#69 Fix #68 'list' object has no attribute 'username' on pgimport push
Merged 7 years ago by cverna. Opened 7 years ago by clime.
clime/pagure-importer master  into  master

@@ -123,44 +123,24 @@ 



      ''' Will create a json file containing details of all the user

-     who have commented on any issue in the given project

+     who have commented on or filed any issue in the given project



      github_obj = Github(github_username, github_password)

      otp_auth = get_auth_token(github_obj)

      github_obj = Github(otp_auth)

      project = github_obj.get_repo(github_project_name)

-     issue_comment_url = project.issue_comment_url.replace('{/number}', '')


-     page = 0

      issue_commentors = []

-     while True:

-         page += 1

-         payload = {'page': page}

-         data_ = json.loads(requests.get(

-                 issue_comment_url, params=payload,

-                 auth=HTTPBasicAuth(github_username, github_password)).text)


-         if not data_:

-             break


-         for data in data_:

-             try:

-                 commentor = data['user']['login']

-             except TypeError:

-                 click.echo('Maybe one of the issue commentors have been\

-                             dropped because of lack of details')

-                 continue

+     for issue in project.get_issues(state='all'):

:+1: for using the python api

+         if not issue.user.login in issue_commentors:

+             issue_commentors.append(issue.user.login)

+             click.echo('commentor added: ' + issue.user.login)


-             present = False

-             for i in issue_commentors:

-                 if i == commentor:

-                     present = True

-                     break


-             if not present:

-                 click.echo('commentor added: ' + commentor)

-                 issue_commentors.append(commentor)

+     for comment in project.get_issues_comments():

+         if not comment.user.login in issue_commentors:

+             issue_commentors.append(comment.user.login)

+             click.echo('commentor added: ' + comment.user.login)


      with open('issue_commentors.json', 'w') as f:


@@ -74,7 +74,8 @@ 

              pagure_issue_user = models.User(



-                     emails=[github_issue.user.email])

+                     emails=[github_issue.user.email] if github_issue.user.email

+                             else [github_get_commentor_email(github_issue.user.login)])


              pagure_issue = models.Issue(


The problem is that current codebase does not dump issue/pr owners into data files (assembled_commentors.csv, issue_commentors.json), only 'commenters' (people who just commented after the issue or PR was created). But issue/PR owners are also needed for a valid issue creation. This the output of pgimport github before the commit:

 clime@coprbox ~/progress $ pgimport github
 Enter your Github Username: clime
 Enter github project name like pypingou/pagure: verigak/progress
 Do you want to generate jsons for project's contributers and issue commentors? [y/N]: y
 contributor added: web-flow
 contributor added: aduriseti
 contributor added: verigak
 contributor added: msabramo
 contributor added: sindreij
 contributor added: nournia
 contributor added: verigak
 Maybe one of the contributors is dropped because                            of lack of details
 commentor added: verigak
 commentor added: prologic
 commentor added: lugtigheid
 commentor added: coyotebush
 commentor added: victorhooi
 commentor added: neithere
 commentor added: frewsxcv
 commentor added: simminni
 commentor added: msabramo
 commentor added: praiskup
 commentor added: saxtouri
 commentor added: farchy
 commentor added: aduriseti
 commentor added: albertferras
 commentor added: bmbouter
 commentor added: mat2py
 commentor added: clime

And this the output after the commit (all needed users are present now):

 clime@coprbox ~/progress $ pgimport github
 Enter your Github Username: clime
 Enter github project name like pypingou/pagure: verigak/progress
 Do you want to generate jsons for project's contributers and issue commentors? [y/N]: y
 contributor added: web-flow
 contributor added: aduriseti
 contributor added: verigak
 contributor added: msabramo
 contributor added: sindreij
 contributor added: nournia
 contributor added: verigak
 Maybe one of the contributors is dropped because                            of lack of details
 commentor added: clime
 commentor added: mat2py
 commentor added: aduriseti
 commentor added: bmbouter
 commentor added: TobiX
 commentor added: gaopengpian
 commentor added: farchy
 commentor added: praiskup
 commentor added: jlec
 commentor added: Drekin
 commentor added: pjdelport
 commentor added: msabramo
 commentor added: sindreij
 commentor added: simminni
 commentor added: bkabrda
 commentor added: tjstum
 commentor added: nournia
 commentor added: paparomeo
 commentor added: neithere
 commentor added: prologic
 commentor added: skalkoto
 commentor added: saxtouri
 commentor added: glenbot
 commentor added: shawnsi
 commentor added: verigak
 commentor added: lugtigheid
 commentor added: coyotebush
 commentor added: victorhooi
 commentor added: frewsxcv
 commentor added: albertferras

Also note that I refrained from doing direct http API requests and used python API instead. These two ways should be equivalent.

Looks good to me :)


Pull-Request has been merged by cverna

7 years ago