConfigtests(tests.Modeltests):

-     """Tests for generating the gitolite configuration file for a group

-     change


-     """


-     maxDiff = None


-     def setUp(self):

-         """Set up the environnment, ran before every tests."""

-         super(PagureLibGitoliteGroupConfigtests, self).setUp()


-         tests.create_projects(self.session)


-         pagure.lib.query.add_group(

-             self.session,

-             group_name="grp",

-             display_name="grp group",

-             description=None,

-             group_type="user",

-             user="pingou",

-             is_admin=False,

-             blacklist=[],

-         )

-         pagure.lib.query.add_group(

-             self.session,

-             group_name="grp2",

-             display_name="grp2 group",

-             description=None,

-             group_type="user",

-             user="foo",

-             is_admin=False,

-             blacklist=[],

-         )

-         self.session.commit()


-         self.outputconf = os.path.join(self.path, "test_gitolite.conf")


-         self.preconf = os.path.join(self.path, "header_gitolite")

-         with open(self.preconf, "w") as stream:

-             stream.write("# this is a header that is manually added\n")

-             stream.write("\n")

-             stream.write("@group1 = foo bar baz\n")

-             stream.write("@group2 = threebean puiterwijk kevin pingou\n")


-         self.postconf = os.path.join(self.path, "footer_gitolite")

-         with open(self.postconf, "w") as stream:

-             stream.write("# end of generated configuration\n")

-             stream.write(r"# \ó/")

-             stream.write("\n# end of footer\n")


-     def tearDown(self):

-         """Tearn down the environnment, ran before every tests."""

-         super(PagureLibGitoliteGroupConfigtests, self).tearDown()


-         if os.path.exists(self.outputconf):

-             os.unlink(self.outputconf)

-         self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(self.outputconf))


-     def test_write_gitolite_project_test_group(self):

-         """Test the write_gitolite_acls when updating a single group."""


-         with open(self.outputconf, "w") as stream:

-             pass


-         project = pagure.lib.query._get_project(self.session, "test")

-         group = pagure.lib.query.search_groups(self.session, group_name="grp")


-         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper("gitolite3")

-         helper.write_gitolite_acls(

-             self.session,

-             self.outputconf,

-             project=project,

-             preconf=self.preconf,

-             postconf=self.postconf,

-             group=group,

-         )

-         self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.outputconf))


-         with open(self.outputconf) as stream:

-             data = stream.read()


-         exp = r"""# this is a header that is manually added


- @group1 = foo bar baz

- @group2 = threebean puiterwijk kevin pingou


- # end of header

- @grp  = pingou


- repo test

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/test

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/test

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/test

-   RW+ = pingou


- # end of body

- # end of generated configuration

- # \ó/

- # end of footer


- """

-         # print data

-         self.assertEqual(data, exp)


-     def test_write_gitolite_project_test_all_groups(self):

-         """Test the write_gitolite_acls when updating all groups."""


-         with open(self.outputconf, "w") as stream:

-             pass


-         project = pagure.lib.query._get_project(self.session, "test")


-         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper("gitolite3")

-         helper.write_gitolite_acls(

-             self.session,

-             self.outputconf,

-             project=project,

-             preconf=self.preconf,

-             postconf=self.postconf,

-         )

-         self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.outputconf))


-         with open(self.outputconf) as stream:

-             data = stream.read()


-         exp = r"""# this is a header that is manually added


- @group1 = foo bar baz

- @group2 = threebean puiterwijk kevin pingou


- # end of header

- @grp  = pingou

- @grp2  = foo

- # end of groups


- repo test

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/test

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/test

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/test

-   RW+ = pingou


- # end of body

- # end of generated configuration

- # \ó/

- # end of footer


- """

-         # print data

-         self.assertEqual(data, exp)


-     def test_write_gitolite_project_all_projects_groups(self):

-         """Test the generating the entire gitolite config."""


-         with open(self.outputconf, "w") as stream:

-             pass


-         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper("gitolite3")

-         helper.write_gitolite_acls(

-             self.session,

-             self.outputconf,

-             project=-1,

-             preconf=self.preconf,

-             postconf=self.postconf,

-         )

-         self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.outputconf))


-         with open(self.outputconf) as stream:

-             data = stream.read()


-         exp = (

-             r"""# this is a header that is manually added


- @group1 = foo bar baz

- @group2 = threebean puiterwijk kevin pingou


- # end of header

- @grp  = pingou

- @grp2  = foo

- # end of groups


- %s


- # end of body

- # end of generated configuration

- # \ó/

- # end of footer


- """

-             % CORE_CONFIG

-         )

-         # print data

-         self.assertEqual(data, exp)


-     def test_write_gitolite_project_all_projects_one_group(self):

-         """Test the generating the entire gitolite config."""


-         # Generate the full gitolite config that we will update

-         self.test_write_gitolite_project_all_projects_groups()


-         project = pagure.lib.query._get_project(self.session, "test")

-         group = pagure.lib.query.search_groups(self.session, group_name="grp")


-         # Let's add `foo` to `grp` so something changes

-         msg = pagure.lib.query.add_user_to_group(

-             self.session,

-             username="foo",

-             group=group,

-             user="pingou",

-             is_admin=False,

-         )

-         self.session.commit()

-         self.assertEqual(msg, "User `foo` added to the group `grp`.")


-         # Let's add `foo` to `test` so the project changes as well

-         msg = pagure.lib.query.add_user_to_project(

-             self.session,

-             project=project,

-             new_user="foo",

-             user="pingou",

-             access="commit",

-         )

-         self.assertEqual(msg, "User added")

-         self.session.commit()


-         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper("gitolite3")

-         helper.write_gitolite_acls(

-             self.session,

-             self.outputconf,

-             project=project,

-             group=group,

-             preconf=self.preconf,

-             postconf=self.postconf,

-         )

-         self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.outputconf))


-         with open(self.outputconf) as stream:

-             data = stream.read()


-         exp = r"""# this is a header that is manually added


- @group1 = foo bar baz

- @group2 = threebean puiterwijk kevin pingou


- # end of header

- @grp  = foo pingou

- @grp2  = foo

- # end of groups


- repo test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo somenamespace/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/somenamespace/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/somenamespace/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/somenamespace/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo test

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou

-   RW+ = foo


- repo docs/test

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou

-   RW+ = foo


- repo tickets/test

-   RW+ = pingou

-   RW+ = foo


- repo requests/test

-   RW+ = pingou

-   RW+ = foo


- # end of body

- # end of generated configuration

- # \ó/

- # end of footer


- """

-         # print data

-         self.assertEqual(data, exp)


-     def test_write_gitolite_delete_group(self):

-         """Test the updating the gitolite config after having

-         deleted a group.

-         """


-         # Generate the full gitolite config that we will update

-         self.test_write_gitolite_project_all_projects_groups()


-         # Delete the group `grp`

-         self.assertEqual(len(pagure.lib.query.search_groups(self.session)), 2)

-         group = pagure.lib.query.search_groups(self.session, group_name="grp")

-         self.session.delete(group)

-         self.session.commit()

-         self.assertEqual(len(pagure.lib.query.search_groups(self.session)), 1)


-         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper("gitolite3")

-         helper.write_gitolite_acls(

-             self.session,

-             self.outputconf,

-             project=None,

-             preconf=self.preconf,

-             postconf=self.postconf,

-         )

-         self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.outputconf))


-         with open(self.outputconf) as stream:

-             data = stream.read()


-         exp = (

-             r"""# this is a header that is manually added


- @group1 = foo bar baz

- @group2 = threebean puiterwijk kevin pingou


- # end of header

- @grp2  = foo

- # end of groups


- %s


- # end of body

- # end of generated configuration

- # \ó/

- # end of footer


- """

-             % CORE_CONFIG

-         )

-         # print data

-         self.assertEqual(data, exp)


-     @patch("pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper")

-     def test_task_generate_gitolite_acls_one_group(self, get_helper):

-         """Test the generate_gitolite_acls task to ensure if group is None

-         then None is passed to the helper."""

-         helper = MagicMock()

-         get_helper.return_value = helper

-         pagure.lib.query.SESSIONMAKER = self.session.session_factory


-         pagure.lib.tasks.generate_gitolite_acls(

-             namespace=None, name="test", user=None, group=None

-         )


-         get_helper.assert_called_with()

-         args = helper.generate_acls.call_args

-         self.assertIsNone(args[1].get("group"))

-         self.assertIsNotNone(args[1].get("project"))


-     def test_write_gitolite_project_test_private(self):

-         """Test the write_gitolite_acls function of pagure.lib.git with

-         a postconf set"""


-         # Make the test project private

-         project = pagure.lib.query._get_project(self.session, "test")

-         project.private = True

-         self.session.add(project)

-         self.session.commit()


-         # Re-generate the gitolite config just for this project

-         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper("gitolite3")

-         helper.write_gitolite_acls(self.session, self.outputconf, project=None)

-         self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.outputconf))


-         with open(self.outputconf) as stream:

-             data = stream.read()


-         exp = """@grp  = pingou

- @grp2  = foo

- # end of groups


- repo test

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/test

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/test

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/test

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo somenamespace/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/somenamespace/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/somenamespace/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/somenamespace/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- # end of body

- """

-         # print data

-         self.assertEqual(data, exp)


-     def test_remove_acls(self):

-         """Test the remove_acls function of pagure.lib.git when deleting

-         a project"""

-         pagure.config.config["GITOLITE_CONFIG"] = self.outputconf


-         with open(self.outputconf, "w") as stream:

-             pass


-         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper("gitolite3")

-         helper.write_gitolite_acls(self.session, self.outputconf, project=-1)

-         self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.outputconf))


-         with open(self.outputconf) as stream:

-             data = stream.read()


-         exp = (

-             """@grp  = pingou

- @grp2  = foo

- # end of groups


- %s


- # end of body

- """

-             % CORE_CONFIG

-         )


-         # print data

-         self.assertEqual(data, exp)


-         # Test removing a project from the existing config

-         project = pagure.lib.query.get_authorized_project(

-             self.session, project_name="test"

-         )


-         helper.remove_acls(self.session, project=project)


-         with open(self.outputconf) as stream:

-             data = stream.read()


-         exp = """@grp  = pingou

- @grp2  = foo

- # end of groups


- repo test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/test2

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/test2

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo somenamespace/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo docs/somenamespace/test3

-   R   = @all

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo tickets/somenamespace/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- repo requests/somenamespace/test3

-   RW+ = pingou


- # end of body

- """


-         # print data

-         self.assertEqual(data, exp)


-     def test_remove_acls_no_project(self):

-         """Test the remove_acls function of pagure.lib.git when no project

-         is specified"""

-         pagure.config.config["GITOLITE_CONFIG"] = self.outputconf


-         with open(self.outputconf, "w") as stream:

-             pass


-         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper("gitolite3")

-         helper.write_gitolite_acls(self.session, self.outputconf, project=-1)

-         self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.outputconf))


-         with open(self.outputconf) as stream:

-             data = stream.read()


-         exp = (

-             """@grp  = pingou

- @grp2  = foo

- # end of groups


- %s


- # end of body

- """

-             % CORE_CONFIG

-         )


-         # print data

-         self.assertEqual(data, exp)


-         # Test nothing changes if no project is specified


-         self.assertRaises(

-             RuntimeError, helper.remove_acls, self.session, project=None

-         )


-         with open(self.outputconf) as stream:

-             data = stream.read()


-         self.assertEqual(data, exp)



- if __name__ == "__main__":

-     unittest.main(verbosity=2)

file modified
@@ -228,22 +228,3 @@ 


              authors, [(2, [("Alice", None, None)]), (1, [("Bob", "", None)])]




- class TestGitolitePostCompileOnly(object):

-     @patch("pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper")

-     def test_backend_has_post_compile_only(self, get_helper):

-         helper = MagicMock()

-         get_helper.return_value = helper

-         helper.post_compile_only = MagicMock()

-         tasks.gitolite_post_compile_only()

-         helper.post_compile_only.assert_called_once()


-     @patch("pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper")

-     def test_backend_doesnt_have_post_compile_only(self, get_helper):

-         helper = MagicMock()

-         get_helper.return_value = helper

-         helper.generate_acls = MagicMock()

-         del helper.post_compile_only

-         tasks.gitolite_post_compile_only()

-         helper.generate_acls.assert_called_once_with(project=None)

Removal of all gitolite related code. pagure as default auth backend.

Related Issue: https://pagure.io/pagure/issue/3971

If this passes all the tests, can you squash this into a single commit? I don't think this needs to be split into 58 non-atomic changes.

OK I missed one black finding. The AssertionError: unexpectedly None errors can be ignored, those are issues that only happen in the CI. I'm pretty sure at some point we hit memory/cpu issues and a celery task get lost somehow. So I will later push a fix for the style issue.

If this passes all the tests, can you squash this into a single commit? I don't think this needs to be split into 58 non-atomic changes.

Sure, was more a pre-caution during carving that stuff out in case I need to dig up parts again :smile:

1 new commit added

  • tests: Fix a style check finding in tests/test_pagure_lib.py
a month ago

CI errors are all AssertionError: unexpectedly None which doesn't happy in local tests and will hopefully solved in the pipeline when https://pagure.io/pagure/issue/5466 is implemented.
I'm going to squash and push it as single commit as requested.
Last chance to do a review, especially of tests I dropped, those changes are the most risky.

rebased onto 62e1ab7

a month ago

This is gargantuan and well done, thanks! :thumbsup:

The tests look good too. If nobody has anything to say about it by midday PDT, I'll merge it.

Pull-Request has been merged by ngompa

a month ago

This is now merged. Let's see how things go...

Changes Summary 58
+14 -0
file changed
file added
file removed
+0 -1
file changed
file removed
+0 -1
file changed
+4 -221
file changed
file removed
+0 -1
file changed
+2 -1
file changed
+2 -14
file changed
+2 -1
file changed
+0 -3
file changed
+0 -1
file changed
file removed
file removed
file removed
+0 -25
file changed
+0 -8
file changed
file removed
+1 -1
file changed
+0 -1
file changed
+0 -6
file changed
+0 -94
file changed
+0 -193
file changed
+0 -4
file changed
+1 -41
file changed
+0 -16
file changed
+1 -70
file changed
+0 -3
file changed
+0 -37
file changed
+1 -761
file changed
+0 -1
file changed
+1 -1
file changed
+3 -137
file changed
+3 -86
file changed
+0 -16
file changed
+0 -8
file changed
+0 -8
file changed
+5 -20
file changed
+0 -1
file changed
+0 -5
file changed
+0 -1
file changed
+0 -32
file changed
+0 -2
file changed
+1 -1
file changed
+0 -316
file changed
+0 -116
file changed
+0 -11
file changed
+0 -5
file changed
+0 -13
file changed
+0 -4
file changed
+2 -142
file changed
+0 -77
file changed
+0 -201
file changed
+0 -1345
file changed
file removed
+0 -19
file changed