# pagure-java-client

A Java client for [Pagure]( 

This project is currently at Version 0, and is not directly usable yet. There
are no test, no docs, and no examples yet 

## Getting Started

This project is packaged using maven. You can open this in an IDE or run the
commands here to get this installed. 

### Prerequisites

mvn dependency:resolve

### Installing
mvn clean install


### Running the development Main method
The main method is just here temporarily to exercise different methods for

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="io.pagure.api.Pagure

## Tests

No tests yet :(

## Contributing

Send PRs!

## Versioning

We use [SemVer]( for versioning. Since this is pre-alpha,
the version is at 0

## Authors

* **Brian Stinson _- [bstinsonmhk]( <>

## License

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for

## Acknowledgements
* Stephen Connolly - Author of the Gitea Plugin for Jenkins, much of this code
  is modeled after his.