#2484 New API endpoint to modify multiple custom fields.
Merged 6 years ago by pingou. Opened 6 years ago by cverna.
cverna/pagure multi_custom_key_api  into  master

file modified
+140 -15
@@ -122,6 +122,22 @@ 

              403, error_code=APIERROR.EISSUENOTALLOWED)



+ def _check_link_custom_field(field, links):

+     """Check if the value provided in the link custom field

+     is a link.

+     :param field : The issue custom field key object.

+     :param links : Value of the custom field.

+     :raises pagure.exceptions.APIERROR when invalid.

+     """

+     if field.key_type == 'link':

+         links = links.split(',')

+         for link in links:

+             link = link.replace(' ', '')

+             if not urlpattern.match(link):

+                 raise pagure.exceptions.APIError(

+                     400, error_code=APIERROR.EINVALIDISSUEFIELD_LINK)



  @API.route('/<repo>/new_issue', methods=['POST'])

  @API.route('/<namespace>/<repo>/new_issue', methods=['POST'])

  @API.route('/fork/<username>/<repo>/new_issue', methods=['POST'])
@@ -1169,13 +1185,7 @@ 

      key = fields[field]

      value = flask.request.form.get('value')

      if value:

-         if key.key_type == 'link':

-             links = value.split(',')

-             for link in links:

-                 link = link.replace(' ', '')

-                 if not urlpattern.match(link):

-                     raise pagure.exceptions.APIError(

-                         400, error_code=APIERROR.EINVALIDISSUEFIELD_LINK)

+         _check_link_custom_field(key, value)


          message = pagure.lib.set_custom_key_value(

              SESSION, issue, key, value)
@@ -1200,14 +1210,129 @@ 


          raise pagure.exceptions.APIError(400, error_code=APIERROR.EDBERROR)


-     if message:

-         pagure.lib.add_metadata_update_notif(

-             session=SESSION,

-             issue=issue,

-             messages=message,

-             user=flask.g.fas_user.username,

-             ticketfolder=APP.config['TICKETS_FOLDER']

-         )

+     jsonout = flask.jsonify(output)

+     return jsonout



+ @API.route('/<repo>/issue/<int:issueid>/custom', methods=['POST'])

+ @API.route(

+     '/<namespace>/<repo>/issue/<int:issueid>/custom',

+     methods=['POST'])

+ @API.route(

+     '/fork/<username>/<repo>/issue/<int:issueid>/custom',

+     methods=['POST'])

+ @API.route(

+     '/fork/<username>/<namespace>/<repo>/issue/<int:issueid>/custom',

+     methods=['POST'])

+ @api_login_required(acls=['issue_update_custom_fields', 'issue_update'])

+ @api_method

+ def api_update_custom_fields(

+         repo, issueid, username=None, namespace=None):

+     """

+     Update custom fields

+     --------------------

+     Update or reset the content of a collection of custom fields

+     associated to an issue.


+     ::


+         POST /api/0/<repo>/issue/<issue id>/custom

+         POST /api/0/<namespace>/<repo>/issue/<issue id>/custom


+     ::


+         POST /api/0/fork/<username>/<repo>/issue/<issue id>/custom

+         POST /api/0/fork/<username>/<namespace>/<repo>/issue/<issue id>/custom


+     Input

+     ^^^^^


+     +------------------+---------+--------------+-----------------------------+

+     | Key              | Type    | Optionality  | Description                 |

+     +==================+=========+==============+=============================+

+     | ``myfields``     | dict    | Mandatory    | A dictionary with the fields|

+     |                  |         |              | name as key and the value   |

+     +------------------+---------+--------------+-----------------------------+


+     Sample payload

+     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


+     ::


+       {

+          "myField": "to do",

+          "myField_1": "test",

+          "myField_2": "done",

+       }


+     Sample response

+     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


+     ::


+         {

+           "messages": [

+             {

+               "myField" : "Custom field myField adjusted to to do"

+             },

+             {

+               "myField_1": "Custom field myField_1 adjusted test (was: to do)"

+             },

+             {

+               "myField_2": "Custom field myField_1 adjusted to done (was: test)"

+             }

+           ]

+         }


+     """  # noqa

+     output = {'messages': []}

+     repo = _get_repo(repo, username, namespace)

+     _check_issue_tracker(repo)

+     _check_token(repo)


+     issue = _get_issue(repo, issueid)

+     _check_ticket_access(issue)


+     fields = flask.request.form


+     if not fields:

+         raise pagure.exceptions.APIError(

+             400, error_code=APIERROR.EINVALIDREQ)


+     repo_fields = {k.name: k for k in repo.issue_keys}


+     if not all(key in repo_fields.keys() for key in fields.keys()):

+         raise pagure.exceptions.APIError(

+             400, error_code=APIERROR.EINVALIDISSUEFIELD)


+     for field in fields:

+         key = repo_fields[field]

+         value = fields.get(key.name)

+         if value:

+             _check_link_custom_field(key, value)

+         try:

+             message = pagure.lib.set_custom_key_value(

+                 SESSION, issue, key, value)


+             SESSION.commit()

+             if message:

+                 output['messages'].append({key.name: message})

+                 pagure.lib.add_metadata_update_notif(

+                     session=SESSION,

+                     issue=issue,

+                     messages=message,

+                     user=flask.g.fas_user.username,

+                     ticketfolder=APP.config['TICKETS_FOLDER']

+                 )

+             else:

+                 output['messages'].append({key.name: 'No changes'})

+         except pagure.exceptions.PagureException as err:

+             raise pagure.exceptions.APIError(

+                 400, error_code=APIERROR.ENOCODE, error=str(err))

+         except SQLAlchemyError as err:  # pragma: no cover

+             print err

+             SESSION.rollback()

+             raise pagure.exceptions.APIError(400, error_code=APIERROR.EDBERROR)


      jsonout = flask.jsonify(output)

      return jsonout

@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@ 

+ """

+  (c) 2017 - Copyright Red Hat Inc


+  Authors:

+    Clement Verna <cverna@tutanota.com>


+ """


+ import unittest

+ import sys

+ import os

+ import json



+ sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(

+     os.path.abspath(__file__)), '..'))


+ import pagure  # noqa: E402

+ import pagure.lib  # noqa: E402

+ import tests  # noqa: E402



+ class PagureFlaskApiCustomFieldIssuetests(tests.Modeltests):

+     """ Tests for the flask API of pagure for issue's custom fields """

+     def setUp(self):

+         """ Set up the environnment, ran before every tests. """

+         self.maxDiff = None

+         super(PagureFlaskApiCustomFieldIssuetests, self).setUp()


+         pagure.APP.config['TESTING'] = True

+         pagure.SESSION = self.session

+         pagure.api.SESSION = self.session

+         pagure.api.issue.SESSION = self.session

+         pagure.lib.SESSION = self.session


+         pagure.APP.config['TICKETS_FOLDER'] = None


+         tests.create_projects(self.session)

+         tests.create_projects_git(os.path.join(self.path, 'tickets'))

+         tests.create_tokens(self.session)

+         tests.create_tokens_acl(self.session)


+         # Create normal issue

+         repo = pagure.get_authorized_project(self.session, 'test')

+         pagure.lib.new_issue(

+             session=self.session,

+             repo=repo,

+             title='Test issue #1',

+             content='We should work on this',

+             user='pingou',

+             ticketfolder=None,

+             private=False,

+         )

+         self.session.commit()


+     def test_api_update_custom_field_bad_request(self):

+         """ Test the api_update_custom_field method of the flask api.

+         This test that a badly form request returns the correct error.

+         """


+         headers = {'Authorization': 'token aaabbbcccddd'}


+         # Request is not formated correctly (EMPTY)

+         payload = {}

+         output = self.app.post(

+             '/api/0/test/issue/1/custom', headers=headers, data=payload)

+         self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 400)

+         data = json.loads(output.data)

+         self.assertDictEqual(

+             data,

+             {

+                 "error": "Invalid or incomplete input submited",

+                 "error_code": "EINVALIDREQ",

+             }

+         )


+     def test_api_update_custom_field_wrong_field(self):

+         """ Test the api_update_custom_field method of the flask api.

+         This test that an invalid field retruns the correct error.

+         """


+         headers = {'Authorization': 'token aaabbbcccddd'}

+         # Project does not have this custom field

+         payload = {'foo': 'bar'}

+         output = self.app.post(

+             '/api/0/test/issue/1/custom', headers=headers, data=payload)

+         self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 400)

+         data = json.loads(output.data)

+         self.assertDictEqual(

+             data,

+             {

+                 "error": "Invalid custom field submitted",

+                 "error_code": "EINVALIDISSUEFIELD",

+             }

+         )


+     def test_api_update_custom_field(self):

+         """ Test the api_update_custom_field method of the flask api.

+         This test the successful requests scenarii.

+         """


+         headers = {'Authorization': 'token aaabbbcccddd'}


+         # Set some custom fields

+         repo = pagure.get_authorized_project(self.session, 'test')

+         msg = pagure.lib.set_custom_key_fields(

+             self.session, repo,

+             ['bugzilla', 'upstream', 'reviewstatus'],

+             ['link', 'boolean', 'list'],

+             ['unused data for non-list type', '', 'ack', 'nack', 'needs review'],

+             [None, None, None])

+         self.session.commit()

+         self.assertEqual(msg, 'List of custom fields updated')


+         payload = {'bugzilla': '', 'upstream': True}

+         output = self.app.post(

+             '/api/0/test/issue/1/custom', headers=headers, data=payload)

+         self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 200)

+         data = json.loads(output.data)

+         self.assertDictEqual(

+             data,

+             {

+                 "messages": [

+                     {"bugzilla": "No changes"},

+                     {"upstream": "Custom field upstream adjusted to True"},

+                 ]

+             }

+         )


+         repo = pagure.get_authorized_project(self.session, 'test')

+         issue = pagure.lib.search_issues(self.session, repo, issueid=1)

+         self.assertEqual(len(issue.other_fields), 1)


+         payload = {'bugzilla': 'https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1234',

+                    'upstream': False,

+                    'reviewstatus': 'ack'}

+         output = self.app.post(

+             '/api/0/test/issue/1/custom', headers=headers,

+             data=payload)

+         self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 200)

+         data = json.loads(output.data)

+         self.assertDictEqual(

+             data,

+             {

+                 "messages": [

+                     {"bugzilla": "Custom field bugzilla adjusted to "

+                                  "https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1234"},

+                     {"reviewstatus": "Custom field reviewstatus adjusted to ack"},

+                     {"upstream": "Custom field upstream adjusted to False (was: True)"},


+                 ]

+             }

+         )


+         repo = pagure.get_authorized_project(self.session, 'test')

+         issue = pagure.lib.search_issues(self.session, repo, issueid=1)

+         self.assertEqual(len(issue.other_fields), 3)


+         # Reset the value

+         payload = {'bugzilla': '', 'upstream': '', 'reviewstatus': ''}

+         output = self.app.post(

+             '/api/0/test/issue/1/custom', headers=headers,

+             data=payload)

+         self.assertEqual(output.status_code, 200)

+         data = json.loads(output.data)

+         self.assertDictEqual(

+             data,

+             {

+                 "messages": [

+                     {"bugzilla": "Custom field bugzilla reset "

+                                  "(from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1234)"},

+                     {"reviewstatus": "Custom field reviewstatus reset (from ack)"},

+                     {"upstream": "Custom field upstream reset (from False)"},

+                 ]

+             }

+         )



+ if __name__ == '__main__':

+     unittest.main(verbosity=2)

This commit adds a new endpoint so that a user can send multiple custom fields in one request.

In order to keep backward compatibility I have added a new route /custom and preserved the /custom/field_name route that can be used to edit a single field.

This PR has 3 commits, first one implement the new API, second refactor the common code between the 2 custom field API and the third commit remove a duplicated call to pagure.lib.add_metadata_update_notif

This partially fixes #2057

1 new commit added

  • Replace common logic with helper function to check link url
6 years ago


6 years ago

1 new commit added

  • Remove duplicated call to pagure.lib.add_metadata_update_notif
6 years ago

This docblock isn't quite following the style we're using elsewhere :/

Since this is a dict, should we provide an example on how the dictionary should/could look like?

I think we're using messages as keys in the other endpoints

I'm not quire seeing the difference with the test just above :(

Let's maybe specify what is incorrect about this request

Is this needed? issue_tracker should be on by default no?

Should we add a test where the value provided for reviewstatus isn't in the list?

Quite a few comments but this is looking good :)

Yeah, I was looking for something similar, I ll use EINVALIDREQ.

OK I ll change it to match the others

I was thinking about it. Would you put the example in the description ?

Ok, although I am not sure this is validated, I think you can add any value even if it not in the list, I think it is the same for the boolean ( you could add text). I can investigate and raise a new ticket if this is the case

1 new commit added

  • Fixing comment from the review
6 years ago

4 new commits added

  • Fixing comment from the review
  • Remove duplicated call to pagure.lib.add_metadata_update_notif
  • Replace common logic with helper function to check link url
  • New API endpoint to modify multiple custom fields.
6 years ago


6 years ago

I should have fixed all the comments. It is possible to add any value in the list field, there is no validation. I ll raise a ticket for this

4 new commits added

  • Fixing comment from the review
  • Remove duplicated call to pagure.lib.add_metadata_update_notif
  • Replace common logic with helper function to check link url
  • New API endpoint to modify multiple custom fields.
6 years ago


6 years ago

Not using the same style as the rest of the project here :(

Tests are failing (flake8)

So two comments, otherwise :thumbsup: for me

I followed the same style as the rest of the file :( https://pagure.io/pagure/blob/master/f/pagure/api/issue.py#_30

I don't mind changing the style but then it will be inconsistent in the file.

You're using ::param <key> : while the file users :param <key>: :)

Oops I was sure I fixed that :)


6 years ago


6 years ago

Ok I have update the docstring. I run the test on my side and no flake8 failure :(. Could double check and if it still fails tell me where it is failling ?


6 years ago

@pingou OK, I have rebased, run the tests and it looks good on my side.


6 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by pingou

6 years ago