#253 Remote.push error in creating new issue
Closed: Fixed None Opened 8 years ago by kunaaljain.

Issue I faced is when running the server from the git source, there is a problem in creating new issue.

Apparently the pygit2 library, remote.push(refname) requires refname to be a list of string, but we are passing a string.

Which version of pygit2 do you use?

Is the test-suite working for you?

Looking at the doc, it seems to be a difference between 0.21 and 0.22

For 0.22: http://www.pygit2.org/remotes.html#pygit2.Remote.push

That might be the case. 0.22 was released long back. Maybe we should start following it.

Changelog is here: https://github.com/libgit2/pygit2#0220-2015-01-16

Now Remote.push(...) takes a list of refspecs instead of just one

EL7 has 0.21 and pygit2 breaks the API at every version so even if we adjust for 0.22, we'll need to adjust again for 0.23 and so on.

So yes we should adjust for 0.22 but we have to be very careful to remain compatible with 0.21 as EPEL7 has 0.21 and I doubt will ever upgrade

There is now a pygit_022 branch that fixes this problem but isn't merged because of a bug in blob.is_binary method in pygit.

Looks like we may need to rely on something else than this is_binary method :-/

HI sorry I was caught in my GSoC project. What is the is_
binary problem?

HI sorry I was caught in my GSoC project. What is the is_
binary problem?

In pygit2 0.21 a is_binary() on the blob of an image returns True, while it
returns False on 0.22.0

I managed to work around this bug, so with the changes in the branch
pygit_022 pagure should work again on F22

https://pagure.io/pagure/pull-request/295 has been merged so this issue should be fixed now.

Let me know if it is not

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