#3047 Merge the fedmsg notifications on commit logic into the default hook
Merged 6 years ago by pingou. Opened 6 years ago by pingou.

file modified
+12 -4
@@ -86,9 +86,13 @@ 

          :arg project: a ``pagure.model.Project`` object to which the hook

              should be installed


+         This no longer does anything as the code has now been merged into

+         the default hook. So we still need this for people to opt in/out of

+         sending fedmsg notifications on commit push, but other than that

+         this plugin doesn't do much anymore.



-         repopaths = [get_repo_path(project)]

-         cls.base_install(repopaths, dbobj, 'fedmsg', 'fedmsg_hook.py')

+         pass



      def remove(cls, project):
@@ -97,6 +101,10 @@ 

          :arg project: a ``pagure.model.Project`` object to which the hook

              should be installed


+         This no longer does anything as the code has now been merged into

+         the default hook. So we still need this for people to opt in/out of

+         sending fedmsg notifications on commit push, but other than that

+         this plugin doesn't do much anymore.



-         repopaths = [get_repo_path(project)]

-         cls.base_remove(repopaths, 'fedmsg')

+         pass

@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ 

  from __future__ import print_function


  import os

+ import logging

  import sys


  import pygit2
@@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ 

  import pagure.exceptions  # noqa: E402

  import pagure.lib.link  # noqa: E402

  import pagure.lib.tasks  # noqa: E402

+ import pagure.lib.tasks_services  # noqa: E402



  if 'PAGURE_CONFIG' not in os.environ \
@@ -23,9 +25,123 @@ 



  _config = pagure.config.config

+ _log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

  abspath = os.path.abspath(os.environ['GIT_DIR'])



+ def send_fedmsg_notifications(project, topic, msg):

+     ''' If the user asked for fedmsg notifications on commit, this will

+     do it.

+     '''

+     import fedmsg

+     config = fedmsg.config.load_config([], None)

+     config['active'] = True

+     config['endpoints']['relay_inbound'] = config['relay_inbound']

+     fedmsg.init(name='relay_inbound', **config)


+     pagure.lib.notify.log(

+         project=project,

+         topic=topic,

+         msg=msg,

+         redis=None,  # web-hook notification are handled separately

+     )



+ def send_webhook_notifications(project, topic, msg):

+     ''' If the user asked for webhook notifications on commit, this will

+     do it.

+     '''


+     pagure.lib.tasks_services.webhook_notification.delay(

+         topic=topic,

+         msg=msg,

+         namespace=project.namespace,

+         name=project.name,

+         user=project.user.username if project.is_fork else None,

+     )



+ def send_notifications(session, project, revs):

+     ''' Send out-going notifications about the commits that have just been

+     pushed.

+     '''


+     auths = set()

+     for rev in revs:

+         email = pagure.lib.git.get_author_email(rev, abspath)

+         name = pagure.lib.git.get_author(rev, abspath)

+         author = pagure.lib.search_user(session, email=email) or name

+         auths.add(author)


+     authors = []

+     for author in auths:

+         if isinstance(author, basestring):

+             author = author

+         else:

+             author = author.to_json(public=True)

+         authors.append(author)


+     if revs:

+         revs.reverse()

+         print("* Publishing information for %i commits" % len(revs))


+         fedmsg_hook = pagure.lib.plugins.get_plugin('Fedmsg')

+         fedmsg_hook.db_object()


+         if project.fedmsg_hook.active:

+             try:

+                 print("  - to fedmsg")

+                 send_fedmsg_notifications(project, topic, msg)

+             except Exception as err:

+                 _log.exception(

+                     'Error sending fedmsg notifications on commit push')

+         if project.settings.get('Web-hooks') and not project.private:

+             try:

+                 print("  - to web-hooks")

+                 send_webhook_notifications(project, topic, msg)

+             except Exception as err:

+                 _log.exception(

+                     'Error sending web-hook notifications on commit push')



+ def inform_pull_request_urls(project, commits, refname, default_branch):

+     ''' Inform the user about the URLs to open a new pull-request or visit

+     the existing one.

+     '''

+     target_repo = project

+     if project.is_fork:

+         target_repo = project.parent


+     if commits and refname != default_branch\

+             and target_repo.settings.get('pull_requests', True):

+         print()

+         prs = pagure.lib.search_pull_requests(

+             session,

+             project_id_from=project.id,

+             status='Open',

+             branch_from=refname,

+         )

+         # Link to existing PRs if there are any

+         seen = len(prs) != 0

+         for pr in prs:

+             print('View pull-request for %s' % refname)

+             print('   %s/%s/pull-request/%s' % (

+                 _config['APP_URL'].rstrip('/'),

+                 pr.project.url_path,

+                 pr.id)

+             )

+         # If no existing PRs, provide the link to open one

+         if not seen:

+             print('Create a pull-request for %s' % refname)

+             print('   %s/%s/diff/%s..%s' % (

+                 _config['APP_URL'].rstrip('/'),

+                 project.url_path,

+                 default_branch,

+                 refname)

+             )

+         print()



  def run_as_post_receive_hook():


      repo = pagure.lib.git.get_repo_name(abspath)
@@ -65,6 +181,13 @@ 

              print("Deleting a reference/branch, so we won't run the "

                    "pagure hook")


+         elif set(oldrev) == set(['0']):

+             oldrev = '^%s' % oldrev

+         elif pagure.lib.git.is_forced_push(oldrev, newrev, abspath):

+             forced = True

+             base = pagure.lib.git.get_base_revision(oldrev, newrev, abspath)

+             if base:

+                 oldrev = base[0]


          refname = refname.replace('refs/heads/', '')

          commits = pagure.lib.git.get_revs_between(
@@ -76,6 +199,10 @@ 


              print('Sending to redis to send commit notification emails')


+         # This is logging the commit to the log table in the DB so we can

+         # render commits in the calendar heatmap.

+         # It is also sending emails about commits to people using the

+         # 'watch' feature to be made aware of new commits.



@@ -86,38 +213,13 @@ 




-         target_repo = project

-         if project.is_fork:

-             target_repo = project.parent


-         if commits and refname != default_branch\

-                 and target_repo.settings.get('pull_requests', True):

-             print()

-             prs = pagure.lib.search_pull_requests(

-                 session,

-                 project_id_from=project.id,

-                 status='Open',

-                 branch_from=refname,

-             )

-             # Link to existing PRs if there are any

-             seen = len(prs) != 0

-             for pr in prs:

-                 print('View pull-request for %s' % refname)

-                 print('   %s/%s/pull-request/%s' % (

-                     _config['APP_URL'].rstrip('/'),

-                     pr.project.url_path,

-                     pr.id)

-                 )

-             # If no existing PRs, provide the link to open one

-             if not seen:

-                 print('Create a pull-request for %s' % refname)

-                 print('   %s/%s/diff/%s..%s' % (

-                     _config['APP_URL'].rstrip('/'),

-                     project.url_path,

-                     default_branch,

-                     refname)

-                 )

-             print()

+         # This one is sending fedmsg and web-hook notifications for project

+         # that set them up

+         send_notifications(session, project, commits)


+         # Now display to the user if this isn't the default branch links to

+         # open a new pr or review the existing one

+         inform_pull_request_urls(project, commits, refname, default_branch)


      # Schedule refresh of all opened PRs

      parent = project.parent or project

@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@ 

- #!/usr/bin/env python


- from __future__ import print_function


- import os

- import sys


- import fedmsg

- import fedmsg.config



- if 'PAGURE_CONFIG' not in os.environ \

-         and os.path.exists('/etc/pagure/pagure.cfg'):

-     os.environ['PAGURE_CONFIG'] = '/etc/pagure/pagure.cfg'



- import pagure  # noqa: E402

- import pagure.lib.git  # noqa: E402


- abspath = os.path.abspath(os.environ['GIT_DIR'])



- print("Emitting a message to the fedmsg bus.")

- config = fedmsg.config.load_config([], None)

- config['active'] = True

- config['endpoints']['relay_inbound'] = config['relay_inbound']

- fedmsg.init(name='relay_inbound', **config)


- _config = pagure.config.config


- seen = []


- session = pagure.lib.create_session(_config['DB_URL'])


- # Read in all the rev information git-receive-pack hands us.

- for line in sys.stdin.readlines():

-     (oldrev, newrev, refname) = line.strip().split(' ', 2)


-     forced = False

-     if set(newrev) == set(['0']):

-         print("Deleting a reference/branch, so we won't run the "

-               "pagure hook")

-         break

-     elif set(oldrev) == set(['0']):

-         print("New reference/branch")

-         oldrev = '^%s' % oldrev

-     elif pagure.lib.git.is_forced_push(oldrev, newrev, abspath):

-         forced = True

-         base = pagure.lib.git.get_base_revision(oldrev, newrev, abspath)

-         if base:

-             oldrev = base[0]


-     revs = pagure.lib.git.get_revs_between(

-         oldrev, newrev, abspath, refname, forced=forced)


-     project_name = pagure.lib.git.get_repo_name(abspath)

-     username = pagure.lib.git.get_username(abspath)

-     namespace = pagure.lib.git.get_repo_namespace(abspath)

-     project = pagure.lib._get_project(

-         session, project_name, username, namespace=namespace,

-         case=_config.get('CASE_SENSITIVE', False))


-     if not project:

-         project = project_name


-     auths = set()

-     for rev in revs:

-         email = pagure.lib.git.get_author_email(rev, abspath)

-         name = pagure.lib.git.get_author(rev, abspath)

-         author = pagure.lib.search_user(session, email=email) or name

-         auths.add(author)


-     authors = []

-     for author in auths:

-         if isinstance(author, basestring):

-             author = author

-         else:

-             author = author.to_json(public=True)

-         authors.append(author)


-     if revs:

-         revs.reverse()

-         print("* Publishing information for %i commits" % len(revs))

-         pagure.lib.notify.log(

-             project=project,

-             topic="git.receive",

-             msg=dict(

-                 total_commits=len(revs),

-                 start_commit=revs[0],

-                 end_commit=revs[-1],

-                 branch=refname,

-                 forced=forced,

-                 authors=list(authors),

-                 agent=os.environ['GL_USER'],

-                 repo=project.to_json(public=True)

-                 if not isinstance(project, basestring) else project,

-             ),

-             redis=pagure.lib.REDIS,

-         )

- session.close()

This way we can finally split the web-hooks notifications from the fedmsg
ones while not duplicating the entire logic around how to build the
payload sent.

Fixes https://pagure.io/pagure/issue/2413

Signed-off-by: Pierre-Yves Chibon pingou@pingoured.fr

1 new commit added

  • Move around the code informing the user about the PR URLs
6 years ago

The two commits can be reviewed separately

Thanks for the review :)

rebased onto 638bb48

6 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by pingou

6 years ago