#4637 Add support to expire and update any API token, not just the admin ones
Merged 4 years ago by pingou. Opened 4 years ago by pingou.

file modified
@@ -170,6 +170,12 @@ 

          "expire", help="Expire a specific API token"


      local_parser.add_argument("token", help="API token")

+     local_parser.add_argument(

+         "--all",

+         default=False,

+         action="store_true",

+         help="Act on any API token instead of only those with admin ACLs",

+     )



@@ -201,6 +207,12 @@ 


      local_parser.add_argument("token", help="API token")

      local_parser.add_argument("date", help="New expiration date")

+     local_parser.add_argument(

+         "--all",

+         default=False,

+         action="store_true",

+         help="Act on any API token instead of only those with admin ACLs",

+     )



@@ -736,8 +748,11 @@ 



      _log.debug("token:          %s", args.token)

+     _log.debug("all:            %s", args.all)


      acls = pagure.config.config["ADMIN_API_ACLS"]

+     if args.all:

+         acls = None

      token = pagure.lib.query.search_token(session, acls, token=args.token)

      if not token:

          raise pagure.exceptions.PagureException("No such admin token found")
@@ -763,8 +778,11 @@ 


      _log.debug("token:          %s", args.token)

      _log.debug("new date:       %s", args.date)

+     _log.debug("all:            %s", args.all)


      acls = pagure.config.config["ADMIN_API_ACLS"]

+     if args.all:

+         acls = None

      token = pagure.lib.query.search_token(session, acls, token=args.token)

      if not token:

          raise pagure.exceptions.PagureException("No such admin token found")

file modified
+142 -5
@@ -481,7 +481,64 @@ 

          self.assertIn(" -- pingou -- ", output)


          # Expire the token

-         args = munch.Munch({"token": token})

+         args = munch.Munch({"token": token, "all": False})

+         pagure.cli.admin.do_expire_admin_token(args)


+         # After

+         list_args = munch.Munch(

+             {

+                 "user": None,

+                 "token": None,

+                 "active": True,

+                 "expired": False,

+                 "all": False,

+             }

+         )

+         with tests.capture_output() as output:

+             pagure.cli.admin.do_list_admin_token(list_args)

+         output = output.getvalue()

+         self.assertEqual(output, "No admin tokens found\n")


+     @patch("pagure.cli.admin._get_input")

+     @patch("pagure.cli.admin._ask_confirmation")

+     def test_do_expire_admin_token_non_admin_acls(self, conf, rinp):

+         """ Test the do_expire_admin_token function of pagure-admin for a token

+         without any admin ACL. """

+         if "BUILD_ID" in os.environ:

+             raise unittest.case.SkipTest("Skipping on jenkins/el7")


+         # Create an admin token to use

+         conf.return_value = True

+         rinp.return_value = "1,2,3"


+         pagure.lib.query.add_token_to_user(

+             self.session,

+             project=None,

+             acls=["issue_assign", "pull_request_subscribe"],

+             username="pingou",

+         )


+         # Retrieve all tokens to get the one of interest

+         list_args = munch.Munch(

+             {

+                 "user": None,

+                 "token": None,

+                 "active": False,

+                 "expired": False,

+                 "all": True,

+             }

+         )

+         with tests.capture_output() as output:

+             pagure.cli.admin.do_list_admin_token(list_args)

+         output = output.getvalue()

+         self.assertNotEqual(output, 'No user "pingou" found\n')

+         self.assertEqual(len(output.split("\n")), 2)

+         self.assertIn(" -- pingou -- ", output)


+         token = output.split(" ", 1)[0]


+         # Expire the token

+         args = munch.Munch({"token": token, "all": True})



          # After
@@ -535,7 +592,7 @@ 

          current_expiration = output.split(" ", 1)[1]


          # Set the expiration date to the token

-         args = munch.Munch({"token": token, "date": "aa-bb-cc"})

+         args = munch.Munch({"token": token, "date": "aa-bb-cc", "all": False})



@@ -578,7 +635,9 @@ 

          current_expiration = output.split(" ", 1)[1]


          # Set the expiration date to the token

-         args = munch.Munch({"token": token, "date": "2017-18-01"})

+         args = munch.Munch(

+             {"token": token, "date": "2017-18-01", "all": False}

+         )



@@ -622,7 +681,11 @@ 


          # Set the expiration date to the token

          args = munch.Munch(

-             {"token": token, "date": datetime.datetime.utcnow().date()}

+             {

+                 "token": token,

+                 "date": datetime.datetime.utcnow().date(),

+                 "all": False,

+             }



@@ -687,7 +750,11 @@ 


          # Set the expiration date to the token

          args = munch.Munch(

-             {"token": token, "date": deadline.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}

+             {

+                 "token": token,

+                 "date": deadline.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"),

+                 "all": False,

+             }



@@ -709,6 +776,76 @@ 

              output.strip().split(" -- ", 2)[-1], current_expiration



+     @patch("pagure.cli.admin._get_input")

+     @patch("pagure.cli.admin._ask_confirmation")

+     def test_do_update_admin_token_non_admin_acls(self, conf, rinp):

+         """ Test the do_update_admin_token function of pagure-admin for a token

+         without any admin ACL. """

+         if "BUILD_ID" in os.environ:

+             raise unittest.case.SkipTest("Skipping on jenkins/el7")


+         # Create an admin token to use

+         conf.return_value = True

+         rinp.return_value = "1,2,3"


+         pagure.lib.query.add_token_to_user(

+             self.session,

+             project=None,

+             acls=["issue_assign", "pull_request_subscribe"],

+             username="pingou",

+         )


+         # Retrieve all tokens to get the one of interest

+         list_args = munch.Munch(

+             {

+                 "user": None,

+                 "token": None,

+                 "active": False,

+                 "expired": False,

+                 "all": True,

+             }

+         )

+         with tests.capture_output() as output:

+             pagure.cli.admin.do_list_admin_token(list_args)

+         output = output.getvalue()

+         self.assertNotEqual(output, 'No user "pingou" found\n')

+         self.assertEqual(len(output.split("\n")), 2)

+         self.assertIn(" -- pingou -- ", output)


+         token = output.split(" ", 1)[0]

+         current_expiration = output.strip().split(" -- ", 2)[-1]

+         deadline = datetime.datetime.utcnow().date() + datetime.timedelta(

+             days=3

+         )


+         # Set the expiration date to the token

+         args = munch.Munch(

+             {

+                 "token": token,

+                 "date": deadline.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"),

+                 "all": True,

+             }

+         )

+         pagure.cli.admin.do_update_admin_token(args)


+         # After

+         list_args = munch.Munch(

+             {

+                 "user": None,

+                 "token": None,

+                 "active": True,

+                 "expired": False,

+                 "all": True,

+             }

+         )

+         with tests.capture_output() as output:

+             pagure.cli.admin.do_list_admin_token(list_args)

+         output = output.getvalue()

+         self.assertEqual(output.split(" ", 1)[0], token)

+         self.assertNotEqual(

+             output.strip().split(" -- ", 2)[-1], current_expiration

+         )



  class PagureAdminGetWatchTests(tests.Modeltests):

      """ Tests for pagure-admin get-watch """

Basically we normally restrict the API token by them having one of the
ADMIN_API_ACLS acl, which meant we could not update or expire API tokens
that did not have any of these acls.
With this change, we can lift this constraint by using --all.

Signed-off-by: Pierre-Yves Chibon pingou@pingoured.fr

It would be great to add a non admin API token to the test suite, :thumbsup: otherwise

rebased onto 8e74743e2f4eeceda74a63c8121def6611b2274b

4 years ago

rebased onto 743bb5e

4 years ago

pretty please pagure-ci rebuild

4 years ago

@jlanda tests added but jenkins is weird :(

wfm, test bypass included :)

I opened a ticket to tract the jenkins|el7 test failing mystery: #4641

Thanks for the review

Pull-Request has been merged by pingou

4 years ago