| |
@@ -3789,5 +3789,229 @@
| |
{u'admin': [], u'commit': [], u'ticket': []}
| |
| |
| |
| |
+ class PagureFlaskApiProjectOptionsTests(tests.Modeltests):
| |
+ """ Tests for the flask API of pagure for modifying options ofs a project
| |
+ """
| |
| |
+ maxDiff = None
| |
| |
+ def setUp(self):
| |
+ """ Set up the environnment, ran before every tests. """
| |
+ super(PagureFlaskApiProjectOptionsTests, self).setUp()
| |
+ tests.create_projects(self.session)
| |
+ tests.create_tokens(self.session, project_id=None)
| |
+ tests.create_tokens_acl(
| |
+ self.session, 'aaabbbcccddd', 'modify_project')
| |
| |
+ project = pagure.lib.query._get_project(self.session, 'test')
| |
+ self.assertEquals(
| |
+ project.access_users,
| |
+ {u'admin': [], u'commit': [], u'ticket': []}
| |
+ )
| |
| |
+ def test_api_get_project_options_wrong_project(self):
| |
+ """ Test accessing api_get_project_options w/o auth header. """
| |
| |
+ headers = {'Authorization': 'token aaabbbcccddd'}
| |
+ output = self.app.get('/api/0/unknown/options', headers=headers)
| |
+ self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 404)
| |
+ data = json.loads(output.get_data(as_text=True))
| |
+ self.assertEqual(
| |
+ data,
| |
+ {u'error': u'Project not found', u'error_code': u'ENOPROJECT'}
| |
+ )
| |
| |
+ def test_api_get_project_options_wo_header(self):
| |
+ """ Test accessing api_get_project_options w/o auth header. """
| |
| |
+ output = self.app.get('/api/0/test/options')
| |
+ self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 401)
| |
+ data = json.loads(output.get_data(as_text=True))
| |
+ self.assertEqual(
| |
+ data,
| |
+ {
| |
+ u'error': u'Invalid or expired token. Please visit '
| |
+ 'http://localhost.localdomain/settings#api-keys to get '
| |
+ 'or renew your API token.',
| |
+ u'error_code': u'EINVALIDTOK'
| |
+ }
| |
+ )
| |
| |
+ def test_api_get_project_options_w_header(self):
| |
+ """ Test accessing api_get_project_options w/ auth header. """
| |
| |
+ headers = {'Authorization': 'token aaabbbcccddd'}
| |
+ output = self.app.get('/api/0/test/options', headers=headers)
| |
+ self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 200)
| |
+ data = json.loads(output.get_data(as_text=True))
| |
+ self.assertEqual(
| |
+ data,
| |
+ {
| |
+ "settings": {
| |
+ "Enforce_signed-off_commits_in_pull-request": False,
| |
+ "Minimum_score_to_merge_pull-request": -1,
| |
+ "Only_assignee_can_merge_pull-request": False,
| |
+ "Web-hooks": None,
| |
+ "always_merge": False,
| |
+ "disable_non_fast-forward_merges": False,
| |
+ "fedmsg_notifications": True,
| |
+ "issue_tracker": True,
| |
+ "issue_tracker_read_only": False,
| |
+ "issues_default_to_private": False,
| |
+ "notify_on_commit_flag": False,
| |
+ "notify_on_pull-request_flag": False,
| |
+ "open_metadata_access_to_all": False,
| |
+ "project_documentation": False,
| |
+ "pull_request_access_only": False,
| |
+ "pull_requests": True,
| |
+ "stomp_notifications": True
| |
+ },
| |
+ "status": "ok"
| |
+ }
| |
+ )
| |
| |
+ def test_api_modify_project_options_wrong_project(self):
| |
+ """ Test accessing api_modify_project_options w/ an invalid project.
| |
+ """
| |
| |
+ headers = {'Authorization': 'token aaabbbcccddd'}
| |
+ output = self.app.post('/api/0/unknown/options/update', headers=headers)
| |
+ self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 404)
| |
+ data = json.loads(output.get_data(as_text=True))
| |
+ self.assertEqual(
| |
+ data,
| |
+ {u'error': u'Project not found', u'error_code': u'ENOPROJECT'}
| |
+ )
| |
| |
+ def test_api_modify_project_options_wo_header(self):
| |
+ """ Test accessing api_modify_project_options w/o auth header. """
| |
| |
+ output = self.app.post('/api/0/test/options/update')
| |
+ self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 401)
| |
+ data = json.loads(output.get_data(as_text=True))
| |
+ self.assertEqual(
| |
+ data,
| |
+ {
| |
+ u'error': u'Invalid or expired token. Please visit '
| |
+ 'http://localhost.localdomain/settings#api-keys to get '
| |
+ 'or renew your API token.',
| |
+ u'error_code': u'EINVALIDTOK'
| |
+ }
| |
+ )
| |
| |
+ def test_api_modify_project_options_no_data(self):
| |
+ """ Test accessing api_modify_project_options w/ auth header. """
| |
| |
+ # check before
| |
+ headers = {'Authorization': 'token aaabbbcccddd'}
| |
+ output = self.app.get('/api/0/test/options', headers=headers)
| |
+ self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 200)
| |
+ before = json.loads(output.get_data(as_text=True))
| |
+ self.assertEqual(
| |
+ before,
| |
+ {
| |
+ "settings": {
| |
+ "Enforce_signed-off_commits_in_pull-request": False,
| |
+ "Minimum_score_to_merge_pull-request": -1,
| |
+ "Only_assignee_can_merge_pull-request": False,
| |
+ "Web-hooks": None,
| |
+ "always_merge": False,
| |
+ "disable_non_fast-forward_merges": False,
| |
+ "fedmsg_notifications": True,
| |
+ "issue_tracker": True,
| |
+ "issue_tracker_read_only": False,
| |
+ "issues_default_to_private": False,
| |
+ "notify_on_commit_flag": False,
| |
+ "notify_on_pull-request_flag": False,
| |
+ "open_metadata_access_to_all": False,
| |
+ "project_documentation": False,
| |
+ "pull_request_access_only": False,
| |
+ "pull_requests": True,
| |
+ "stomp_notifications": True
| |
+ },
| |
+ "status": "ok"
| |
+ }
| |
+ )
| |
| |
+ # Do not update anything
| |
+ data = {}
| |
+ output = self.app.post(
| |
+ '/api/0/test/options/update', headers=headers, data=data)
| |
+ self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 200)
| |
+ data = json.loads(output.get_data(as_text=True))
| |
+ self.assertEqual(
| |
+ data,
| |
+ {
| |
+ u'message': u'No settings to change',
| |
+ u'status': u'ok'
| |
+ }
| |
+ )
| |
| |
+ # check after
| |
+ headers = {'Authorization': 'token aaabbbcccddd'}
| |
+ output = self.app.get('/api/0/test/options', headers=headers)
| |
+ self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 200)
| |
+ after = json.loads(output.get_data(as_text=True))
| |
+ self.assertEqual(after, before)
| |
| |
+ def test_api_modify_project_options(self):
| |
+ """ Test accessing api_modify_project_options w/ auth header. """
| |
| |
+ # check before
| |
+ headers = {'Authorization': 'token aaabbbcccddd'}
| |
+ output = self.app.get('/api/0/test/options', headers=headers)
| |
+ self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 200)
| |
+ before = json.loads(output.get_data(as_text=True))
| |
+ self.assertEqual(
| |
+ before,
| |
+ {
| |
+ "settings": {
| |
+ "Enforce_signed-off_commits_in_pull-request": False,
| |
+ "Minimum_score_to_merge_pull-request": -1,
| |
+ "Only_assignee_can_merge_pull-request": False,
| |
+ "Web-hooks": None,
| |
+ "always_merge": False,
| |
+ "disable_non_fast-forward_merges": False,
| |
+ "fedmsg_notifications": True,
| |
+ "issue_tracker": True,
| |
+ "issue_tracker_read_only": False,
| |
+ "issues_default_to_private": False,
| |
+ "notify_on_commit_flag": False,
| |
+ "notify_on_pull-request_flag": False,
| |
+ "open_metadata_access_to_all": False,
| |
+ "project_documentation": False,
| |
+ "pull_request_access_only": False,
| |
+ "pull_requests": True,
| |
+ "stomp_notifications": True
| |
+ },
| |
+ "status": "ok"
| |
+ }
| |
+ )
| |
| |
+ # Update: `issues_default_to_private`.
| |
+ data = {"issues_default_to_private": True}
| |
+ output = self.app.post(
| |
+ '/api/0/test/options/update', headers=headers, data=data)
| |
+ self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 200)
| |
+ data = json.loads(output.get_data(as_text=True))
| |
+ self.assertEqual(
| |
+ data,
| |
+ {
| |
+ u'message': u'Edited successfully settings of repo: test',
| |
+ u'status': u'ok'
| |
+ }
| |
+ )
| |
| |
+ # check after
| |
+ headers = {'Authorization': 'token aaabbbcccddd'}
| |
+ output = self.app.get('/api/0/test/options', headers=headers)
| |
+ self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 200)
| |
+ after = json.loads(output.get_data(as_text=True))
| |
+ self.assertNotEqual(before, after)
| |
+ before["settings"]["issues_default_to_private"] = True
| |
+ self.assertEqual(after, before)
| |
| |
| |
if __name__ == '__main__':
| |
| |