#2923 Let users see and access private tickets they are assigned to
Merged 6 years ago by pingou. Opened 6 years ago by pingou.

file modified
@@ -2473,6 +2473,7 @@ 


      elif isinstance(private, basestring):

          user2 = aliased(model.User)

+         user4 = aliased(model.User)

          query = query.filter(


                  model.Issue.private == False,  # noqa: E712
@@ -2480,6 +2481,11 @@ 

                      model.Issue.private == True,  # noqa: E712

                      model.Issue.user_id == user2.id,

                      user2.user == private,

+                 ),

+                 sqlalchemy.and_(

+                     model.Issue.private == True,  # noqa: E712

+                     model.Issue.assignee_id == user4.id,

+                     user4.user == private,




file modified
+3 -1
@@ -1036,9 +1036,11 @@ 

          flask.abort(404, 'Issue not found')


      if issue.private:

+         assignee = issue.assignee.user if issue.assignee else None

          if not authenticated() or (

                  not flask.g.repo_committer

-                 and issue.user.user != flask.g.fas_user.username):

+                 and issue.user.user != flask.g.fas_user.username

+                 and assignee != flask.g.fas_user.username):

              flask.abort(404, 'Issue not found')


      status = pagure.lib.get_issue_statuses(flask.g.session)

@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@ 

+ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


+ """

+  (c) 2018 - Copyright Red Hat Inc


+  Authors:

+    Pierre-Yves Chibon <pingou@pingoured.fr>


+ """


+ import unittest

+ import sys

+ import os


+ from mock import patch, MagicMock


+ sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(

+     os.path.abspath(__file__)), '..'))


+ import pagure  # noqa

+ import pagure.lib  # noqa

+ import tests  # noqa



+ class PagureFlaskIssuesPrivatetests(tests.Modeltests):

+     """ Tests for flask issues controller of pagure with private tickets

+     """


+     @patch('pagure.lib.notify.send_email', MagicMock(return_value=True))

+     def setUp(self):

+         """ Set up the environnment, ran before every tests. """

+         super(PagureFlaskIssuesPrivatetests, self).setUp()


+         # Create a 3rd user

+         item = pagure.lib.model.User(

+             user='random',

+             fullname='Random user',

+             password='foo',

+             default_email='random@bar.com',

+         )

+         self.session.add(item)

+         item = pagure.lib.model.UserEmail(

+             user_id=3,

+             email='random@bar.com')

+         self.session.add(item)

+         self.session.commit()


+         tests.create_projects(self.session)

+         tests.create_projects_git(os.path.join(self.path, 'repos'))


+         repo = pagure.lib.get_authorized_project(self.session, 'test')

+         msg = pagure.lib.new_issue(

+             session=self.session,

+             repo=repo,

+             title='Test issue #1',

+             content='We should work on this for the second time',

+             user='foo',

+             status='Open',

+             private=True,

+             ticketfolder=None

+         )

+         self.session.commit()

+         self.assertEqual(msg.title, 'Test issue #1')


+         msg = pagure.lib.new_issue(

+             session=self.session,

+             repo=repo,

+             title='Test issue #2',

+             content='We should work on this for the second time',

+             user='foo',

+             status='Open',

+             private=False,

+             ticketfolder=None

+         )

+         self.session.commit()

+         self.assertEqual(msg.title, 'Test issue #2')


+     def test_issue_list_anonymous(self):

+         """ Test the list of issues when user is logged out. """


+         output = self.app.get('/test/issues')

+         self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 200)

+         self.assertIn(

+             u'div class="projectinfo m-t-1 m-b-1">\ntest project #1'

+             u'        </div>', output.data)

+         self.assertIn(

+             u'<h2>\n      1 Open Issues', output.data)


+     def test_issue_list_admin(self):

+         """ Test the list of issues when user is an admin of the project.

+         """


+         user = tests.FakeUser(username='pingou')

+         with tests.user_set(self.app.application, user):

+             output = self.app.get('/test/issues')

+             self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 200)

+             self.assertIn(

+                 u'div class="projectinfo m-t-1 m-b-1">\ntest project #1'

+                 u'        </div>', output.data)

+             self.assertIn(

+                 u'<h2>\n      2 Open Issues', output.data)


+     def test_issue_list_author(self):

+         """ Test the list of issues when user is an admin of the project.

+         """


+         user = tests.FakeUser(username='foo')

+         with tests.user_set(self.app.application, user):

+             output = self.app.get('/test/issues')

+             self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 200)

+             self.assertIn(

+                 u'div class="projectinfo m-t-1 m-b-1">\ntest project #1'

+                 u'        </div>', output.data)

+             self.assertIn(

+                 u'<h2>\n      2 Open Issues', output.data)


+     def test_issue_list_authenticated(self):

+         """ Test the list of issues when user is authenticated but has no

+         special access to the project.

+         """


+         user = tests.FakeUser(username='random')

+         with tests.user_set(self.app.application, user):

+             output = self.app.get('/test/issues')

+             self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 200)

+             self.assertIn(

+                 u'div class="projectinfo m-t-1 m-b-1">\ntest project #1'

+                 u'        </div>', output.data)

+             self.assertIn(

+                 u'<h2>\n      1 Open Issues', output.data)


+     def test_issue_list_authenticated_ticket(self):

+         """ Test the list of issues when user is authenticated but has

+         ticket level access to the project.

+         """

+         repo = pagure.lib._get_project(self.session, 'test')

+         msg = pagure.lib.add_user_to_project(

+             session=self.session,

+             project=repo,

+             new_user='random',

+             user='pingou',

+             access='ticket',

+         )

+         self.session.commit()

+         self.assertEqual(msg, 'User added')


+         user = tests.FakeUser(username='random')

+         with tests.user_set(self.app.application, user):

+             output = self.app.get('/test/issues')

+             self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 200)

+             self.assertIn(

+                 u'div class="projectinfo m-t-1 m-b-1">\ntest project #1'

+                 u'        </div>', output.data)

+             self.assertIn(

+                 u'<h2>\n      1 Open Issues', output.data)


+     def test_issue_list_authenticated_commit(self):

+         """ Test the list of issues when user is authenticated but has

+         commit level access to the project.

+         """

+         repo = pagure.lib._get_project(self.session, 'test')

+         msg = pagure.lib.add_user_to_project(

+             session=self.session,

+             project=repo,

+             new_user='random',

+             user='pingou',

+             access='commit',

+         )

+         self.session.commit()

+         self.assertEqual(msg, 'User added')


+         user = tests.FakeUser(username='random')

+         with tests.user_set(self.app.application, user):

+             output = self.app.get('/test/issues')

+             self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 200)

+             self.assertIn(

+                 u'div class="projectinfo m-t-1 m-b-1">\ntest project #1'

+                 u'        </div>', output.data)

+             self.assertIn(

+                 u'<h2>\n      2 Open Issues', output.data)


+     def test_issue_list_authenticated_assigned(self):

+         """ Test the list of issues when user is authenticated and is

+         assigned to one of the issue.

+         """


+         repo = pagure.lib._get_project(self.session, 'test')

+         issue = pagure.lib.search_issues(self.session, repo, issueid=1)

+         issue.assignee_id = 3  # random

+         self.session.add(issue)

+         self.session.commit()


+         user = tests.FakeUser(username='random')

+         with tests.user_set(self.app.application, user):

+             output = self.app.get('/test/issues')

+             self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 200)

+             self.assertIn(

+                 u'div class="projectinfo m-t-1 m-b-1">\ntest project #1'

+                 u'        </div>', output.data)

+             self.assertIn(

+                 u'<h2>\n      2 Open Issues', output.data)


+     def test_view_issue_anonymous(self):

+         """ Test accessing a private ticket when user is logged out. """


+         output = self.app.get('/test/issue/1')

+         self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 404)


+     def test_view_issue_admin(self):

+         """ Test accessing a private ticket when user is an admin of the

+         project.

+         """


+         user = tests.FakeUser(username='pingou')

+         with tests.user_set(self.app.application, user):

+             output = self.app.get('/test/issue/1')

+             self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 200)

+             self.assertIn(

+                 u'div class="projectinfo m-t-1 m-b-1">\ntest project #1'

+                 u'        </div>', output.data)

+             self.assertIn(

+                 u'<title>Issue #1: Test issue #1 - test - Pagure</title>',

+                 output.data)


+     def test_view_issue_author(self):

+         """ Test accessing a private ticket when user opened the ticket.

+         """


+         user = tests.FakeUser(username='foo')

+         with tests.user_set(self.app.application, user):

+             output = self.app.get('/test/issue/1')

+             self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 200)

+             self.assertIn(

+                 u'div class="projectinfo m-t-1 m-b-1">\ntest project #1'

+                 u'        </div>', output.data)

+             self.assertIn(

+                 u'<title>Issue #1: Test issue #1 - test - Pagure</title>',

+                 output.data)


+     def test_view_issue_authenticated(self):

+         """ Test accessing a private ticket when user is authenticated but

+         has no special access to the project.

+         """


+         user = tests.FakeUser(username='random')

+         with tests.user_set(self.app.application, user):

+             output = self.app.get('/test/issue/1')

+             self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 404)


+     def test_view_issue_authenticated_ticket(self):

+         """ Test accessing a private ticket when user is authenticated and

+         has ticket level access to the project.

+         """

+         repo = pagure.lib._get_project(self.session, 'test')

+         msg = pagure.lib.add_user_to_project(

+             session=self.session,

+             project=repo,

+             new_user='random',

+             user='pingou',

+             access='ticket',

+         )

+         self.session.commit()

+         self.assertEqual(msg, 'User added')


+         user = tests.FakeUser(username='random')

+         with tests.user_set(self.app.application, user):

+             output = self.app.get('/test/issue/1')

+             self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 404)


+     def test_view_issue_authenticated_commit(self):

+         """ Test accessing a private ticket when user is authenticated and

+         has commit level access to the project.

+         """

+         repo = pagure.lib._get_project(self.session, 'test')

+         msg = pagure.lib.add_user_to_project(

+             session=self.session,

+             project=repo,

+             new_user='random',

+             user='pingou',

+             access='commit',

+         )

+         self.session.commit()

+         self.assertEqual(msg, 'User added')


+         user = tests.FakeUser(username='random')

+         with tests.user_set(self.app.application, user):

+             output = self.app.get('/test/issue/1')

+             self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 200)

+             self.assertIn(

+                 u'div class="projectinfo m-t-1 m-b-1">\ntest project #1'

+                 u'        </div>', output.data)

+             self.assertIn(

+                 u'<title>Issue #1: Test issue #1 - test - Pagure</title>',

+                 output.data)


+     def test_view_issue_authenticated_assigned(self):

+         """ Test accessing a private ticket when user is authenticated and

+         is assigned to one of the issue.

+         """


+         repo = pagure.lib._get_project(self.session, 'test')

+         issue = pagure.lib.search_issues(self.session, repo, issueid=1)

+         issue.assignee_id = 3  # random

+         self.session.add(issue)

+         self.session.commit()


+         user = tests.FakeUser(username='random')

+         with tests.user_set(self.app.application, user):

+             output = self.app.get('/test/issue/1')

+             self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 200)

+             self.assertIn(

+                 u'div class="projectinfo m-t-1 m-b-1">\ntest project #1'

+                 u'        </div>', output.data)

+             self.assertIn(

+                 u'<title>Issue #1: Test issue #1 - test - Pagure</title>',

+                 output.data)



+ if __name__ == '__main__':

+     unittest.main(verbosity=2)