#15 Add a command for checking out pull requests locally
Merged 6 years ago by ralph. Opened 6 years ago by lsedlar.
lsedlar/pag review-cmd  into  develop

file modified
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ 

  from .commands import remote

  from .commands import pullrequest

  from .commands import gitaliasing

+ from .commands import review


  if __name__ == '__main__':


file added
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@ 

+ import click

+ import requests

+ import textwrap


+ from pag.app import app

+ from pag.utils import (

+     assert_local_repo,

+     die,

+     eager_command,

+     in_git_repo,

+     repo_url,

+     run

+ )


+ try:

+     # If colorama is available, let's use it to print prettier output. If not,

+     # fall back to boring monochrome.

+     from colorama import Fore, Style

+     GREEN = Fore.GREEN

+     DIM = Style.DIM

+     RESET = Style.RESET_ALL

+ except ImportError:

+     GREEN = DIM = RESET = ''



+ def list_pull_requests(name):

+     """Get a list of opened pull requests for a project.


+     For an exact description of the return value see Pagure API documentation.


+     :param str name: name of the project

+     :returns: a list of dicts describing opened pull requests

+     """

+     url = 'https://pagure.io/api/0/{name}/pull-requests'.format(name=name)

+     response = requests.get(url)

+     return response.json()['requests']



+ def get_repo(pr_info):

+     """Find url for repo that the response belongs to.


+     :param dict pr_info: Information about a pull request as returned by Pagure

+                          API

+     :returns: git repo url

+     :rtype: str

+     """

+     name = pr_info['repo_from']['fullname'].replace('forks/', '', 1)

+     return repo_url(name, git=True)



+ def get_local_branch(pr):

+     """Get a branch name for the new review.


+     Finds latest branch for this particular pull request and bumps the

+     revision. The branch name is in the format of ``review/PR_ID/REV`` where

+     ``REV`` is an automatically incremented number starting at 1.


+     :param int pr: identifier of a pull request

+     :returns: name of a new branch

+     :rtype: str

+     """

+     _, out = run(['git', 'branch', '--list', 'review/{}/*'.format(pr)],

+                  echo=False, graceful=False)

+     existing = [int(x.rsplit('/', 1)[-1])

+                 for x in out.strip().split('\n')

+                 if x]

+     num = max(existing + [0]) + 1

+     return 'review/{}/{}'.format(pr, num)



+ @eager_command

+ def list_pulls(ctx):

+     """Print information about opened pull requests.


+     This function never returns due to the decorator exiting the whole program.


+     :param ctx: Click context. Passed automatically by the decorator

+     """

+     repo = in_git_repo()

+     pulls = list_pull_requests(repo)

+     if pulls:

+         longest_name = max((pr['user']['name'] for pr in pulls), key=len)

+     for pr in pulls:

+         prefix = '{green}{id: >5}{rst} {dim}{user[name]:{width}}{rst}'.format(

+             width=len(longest_name), green=GREEN, dim=DIM, rst=RESET, **pr)

+         width = 79 - len(prefix) + len(GREEN) + len(DIM) + 2 * len(RESET)

+         for line in textwrap.wrap(pr['title'], width=width):

+             click.echo('{}  {}'.format(prefix, line))

+             prefix = ' ' * (79 - width)



+ @eager_command

+ def open_current(ctx):

+     """Open pull request page in web browser.


+     If not called when review branch is checked out, an error will be reported.


+     This function never returns due to the decorator exiting the whole program.


+     :param ctx: Click context. Passed automatically by the decorator

+     """

+     _, branch = run(['git', 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD'], echo=False)

+     branch = branch.strip()

+     if not branch.startswith('review/'):

+         click.echo('Not on a review branch, aborting...', err=True)

+         ctx.exit(1)


+     url = '{}/pull-request/{}'.format(repo_url(in_git_repo()),

+                                       branch.split('/')[1])


+     run(['xdg-open', url])



+ @app.command()

+ @click.argument('pr', metavar='PR_ID')

+ @click.option('-l', '--list', is_flag=True, callback=list_pulls,

+               expose_value=False, is_eager=True,

+               help='List opened pull requests on this repo')

+ @click.option('-o', '--open', is_flag=True, callback=open_current,

+               expose_value=False, is_eager=True,

+               help='Open currently reviewed PR in browser')

+ @assert_local_repo

+ def review(pr):

+     """Check out a pull request locally."""

+     name = in_git_repo()

+     url = 'https://pagure.io/api/0/{name}/pull-request/{id}'.format(

+         name=name, id=pr)

+     response = requests.get(url).json()

+     try:

+         branch = response['branch_from']

+         repo = response.get('remote_git') or get_repo(response)

+     except KeyError:

+         die('Bad pull request id')


+     # Find review branches that include the last commit in the pull request.

+     ret, branches = run(['git', 'branch',

+                          '--contains', response['commit_stop'],

+                          'review/{}/*'.format(pr)], echo=False)


+     if ret == 0 and branches:

+         # There is a branch with that commit, find the latest one and check it

+         # out. There really should be only one.

+         latest_branch = branches.strip().split('\n')[-1].split(' ')[-1]

+         click.echo('Pull request {} already checked out as {}'.format(

+             pr, latest_branch))

+         run(['git', 'checkout', latest_branch], graceful=False)

+     else:

+         # Download the commits from the branch.

+         run(['git', 'fetch', repo, branch], graceful=False)

+         # Find a suitable name for local branch and create it.

+         local_branch = get_local_branch(pr)

+         run(['git', 'checkout', '-b', local_branch, 'FETCH_HEAD'],

+             graceful=False)

file modified
+22 -1
@@ -7,6 +7,13 @@ 

  import requests

  import yaml


+ try:

+     from colorama import Style

+     DIM = Style.DIM

+     RESET = Style.RESET_ALL

+ except ImportError:

+     DIM = RESET = ''



  CONF_FILE = os.path.expanduser('~/.config/pag')

@@ -17,7 +24,7 @@ 

      output, _ = proc.communicate()

      output = output.decode('utf-8')

      if echo:

-         click.echo(output)

+         click.echo(DIM + output + RESET)

      if not graceful and proc.returncode != 0:


      return proc.returncode, output
@@ -44,6 +51,20 @@ 

      return inner



+ def eager_command(func):

+     """Decorator for an option callback that should abort man command.


+     Useful when an option completely changes the execution flow.

+     """

+     @functools.wraps(func)

+     def inner(ctx, param, value):

+         if not value or ctx.resilient_parsing:

+             return

+         func(ctx)

+         ctx.exit()

+     return inner



  def get_default_upstream_branch(name):

      url = 'https://pagure.io/api/0/projects'

      response = requests.get(url, params=dict(pattern=name, fork=False))

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@ 

+ import unittest

+ import mock


+ from click.testing import CliRunner


+ from pag.commands.review import review



+ # This is an abbreviated response from list pull request API that contains

+ # minimal amount of data needed.


+     "requests": [

+         {

+             "id": 2344,

+             "title": "Fix the API docs",

+             "user": {"name": "mprahl"}

+         },

+         {

+             "id": 2343,

+             "title": ("Add ways to customize the gitolite configuration file "

+                       "with snippets, and some extra details"),

+             "user": {"name": "pingou"}

+         }

+     ],

+     "total_requests": 2

+ }


+ # This is expected output when listing pull requests returns the data above.


+  2344 mprahl  Fix the API docs

+  2343 pingou  Add ways to customize the gitolite configuration file with

+               snippets, and some extra details

+ """.lstrip('\n')


+ # Abbreviated response for listing details about a pull request.


+   "branch_from": "fix-api-docs",

+   "commit_stop": "a08f507b99afeda8b9d1f5cf2024eb723726924b",

+   "id": 2344,

+   "remote_git": None,

+   "repo_from": {

+     "fullname": "forks/mprahl/pagure",

+   },

+ }



+ class ReviewTest(unittest.TestCase):

+     def setUp(self):

+         self.runner = CliRunner()

+         self.maxDiff = None


+     @mock.patch('pag.commands.review.run')

+     @mock.patch('pag.commands.review.in_git_repo', new=lambda: 'my-project')

+     def test_open_web(self, run):

+         run.side_effect = [

+             (0, 'review/12/3\n'),

+             (0, ''),

+         ]


+         with self.runner.isolated_filesystem():

+             result = self.runner.invoke(review, ['--open'])


+         self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 0)

+         self.assertEqual(

+             run.call_args_list,

+             [mock.call(

+                 ['git', 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD'], echo=False),

+              mock.call(

+                 ['xdg-open', 'https://pagure.io/my-project/pull-request/12'])]

+         )


+     @mock.patch('pag.commands.review.run')

+     def test_open_web_on_bad_branch(self, run):

+         run.return_value = (0, 'master\n')


+         with self.runner.isolated_filesystem():

+             result = self.runner.invoke(review, ['--open'])


+         self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 1)

+         self.assertIn('Not on a review branch', result.output)


+     @mock.patch('pag.commands.review.list_pull_requests')

+     @mock.patch('pag.commands.review.in_git_repo', new=lambda: 'pagure')

+     def test_list(self, list_pull_requests):

+         list_pull_requests.return_value = LIST_RESPONSE['requests']


+         result = self.runner.invoke(review, ['--list'])


+         self.assertEqual(

+             list_pull_requests.call_args_list,

+             [mock.call('pagure')])

+         self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 0)

+         self.assertEqual(result.output, LIST_OUTPUT)


+     @mock.patch('requests.get')

+     @mock.patch('pag.commands.review.run')

+     @mock.patch('pag.commands.review.in_git_repo', new=lambda: 'pagure')

+     def test_checkout_new(self, run, get):

+         get.return_value = mock.Mock(

+             json=mock.Mock(return_value=GET_RESPONSE)

+         )

+         run.side_effect = [

+             (1, ''),

+             (0, ''),

+             (0, 'review/2344/1\n'),

+             (0, ''),

+         ]


+         result = self.runner.invoke(review, ['2344'])


+         self.assertEqual(

+             get.call_args_list,

+             [mock.call('https://pagure.io/api/0/pagure/pull-request/2344')])

+         self.assertEqual(

+             run.call_args_list,

+             [mock.call(['git', 'branch', '--contains',

+                         'a08f507b99afeda8b9d1f5cf2024eb723726924b',

+                         'review/2344/*'], echo=False),

+              mock.call(

+                 ['git', 'fetch', 'https://pagure.io/forks/mprahl/pagure.git',

+                  'fix-api-docs'], graceful=False),

+              mock.call(['git', 'branch', '--list', 'review/2344/*'],

+                        echo=False, graceful=False),

+              mock.call(['git', 'checkout', '-b', 'review/2344/2',

+                         'FETCH_HEAD'], graceful=False),

+              ])

+         self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 0)


+     @mock.patch('requests.get')

+     @mock.patch('pag.commands.review.run')

+     @mock.patch('pag.commands.review.in_git_repo', new=lambda: 'pagure')

+     def test_checkout_existing(self, run, get):

+         get.return_value = mock.Mock(

+             json=mock.Mock(return_value=GET_RESPONSE)

+         )

+         run.side_effect = [

+             (0, 'review/2344/1\n'),

+             (0, ''),

+         ]


+         result = self.runner.invoke(review, ['2344'])


+         self.assertEqual(

+             get.call_args_list,

+             [mock.call('https://pagure.io/api/0/pagure/pull-request/2344')])

+         self.assertEqual(

+             run.call_args_list,

+             [

+              mock.call(['git', 'branch', '--contains',

+                         'a08f507b99afeda8b9d1f5cf2024eb723726924b',

+                         'review/2344/*'], echo=False),

+              mock.call(['git', 'checkout', 'review/2344/1'], graceful=False),

+              ])

+         self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 0)

The idea is shamelessly stolen from git-review (which works with Gerrit). It allows listing opened pull requests and checking them out locally. When the same pull request is rebased/commits are added, another local checkout should create a new branch, so it should even be possible to compare different revisions of the same PR.

Works like this:

$ pag review --list
 2328 clime       optimize view_commits for case when there is no parent repo
 2325 mprahl      Remove ProjectLock entries of a project when deleting the
 2310 zhsj        Remove unused jdenticon js library
$ pag review  2310
  $ git fetch https://pagure.io/forks/zhsj/pagure.git cleanup-unused-js
From https://pagure.io/forks/zhsj/pagure
 * branch            cleanup-unused-js -> FETCH_HEAD

  $ git rev-parse FETCH_HEAD
  $ git branch --contains c9d61795e7e6383c1ee966b217ae798f4fa21506 review/2310/*
  $ git branch --list review/2310/*
  $ git checkout -b review/2310/1 FETCH_HEAD
Switched to a new branch 'review/2310/1'

$ pag review --open
  $ git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
  $ xdg-open https://pagure.io/pagure/pull-request/2310

When colorama is installed, the output is nicely colorized.

It would be good to add a docblock here and to document the name parameter and its type. It would also be good to document the return value and its type.

It would be good to document the type of the response argument, and also the type of the return value.

It would be good to document the argument's type, and the return value type.

Let's give this a docblocl and document the ctx parameter.

Let's give this a docblock too.

Look good (and useful!). In addition to more docblock detail, I also highly recommend writing tests for this change.

3 new commits added

  • Add basic tests for review subcommand
  • Add review command
  • Dim output of subprocess
6 years ago

Docstrings updated, and I added a few tests. They should be runnable with python setup.py test. Incidentally looking at the responses from Pagure more, I found a way to simplify the code a little bit.

3 new commits added

  • Add basic tests for review subcommand
  • Add review command
  • Dim output of subprocess
6 years ago

I recommend dropping these print statements to keep the test output cleaner.

I recommend dropping the print statements.

3 new commits added

  • Add basic tests for review subcommand
  • Add review command
  • Dim output of subprocess
6 years ago

Hey, sorry this sat idle for so long. Merging straight away.

Pull-Request has been merged by ralph

6 years ago