#155 Publicise the server's SSH keys configured
Merged 9 years ago by . Opened 9 years ago by pingou.

file modified
@@ -87,6 +87,14 @@ 

  GL_BINDIR = None



+ # SSH Information


+ ### The ssh certificates of the git server to be provided to the user

+ ### /!\ format is important

+ # SSH_KEYS = {'RSA': {'fingerprint': '<foo>', 'pubkey': '<bar>'}}




  # Optional configuration


  ### Number of items displayed per page

@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ 

+ {% extends "master.html" %}


+ {% block title %}Doc: SSH hostkeys/Fingerprints{% endblock %}

+ {%block tag %}home{% endblock %}



+ {% block content %}


+ <h1>SSH Hostkeys/Fingerprints</h1>


+ SSH host keys and fingerprints can be use to ensure you are connecting to

+ pagure's server and not someone else's.


+ Here below are the SSH Hostkey and the Fingerprint of this current pagure

+ instance:


+ {% if config.get('SSH_KEYS') %}


+ {% for cert in config.get('SSH_KEYS') %}

+ <h4>{{ cert }} Fingerprint</h4>

+ <pr>{{ config['SSH_KEYS'][cert]['fingerprint'] }}</pr>


+ <h4>{{ cert }} Hostkey</h4>

+ <pr>{{ config['SSH_KEYS'][cert]['pubkey'] }}</pr>

+ {% endfor %}


+ {% else %}

+ <p>No SSH keys have been specified in the configuration file.</p>

+ <p>You should ask an admin to fill this information.</p>

+ {% endif %}



+ {% endblock %}

@@ -169,8 +169,12 @@ 



          <th>Git URLs</th>

-         <td><a id="more_gits">more</a></td>

-         <td></td>

+         <td><a id="more_gits">more</a> | </td>

+         <td>

+           <a href="{{ url_for('ssh_hostkey') }}">

+             SSH Hostkey/Fingerprint

+           </a>

+         </td>




file modified
@@ -497,3 +497,13 @@ 



      return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('.user_settings'))



+ @APP.route('/ssh_info')

+ def ssh_hostkey():

+     """ Endpoint returning information about the SSH hostkey and fingerprint

+     of the current pagure instance.

+     """

+     return flask.render_template(

+         'doc_ssh_keys.html',

+     )

no initial comment

Code looks good to me, though you could get away with configuring just hostkey and derive the fingerprint for it yourself, but this works for me.


Though note that for SSH, this is often called "public key" rather than "certificate", as people associate the name "certificate" with an X509 certificate.