#3829 Fix adding comment on PR via the SSE
Merged 5 years ago by pingou. Opened 5 years ago by pingou.

file modified
+24 -39
@@ -33,61 +33,46 @@ 


    } else {

      var _csrf = $('#csrf_token').clone();

-     var _data = '<form action="/' + data.project + '/pull-request/' +  data.request_id

-     + '/comment/drop" method="post" onsubmit="return try_async_comment(this, null)">'

-     + '<div class="card mb-4 clearfix">'

-     + '  <div id="comment-' + data.comment_id + '" class="card-header bg-light d-flex align-items-center px-3 py-2">'

+     var _data ='<div class="card clearfix">'

+     + '  <div class="card-header bg-light d-flex align-items-center px-3 py-2">'

      + '    <div>'

+     + '      <div id="comment-' + data.comment_id + '">'

      + '        <img class="avatar circle" src="' + data.avatar_url + '"/>'

      + '        <a href="/user/' + data.comment_user + '"'

      + '            class="notblue font-weight-bold">'+data.comment_user+'</a>'

+     + '        commented'

      + '        <a class="notblue" title="Permalink to this headline"'

      + '           href="#comment-' + data.comment_id + '">'

-     + '          <span>commented seconds ago</span>'

+     + '          <span> seconds ago</span>'

      + '        </a>'

-     + '    </div>'

-     + '    <div class="issue_actions ml-auto">'

-     + '        <div class="issue_action icon">'

-     + '          <div class="btn-group" role="group" aria-label="Basic example">'

-     + '              <a class="reply btn btn-outline-primary border-0" data-toggle="tooltip"'

-     + '                  title="Reply to this comment - lose formatting" href="javascript:void(0)">'

-     + '                <span class="fa fa-share-square-o" title="Reply to this comment"></span>'

-     + '              </a>';

-     if ( data.comment_user == username) {

+     + '      </div>'

+     + '    </div>';


-       _data = _data+ '<a class="btn btn-outline-primary border-0 edit_btn"'

-       + '                href="/' + data.project + '/issue/' + data.issue_id + '/comment/' + data.comment_id + '/edit"'

-       + '                data-comment="'+data.comment_id+'" data-objid="'+data.issue_id+'">'

-       + '              <i class="fa fa-pencil"  title="Edit comment"></i>'

-       + '            </a>'

-       + '            <button class="btn btn-outline-primary border-0" type="submit"'

-       + '                name="drop_comment" value="'+data.comment_id+'"'

-       + '                onclick="return confirm(\'Do you really want to remove this comment?\');"'

-       + '                title="Remove comment">'

-       + '              <i class="fa fa-trash"></i>'

-       + '            </button>'

+     if ( data.comment_user == username && data.comment_id !== 'undefined') {

+         _data = _data

+     + '    <div class="mr-auto">'

+     + '      <a href="/' + data.project + '/pull-request/' + data.request_id + '/comment/' + data.comment_id + '/edit"'

+     + '         class="btn btn-outline-primary border-0" data-comment="' + data.comment_id + '" data-objid="' + data.request_id + '">'

+     + '        <i class="fa fa-pencil"  title="Edit comment"></i>'

+     + '      </a>'

+     + '      <button class="btn btn-outline-primary border-0" title="Remove comment" name="drop_comment" '

+     + '         value="' + data.comment_id + '" type="submit" onclick="return confirm(\'Do you really want to remove this comment?\');" >'

+     + '        <i class="fa fa-trash"></i>'

+     + '      </button>'

+     + '    </div>'



-     _data = _data + '          </div>'

-     + '        </div>'

-     + '      </div>'

+     _data = _data

      + '  </div>'

-     + '  <div class="card-body pb-1">'

+     + '  <div class="card-block">'

+     + '    <small></small>'

      + '    <section class="issue_comment">'

-     + '      <div>'

-     + '        <span class="edit_date" title="">'

-     + '        </span>'

-     + '        <span class="comment_text comment_body">'

+     + '      <div class="comment_body">'

      + emojione.toImage(data.comment_added)

-     + '        </span>'

      + '      </div>'

      + '    </section>'

      + '  </div>'

-     + '  <div class="card-footer bg-transparent d-flex align-items-center border-0 p-0">'

-     + '  </div>'

      + '</div>'

-     + '<input id="csrf_token" name="csrf_token" value="' + _csrf.val() + '" type="hidden">'

-     + '</form>'



@@ -99,7 +84,7 @@ 

      var field = $('[data-commit="' + data.commit_id + '"]').parent();

      var id = field.children().children().attr('id').split('_')[0];

      var row = $('#' + id + '_' + (parseInt(data.line) + 1)).parent().parent();

-     row.after('<tr><td colspan="2" class="pl-3">'+_data+'</td></tr>');

+     row.before('<tr><td class="p-3 border" colspan="3">'+_data+'</td></tr>');



      //add comment to comments tab

@@ -1086,7 +1086,7 @@ 




-         if (!sse || source.readyState != 1) {

+         if (!sse) {

              console.log('no sse, adding the comment manually');


                url: "{{ url_for('ui_ns.markdown_preview') }}" ,