#4067 Consolidate into a single place the logic to get stats for a given patch
Merged 5 years ago by pingou. Opened 5 years ago by pingou.

file modified
+4 -38
@@ -1591,44 +1591,10 @@ 

      output = {}

      if diff:

          for patch in diff:

-             linesadded = patch.line_stats[1]

-             linesremoved = patch.line_stats[2]

-             if hasattr(patch, "new_file_path"):

-                 # Older pygit2

-                 status = patch.status

-                 if patch.new_file_path != patch.old_file_path:

-                     status = "R"

-                 output[patch.new_file_path] = {

-                     "status": patch.status,

-                     "old_path": patch.old_file_path,

-                     "lines_added": linesadded,

-                     "lines_removed": linesremoved,

-                 }

-             elif hasattr(patch, "delta"):

-                 # Newer pygit2

-                 if (

-                     patch.delta.new_file.mode == 0

-                     and patch.delta.old_file.mode in [33188, 33261]

-                 ):

-                     status = "D"

-                 elif (

-                     patch.delta.new_file.mode in [33188, 33261]

-                     and patch.delta.old_file.mode == 0

-                 ):

-                     status = "A"

-                 elif patch.delta.new_file.mode in [

-                     33188,

-                     33261,

-                 ] and patch.delta.old_file.mode in [33188, 33261]:

-                     status = "M"

-                 if patch.delta.new_file.path != patch.delta.old_file.path:

-                     status = "R"

-                 output[patch.delta.new_file.path] = {

-                     "status": status,

-                     "old_path": patch.delta.old_file.path,

-                     "lines_added": linesadded,

-                     "lines_removed": linesremoved,

-                 }

+             stats = pagure.lib.git.get_stats_patch(patch)

+             new_path = stats["new_path"]

+             del (stats["new_path"])

+             output[new_path] = stats


          raise pagure.exceptions.APIError(400, error_code=APIERROR.ENOPRSTATS)


file modified
@@ -2557,3 +2557,78 @@ 



      set_up_project_hooks(project, region)



+ def get_stats_patch(patch):

+     """ Returns some statistics about a given patch.


+     These stats include:

+         status: if the file was added (A), deleted (D), modified (M) or

+             renamed (R)

+         old_path: the path to the old file

+         new_path: the path to the new file

+         lines_added: the number of lines added in this patch

+         lines_removed: the number of lines removed in this patch


+     All these information are returned in a dict.


+     Args:

+         patch (pygit2.Patch): the patch object to get stats on

+     Returns: a dict with the stats described above

+     Raises (pagure.exceptions.PagureException): if for some reason (likely

+         a change in pygit2's API) this function does not manage to gather

+         all the stats it should


+     """


+     output = {

+         "lines_added": patch.line_stats[1],

+         "lines_removed": patch.line_stats[2],

+         "new_path": None,

+         "old_path": None,

+         "status": None,

+         "new_id": None,

+         "old_id": None,

+     }

+     if hasattr(patch, "new_file_path"):

+         # Older pygit2

+         status = patch.status

+         if patch.new_file_path != patch.old_file_path:

+             status = "R"

+         output["status"] = status

+         output["new_path"] = patch.new_file_path

+         output["old_path"] = patch.old_file_path

+         output["new_id"] = str(patch.new_id)

+         output["old_id"] = str(patch.old_id)

+     elif hasattr(patch, "delta"):

+         # Newer pygit2

+         if patch.delta.new_file.mode == 0 and patch.delta.old_file.mode in [

+             33188,

+             33261,

+         ]:

+             status = "D"

+         elif (

+             patch.delta.new_file.mode in [33188, 33261]

+             and patch.delta.old_file.mode == 0

+         ):

+             status = "A"

+         elif patch.delta.new_file.mode in [

+             33188,

+             33261,

+         ] and patch.delta.old_file.mode in [33188, 33261]:

+             status = "M"

+         if patch.delta.new_file.path != patch.delta.old_file.path:

+             status = "R"


+         output["status"] = status

+         output["new_path"] = patch.delta.new_file.path

+         output["new_id"] = str(patch.delta.new_file.id)

+         output["old_path"] = patch.delta.old_file.path

+         output["old_id"] = str(patch.delta.old_file.id)


+     if None in output.values():  # pragma: no-cover

+         raise pagure.exceptions.PagureException(

+             "Unable to properly retrieve the stats for this patch"

+         )


+     return output

@@ -1,268 +1,166 @@ 

  {% macro repo_renderdiff(diff, diff_commits, pull_request, repo, username, namespace) -%}


- {% if diff %}

-       {% for patch in diff %}

-         {% if patch |hasattr('new_id') %}

-           {% set patch_new_id = patch.new_id %}

-         {% elif patch |hasattr('delta') %}

-           {% set patch_new_id = patch.delta.new_file.id %}

-         {% else %}

-           {% set patch_new_id = patch.new_oid %}

-         {% endif %}


-         {% if patch |hasattr('old_id') %}

-           {% set patch_old_id = patch.old_id %}

-         {% elif patch |hasattr('delta') %}

-           {% set patch_old_id = patch.delta.old_file.id %}

-         {% else %}

-           {% set patch_old_id = patch.old_oid %}

-         {% endif %}


-         {% if patch | hasattr('new_file_path') %}

-           {% set patch_new_file_path = patch.new_file_path -%}

-           {% if patch.new_file_path != patch.old_file_path %}

-             {% set patch_old_file_path = patch.old_file_path %}

-           {%- endif -%}

-         {%- elif patch | hasattr('delta') -%}

-           {% set patch_new_file_path = patch.delta.new_file.path -%}

-           {%- if patch.delta.new_file.path != patch.delta.old_file.path -%}

-             {% set patch_old_file_path = patch.delta.old_file.path %}

-           {%- endif -%}

-         {%- endif -%}


+ {% macro lineschanged(linesadded, linesremoved) -%}

+   <div class="btn-group">

+     {%if linesadded != 0 %}

+     <span class="btn btn-success btn-sm font-weight-bold disabled opacity-100">+{{linesadded}}</span>

+     {%endif%}

+     {%if linesremoved != 0%}

+     <span class="btn btn-danger btn-sm font-weight-bold disabled opacity-100">-{{linesremoved}}</span>

+     {%endif%}

+   </div>

+ {%endmacro%}


+ {% macro viewfilelink(filepath, patch_new_id) %}

+   {% if pull_request and not pull_request.remote %}

+       <a class="font-weight-bold ml-2" href="{{

+         url_for(

+             'ui_ns.view_file',

+             repo=pull_request.project_from.name,

+             username=pull_request.project_from.user.username

+                 if pull_request.project_from.is_fork else None,

+             namespace=pull_request.project_from.namespace,

+             identifier=patch_new_id,

+             filename=filepath) }}"

+         title="View file as of {{ patch_new_id|short }}">{{

+           filepath | unicode }}</a>

+   {% elif not pull_request %}

+       <a class="font-weight-bold ml-2" href="{{

+         url_for(

+             'ui_ns.view_file',

+             repo=repo.name,

+             username=username,

+             namespace=repo.namespace,

+             identifier=patch_new_id,

+             filename=filepath) }}"

+         title="View file as of {{ patch_new_id|short }}">{{

+           filepath | unicode }}</a>

+   {% elif pull_request and pull_request.remote %}

+     {{ filepath | unicode }}

+   {% endif %}

+ {% endmacro %}


+ {% macro viewfilelinkbutton(filepath, patch_new_id, disabled=False) %}

+   {% if pull_request and not pull_request.remote %}

+     <a class="btn btn-outline-primary {{'disabled' if disabled}} btn-sm ml-2" href="{{

+       url_for(

+           'ui_ns.view_file',

+           repo=pull_request.project_from.name,

+           username=pull_request.project_from.user.username

+               if pull_request.project_from.is_fork else None,

+           namespace=pull_request.project_from.namespace,

+           identifier=patch_new_id,

+           filename=filepath) }}"

+       title="View file as of {{ patch_new_id|short }}">

+       <i class="fa fa-file-code-o fa-fw"></i>

+     </a>

+   {% elif not pull_request %}

+       <a class="btn btn-outline-primary {{'disabled' if disabled}} btn-sm ml-2" href="{{

+         url_for(

+             'ui_ns.view_file',

+             repo=repo.name,

+             username=username,

+             namespace=repo.namespace,

+             identifier=patch_new_id,

+             filename=filepath) }}"

+         title="View file as of {{ patch_new_id|short }}">

+         <i class="fa fa-file-code-o fa-fw"></i>

+       </a>

+   {% elif pull_request and pull_request.remote %}

+   {% endif %}

+ {% endmacro %}


+ {% macro changedlabel(thelabel, thecolor)%}

+   <div class="btn btn-outline-{{thecolor}} disabled opacity-100 border-0 font-weight-bold">

+     {{thelabel}}

+   </div>

+ {% endmacro %}


+ {% macro diffcollapsebtn(loop)%}

+   <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-primary diffhighlightcollapse ml-2" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#diffhighlight_{{loop.index}}">

+     <i class="fa fa-fw fa-caret-up"></i>

+   </a>

+ {% endmacro %}


+ {% if diff %}

+   {% for patch in diff %}

+     {% set patchstats = (patch | patch_stats) %}

      <section class="commit_diff">

        <div class="card mb-3" id="_{{loop.index}}">

          <div class="card-header">

-             <div class="d-flex align-items-center">


-               {% set linesadded = patch.line_stats[1] %}

-               {% set linesremoved = patch.line_stats[2] %}


-               {% macro lineschanged(added, removed) -%}

-                 <div class="btn-group">

-                   {%if added%}

-                   <span class="btn btn-success btn-sm font-weight-bold disabled opacity-100">+{{linesadded}}</span>

-                   {%endif%}

-                   {%if removed%}

-                   <span class="btn btn-danger btn-sm font-weight-bold disabled opacity-100">-{{linesremoved}}</span>

-                   {%endif%}

-                 </div>

-               {%endmacro%}


-               {% macro viewfilelink(filepath, identifier=False)%}

-                 {% if pull_request and not pull_request.remote %}

-                     {% if not identifier %}

-                       {% set identifier = pull_request.branch_from %}

-                     {% endif %}

-                     <a class="font-weight-bold ml-2" href="{{

-                       url_for(

-                           'ui_ns.view_file',

-                           repo=pull_request.project_from.name,

-                           username=pull_request.project_from.user.username

-                               if pull_request.project_from.is_fork else None,

-                           namespace=pull_request.project_from.namespace,

-                           identifier=identifier,

-                           filename=filepath) }}"

-                       title="View file as of {{ patch_new_id|short }}">{{

-                       filepath | unicode }}</a>

-                 {% elif not pull_request %}

-                     <a class="font-weight-bold ml-2" href="{{

-                       url_for(

-                           'ui_ns.view_file',

-                           repo=repo.name,

-                           username=username,

-                           namespace=repo.namespace,

-                           identifier=patch_new_id,

-                           filename=filepath) }}"

-                       title="View file as of {{ patch_new_id|short }}">{{

-                       filepath | unicode }}</a>

-                 {% elif pull_request and pull_request.remote %}

-                   {{ filepath | unicode }}

-                 {% endif %}

-               {% endmacro %}


-               {% macro viewfilelinkbutton(filepath, disabled=False, identifier=False) %}

-               {% if pull_request and not pull_request.remote %}

-                     {% if not identifier %}

-                       {% set identifier = pull_request.branch_from %}

-                     {% endif %}

-                     <a class="btn btn-outline-primary {{'disabled' if disabled}} btn-sm ml-2" href="{{

-                       url_for(

-                           'ui_ns.view_file',

-                           repo=pull_request.project_from.name,

-                           username=pull_request.project_from.user.username

-                               if pull_request.project_from.is_fork else None,

-                           namespace=pull_request.project_from.namespace,

-                           identifier=identifier,

-                           filename=filepath) }}"

-                       title="View file as of {{ patch_new_id|short }}">

-                       <i class="fa fa-file-code-o fa-fw"></i>

-                     </a>

-                 {% elif not pull_request %}

-                     <a class="btn btn-outline-primary {{'disabled' if disabled}} btn-sm ml-2" href="{{

-                       url_for(

-                           'ui_ns.view_file',

-                           repo=repo.name,

-                           username=username,

-                           namespace=repo.namespace,

-                           identifier=patch_new_id,

-                           filename=filepath) }}"

-                       title="View file as of {{ patch_new_id|short }}">

-                       <i class="fa fa-file-code-o fa-fw"></i>

-                     </a>

-                 {% elif pull_request and pull_request.remote %}

-                 {% endif %}

-               {% endmacro %}


-               {% macro changedlabel(thelabel, thecolor)%}

-                 <div class="btn btn-outline-{{thecolor}} disabled opacity-100 border-0 font-weight-bold">

-                   {{thelabel}}

-                 </div>

-               {% endmacro %}


-               {% macro diffcollapsebtn()%}

-                 <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-primary diffhighlightcollapse ml-2" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#diffhighlight_{{loop.index}}">

-                   <i class="fa fa-fw fa-caret-up"></i>

-                 </a>

-               {% endmacro %}


-               {% if patch | hasattr('new_file_path') %}

-                 {%- if patch.new_file_path == patch.old_file_path -%}

-                   {%- if patch.status == 'D' -%}

-                     {% set patchtype = "removed"%}

-                     <div>

-                         {{ viewfilelink(patch.new_file_path) }}

-                     </div>

-                     <div class="d-flex align-items-center ml-auto">

-                       {{ changedlabel("file removed", "danger")}}

-                       {{ lineschanged(False, True) }}

-                       {{ viewfilelinkbutton(patch.new_file_path, disabled=True) }}

-                       {{ diffcollapsebtn() }}

-                     </div>

-                   {%-elif patch.status == 'A' -%}

-                     {% set patchtype = "added"%}

-                     <div>

-                         {{ viewfilelink(patch.new_file_path) }}

-                     </div>

-                     <div class="d-flex align-items-center ml-auto">

-                       {{ changedlabel("file added", "success")}}

-                       {{ lineschanged(True, False) }}

-                       {{ viewfilelinkbutton(patch.new_file_path) }}

-                       {{ diffcollapsebtn() }}

-                     </div>

-                   {%-elif patch.status == 'M' -%}

-                     {% set patchtype = "changed"%}

-                     <div>

-                         {{ viewfilelink(patch.new_file_path) }}

-                     </div>

-                     <div class="d-flex align-items-center ml-auto">

-                       {{ changedlabel("file modified", "secondary")}}

-                       {{ lineschanged(True, True) }}

-                       {{ viewfilelinkbutton(patch.new_file_path) }}

-                       {{ diffcollapsebtn() }}

-                     </div>

-                   {%-endif-%}

-                 {%- else -%}

-                   {% set patchtype = "moved"%}

-                   <div>

-                       {{ viewfilelink(patch.new_file_path) }}<strike>{{patch.old_file_path}}</strike>

-                   </div>

-                   <div class="d-flex align-items-center ml-auto">

-                     {{ changedlabel("file renamed", "info")}}

-                     {% if linesadded != 0 and linesremoved != 0%}

-                       {{ lineschanged(True, True) }}

-                     {% endif %}

-                     {{ viewfilelinkbutton(patch.new_file_path) }}

-                     {{ diffcollapsebtn() }}

-                   </div>

-                 {%- endif -%}

-               {%- elif patch | hasattr('delta') -%}

-                 {%- if patch.delta.new_file.path == patch.delta.old_file.path -%}

-                   {%- if patch.delta.new_file.mode == 0

-                       and patch.delta.old_file.mode in [33188, 33261] -%}

-                     {% set patchtype = "removed"%}

-                     <div>

-                         {{ viewfilelink(patch.delta.new_file.path) }}

-                     </div>

-                     <div class="d-flex align-items-center ml-auto">

-                       {{ changedlabel("file removed", "danger")}}

-                       {{ lineschanged(False, True) }}

-                       {{ viewfilelinkbutton(patch.delta.new_file.path, disabled=True) }}

-                       {{ diffcollapsebtn() }}

-                     </div>

-                   {%-elif patch.delta.new_file.mode in [33188, 33261]

-                       and patch.delta.old_file.mode == 0 -%}

-                     {% set patchtype = "added"%}

-                     <div>

-                         {{ viewfilelink(patch.delta.new_file.path) }}

-                     </div>

-                     <div class="d-flex align-items-center ml-auto">

-                       {{ changedlabel("file added", "success")}}

-                       {{ lineschanged(True, False) }}

-                       {{ viewfilelinkbutton(patch.delta.new_file.path) }}

-                       {{ diffcollapsebtn() }}

-                     </div>

-                   {%-elif patch.delta.new_file.mode in [33188, 33261]

-                       and patch.delta.old_file.mode in [33188, 33261] -%}

-                     {% set patchtype = "changed"%}

-                     <div>

-                         {{ viewfilelink(patch.delta.new_file.path) }}

-                     </div>

-                     <div class="d-flex align-items-center ml-auto">

-                       {{ changedlabel("file modified", "secondary")}}

-                       {{ lineschanged(True, True) }}

-                       {{ viewfilelinkbutton(patch.delta.new_file.path) }}

-                       {{ diffcollapsebtn() }}

-                     </div>

-                   {%-endif-%}


-                 {%- else -%}

-                   {% set patchtype = "moved"%}

-                   <div>

-                       {{ viewfilelink(patch.delta.new_file.path) }}<strike>{{patch.delta.old_file.path}}</strike>

-                   </div>

-                   <div class="d-flex align-items-center ml-auto">

-                     {{ changedlabel("file renamed", "info")}}

-                     {% if linesadded != 0 and linesremoved != 0%}

-                       {{ lineschanged(True, True) }}

-                     {% endif %}

-                     {{ viewfilelinkbutton(patch.delta.new_file.path) }}

-                     {{ diffcollapsebtn() }}

-                   </div>

-                 {%- endif -%}

-               {%- endif -%}

+           <div class="d-flex align-items-center">

+             {%- if patchstats["status"] == 'D' -%}

+               <div>

+                   {{ viewfilelink(patchstats["new_path"], patchstats["new_id"]) }}

+               </div>

+               <div class="d-flex align-items-center ml-auto">

+                 {{ changedlabel("file removed", "danger")}}

+                 {{ lineschanged(patchstats["lines_added"], patchstats["lines_removed"]) }}

+                 {{ viewfilelinkbutton(patchstats["new_path"], patchstats["new_id"], disabled=True) }}

+                 {{ diffcollapsebtn(loop) }}

+               </div>

+             {%-elif patchstats["status"] == 'A' -%}

+               <div>

+                   {{ viewfilelink(patchstats["new_path"], patchstats["new_id"]) }}

+               </div>

+               <div class="d-flex align-items-center ml-auto">

+                 {{ changedlabel("file added", "success")}}

+                 {{ lineschanged(patchstats["lines_added"], patchstats["lines_removed"]) }}

+                 {{ viewfilelinkbutton(patchstats["new_path"], patchstats["new_id"]) }}

+                 {{ diffcollapsebtn(loop) }}

+               </div>

+             {%-elif patchstats["status"] == 'M' -%}

+               <div>

+                   {{ viewfilelink(patchstats["new_path"], patchstats["new_id"]) }}

+               </div>

+               <div class="d-flex align-items-center ml-auto">

+                 {{ changedlabel("file modified", "secondary")}}

+                 {{ lineschanged(patchstats["lines_added"], patchstats["lines_removed"]) }}

+                 {{ viewfilelinkbutton(patchstats["new_path"], patchstats["new_id"]) }}

+                 {{ diffcollapsebtn(loop) }}

+               </div>

+             {%- else -%}

+               <div>

+                 {{ viewfilelink(patchstats["new_path"], patchstats["new_id"]) }}<strike>{{patchstats["old_path"]}}</strike>

+               </div>

+               <div class="d-flex align-items-center ml-auto">

+                 {{ changedlabel("file renamed", "info")}}

+                 {{ lineschanged(patchstats["lines_added"], patchstats["lines_removed"]) }}

+                 {{ viewfilelinkbutton(patchstats["new_path"], patchstats["new_id"]) }}

+                 {{ diffcollapsebtn(loop) }}

+               </div>

+             {%- endif -%}



-       {% if patchtype == "moved" and linesadded == 0 and linesremoved == 0%}

+       {% if patchstats["status"] == "R" and patchstats["lines_added"] == 0 and patchstats["lines_removed"] == 0%}

          <div class="card-body collapse show" id="diffhighlight_{{loop.index}}">

            <div class="text-muted text-center">file was moved with no change to the file</div>


-       {% elif patchtype == "added" and linesadded == 0 %}

+       {% elif patchstats["status"] == "A" and patchstats["lines_added"] == 0 %}

          <div class="card-body collapse show" id="diffhighlight_{{loop.index}}">

            <div class="text-muted text-xs-center">empty file added</div>


        {% else %}

-         {% if patchtype == "added" and linesadded > 1000 %}

+         {% if patchstats["status"] == "A" and patchstats["lines_added"] > 1000 %}

            <div class="card-body collapse show" id="diffhighlight_{{loop.index}}">

              <div class="text-muted text-center">

                  The added file is too large to be shown here, see it at:

-                 {{ viewfilelink(patch_new_file_path) }}

+                 {{ viewfilelink(patchstats["new_path"], patchstats["new_id"]) }}



-         {% elif patchtype == "removed" and linesadded > 1000 %}

+         {% elif patchstats["status"] == "D" and patchstats["lines_added"] > 1000 %}

            <div class="card-body collapse show" id="diffhighlight_{{loop.index}}">

              <div class="text-muted text-center">

                  The removed file is too large to be shown here, see it at:

-                 {{ viewfilelink(patch_new_file_path, patch_old_id) }}

+                 {{ viewfilelink(patchstats["new_path"], patchstats["old_id"]) }}



          {% else %}

            <div class="card-body p-0 collapse show" id="diffhighlight_{{loop.index}}">

            {% autoescape false %}

                {{ patch | patch_to_diff | format_loc(

-                       filename=patch_new_file_path,

-                       commit=patch_new_id,

+                       filename=patchstats["new_path"],

+                       commit=patchstats["new_id"],



@@ -275,7 +173,6 @@ 



        {% endfor %}

-       {% endif %}

+   {% endif %}


  {%- endmacro %}


@@ -684,36 +684,16 @@ 

      {%- endmacro %}

      <div class="list-group list-group-flush">

      {% for patch in diff %}

-           {% set linesadded = patch.line_stats[1] %}

-           {% set linesremoved = patch.line_stats[2] %}

-           {% if patch | hasattr('new_file_path') %}

-             {%- if patch.new_file_path == patch.old_file_path -%}

-               {%- if patch.status == 'D' -%}

-                 {{ changesdeletedfile(patch.new_file_path, linesadded, linesremoved, loop.index) }}

-               {%-elif patch.status == 'A' -%}

-                 {{ changesaddedfile(patch.new_file_path, linesadded, linesremoved, loop.index) }}

-               {%-elif patch.status == 'M' -%}

-                 {{ changeschangedfile(patch.new_file_path, linesadded, linesremoved, loop.index) }}

-               {%-endif-%}

-             {%- else -%}

-               {{changesrenamedfile(patch.old_file_path, patch.new_file_path, linesadded, linesremoved, loop.index)}}

-             {%- endif -%}

-           {%- elif patch | hasattr('delta') -%}

-             {%- if patch.delta.new_file.path == patch.delta.old_file.path -%}

-               {%- if patch.delta.new_file.mode == 0

-                   and patch.delta.old_file.mode in [33188, 33261] -%}

-                 {{ changesdeletedfile(patch.delta.new_file.path, linesadded, linesremoved, loop.index) }}

-               {%-elif patch.delta.new_file.mode in [33188, 33261]

-                    and patch.delta.old_file.mode == 0 -%}

-                 {{ changesaddedfile(patch.delta.new_file.path, linesadded, linesremoved, loop.index) }}

-               {%-elif patch.delta.new_file.mode in [33188, 33261]

-                    and patch.delta.old_file.mode in [33188, 33261] -%}

-                 {{ changeschangedfile(patch.delta.new_file.path, linesadded, linesremoved, loop.index) }}

-               {%-endif-%}

-             {%- else -%}

-               {{changesrenamedfile(patch.delta.old_file.path, patch.delta.new_file.path, linesadded, linesremoved, loop.index)}}

-             {%- endif -%}

-           {%- endif -%}

+       {% set patchstats = (patch | patch_stats) %}

+       {%- if patchstats["status"] == 'D' -%}

+         {{ changesdeletedfile(patchstats["new_path"], patchstats["lines_added"], patchstats["lines_removed"], loop.index) }}

+       {%-elif patchstats["status"] == 'A' -%}

+         {{ changesaddedfile(patchstats["new_path"], patchstats["lines_added"], patchstats["lines_removed"], loop.index) }}

+       {%-elif patchstats["status"] == 'M' -%}

+         {{ changeschangedfile(patchstats["new_path"], patchstats["lines_added"], patchstats["lines_removed"], loop.index) }}

+       {%- else -%}

+         {{changesrenamedfile(patchstats["old_path"], patchstats["new_path"], patchstats["lines_added"], patchstats["lines_removed"], loop.index) }}

+       {%-endif-%}

      {% endfor %}



file modified
+18 -1
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ 

  from __future__ import unicode_literals


  import textwrap

+ import logging


  import arrow

  import flask
@@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ 

  from pagure.utils import authenticated, is_repo_committer, is_true



+ _log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

  # Jinja filters


@@ -103,12 +105,16 @@ 


      output = ['<div class="highlight">', '<table class="code_table">']


+     commit_hash = commit

+     if hasattr(commit_hash, "hex"):

+         commit_hash = commit_hash.hex


      comments = {}

      if prequest and not isinstance(prequest, flask.wrappers.Request):

          for com in prequest.comments:

              if (


-                 and com.commit_id == commit.hex

+                 and com.commit_id == commit_hash

                  and com.filename == filename


                  if com.line in comments:
@@ -801,3 +807,14 @@ 

          except (KeyError, IndexError):


      return git_url_ssh + complement



+ @UI_NS.app_template_filter("patch_stats")

+ def get_patch_stats(patch):

+     """ Return a dict of stats about the provided patch."""

+     try:

+         output = pagure.lib.git.get_stats_patch(patch)

+     except pagure.exceptions.PagureException:

+         _log.exception("Failed to get stats on a patch")

+         output = {}

+     return output

@@ -2781,6 +2781,8 @@ 

                  'sources': {

                      'lines_added': 10,

                      'lines_removed': 0,

+                     "new_id": "540916fbd3d825d14cc0c0b2397606fda69379ce",

+                     "old_id": "265f133a7c94ede4cb183dd808219c5bf9e08f87",

                      'old_path': 'sources',

                      'status': 'M'

@@ -2810,12 +2812,16 @@ 

                    "README.md": {

                      "lines_added": 5,

                      "lines_removed": 0,

+                     "new_id": "bd913ea153650b94f33f53e5164c36a28b761bf4",

+                     "old_id": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",

                      "old_path": "README.md",

                      "status": "A"


                    "sources": {

                      "lines_added": 5,

                      "lines_removed": 0,

+                     "new_id": "540916fbd3d825d14cc0c0b2397606fda69379ce",

+                     "old_id": "293500070b9dfc6ab66e31383f8f7fccf6a95fe2",

                      "old_path": "sources",

                      "status": "M"

@@ -2824,12 +2830,16 @@ 

                    "README.md": {

                      "lines_added": 5,

                      "lines_removed": 0,

+                     "new_id": "bd913ea153650b94f33f53e5164c36a28b761bf4",

+                     "old_id": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",

                      "old_path": "README.md",

                      "status": "A"


                    "sources": {

                      "lines_added": 10,

                      "lines_removed": 0,

+                     "new_id": "540916fbd3d825d14cc0c0b2397606fda69379ce",

+                     "old_id": "265f133a7c94ede4cb183dd808219c5bf9e08f87",

                      "old_path": "sources",

                      "status": "M"

@@ -2865,12 +2875,16 @@ 

                "README.md": {

                  "lines_added": 5,

                  "lines_removed": 0,

+                 "new_id": "bd913ea153650b94f33f53e5164c36a28b761bf4",

+                 "old_id": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",

                  "old_path": "README.md",

                  "status": "A"


                "sources": {

                  "lines_added": 0,

                  "lines_removed": 5,

+                 "new_id": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",

+                 "old_id": "265f133a7c94ede4cb183dd808219c5bf9e08f87",

                  "old_path": "sources",

                  "status": "D"


@@ -2138,7 +2138,7 @@ 



                  '<div class="btn btn-outline-success disabled opacity-100 border-0 font-weight-bold">\n'

-                 '                  file added\n', output_text)

+                 '    file added\n', output_text)


              # View inverse commits comparison

              output = self.app.get(
@@ -2164,7 +2164,7 @@ 



                  '<div class="btn btn-outline-danger disabled opacity-100 border-0 font-weight-bold">\n'

-                 '                  file removed\n', output_text)

+                 '    file removed\n', output_text)


          output = self.app.get('/foo/bar')

          # No project registered in the DB

@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ 

              '+1</span>\n', output_text)


              '<div class="btn btn-outline-success disabled opacity-100 border-0 font-weight-bold">\n'

-             '                  file added\n', output_text)

+             '    file added\n', output_text)


          user = tests.FakeUser()

          with tests.user_set(self.app.application, user):
@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ 

                  '+1</span>\n', output_text)


                  '<div class="btn btn-outline-success disabled opacity-100 border-0 font-weight-bold">\n'

-                 '                  file added\n', output_text)

+                 '    file added\n', output_text)



  if __name__ == '__main__':

We used to have this logic in three places:
- repo_pull_request.html
- _repo_renderdiff.html
- pagure.api.forks.py

This is now all in pagure.lib.git and exposed in the template via the
patch_stats jinja filter.

Fixes https://pagure.io/pagure/issue/3868

Signed-off-by: Pierre-Yves Chibon pingou@pingoured.fr

243 lines added, 302 removed, I was almost expected a bigger difference :)

rebased onto 78c6bc720f8a0bce0b614661118c679f24c505a0

5 years ago

rebased onto 60a246a69705f6060e62d45e56ccb096db1989f8

5 years ago

rebased onto b700cec8be0ba06ec7b6e2f2057e161e3475986a

5 years ago

rebased onto 30195dca1722552f8fbb31f044ca80fa8e4a22dc

5 years ago

rebased onto 77187788f5f647f66f6f065abab64ab5d3b23cae

5 years ago

rebased onto 7acbbc963a2c6888ddaf2750be65790db53998e9

5 years ago

rebased onto aa9244483658b98a3d12fed6d06786f6a481107a

5 years ago

you could directly call patch.line_stats[1] here and same for linesremoved. but that's a nitpick

True, there is no need for these variables :)

rebased onto f6a6e0c

5 years ago

Thanks for the review :)

Pull-Request has been merged by pingou

5 years ago