#2352 Add support to extend how gitolite's config file is generated and compiled
Merged 6 years ago by pingou. Opened 6 years ago by pingou.

file modified
+40 -11
@@ -206,9 +206,16 @@ 


  Pagure uses `gitolite <http://gitolite.com/>`_ as an authorization layer.

  Gitolite relies on `SSH <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_Shell>`_ for

- the authentication. In other words, SSH lets you in and gitolite checks if you

- are allowed to do what you are trying to do once you are inside.

+ the authentication. In other words, SSH lets you in and gitolite checks if

+ you are allowed to do what you are trying to do once you are inside.


+ Pagure supports both gitolite 2 and gitolite 3 and the code generating

+ the gitolite configuration can be customized for easier integration with

+ other systems (cf :ref:`custom-gitolite`).



+ **gitolite 2 and 3**

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



@@ -217,15 +224,6 @@ 

  gitolite is ran.




- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


- This configuration key specifies which version of gitolite you are

- using, it can be either ``2`` or ``3``.


- Defaults to: ``3``.





@@ -243,6 +241,26 @@ 

  the gitolite repository access configuration.




+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


+ This configuration key allows specifying which helper method to use to

+ generate and compile gitolite's configuration file.


+ By default pagure provides the following backends:


+ - `test_auth`: simple debugging backend printing and returning the string ``Called GitAuthTestHelper.generate_acls()``

+ - `gitolite2`: allows deploying pagure on the top of gitolite 2

+ - `gitolite3`: allows deploying pagure on the top of gitolite 3


+ Defaults to: ``gitolite3``


+ .. note:: These options can be expended, cf :ref:`custom-gitolite`.



+ **gitolite 2 only**

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~




@@ -778,3 +796,14 @@ 

  This configuration key used to be use to specify where the uploaded releases

  are available. It has been replaced by `UPLOAD_FOLDER_PATH` in the release

  2.10 of pagure.




+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


+ This configuration key specifies which version of gitolite you are

+ using, it can be either ``2`` or ``3``.


+ Defaults to: ``3``.


+ This has been replaced by `GITOLITE_BACKEND` in the release 3.0 of pagure.

@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ 

+ .. _custom-gitolite:


+ Customize the gitolite configuration

+ ====================================


+ Pagure provides a mechanism to allow customizing the creation and

+ compilation of the configuration file of gitolite.


+ To customize the gitolite configuration file, we invite you to look at the

+ `sources of the module pagure.lib.git_auth

+ <https://pagure.io/pagure/blob/master/f/pagure/lib/git_auth.py>`_.


+ As you can see it defines the following class::


+     class GitAuthHelper(object):


+         __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta


+         @staticmethod

+         @abc.abstractmethod

+         def generate_acls():

+             pass


+ This will be the class you will have to inherit from in order to inject your

+ own code.

+ You will then declare an entry point in your `setup.py` following this

+ template::


+     entry_points="""

+     [pagure.git_auth.helpers]

+     my_git_auth = my_pagure.my_module:MyGitAuthTestHelper

+     """


+ Then you can adjust pagure's configuration file to say::


+     GITOLITE_BACKEND = 'my_git_auth'

file modified
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ 




+    custom_gitolite_conf




file modified
+4 -3
@@ -38,12 +38,13 @@ 

  size of the repository itself but also based on hardware performances or

  simply the load on the system.

  To make pagure capable of handling more load, since pagure 3.0 the interactions

- with the git repositories from the web UI is performed by dedicated workers, 

+ with the git repositories from the web UI is performed by dedicated workers,

  allowing async processing of the different tasks.


  The communication between the core application and its worker is based on

- `celery <>`_ and defaults to using `redis <https://redis.org>`_ but any of

- the queueing system supported by `celery <>`_ could be used instead.

+ `celery <http://www.celeryproject.org/>`_ and defaults to using `redis

+ <https://redis.org>`_ but any of the queueing system supported by `celery

+ <http://www.celeryproject.org/>`_ could be used instead.




file modified
+3 -1
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ 

  # The URL at which the project is available.

  APP_URL = 'https://pagure.org/'



  # Enables / Disables tickets for project for the entire pagure instance


@@ -172,6 +171,9 @@ 

  # Folder containing all the public ssh keys for gitolite



+ # Backend to use to write down the gitolite configuration file

+ GITOLITE_BACKEND = 'gitolite3'


  # Path to the gitolite.rc file

  GL_RC = None

  # Path to the /bin directory where the gitolite tools can be found

file modified
+1 -1
@@ -1686,7 +1686,7 @@ 

              REDIS.publish('pagure.%s' % issue.uid, json.dumps({

                  'fields': edit,

                  'issue': issue.to_json(public=True, with_comments=False),

-                 'priorities':issue.project.priorities,

+                 'priorities': issue.project.priorities,



      if edit:

file modified
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ 


  import arrow

  import pygit2

- import werkzeug


  from sqlalchemy.exc import SQLAlchemyError

  from pygit2.remote import RemoteCollection
@@ -89,157 +88,10 @@ 

      return patch



- def __read_file(filename):

-     """ Reads the specified file and return its content.

-     Returns None if it could not read the file for any reason.

-     """

-     if not os.path.exists(filename):

-         _log.info('Could not find file: %s', filename)

-     else:

-         with open(filename) as stream:

-             return stream.read()



- def write_gitolite_acls(session, configfile, preconf=None, postconf=None):

-     ''' Generate the configuration file for gitolite for all projects

-     on the forge.

-     '''

-     _log.info('Write down the gitolite configuration file')


-     preconfig = None

-     if preconf:

-         _log.info(

-             'Loading the file to include at the top of the generated one')

-         preconfig = __read_file(preconf)


-     postconfig = None

-     if postconf:

-         _log.info(

-             'Loading the file to include at the end of the generated one')

-         postconfig = __read_file(postconf)


-     global_pr_only = pagure.APP.config.get('PR_ONLY', False)

-     config = []

-     groups = {}

-     query = session.query(

-         model.Project

-     ).order_by(

-         model.Project.id

-     )

-     for project in query.all():

-         _log.debug('    Processing project: %s', project.fullname)

-         for group in project.committer_groups:

-             if group.group_name not in groups:

-                 groups[group.group_name] = [

-                     user.username for user in group.users]


-         # Check if the project or the pagure instance enforce the PR only

-         # development model.

-         pr_only = project.settings.get('pull_request_access_only', False)


-         for repos in ['repos', 'docs/', 'tickets/', 'requests/']:

-             if repos == 'repos':

-                 # Do not grant access to project enforcing the PR model

-                 if pr_only or (global_pr_only and not project.is_fork):

-                     continue

-                 repos = ''


-             config.append('repo %s%s' % (repos, project.fullname))

-             if repos not in ['tickets/', 'requests/']:

-                 config.append('  R   = @all')

-             if project.committer_groups:

-                 config.append('  RW+ = @%s' % ' @'.join([

-                     group.group_name for group in project.committer_groups]))

-             config.append('  RW+ = %s' % project.user.user)

-             for user in project.committers:

-                 if user != project.user:

-                     config.append('  RW+ = %s' % user.user)

-             for deploykey in project.deploykeys:

-                 access = 'R'

-                 if deploykey.pushaccess:

-                     access = 'RW+'

-                 # Note: the replace of / with _ is because gitolite users can't

-                 # contain a /. At first, this might look like deploy keys in a

-                 # project called $namespace_$project would give access to the

-                 # repos of a project $namespace/$project or vica versa, however

-                 # this is NOT the case because we add the deploykey.id to the

-                 # end of the deploykey name, which means it is unique. The

-                 # project name is solely there to make it easier to determine

-                 # what project created the deploykey for admins.

-                 config.append('  %s = deploykey_%s_%s' %

-                               (access,

-                                werkzeug.secure_filename(project.fullname),

-                                deploykey.id))

-             config.append('')


-     with open(configfile, 'w') as stream:

-         if preconfig:

-             stream.write(preconfig + '\n')


-         for key, users in groups.iteritems():

-             stream.write('@%s   = %s\n' % (key, ' '.join(users)))

-         stream.write('\n')


-         for row in config:

-             stream.write(row + '\n')


-         if postconfig:

-             stream.write(postconfig + '\n')



- def _get_gitolite_command():

-     """ Return the gitolite command to run based on the info in the

-     configuration file.

-     """

-     _log.info('Compiling the gitolite configuration')

-     gitolite_folder = pagure.APP.config.get('GITOLITE_HOME', None)

-     gitolite_version = pagure.APP.config.get('GITOLITE_VERSION', 3)

-     if gitolite_folder:

-         if gitolite_version == 2:

-             cmd = 'GL_RC=%s GL_BINDIR=%s gl-compile-conf' % (

-                 pagure.APP.config.get('GL_RC'),

-                 pagure.APP.config.get('GL_BINDIR')

-             )

-         elif gitolite_version == 3:

-             cmd = 'HOME=%s gitolite compile && HOME=%s gitolite trigger '\

-                 'POST_COMPILE' % (

-                     pagure.APP.config.get('GITOLITE_HOME'),

-                     pagure.APP.config.get('GITOLITE_HOME')

-                 )

-         else:

-             raise pagure.exceptions.PagureException(

-                 'Non-supported gitolite version "%s"' % gitolite_version

-             )

-         _log.debug('Command: %s', cmd)

-         return cmd



  def generate_gitolite_acls():




- def _generate_gitolite_acls():

-     """ Generate the gitolite configuration file for all repos

-     """

-     _log.info('Refresh gitolite configuration')

-     pagure.lib.git.write_gitolite_acls(

-         pagure.SESSION,

-         pagure.APP.config['GITOLITE_CONFIG'],

-         preconf=pagure.APP.config.get('GITOLITE_PRE_CONFIG') or None,

-         postconf=pagure.APP.config.get('GITOLITE_POST_CONFIG') or None

-     )


-     cmd = _get_gitolite_command()

-     if cmd:

-         subprocess.Popen(

-             cmd,

-             shell=True,

-             stdout=subprocess.PIPE,

-             stderr=subprocess.PIPE,

-             cwd=pagure.APP.config['GITOLITE_HOME']

-         )



  def update_git(obj, repo, repofolder):

      """ Schedules an update_repo task after determining arguments. """

      ticketuid = None

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@ 

+ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


+ """

+  (c) 2015-2017 - Copyright Red Hat Inc


+  Authors:

+    Pierre-Yves Chibon <pingou@pingoured.fr>


+ """

+ from __future__ import print_function


+ import abc

+ import logging

+ import os

+ import pkg_resources

+ import subprocess


+ import werkzeug


+ import pagure

+ import pagure.exceptions

+ from pagure import APP

+ from pagure.lib import model


+ logging.config.dictConfig(APP.config.get('LOGGING') or {'version': 1})

+ _log = logging.getLogger(__name__)



+ def get_git_auth_helper(backend, *args, **kwargs):

+     """ Instantiate and return the appropriate git auth helper backend.


+     :arg backend: The name of the backend to find on the system (declared via

+         the entry_points in setup.py).

+         Pagure comes by default with the following backends:

+             test_auth, gitolite2, gitolite3

+     :type backend: str


+     """

+     points = pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('pagure.git_auth.helpers')

+     classes = dict([(point.name, point.load()) for point in points])

+     _log.debug("Found the following installed helpers %r" % classes)

+     cls = classes[backend]

+     _log.debug("Instantiating helper %r from backend key %r" % (cls, backend))

+     return cls(*args, **kwargs)



+ class GitAuthHelper(object):

+     """ The class to inherit from when creating your own git authentication

+     helper.

+     """


+     __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta


+     @classmethod

+     @abc.abstractmethod

+     def generate_acls(self):

+         """ This is the method that is called by pagure to generate the

+         configuration file.

+         """

+         pass



+ def _read_file(filename):

+     """ Reads the specified file and return its content.

+     Returns None if it could not read the file for any reason.

+     """

+     if not os.path.exists(filename):

+         _log.info('Could not find file: %s', filename)

+     else:

+         with open(filename) as stream:

+             return stream.read()



+ class Gitolite2Auth(GitAuthHelper):

+     """ A gitolite 2 authentication module. """


+     @classmethod

+     def write_gitolite_acls(

+             cls, session, configfile, preconf=None, postconf=None):

+         ''' Generate the configuration file for gitolite for all projects

+         on the forge.


+         :arg cls: the current class

+         :type: Gitolite2Auth

+         :arg session: a session to connect to the database with

+         :arg configfile: the name of the configuration file to generate/write

+         :type configfile: str

+         :kwarg preconf: a file to include at the top of the configuration

+             file

+         :type preconf: None or str

+         :kwarg postconf: a file to include at the bottom of the

+             configuration file

+         :type postconf: None or str


+         '''

+         _log.info('Write down the gitolite configuration file')


+         preconfig = None

+         if preconf:

+             _log.info(

+                 'Loading the file to include at the top of the generated one')

+             preconfig = _read_file(preconf)


+         postconfig = None

+         if postconf:

+             _log.info(

+                 'Loading the file to include at the end of the generated one')

+             postconfig = _read_file(postconf)


+         global_pr_only = pagure.APP.config.get('PR_ONLY', False)

+         config = []

+         groups = {}

+         query = session.query(

+             model.Project

+         ).order_by(

+             model.Project.id

+         )

+         for project in query.all():

+             _log.debug('    Processing project: %s', project.fullname)

+             for group in project.committer_groups:

+                 if group.group_name not in groups:

+                     groups[group.group_name] = [

+                         user.username for user in group.users]


+             # Check if the project or the pagure instance enforce the PR only

+             # development model.

+             pr_only = project.settings.get('pull_request_access_only', False)


+             for repos in ['repos', 'docs/', 'tickets/', 'requests/']:

+                 if repos == 'repos':

+                     # Do not grant access to project enforcing the PR model

+                     if pr_only or (global_pr_only and not project.is_fork):

+                         continue

+                     repos = ''


+                 config.append('repo %s%s' % (repos, project.fullname))

+                 if repos not in ['tickets/', 'requests/']:

+                     config.append('  R   = @all')

+                 if project.committer_groups:

+                     config.append('  RW+ = @%s' % ' @'.join(

+                         [

+                             group.group_name

+                             for group in project.committer_groups

+                         ]

+                     ))

+                 config.append('  RW+ = %s' % project.user.user)

+                 for user in project.committers:

+                     # This should never be the case (that the project.user

+                     # is in the committers) but better safe than sorry

+                     if user.user != project.user.user:

+                         config.append('  RW+ = %s' % user.user)

+                 for deploykey in project.deploykeys:

+                     access = 'R'

+                     if deploykey.pushaccess:

+                         access = 'RW+'

+                     # Note: the replace of / with _ is because gitolite

+                     # users can't contain a /. At first, this might look

+                     # like deploy keys in a project called

+                     # $namespace_$project would give access to the repos of

+                     # a project $namespace/$project or vica versa, however

+                     # this is NOT the case because we add the deploykey.id

+                     # to the end of the deploykey name, which means it is

+                     # unique. The project name is solely there to make it

+                     # easier to determine what project created the deploykey

+                     # for admins.

+                     config.append('  %s = deploykey_%s_%s' %

+                                   (access,

+                                    werkzeug.secure_filename(project.fullname),

+                                    deploykey.id))

+                 config.append('')


+         with open(configfile, 'w') as stream:

+             if preconfig:

+                 stream.write(preconfig + '\n')


+             for key, users in groups.iteritems():

+                 stream.write('@%s   = %s\n' % (key, ' '.join(users)))

+             stream.write('\n')


+             for row in config:

+                 stream.write(row + '\n')


+             if postconfig:

+                 stream.write(postconfig + '\n')


+     @staticmethod

+     def _get_gitolite_command():

+         """ Return the gitolite command to run based on the info in the

+         configuration file.

+         """

+         _log.info('Compiling the gitolite configuration')

+         gitolite_folder = pagure.APP.config.get('GITOLITE_HOME', None)

+         if gitolite_folder:

+             cmd = 'GL_RC=%s GL_BINDIR=%s gl-compile-conf' % (

+                 pagure.APP.config.get('GL_RC'),

+                 pagure.APP.config.get('GL_BINDIR')

+             )

+             _log.debug('Command: %s', cmd)

+             return cmd


+     @classmethod

+     def generate_acls(cls):

+         """ Generate the gitolite configuration file for all repos

+         """

+         _log.info('Refresh gitolite configuration')

+         cls.write_gitolite_acls(

+             pagure.SESSION,

+             pagure.APP.config['GITOLITE_CONFIG'],

+             preconf=pagure.APP.config.get('GITOLITE_PRE_CONFIG') or None,

+             postconf=pagure.APP.config.get('GITOLITE_POST_CONFIG') or None

+         )


+         cmd = cls._get_gitolite_command()

+         if cmd:

+             proc = subprocess.Popen(

+                 cmd,

+                 shell=True,

+                 stdout=subprocess.PIPE,

+                 stderr=subprocess.PIPE,

+                 cwd=pagure.APP.config['GITOLITE_HOME']

+             )

+             stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()

+             if proc.returncode != 0:

+                 error_msg = (

+                     'The command "{0}" failed with'

+                     '\n\n  out: "{1}\n\n  err:"{2}"'

+                     .format(' '.join(cmd), stdout, stderr))

+                 raise pagure.exceptions.PagureException(error_msg)



+ class Gitolite3Auth(Gitolite2Auth):

+     """ A gitolite 3 authentication module. """


+     @staticmethod

+     def _get_gitolite_command():

+         """ Return the gitolite command to run based on the info in the

+         configuration file.

+         """

+         _log.info('Compiling the gitolite configuration')

+         gitolite_folder = pagure.APP.config.get('GITOLITE_HOME', None)

+         if gitolite_folder:

+             cmd = 'HOME=%s gitolite compile && HOME=%s gitolite trigger '\

+                 'POST_COMPILE' % (gitolite_folder, gitolite_folder)

+             _log.debug('Command: %s', cmd)

+             return cmd



+ class GitAuthTestHelper(GitAuthHelper):

+     """ Simple test auth module to check the auth customization system. """


+     @classmethod

+     def generate_acls(cls):

+         """ Print a statement when called, useful for debugging, only. """

+         out = 'Called GitAuthTestHelper.generate_acls()'

+         print(out)

+         return out

file modified
+4 -1
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ 

  from pagure import APP

  import pagure.lib

  import pagure.lib.git

+ import pagure.lib.git_auth


  logging.config.dictConfig(APP.config.get('LOGGING') or {'version': 1})

  _log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -60,7 +61,9 @@ 



  def generate_gitolite_acls():

-     pagure.lib.git._generate_gitolite_acls()

+     helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper(

+         APP.config['GITOLITE_BACKEND'])

+     helper.generate_acls()




file modified
@@ -58,8 +58,14 @@ 



      diffstyle = pagure.ui.diff_style:DiffStyle





+     [pagure.git_auth.helpers]

+     test_auth = pagure.lib.git_auth:GitAuthTestHelper

+     gitolite2 = pagure.lib.git_auth:Gitolite2Auth

+     gitolite3 = pagure.lib.git_auth:Gitolite3Auth



          'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v2 or later (GPLv2+)',

@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ 


          pagure.APP.config['TICKETS_FOLDER'] = None




          tests.create_projects_git(os.path.join(self.path, 'tickets'))


@@ -1029,6 +1029,7 @@ 

                          "namespace": None,

                          "owner": None,

                          "pattern": None,

+                         "short": False,

                          "tags": [],

                          "username": "pingou"

@@ -1082,6 +1083,7 @@ 

                          "namespace": None,

                          "owner": None,

                          "pattern": None,

+                         "short": False,

                          "tags": ["infra"],

                          "username": "pingou"


@@ -947,8 +947,10 @@ 

                  '<input                  class="form-control" '

                  'name="bugzilla" id="bugzilla"/>',output.data)


-                 '<select class="form-control" name="reviewstatus" '

-                 'id="reviewstatus>',output.data)

+                 '<select class="form-control"\n'

+                 '                    name="reviewstatus"\n'

+                 '                    id="reviewstatus">\n',

+                 output.data)


                  '<input type="checkbox"                   '

                  'class="form-control" name="upstream" id="upstream"/>',

file modified
+31 -14
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ 

  import unittest


  import pygit2

- from mock import patch

+ from mock import patch, MagicMock


  sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(

      os.path.abspath(__file__)), '..'))
@@ -72,7 +72,8 @@ 


          outputconf = os.path.join(self.path, 'test_gitolite.conf')


-         pagure.lib.git.write_gitolite_acls(self.session, outputconf)

+         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper('gitolite3')

+         helper.write_gitolite_acls(self.session, outputconf)



@@ -157,7 +158,8 @@ 

          with open(preconf, 'w') as stream:

              stream.write('# this is a header that is manually added')


-         pagure.lib.git.write_gitolite_acls(

+         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper('gitolite3')

+         helper.write_gitolite_acls(



@@ -233,7 +235,8 @@ 

          with open(postconf, 'w') as stream:

              stream.write('# end of generated configuration')


-         pagure.lib.git.write_gitolite_acls(

+         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper('gitolite3')

+         helper.write_gitolite_acls(



@@ -306,7 +309,8 @@ 

          with open(postconf, 'w') as stream:

              stream.write('# end of generated configuration')


-         pagure.lib.git.write_gitolite_acls(

+         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper('gitolite3')

+         helper.write_gitolite_acls(



@@ -404,7 +408,8 @@ 


          outputconf = os.path.join(self.path, 'test_gitolite.conf')


-         pagure.lib.git.write_gitolite_acls(self.session, outputconf)

+         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper('gitolite3')

+         helper.write_gitolite_acls(self.session, outputconf)



@@ -514,7 +519,8 @@ 


          outputconf = os.path.join(self.path, 'test_gitolite.conf')


-         pagure.lib.git.write_gitolite_acls(self.session, outputconf)

+         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper('gitolite3')

+         helper.write_gitolite_acls(self.session, outputconf)



@@ -616,7 +622,8 @@ 


          outputconf = os.path.join(self.path, 'test_gitolite.conf')


-         pagure.lib.git.write_gitolite_acls(self.session, outputconf)

+         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper('gitolite3')

+         helper.write_gitolite_acls(self.session, outputconf)



@@ -767,7 +774,8 @@ 


          outputconf = os.path.join(self.path, 'test_gitolite.conf')


-         pagure.lib.git.write_gitolite_acls(self.session, outputconf)

+         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper('gitolite3')

+         helper.write_gitolite_acls(self.session, outputconf)



@@ -926,7 +934,8 @@ 


          outputconf = os.path.join(self.path, 'test_gitolite.conf')


-         pagure.lib.git.write_gitolite_acls(self.session, outputconf)

+         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper('gitolite3')

+         helper.write_gitolite_acls(self.session, outputconf)



@@ -1079,7 +1088,8 @@ 


          outputconf = os.path.join(self.path, 'test_gitolite.conf')


-         pagure.lib.git.write_gitolite_acls(self.session, outputconf)

+         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper('gitolite3')

+         helper.write_gitolite_acls(self.session, outputconf)



@@ -1198,7 +1208,8 @@ 


          outputconf = os.path.join(self.path, 'test_gitolite.conf')


-         pagure.lib.git.write_gitolite_acls(self.session, outputconf)

+         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper('gitolite3')

+         helper.write_gitolite_acls(self.session, outputconf)



@@ -1302,7 +1313,8 @@ 


          outputconf = os.path.join(self.path, 'test_gitolite.conf')


-         pagure.lib.git.write_gitolite_acls(self.session, outputconf)

+         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper('gitolite3')

+         helper.write_gitolite_acls(self.session, outputconf)



@@ -2974,7 +2986,12 @@ 

          pagure.lib.git.SESSION = self.session

          pagure.APP.config['GITOLITE_HOME'] = '/tmp'


-         pagure.lib.git._generate_gitolite_acls()

+         proc = MagicMock()

+         proc.communicate.return_value = (1, 2)

+         proc.returncode = 0

+         popen.return_value = proc

+         helper = pagure.lib.git_auth.get_git_auth_helper('gitolite3')

+         helper.generate_acls()


              'HOME=/tmp gitolite compile && '

              'HOME=/tmp gitolite trigger POST_COMPILE',

no initial comment


6 years ago

Seems generally fine to me (aside from jenkins failures. are those related?)

No jenkins has been failing for a while now, local test are passing (I'll start a new run to double-check)


6 years ago

So I can confirm the tests are still passing :)

@ralph just to be sure, are we good to go?

Is signing helpers the right term here?

Is it worth supporting gitolite2 for tech debt reasons? Just wondering if anything in Fedora uses v2.

Edit: NVM, it's very little code difference.

If you removed this if statement I think you could delete config.append(' RW+ = %s' % project.user.user), since they're both getting the same kind of access.

So I'm not too familiar with gitolite but overall the change looks ok. A few minor comments is all.

+0.5 (would +1 if I was more comfortable with this part of the codebase).


6 years ago

Adjusted, left over from copy/pasta ^^

They are SSH keys you can generate and give to a service to grant them commit access to your repo.

agreed though pretty contained as everything comes from the config file

Amusingly, turned out that line cannot be removed as main admins aren't listed in the committers. So I added a comment regarding this.


6 years ago


6 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by pingou

6 years ago

I forgot to mention that I merged this because @bowlofeggs also reviewed it in part of https://pagure.io/pagure/pull-request/2361