#4095 Fix the pagure hook to behave on the right project
Merged 5 years ago by pingou. Opened 5 years ago by pingou.

@@ -110,60 +110,11 @@ 




- def _parse_path(path):

-     """Get the repo name, object type, object ID, and (if present)

-     username and/or namespace from a URL path component. Will only

-     handle the known object types from the OBJECTS dict. Assumes:

-     * Project name comes immediately before object type

-     * Object ID comes immediately after object type

-     * If a fork, path starts with /fork/(username)

-     * Namespace, if present, comes after fork username (if present) or at start

-     * No other components come before the project name

-     * None of the parsed items can contain a /

-     """

-     username = None

-     namespace = None

-     # path always starts with / so split and throw away first item

-     items = path.split('/')[1:]

-     # find the *last* match for any object type

-     try:

-         objtype = [item for item in items if item in OBJECTS][-1]

-     except IndexError:

-         raise PagureEvException(

-             "No known object type found in path: %s" % path)

-     try:

-         # objid is the item after objtype, we need all items up to it

-         items = items[:items.index(objtype) + 2]

-         # now strip the repo, objtype and objid off the end

-         (repo, objtype, objid) = items[-3:]

-         items = items[:-3]

-     except (IndexError, ValueError):

-         raise PagureEvException(

-             "No project or object ID found in path: %s" % path)

-     # now check for a fork

-     if items and items[0] == 'fork':

-         try:

-             # get the username and strip it and 'fork'

-             username = items[1]

-             items = items[2:]

-         except IndexError:

-             raise PagureEvException(

-                 "Path starts with /fork but no user found! Path: %s" % path)

-     # if we still have an item left, it must be the namespace

-     if items:

-         namespace = items.pop(0)

-     # if we have any items left at this point, we've no idea

-     if items:

-         raise PagureEvException(

-             "More path components than expected! Path: %s" % path)


-     return username, namespace, repo, objtype, objid



  def get_obj_from_path(path):

      """ Return the Ticket or Request object based on the path provided.


-     (username, namespace, reponame, objtype, objid) = _parse_path(path)

+     (username, namespace, reponame, objtype, objid) = pagure.utils.parse_path(

+         path)

      session = _get_session()

      repo = pagure.lib.query.get_authorized_project(

              session, reponame, user=username, namespace=namespace)
@@ -212,7 +163,7 @@ 



          obj = get_obj_from_path(url.path)

-     except PagureEvException as err:

+     except PagureException as err:




file modified
+38 -27
@@ -15,37 +15,38 @@ 

  import re

  import pagure.lib.query

  import pagure.exceptions

+ import pagure.utils

+ from pagure.config import config as pagure_config



  FIXES = [

-     re.compile(r"(?:.*\s+)?fixe?[sd]?:?\s*?#(\d+)", re.I),

-     re.compile(

-         r"(?:.*\s+)?fixe?[sd]?:?\s*?https?://.*/([a-zA-z0-9_][a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)"

-         r"/(?:issue|pull-request)/(\d+)",

-         re.I,

-     ),

-     re.compile(r"(?:.*\s+)?merge?[sd]?:?\s*?#(\d+)", re.I),

-     re.compile(

-         r"(?:.*\s+)?merge?[sd]?:?\s*?https?://.*/([a-zA-z0-9_][a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)"

-         r"/(?:issue|pull-request)/(\d+)",

-         re.I,

-     ),

-     re.compile(r"(?:.*\s+)?close?[sd]?:?\s*?#(\d+)", re.I),

+     re.compile(r"(?:.*\s+)?{0}?[sd]?:?\s*?#(\d+)".format(kw), re.I)

+     for kw in ["fixe", "merge", "close"]

+ ]

+ FIXES += [


-         r"(?:.*\s+)?close?[sd]?:?\s*?https?://.*/([a-zA-z0-9_][a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)"

-         r"/(?:issue|pull-request)/(\d+)",

+         r"(?:.*\s+)?{0}?[sd]?:?\s*?{1}"

+         r"(/.*?/(?:issue|pull-request)/\d+)".format(

+             kw, pagure_config["APP_URL"].rstrip("/")

+         ),


-     ),

+     )

+     for kw in ["fixe", "merge", "close"]





-     re.compile(r"(?:.*\s+)?relate[sd]?:?\s*?(?:to)?\s*?#(\d+)", re.I),

-     re.compile(r"(?:.*\s+)?relate[sd]?:?\s?#(\d+)", re.I),

+     re.compile(r"(?:.*\s+)?{0}?[sd]?:?\s*?(?:to)?\s*?#(\d+)".format(kw), re.I)

+     for kw in ["relate"]

+ ]

+ RELATES += [


-         r"(?:.*\s+)?relate[sd]?:?\s*?(?:to)?\s*?"

-         r"https?://.*/([a-zA-z0-9_][a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)/issue/(\d+)",

+         r"(?:.*\s+)?{0}?[sd]?:?\s*?(?:to)?\s*?{1}(/.*?/issue/\d+)".format(

+             kw, pagure_config["APP_URL"].rstrip("/")

+         ),


-     ),

+     )

+     for kw in ["relate"]



@@ -87,12 +88,22 @@ 

      for motif in regex:

          relid = None

          project = None

-         if motif.match(text):

-             if len(motif.match(text).groups()) >= 2:

-                 relid = motif.match(text).group(2)

-                 project = motif.match(text).group(1)

-             else:

-                 relid = motif.match(text).group(1)

+         got_match = motif.match(text)

+         if got_match:

+             relid = got_match.group(1)

+             if not relid.isdigit():

+                 (

+                     username,

+                     namespace,

+                     reponame,

+                     objtype,

+                     relid,

+                 ) = pagure.utils.parse_path(relid)

+                 repo = pagure.lib.query.get_authorized_project(

+                     session, reponame, user=username, namespace=namespace

+                 )

+                 if not repo:

+                     continue


          if relid:

              relation = pagure.lib.query.search_issues(

file modified
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ 

  import six

  import werkzeug


+ from pagure.exceptions import PagureException

  from pagure.config import config as pagure_config


@@ -742,3 +743,57 @@ 

              retval = True


      return retval



+ def parse_path(path):

+     """Get the repo name, object type, object ID, and (if present)

+     username and/or namespace from a URL path component. Will only

+     handle the known object types from the OBJECTS dict. Assumes:

+     * Project name comes immediately before object type

+     * Object ID comes immediately after object type

+     * If a fork, path starts with /fork/(username)

+     * Namespace, if present, comes after fork username (if present) or at start

+     * No other components come before the project name

+     * None of the parsed items can contain a /

+     """

+     username = None

+     namespace = None

+     # path always starts with / so split and throw away first item

+     items = path.split("/")[1:]

+     # find the *last* match for any object type

+     try:

+         objtype = [

+             item for item in items if item in ["issue", "pull-request"]

+         ][-1]

+     except IndexError:

+         raise PagureException("No known object type found in path: %s" % path)

+     try:

+         # objid is the item after objtype, we need all items up to it

+         items = items[: items.index(objtype) + 2]

I am not sure to get why this is needed here :sweat_smile:

It's all black magic written by @adamw :laughing:

+         # now strip the repo, objtype and objid off the end

+         (repo, objtype, objid) = items[-3:]

+         items = items[:-3]

+     except (IndexError, ValueError):

+         raise PagureException(

+             "No project or object ID found in path: %s" % path

+         )

+     # now check for a fork

+     if items and items[0] == "fork":

+         try:

+             # get the username and strip it and 'fork'

+             username = items[1]

+             items = items[2:]

+         except IndexError:

+             raise PagureException(

+                 "Path starts with /fork but no user found! Path: %s" % path

+             )

+     # if we still have an item left, it must be the namespace

+     if items:

+         namespace = items.pop(0)

+     # if we have any items left at this point, we've no idea

+     if items:

+         raise PagureException(

+             "More path components than expected! Path: %s" % path

+         )


+     return username, namespace, repo, objtype, objid

@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@ 

+ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


+ """

+  (c) 2018 - Copyright Red Hat Inc


+  Authors:

+    Pierre-Yves Chibon <pingou@pingoured.fr>


+ """


+ from __future__ import unicode_literals


+ import unittest

+ import sys

+ import os


+ import mock


+ sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(

+     os.path.abspath(__file__)), '..'))


+ import pagure.hooks.pagure_hook

+ import tests



+ class PagureHooksPagureHooktests(tests.SimplePagureTest):

+     """ Tests for pagure.hooks.pagure_hook """


+     def setUp(self):

+         """ Set up the environnment, ran before every tests. """

+         super(PagureHooksPagureHooktests, self).setUp()

+         tests.create_projects(self.session)

+         tests.create_projects_git(os.path.join(self.path, 'repos'), bare=True)


+         # Add one issue to each projects otherwise we won't be able to find

+         project = pagure.lib.query.get_authorized_project(self.session, 'test')

+         msg = pagure.lib.query.new_issue(

+             session=self.session,

+             repo=project,

+             title='Test issue',

+             content='We should work on this',

+             user='pingou',

+         )

+         self.session.commit()

+         self.assertEqual(msg.title, 'Test issue')


+         project = pagure.lib.query.get_authorized_project(

+             self.session, 'test2')

+         msg = pagure.lib.query.new_issue(

+             session=self.session,

+             repo=project,

+             title='Test issue on test2',

+             content='We should work on this, really',

+             user='foo',

+         )

+         self.session.commit()

+         self.assertEqual(msg.title, 'Test issue on test2')


+         # Create a fork of test for foo with its own ticket

+         item = pagure.lib.model.Project(

+             user_id=2,  # foo

+             name='test',

+             is_fork=True,

+             parent_id=1,

+             description='test project #1',

+             hook_token='aaabbbccc_foo',

+         )

+         item.close_status = [

+             'Invalid', 'Insufficient data', 'Fixed', 'Duplicate']

+         self.session.add(item)

+         self.session.commit()

+         project = pagure.lib.query.get_authorized_project(

+             self.session, 'test', user="foo")

+         msg = pagure.lib.query.new_issue(

+             session=self.session,

+             repo=project,

+             title='Test issue on fork/foo/test',

+             content='We should work on this, really',

+             user='foo',

+         )

+         self.session.commit()

+         self.assertEqual(msg.title, 'Test issue on fork/foo/test')


+         self.folder = os.path.join(self.path, 'repos', 'test.git')


+         # Add a README to the git repo - First commit

+         tests.add_readme_git_repo(self.folder)


+     @mock.patch("pagure.hooks.pagure_hook.fixes_relation")

+     def test_generate_revision_change_log_short_url(self, fixes_relation):

+         """ Test generate_revision_change_log when the comment contains

+         a short link to the same project.

+         """


+         # Add a commit with an url in the commit message

+         tests.add_content_to_git(

+             self.folder, branch='master', filename='sources', content='foo',

+             message='Test commit message\n\nFixes #1'

+         )


+         project = pagure.lib.query.get_authorized_project(self.session, 'test')


+         pagure.hooks.pagure_hook.generate_revision_change_log(

+             session=self.session,

+             project=project,

+             username=None,

+             repodir=self.folder,

+             new_commits_list=['HEAD']

+         )

+         fixes_relation.assert_called_once_with(

+             mock.ANY, None, mock.ANY, project.issues[0],

+             'http://localhost.localdomain/')


+     @mock.patch("pagure.hooks.pagure_hook.fixes_relation")

+     def test_generate_revision_change_log_full_url(self, fixes_relation):

+         """ Test generate_revision_change_log when the comment contains

+         a full link to another project.

+         """


+         # Add a commit with an url in the commit message

+         tests.add_content_to_git(

+             self.folder, branch='master', filename='sources', content='foo',

+             message='Test commit message\n\n'

+             'Fixes http://localhost.localdomain/test2/issue/1'

+         )


+         project = pagure.lib.query.get_authorized_project(

+             self.session, 'test')

+         project2 = pagure.lib.query.get_authorized_project(

+             self.session, 'test2')


+         pagure.hooks.pagure_hook.generate_revision_change_log(

+             session=self.session,

+             project=project,

+             username=None,

+             repodir=self.folder,

+             new_commits_list=['HEAD']

+         )

+         fixes_relation.assert_called_once_with(

+             mock.ANY, None, mock.ANY, project2.issues[0],

+             'http://localhost.localdomain/')


+     @mock.patch("pagure.hooks.pagure_hook.fixes_relation")

+     def test_generate_revision_change_log_full_url_fork(self, fixes_relation):

+         """ Test generate_revision_change_log when the comment contains

+         a full link to a fork.

+         """


+         # Add a commit with an url in the commit message

+         tests.add_content_to_git(

+             self.folder, branch='master', filename='sources', content='foo',

+             message='Test commit message\n\n'

+             'Fixes http://localhost.localdomain/fork/foo/test/issue/1'

+         )


+         project = pagure.lib.query.get_authorized_project(

+             self.session, 'test')

+         project_fork = pagure.lib.query.get_authorized_project(

+             self.session, 'test', user="foo")


+         pagure.hooks.pagure_hook.generate_revision_change_log(

+             session=self.session,

+             project=project,

+             username=None,

+             repodir=self.folder,

+             new_commits_list=['HEAD']

+         )

+         fixes_relation.assert_called_once_with(

+             mock.ANY, None, mock.ANY, project_fork.issues[0],

+             'http://localhost.localdomain/')



+ if __name__ == '__main__':

+     unittest.main(verbosity=2)

file modified
+44 -32
@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ 

      'Did you see #1?',

      'This is a duplicate of #2',

      'This is a fixes #3',

-     'Might be worth looking at https://fedorahosted.org/pagure/tests2/issue/4',

+     'Might be worth looking at http://localhost.localdomain/pagure/tests2/issue/4',

      'This relates to #5',

-     'Could this be related to https://fedorahosted.org/pagure/tests2/issue/6',

+     'Could this be related to http://localhost.localdomain/test/issue/6',



@@ -186,21 +186,23 @@ 



                      '[Issue(3, project:test, user:pingou, title:issue 3)]')

+                 self.assertEqual(len(link), 1)

+                 self.assertEqual(link[0].project.fullname, 'test')


                  self.assertEqual(link, [])


      def test_relates_regex(self):

          ''' Test the relates regex present in pagure.lib.link. '''

-         text = 'relates  to   http://localhost/fork/pingou/test/issue/1'

+         text = 'relates  to   http://localhost.localdomain/fork/pingou/test/issue/1'

          for index, regex in enumerate(pagure.lib.link.RELATES):

-             if index == 2:

+             if index == 1:

                  self.assertNotEqual(regex.match(text), None)


                  self.assertEqual(regex.match(text), None)


-         text = 'relates'

+         text = 'relates http://localhost.localdomain/fork/pingou/test/issue/1'

          for index, regex in enumerate(pagure.lib.link.RELATES):

-             if index == 2:

+             if index == 1:

                  self.assertNotEqual(regex.match(text), None)


                  self.assertEqual(regex.match(text), None)
@@ -213,16 +215,16 @@ 

                  self.assertEqual(regex.match(text), None)


          text = 'Could this be related to  '\

-             ' https://fedorahosted.org/pagure/tests2/issue/6'

+             ' http://localhost.localdomain/pagure/tests2/issue/6'

          for index, regex in enumerate(pagure.lib.link.RELATES):

-             if index == 2:

+             if index == 1:

                  self.assertNotEqual(regex.match(text), None)


                  self.assertEqual(regex.match(text), None)


-         text = 'relates https://localhost/SSSD/ding-libs/issue/31'

+         text = 'relates http://localhost.localdomain/SSSD/ding-libs/issue/31'

          for index, regex in enumerate(pagure.lib.link.RELATES):

-             if index == 2:

+             if index == 1:

                  self.assertNotEqual(regex.match(text), None)


                  self.assertEqual(regex.match(text), None)
@@ -238,34 +240,44 @@ 

                  if match:


              self.assertNotEqual(match, None)

-             self.assertEqual(len(match.groups()), 2)

+             self.assertEqual(len(match.groups()), 1)

              self.assertEqual(match.groups(), groups)


          data = [

              # [string, groups]



-         project_match('fixes     http://localhost/fork/pingou/test/issue/1',

-             ('test', '1'))

-         project_match('fix',

-             ('test', '1'))

-         project_match('Could this be fixes  '

-             ' https://fedorahosted.org/pagure/tests2/issue/6',

-             ('tests2', '6'))

-         project_match('merged https://pagure.io/myproject/pull-request/70',

-             ('myproject', '70'))

-         project_match('Now we merge https://pagure.io/myproject/pull-request/99',

-             ('myproject', '99'))

-         project_match('Merges     http://localhost/fork/pingou/test/issue/1',

-             ('test', '1'))

-         project_match('Merges: http://localhost/fork/pingou/test/issue/12',

-             ('test', '12'))

-         project_match('Merged http://localhost/fork/pingou/test/issue/123#',

-             ('test', '123'))

-         project_match('Merge: http://localhost/fork/pingou/test/issue/1234#foo',

-             ('test', '1234'))

-         project_match('Merges: https://localhost/SSSD/ding-libs/pull-request/3188',

-             ('ding-libs', '3188'))

+         project_match(

+             'fixes     '

+             'http://localhost.localdomain/fork/pingou/test/issue/1',

+             ('/fork/pingou/test/issue/1',))

+         project_match(

+             'Could this be fixes  '

+             ' http://localhost.localdomain/pagure/tests2/issue/6',

+             ('/pagure/tests2/issue/6',))

+         project_match(

+             'merged http://localhost.localdomain/myproject/pull-request/70',

+             ('/myproject/pull-request/70',))

+         project_match(

+             'Now we merge http://localhost.localdomain/myproject/pull-request/99',

+             ('/myproject/pull-request/99',))

+         project_match(

+             'Merges     http://localhost.localdomain/fork/pingou/test/issue/1',

+             ('/fork/pingou/test/issue/1',))

+         project_match(

+             'Merges: http://localhost.localdomain/fork/pingou/test/issue/12',

+             ('/fork/pingou/test/issue/12',))

+         project_match(

+             'Merged http://localhost.localdomain/fork/pingou/test/issue/123#',

+             ('/fork/pingou/test/issue/123',))

+         project_match('Merge: http://localhost.localdomain/fork/pingou/test/issue/1234#foo',

+             ('/fork/pingou/test/issue/1234',))

+         project_match(

+             'Merges: http://localhost.localdomain/SSSD/ding-libs/pull-request/3188',

+             ('/SSSD/ding-libs/pull-request/3188',))

+         project_match(

+             'Fixes: http://localhost.localdomain/fedpkg/issue/220',

+             ('/fedpkg/issue/220',))


          # issue matches

          def issue_match(text, issue):

file modified
+24 -18
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ 

      raise unittest.case.SkipTest('Skipping on python3')


  import pagure.lib.query                             # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position

- from pagure.exceptions import PagureEvException     # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position

+ from pagure.exceptions import PagureException, PagureEvException     # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position

  import tests                                        # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position

  # comes from ev-server/

  import pagure_stream_server as pss                  # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position, import-error
@@ -110,70 +110,76 @@ 

          """Tests for _parse_path."""

          # Result format is: (username, namespace, repo, objtype, objid)

          # Simple case: issue for non-namespaced, non-forked repo.

-         result = pss._parse_path('/pagure/issue/1')

+         result = pagure.utils.parse_path('/pagure/issue/1')

          self.assertEqual(result, (None, None, 'pagure', 'issue', '1'))


          # Pull request for namespaced repo.

-         result = pss._parse_path('/fedora-qa/fedfind/pull-request/2')

+         result = pagure.utils.parse_path('/fedora-qa/fedfind/pull-request/2')

          self.assertEqual(result, (None, 'fedora-qa', 'fedfind', 'pull-request', '2'))


          # Issue for forked repo.

-         result = pss._parse_path('/fork/adamwill/pagure/issue/3')

+         result = pagure.utils.parse_path('/fork/adamwill/pagure/issue/3')

          self.assertEqual(result, ('adamwill', None, 'pagure', 'issue', '3'))


          # Issue for forked, namespaced repo.

-         result = pss._parse_path('/fork/pingou/fedora-qa/fedfind/issue/4')

+         result = pagure.utils.parse_path('/fork/pingou/fedora-qa/fedfind/issue/4')

          self.assertEqual(result, ('pingou', 'fedora-qa', 'fedfind', 'issue', '4'))


          # Issue for repo named 'pull-request' (yeah, now we're getting tricksy).

-         result = pss._parse_path('/pull-request/issue/5')

+         result = pagure.utils.parse_path('/pull-request/issue/5')

          self.assertEqual(result, (None, None, 'pull-request', 'issue', '5'))


          # Unknown object type.



-             PagureEvException,

+             PagureException,

              r"No known object",

-             pss._parse_path, '/pagure/unexpected/1'

+             pagure.utils.parse_path,

+             '/pagure/unexpected/1'



          # No object ID.



-             PagureEvException,

+             PagureException,

              r"No project or object ID",

-             pss._parse_path, '/pagure/issue'

+             pagure.utils.parse_path,

+             '/pagure/issue'



          # No repo name. Note: we cannot catch 'namespace but no repo name',

          # but that should fail later in pagure.lib.query.get_project



-             PagureEvException,

+             PagureException,

              r"No project or object ID",

-             pss._parse_path, '/issue/1'

+             pagure.utils.parse_path,

+             '/issue/1'



          # /fork but no user name.



-             PagureEvException,

+             PagureException,

              r"no user found!",

-             pss._parse_path, '/fork/pagure/issue/1'

+             pagure.utils.parse_path,

+             '/fork/pagure/issue/1'



          # Too many path components before object type.



-             PagureEvException,

+             PagureException,

              r"More path components",

-             pss._parse_path, '/fork/adamwill/fedora-qa/fedfind/unexpected/issue/1'

+             pagure.utils.parse_path,

+             '/fork/adamwill/fedora-qa/fedfind/unexpected/issue/1'




-             PagureEvException,

+             PagureException,

              r"More path components",

-             pss._parse_path, '/fedora-qa/fedfind/unexpected/issue/1'

+             pagure.utils.parse_path,

+             '/fedora-qa/fedfind/unexpected/issue/1'



      def test_get_issue(self):

no initial comment

rebased onto 66bb88751a63dd9f7f11e2fca6e432254f00e252

5 years ago

rebased onto 0d6401178319cacfdc18f1f8fdd46b7b2c3ebc86

5 years ago

rebased onto 1f5cec8a718d75f852c46c7ead4745dba088314f

5 years ago

rebased onto 8945ff73ffe13cdfda6ed1aec25106b30fe9c285

5 years ago

I am not sure to get why this is needed here :sweat_smile:

Just one comment here, otherwise that LGTM, I ll try to play a little with it too locally

OK I done some local testing and it works fine :thumbsup:

It's all black magic written by @adamw :laughing:

rebased onto c13fcaf

5 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by pingou

5 years ago