#5454 English improvements
Merged 10 months ago by ngompa. Opened 10 months ago by jjames.
jjames/pagure master  into  master

@@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ 

  <p class="justify">

  <strong>Ticket</strong>: A user or a group with this level of access can only edit metadata

    of an issue. This includes changing the status of an issue, adding/removing

-   tags from them, adding/removing assignees and every other option which can

-   be accessed when you click "Edit Metadata" button in an issue page. However,

-   this user can not "create" a new tag or "delete" an existing tag because,

-   that would involve access to settings page of the project which this user

-   won't have. It also won't be able to "delete" the issue because, it falls

+   tags, adding/removing assignees and every other option which can be accessed

+   when you click "Edit Metadata" button in an issue page. However, this user

+   can not "create" a new tag or "delete" an existing tag because that requires

+   access to the settings page of the project, which this user cannot do.  The

+   user also won't be able to "delete" the issue, because that action falls

    outside of "Edit Metadata".


  <p class="justify">

- <strong>Collaborator</strong>: A user or a group with this level of access can do everything what

+ <strong>Collaborator</strong>: A user or a group with this level of access can do everything that

    a user/group with ticket access can do + it can commit to some branches in the project.

-   These branches are defined here using their name or a pattern and needs to be comma separated. <br />

+   These branches are defined here using their name or a pattern and need to be comma separated. <br />

    Some examples:


@@ -21,14 +21,14 @@ 



  <p class="justify">

- <strong>Commit</strong>: A user or a group with this level of access can do everything what

-   a user/group with ticket access can do + it can do everything on the project

-   which doesn't include access to settings page. It can "Edit Metadata" of an issue

-   just like a user with ticket access would do, can merge a pull request, can push

+ <strong>Commit</strong>: A user or a group with this level of access can do everything that

+   a user/group with ticket access can do + it can take any action on the project

+   that doesn't include access to the settings page. It can "Edit Metadata" of an

+   issue just like a user with ticket access, can merge a pull request, can push

    to the main repository directly, delete an issue, cancel a pull request etc.


  <p class="justify">

- <strong>Admin</strong>: The user/group with this access has access to everything on the project.

-   All the "users" of the project that have been added till now are having this access.

-   They can change the settings of the project, add/remove users/groups on the project.

+ <strong>Admin</strong>: A user/group with this level of access has access to everything in the project.

+   All the "users" of the project that have been added until now have this access.

+   They can change the settings of the project and add/remove users/groups on the project.


@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ 



  $('.give_group_btn').click(function() {

-   return confirm('Are you sure to give {{ group.group_name }}? \nThis is final and cannot be un-done.');

+   return confirm('Are you sure you want to give {{ group.group_name }}? \nThis is final and cannot be undone.');



  {% endblock %}

@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ 

          return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete the group `{{ group.group_name }}`?');


      $('.remove-user-btn').click(function() {

-         return confirm('Are you sure to remove user `' + $(this).attr('data-username') + '` from the group `{{ group.group_name }}`?');

+         return confirm('Are you sure you want to remove user `' + $(this).attr('data-username') + '` from the group `{{ group.group_name }}`?');


      $('#headerSearch').on('keypress keydown keyup', function(e) {

        if (e.which == 13) {

file modified
+3 -3
@@ -845,7 +845,7 @@ 

          'value': '{{ form.csrf_token.current_token }}',

          'type': 'hidden'


-     if (confirm('Are you sure to delete this ticket? \nThis is final and cannot be un-done.')){

+     if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this ticket? \nThis is final and cannot be undone.')){



      return false;
@@ -1009,7 +1009,7 @@ 



    ).fail(function() {

-     alert( "An error occured, could not assign this ticket to you." );

+     alert( "An error occurred, could not assign this ticket to you." );


    return false;

@@ -1034,7 +1034,7 @@ 



    ).fail(function() {

-     alert( "An error occured, could not drop the current assignee." );

+     alert( "An error occurred, could not drop the current assignee." );


    return false;


@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ 


    $(".delete-branch-form").submit(function() {


-     return confirm('Are you sure you want to remove the branch: ' + $(this).attr("data-branch-name") + '?\nThis cannot be un-done!');

+     return confirm('Are you sure you want to remove the branch: ' + $(this).attr("data-branch-name") + '?\nThis cannot be undone!');



    var _cnt = 0;

file modified
+22 -22
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ 

                    <label for="tags">Project tags</label>

                    <input class="form-control" name="tags" value="{{ repo.tags_text |join(', ') if repo.tags else '' }}" />

                    <small class="text-muted">

-                     Tags for project itself, as a comma-separated list. Tags

+                     Tags for the project itself, as a comma-separated list. Tags

                      for issues are managed further down on this page.


@@ -187,11 +187,11 @@ 

                <div class="row">

                  <div class="col">


-                         Each message sent to the web-hook are signed via hmac and SHA1 using

+                         Each message sent to the web-hook is signed via hmac and SHA1 using

                          this private key.



-                         This key is private to your project, make sure to store in a safe place

+                         This key is private to your project.  Be sure to store it in a safe place

                          and do not share it.


                        <div class="form-group">
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ 

                            method="post" class="icon">

                        <button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" id="generate_new_hook_token"

                          title="Generate a new hook token">

-                         <span class="fa fa-refresh"></span> &nbsp;Re-generate

+                         <span class="fa fa-refresh"></span> &nbsp;Regenerate


                        {{ form.csrf_token }}

@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ 


                          The email addresses entered below will receive all the notifications

                          related to {% if g.issues_enabled %}

-                         (public) issues and {% endif %}pull-requests, this includes

+                         (public) issues and {% endif %}pull-requests. This includes

                          notifications about {% if g.issues_enabled %}

                          new issue or {% endif %} new pull-request, new comment

                          and status change.
@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ 


                          Below are the priorities you may assign to a ticket, allowing you

                          to sort them with it. The Weight determines the ordering. Higher

-                         priority should correspond to lower weight.

+                         priority corresponds to lower weight.

                          <span class="italic">

                            To remove an entry, simply clean the Weight and Title

@@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ 

                  <div class="row">

                    <div class="col">


-                             The default priority will be set to all issues created after

+                             The default priority will be set on all issues created after

                              it has been set.


                          <form action="{{ url_for(
@@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ 

                  <div class="row">

                    <div class="col">


-                           Here is the list of all the status that can be used when closing

+                           Here is the list of all statuses that can be used when closing

                            an issue.


                        <form action="{{ url_for(
@@ -688,7 +688,7 @@ 

                      <div class="col">


                              Set some custom fields for your issues.  <i>Field Values</i> are currently

-                             only used for Lists, and it accepts a comma separated list of items

+                             only used for Lists, and consist of a comma separated list of items

                              for the drop down list.


                          <form action="{{ url_for(
@@ -934,7 +934,7 @@ 


                <div class="row">

                  <div class="col">

-                     <p>Quick replies will be offered in a new comment form on Issue or

+                     <p>Quick replies will be offered in a new comment form on the Issue or

                          Pull Request page. This allows you to reply to common problems with a

                          click of a button.</p>

                          <p>The reply can use the same Markdown formatting as regular
@@ -1127,21 +1127,21 @@ 



      $('#generate_new_hook_token').click(function() {

-         return confirm('Are you sure to generate a new token for '

-                           + 'this project/fork? \nThis will break all web hook in place and '

-                           + 'cannot be un-done.');

+         return confirm('Are you sure you want to generate a new token for '

+                           + 'this project/fork? \nThis will break all web hooks in place and '

+                           + 'cannot be undone.');




-       return confirm('You sure you want to remove this user from this project?');

+       return confirm('Are you sure you want to remove this user from this project?');




-       return confirm('You sure you want to remove this group from this project?');

+       return confirm('Are you sure you want to remove this group from this project?');




-       return confirm('You sure you want to remove this deploy key from this project?');

+       return confirm('Are you sure you want to remove this deploy key from this project?');



@@ -1154,21 +1154,21 @@ 




-       return confirm('Are you sure to give {{ repo.fullname }}? \nThis is final and cannot be un-done.');

+       return confirm('Are you sure you want to give {{ repo.fullname }}? \nThis is final and cannot be undone.');




-       return confirm('Are you sure to delete {{ repo.fullname }}? \nThis is final and cannot be un-done.');

+       return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete {{ repo.fullname }}? \nThis is final and cannot be undone.');




-       return confirm('Are you sure to revoke this token ?'

-                      + '\nThis will break all application using it and '

-                      + 'cannot be un-done.');

+       return confirm('Are you sure you want to revoke this token ?'

+                      + '\nThis will break all applications using it and '

+                      + 'cannot be undone.');




-       return confirm('Are you sure to renew this token ?'

+       return confirm('Are you sure you want to renew this token ?'

                       + '\nIt will have the same ACL but will be a different key.');



@@ -29,16 +29,16 @@ 

    <div class="col">


        API keys are tokens used to authenticate you on pagure. They can also

-       be used to grant access to 3rd party application to behave on this

-       project on your name.

+       be used to grant access to 3rd party applications to act on this

+       project on your behalf.



        These are your personal tokens; they are not visible to the other

        admins of this repository.



-       These keys are private to your project, make sure to store in a safe

-       place and do not share it.

+       These keys are private to your project. Be sure to store them in a safe

+       place and do not share them.


      {% if repo.tokens %}

      {% for token in repo.tokens %}

@@ -148,15 +148,15 @@ 

              <div class="col">


                  API keys are tokens used to authenticate you on pagure. They can also

-                 be used to grant access to 3rd party application to behave on all

+                 be used to grant access to 3rd party applications to act on all

                  {{projectstring(plural=True)}} in your name.



                  These are your personal tokens; they are not visible to others.



-                 These keys are private, make sure to store in a safe place and

-                 do not share it.

+                 These keys are private. Be sure to store them in a safe place and

+                 do not share them.


                {% if user.tokens %}

                {% for token in user.tokens %}
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ 

                  <div class="row">

                    <div class="col">


-                           Forcefully log out from every current open session.

+                           Forcefully log out from every currently open session.


                        <form action="{{ url_for('ui_ns.force_logout') }}" method="post">

                          <input type="submit" class="btn btn-outline-danger"
@@ -301,15 +301,15 @@ 

          $('#' + _form_name).submit();


      $('.remove-token-btn').click(function() {

-       return confirm('Are you sure to revoke this token ?'

-                      + '\nThis will break all application using it and '

-                      + 'cannot be un-done.');

+       return confirm('Are you sure you want to revoke this token ?'

+                      + '\nThis will break all applications using it and '

+                      + 'cannot be undone.');


      $('.delete-email-btn').click(function() {

        return confirm('Do you really want to remove the email: ' + $(this).attr('data-email') + '?');


      $('.delete-sshkey-btn').click(function() {

-       return confirm('You sure you want to remove this SSH key?');

+       return confirm('Are you sure you want to remove this SSH key?');



      $('#nav-tab a.nav-link').on('shown.bs.tab', function (e) {

@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ 

                      group=group.group_name, user=user.user) }}">

                  {{ form.csrf_token }}


-                   onclick="return confirm('Are you sure to remove user `{{

+                   onclick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to remove user `{{

                      user.user}}` from the group `{{group.group_name}}`?');"

                    title="Remove user from group"

                    class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-danger border-0">

I mean no disrespect to those who wrote the original text modified by this PR, but I think the English can be improved in some cases. I have encountered a few phrases that didn't seem quite right. I tracked them down, then grepped for other instances of similar language. The changes below can be classified loosely as follows:

  • Fix singular/plural agreement
  • Resolve ambiguous pronouns; e.g., "it"
  • Remove hyphens from words that don't have them; e.g., "undone"
  • Fix grammar mistakes
  • Fix misspelled words, according to my American English dictionary (they may be spelled correctly in other English variants)
  • Make English phrases sound more natural (to me, of course!)

This PR is not exhaustive. I am willing to make changes to this PR if you find any part of it objectionable.

Pull-Request has been merged by ngompa

10 months ago

Thanks for the improvements! If you want to make more, please feel free to send them along!