#4918 Changes to issue<->board relationship in Git needs to sync to DB
Opened 4 years ago by ngompa. Modified 8 months ago

With the merge of #4915, Pagure now has a simple kanban board feature. And the data for the kanban board is also integrated into the tickets Git repo for the project as well.

However, a part that is currently missing is synchronizing the action of removing an issue from the board when the change happens in Git (as opposed to from the UI). This will need to be addressed to complete the synchronization between Git and the database for Pagure boards.

Metadata Update from @wombelix:
- Issue set to the milestone: 5.13 (was: Coming 6 months)

2 years ago

Metadata Update from @wombelix:
- Issue set to the milestone: 6.x (was: 5.13)

8 months ago

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