
Created 8 years ago
Maintained by vivekanand1101
For imports to pagure
Members 5


CLI tool for importing issues etc. from different sources like github to pagure


In a Virtual Environment

  • Install it using pip . python3 -m pip install pagure_importer

Using COPR package

  • Install it using copr.
    $ sudo dnf copr enable cverna/pagure-importer
    $ sudo dnf install python3-pgimport

Using Docker

  • Build and run a container using the Dockerfile in this repository
    $ sudo docker build -t pgimport .
    $ sudo docker run -v ~/.ssh/:/home/duser/.ssh/:Z -i -t pgimport /bin/bash
  • Inside the container you can use the pgimport command.

Running the tests

 $ python -m unittest discover tests

How to run

  1. Clone the issue tracker for issues from pagure. Use: pgimport clone ssh://
  2. Activate the pagure tickets hook from project settings. This is necessary step to also get pagure database updated for tickets repository changes.
  3. Deactivate the pagure Fedmsg hook from project settings. This will avoid the issues import to spam the fedmsg bus. The Hook can be reactivated once the import has completed.
  4. Execute pgimport. See Usage section
  5. Just answer what is asked. Check below instructions for particular source
  6. The script will make commits in your cloned repo: push the changes back to pagure. Use : pgimport push foobar.git

Custom Close Status

pagure-importer creates a configuration under the home directory of the user $HOME/.pgimport. This configuration file contains the default close status. If this file is not present run the following command. $ pgimport mkconfig To add some new close status just edit the config file as follow. Where Foo is the pagure custom status and bar is the trac resolution status

Duplicate = ['duplicate']
Insufficient data = ['insufficient_info']
Invalid = ['invalid', 'wontfix', 'worksforme']
Foo = ['bar']

auth_token =


$ pgimport --help
Usage: pgimport [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.


Migrate fedorahosted trac tickets to pagure

1) The clone command can be used to clone the newly created pagure ticket repository:

$ pgimport clone ssh://

This will clone the pagure foobar repository into the default set /tmp directory as /tmp/foobar.git

2) The fedorahosted command can be used to import issues from a fedorahosted project to pagure

$ pgimport fedorahosted --help
    Usage: pgimport fedorahosted [OPTIONS] PROJECT_URL

    --tags  Import pagure tags as well.
    --private By default make all issues private.
    --username TEXT FAS username
    --password TEXT FAS password
    --offset INTEGER Number of issue in pagure before import
    --help  Show this message and exit.
    --nopush Do not push the result of pagure-importer back

$ pgimport fedorahosted --tags

This command will import all the tickets information with all tags to /tmp/foobar.git repository

$ pgimport fedorahosted --private

This command will import all the fedorahosted tickets as private tickets in pagure

$ pgimport fedorahosted --offset 10

This command will import all the fedorahosted tickets starting using their former trac ID + the offset number 10 in this example. This is usefull for project which already have issues in pagure before import.

$ pgimport fedorahosted --username foo --password bar

This command will run the import using the username and password provided in the command line without prompting the user. This is usefull to use pgimport in a script.

$ pgimport fedorahosted --nopush

This command will not push the temporary cloned repository where the importer creates the json representation of the issues to import. This can be used to process the issues using the json files before running the import. Default location of the cloned repository is under /tmp/clone-foobar.git

3) The push command can be used to push a clone pagure ticket repo back to pagure.

$ pgimport push foobar.git

4) The mkconfig command will create a default config .pgimport file under the user $HOME directory.

$ pgimport mkconfig

Migrate github issues to pagure

1) The clone command can be used to clone the newly created pagure ticket repository:

 $ pgimport clone ssh://

This will clone the pagure foobar repository into the default set /tmp directory as /tmp/foobar.git

2) The gencsv option with github command can be used to generate csv containing username and email ids.

$ pgimport github  --gencsv

This command will generate a csv file ```assembled_users.csv``` for you where all the contributors
and issue commentors' username is given. A few of the email ids that pgimport could find from github
is also mentioned. This csv has to be filled with the email ids of the user because pagure needs
an email id for each user. pgimport finds the emails by going through all the commits in the project
and taking out email ids from git commits which can take some time depending upon the number of commits
in the project.

If one wants to fill the csv yourself and not wait for pgimport to go through all the commits:

$ pgimport github --gencsv --nosearch

This will give out ```assembled_users.csv``` with all the users whose email ids must be known and should
be filled before going to the next step.

3) Once the csv is filled:

$ pgimport github

This command will assume that you have the csv ready for use and will begin
importing issues from github to your local git repository.

If the project is under some namespace or is a fork, use the below commands instead: $ pgimport github --namespace <namespacename>

If the project is a fork: $ pgimport github --is_fork

The namespace and is_fork option can be joined, if the project is a fork of a namespaced project: $ pgimport github --namespace <namespacename> --is_fork

The issues will be imported to /tmp/foobar.git repository.

3) The push command can be used to push a clone pagure ticket repo back to pagure.

$ pgimport push foobar.git

Tools used:

  1. PyGithub - a python library for github api.
  2. click - Python package for creating beautiful command line interfaces
  3. python-fedora - A collection of python code that allows programs to talk to Fedora Services
  4. pygit2 - A Python bindings to the libgit2 to interact with git from python.

How it works: Github Issues

  1. For github issues, there is a bit of pre-processing so, the process is not very user friendly. The reason behind the pre-processing is that: github doesn't give away the email ids of issue commentors unless the commentor is you (if you are logged in) or if the commentor is the issue reporter himself. So, to overcome this problem, we will be taking email ids from their commits, if they have contributed to the project but if they haven't, : start panicking and read below.

  2. We will have to run the script two times. The first time, it will generate a json file containing all the issue commentors with their details, if the emails are found, no edit for that particular commentor is required. Otherwise, you will have to manually fill the emails. Fullnames not required.

  3. After running the program and answering the 'source' and 'items', you will be asked a question on whether you want to generate a json file for contributors and issue commentors. If you are running the script for github for the first time, the answer is 'y'.

  4. The above step will create 3 different files: contributors.json issue_users.json and assembled_users.csv. The last file is where all the edit has to go. All the missing entries in the assembled commentors file has to be filled for the running of the script.

  5. Run the script again, filling the same details but answer 'n' when asked for whether you want to create the json files. In this step, your local issues git repo gets updated with all the issues from github issue tracker.

  6. Now push the local git repo changes to the remote repo on pagure. It will update the db and if the user is not found, it will create them from the details given.