#4662 Some fixes for vagrant environment
Merged 4 years ago by pingou. Opened 4 years ago by jlanda.
jlanda/pagure vagrant-fixes  into  master

@@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ 




- WantedBy=multi-user.target

+ WantedBy=default.target

@@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ 




- WantedBy=multi-user.target

+ WantedBy=default.target

@@ -5,9 +5,8 @@ 




- ExecStart=/home/vagrant/.virtualenvs/python3-pagure/bin/python \

-           /home/vagrant/devel/pagure-ci/pagure_ci_server.py

+ ExecStart=/home/vagrant/.virtualenvs/python3-pagure/bin/celery worker -A pagure.lib.tasks --loglevel=info -Q pagure_ci




- WantedBy=multi-user.target

+ WantedBy=default.target

@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ 




- WantedBy=multi-user.target

+ WantedBy=default.target

@@ -5,9 +5,8 @@ 




- ExecStart=/home/vagrant/.virtualenvs/python3-pagure/bin/python \

-           /home/vagrant/devel/pagure-webhook/pagure-webhook-server.py

+ ExecStart=/home/vagrant/.virtualenvs/python3-pagure/bin/celery worker -A pagure.lib.tasks --loglevel=info -Q pagure_webhook




- WantedBy=multi-user.target

+ WantedBy=default.target

@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ 




- WantedBy=multi-user.target

+ WantedBy=default.target

@@ -58,12 +58,6 @@ 

        - python3-virtualenv

      state: present


- - name: register the libgit2 version installed

Why this is moved?

-   shell: rpm -q libgit2|cut -d \- -f 2| cut -d \. -f 1,2

-   register: libgit2_version

-   args:

-     warn: false


  # Add various helpful configuration files

  - name: Install a custom bashrc

    become_user: "{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}"
@@ -84,6 +78,12 @@ 

    become_user: "{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}"

    copy: src=bash_history dest=/home/{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}/.bash_history


+ - name: register the libgit2 version installed

+   shell: rpm -q libgit2|cut -d \- -f 2| cut -d \. -f 1,2

+   register: libgit2_version

+   args:

+     warn: false


  # Install Pagure inside a virtualenv and configure it

  - name: Install pygit2 in the virtualenv

    become_user: "{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}"
@@ -94,37 +94,27 @@ 

      virtualenv_python: python3

      virtualenv_command: virtualenv


- # Install Pagure inside a virtualenv and configure it for python3

- - name: Install pygit2 in the python3 virtualenv

-   become_user: "{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}"

-   pip:

-     name:

-       - "pygit2=={{ libgit2_version.stdout_lines[0] }}.*"

-     virtualenv: /home/{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}/.virtualenvs/python3-pagure/

-     virtualenv_python: python3


  - name: Install Pagure Python dependencies into a virtualenv

    become_user: "{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}"


      requirements: /home/{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}/devel/{{ item }}

      virtualenv: /home/{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}/.virtualenvs/python3-pagure/

      virtualenv_command: virtualenv

-   with_items:

-     - "requirements.txt"

-     - "requirements-ev.txt"

-     - "requirements-testing.txt"


- - name: Install Pagure Python dependencies into a python3 virtualenv

-   become_user: "{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}"

-   pip:

-     requirements: /home/{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}/devel/{{ item }}

-     virtualenv: /home/{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}/.virtualenvs/python3-pagure/

      virtualenv_python: python3

+     virtualenv_site_packages: yes

+     extra_args: --no-use-pep517


      - "requirements.txt"

      - "requirements-ev.txt"

      - "requirements-testing.txt"


+ - name: Hotfix python-fedora to make flask_fas_openid compatible with flask >= 1.0

+   become: "{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}"

+   lineinfile:

+     path: /home/{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}/.virtualenvs/python3-pagure/lib/python3.7/site-packages/flask_fas_openid.py

+     regexp: '^        if assume_recent or \(major >'

+     line: '        if assume_recent or (major > 0 or minor >= 10):'


  - name: Install Pagure package into a virtualenv

    become_user: "{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}"

@@ -206,12 +196,13 @@ 

      - pagure_webhook.service

      - pagure_worker.service


- - name: Enable the Pagure systemd services

+ - name: Enable and start the Pagure systemd services

    become: False


      daemon_reload: yes

      name: "{{ item }}"

      enabled: True

+     state: started

      scope: user


      - pagure

@@ -3636,9 +3636,10 @@ 

                  "%(objectname) %(objecttype) %(refname)\n"

                  "%(*objectname) %(*objecttype) %(refname)"


-             ref_filter_regex, is_inclusion_filter = (

-                 self.environment.get_ref_filter_regex()

-             )

+             (

+                 ref_filter_regex,

+                 is_inclusion_filter,

+             ) = self.environment.get_ref_filter_regex()

              for line in read_git_lines(

                  ["for-each-ref", "--format=%s" % (fmt,)]

@@ -3865,9 +3866,10 @@ 


  def run_as_post_receive_hook(environment, mailer):


-     send_filter_regex, send_is_inclusion_filter = environment.get_ref_filter_regex(

-         True

-     )

+     (

+         send_filter_regex,

+         send_is_inclusion_filter,

+     ) = environment.get_ref_filter_regex(True)

      ref_filter_regex, is_inclusion_filter = environment.get_ref_filter_regex(


@@ -3902,9 +3904,10 @@ 

      environment, mailer, refname, oldrev, newrev, force_send=False



-     send_filter_regex, send_is_inclusion_filter = environment.get_ref_filter_regex(

-         True

-     )

+     (

+         send_filter_regex,

+         send_is_inclusion_filter,

+     ) = environment.get_ref_filter_regex(True)

      ref_filter_regex, is_inclusion_filter = environment.get_ref_filter_regex(



file modified
+1 -1
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ 


      @mock.patch.dict("pagure.config.config", {"EXTERNAL_COMMITTER": config})

      def test_is_repo_committer_external_committer_restricting_another_one(

-         self

+         self,


          """ Test is_repo_committer in pagure with EXTERNAL_COMMITTER

          configured to give access the provenpackager just for one repo not

@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ 

              issue = copy.deepcopy(FULL_ISSUE_LIST[8])

              issue["id"] = 1


-                 "pagure_tests_placebo.png)](/test/issue/raw/files/"

+                 "_tests_placebo.png)](/test/issue/raw/files/"




file modified
+24 -12
@@ -59,9 +59,12 @@ 

              "alice@example.com": MockUser("Alice", "alice@example.com")



-         num_commits, authors, num_authors, last_time = tasks.commits_author_stats(

-             self.repopath

-         )

+         (

+             num_commits,

+             authors,

+             num_authors,

+             last_time,

+         ) = tasks.commits_author_stats(self.repopath)

:( I like the old style better


          self.assertEqual(num_commits, 1)

          self.assertEqual(num_authors, 1)
@@ -109,9 +112,12 @@ 

              "alice@example.com": MockUser("Alice", "alice@example.com")



-         num_commits, authors, num_authors, last_time = tasks.commits_author_stats(

-             self.repopath

-         )

+         (

+             num_commits,

+             authors,

+             num_authors,

+             last_time,

+         ) = tasks.commits_author_stats(self.repopath)


          self.assertEqual(num_commits, 2)

          self.assertEqual(num_authors, 1)
@@ -156,9 +162,12 @@ 


          self.authors = {}


-         num_commits, authors, num_authors, last_time = tasks.commits_author_stats(

-             self.repopath

-         )

+         (

+             num_commits,

+             authors,

+             num_authors,

+             last_time,

+         ) = tasks.commits_author_stats(self.repopath)


          self.assertEqual(num_commits, 1)

          self.assertEqual(num_authors, 1)
@@ -206,9 +215,12 @@ 


          self.authors = {}


-         num_commits, authors, num_authors, last_time = tasks.commits_author_stats(

-             self.repopath

-         )

+         (

+             num_commits,

+             authors,

+             num_authors,

+             last_time,

+         ) = tasks.commits_author_stats(self.repopath)


          self.assertEqual(num_commits, 3)

          self.assertEqual(num_authors, 2)

no initial comment

Why this is moved?

Just for readability. now the register task and the task that uses the registered var are one below the other instead of having a bunch of unrelated tasks in the middle, it's easier to read what's going on imo. But I could remove that commit =)

No need to remove it, if it improves readability.

Otherwise looks good

:( I like the old style better

Thanks for these fixes!

Pull-Request has been merged by pingou

4 years ago

:( I like the old style better

me too, but black does not. black from pip (19.10b0) does not like the old style. rpm black (19.0b0) likes both of them.

The other option is lock the requirement, or let vagrant fail on black tests