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+ = Package Review Process
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+ :toc:
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+ == Review Purpose
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+ In order for a new package to be added to Fedora, it must first pass a formal review. Fedora's package review process ensures that submitted packages meets baseline quality standards.
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+ The type of packages listed below are subject to the review process.
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+ * New packages
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+ * https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Package_Renaming_Process#Re-review_required[Renamed packages]
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+ * Formerly deprecated packages returning to the collection
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+ * Packages merged from the old Fedora Core repository
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+ == Review Process
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+ There are two roles in the review process: Contributor and Reviewer.
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+ === Contributor
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+ A *Contributor* submits a package for approval and offers to serve as its maintainer.
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+ TIP: If you would like to become a Contributor, see the https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Join_the_package_collection_maintainers[joining instructions].
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+ Submitted packages should adhere to the https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:NamingGuidelines[Package Naming Guidelines] and https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/[Packaging Guidelines], and they should not contain https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Forbidden_items[Forbidden Items].
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+ Follow the steps below to submit a package for review.
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+ NOTE: Some new packages may be exempt from review. Please see the https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/ReviewGuidelines/[Package Review Guidelines] for exemption criteria. If an exemption is approved, follow the instructions in https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1376885[Bug 1376885], and start these instructions from step 6.
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+ 1. Place the package's spec file and SRPM in an Internet-accessible location where they can be downloaded without having to log in or use special download methods. https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/[COPR] can be used for this purpose.
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+ 2. Fill out a https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/enter_bug.cgi?product=Fedora&format=fedora-review[request for review] in https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Bugzilla[Bugzilla], Fedora's bug tracker. The request's `fedora-review` flag is blank, which indicates that a Reviewer has not been assigned yet.
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+ +
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+ NOTE: If you do not already have a package in Fedora, you will need to be sponsored by an existing member of the Fedora `packager` group. Add https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=177841[`Bug 177841`] to the bugs being blocked by your review request, and see https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_get_sponsored_into_the_packager_group[this article] for information on how to get a sponsor.
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+ 3. Wait for a Reviewer to review your package.
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+ +
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+ TIP: If nobody comments on your review requests, message a Fedora mailing list, such as https://lists.fedoraproject.org/admin/lists/devel@lists.fedoraproject.org/[devel], and ask for a *review swap*. In a review swap, you offer to review someone's package in exchange for them reviewing yours. The conditions for a review swap may vary depending on the complexity of the packages involved.
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+ +
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+ NOTE: People who are not formally reviewing your package may leave comments or add `NotReady` to the bug's `Whiteboard` field if problems are discovered. It is expected that you will respond. Once the problems have been resolved, post the URLs to the updated SPEC and SRPM file, and remove `NotReady` from `Whiteboard`.
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+ 4. A Reviewer agrees to review the package. The request's `fedora-review` flag is set to `?` to indicate that it is under review. Fix any problems that the reviewer identifies.
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+ 5. The Reviewer approves the package. The request's `fedora-review` flag is set to `+` to indicate that it has passed review.
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+ 6. In https://pagure.io/pagure[Pagure], https://pagure.io/settings/token/new[create an API token^] with the `Create a new ticket` ACL. Add it to `~/config/rpkg/fedpkg.conf` as shown below.
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+ +
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+ ----
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+ [fedpkg.pagure]
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+ token = generated-code
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+ ----
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+ +
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+ 7. Use the https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Package_maintenance_guide[fedpkg^] tool to request a Git repository for the project. For a package named `foo` with Bugzilla ID `12345` for the package review request, run `fedpkg request-repo foo 12345`. This adds the package to https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/Rawhide[Rawhide^].
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+ +
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+ NOTE: Use `fedpkg request-branch` to add the package to additional Fedora releases. For example, to add `foo` to Fedora 31, run `fedpkg request-branch --repo foo f31`.
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+ 8. Run `fedpkg clone foo` to check out the package.
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+ 9. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Join_the_package_collection_maintainers#Import.2C_commit.2C_and_build_your_package[Import the package's SRPM^]. Do a final check of the contents.
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+ 10. Set up https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/Kerberos#Infrastructure_kerberos_authentication[Kerberos authentication^] with Fedora's instructure.
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+ 11. Run `fedpkg build` to build the package in https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Koji[Koji^], Fedora's RPM package build service.
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+ +
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+ NOTE: If the package was added to additional Fedora releases in step 7, build each release's package. For example, to build a package for Fedora 31, run `fedpkg switch-branch f31` and then `fedpkg build`.
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+ 12. Add the package to https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Upstream_release_monitoring[Upstream release monitoring] to simplify tracking upstream updates. Use https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Bodhi[Bodhi] to publish package updates.
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+ +
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+ NOTE: It is not necessary to repeat the package review process for package changes. Do not reference the package's review request in updates created using Bodhi.
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+ 13. Close the package's review request in Bugzilla. This can be done automatically using Bodhi or manually in Bugzilla. If the review request is closed manually, set its `Resolution` field to `NEXTRELEASE`.
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+ === Reviewer
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+ A *Reviewer* is a member of the Fedora https://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts/group/members/packager/*[packager group] who reviews packages submitted by a Contributor.
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+ Follow the steps below to review a submitted package.
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+ 1. Search the https://fedoraproject.org/PackageReviewStatus/[Cached Package Review Tracker] for a package that needs a reviewer.
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+ +
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+ TIP: Eligible packages either have a blank `fedora-review` field or are assigned to `nobody@fedoraproject.org`.
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+ +
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+ NOTE: If you notice issues that should be fixed before the package is reviewed, leave a detailed comment and set the package review request's `Whiteboard` field to `NotReady`. This alerts other possible reviewers.
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+ 2. Set a package review request's `fedora-review` field to `?` to become its Reviewer.
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+ 3. Review the package. It should meet the *MUST* and *SHOULD* criteria listed in the https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/ReviewGuidelines/#_things_to_check_on_review[Package Review Guidelines].
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+ +
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+ TIP: The https://pagure.io/FedoraReview[`fedora-review`] tool can help automate this process. However, it is not a substitute for manual review. You are still expected to understand the https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/[Packaging Guidelines].
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+ +
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+ NOTE: If you need to step down from being the package's review, set the package review request's `fedora-review` field to be blank and assign the bug to `nobody@fedoraproject.org`.
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+ 4. When your review is complete, post your feedback as a comment in Bugzilla. Do not post it as an attachment.
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+ +
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+ NOTE: Other users are encouraged to post comments as well. This can be especially useful for new Contributors. Demonstrating that you understand the https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/[Packaging Guidelines] may make it easier to find a sponsor.
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+ 5. Take the appropriate action listed below.
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+ * *Accept*: If the package is acceptable, set the package review request's `fedora-review` flag to `+`.
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+ * *Needs Work*: If the package has problems that you feel can be fixed, set the package review request's `Status` field to `NEEDINFO` and leave a detailed comment that explains what needs to be done. Work with the Submitter to resolve the problems.
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+ * *Fail, Legal*: If the package has legal risks, such as copyright infringement or trademark concerns, close the package review request. Set its `Status` field to `WONTFIX`, its `fedora-review` field to `-`, and add `FE-Legal` to its `Blocks` field. Post a detailed comment that explains your decision. ("We don't ship MP3.")
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+ * *Fail, Other*: If the package has significant problems that cannot be easily fixed, close the package review request. Set its `Status` field to `WONTFIX` and its `fedora-review` field to `-`. Post a detailed comment that explains your decision.
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+ 6. If you approve a package review request, you may be asked to help the Contributor with the import/build/update process and to ensure that the Contributor closes the request when the process is complete.
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+ == Tracking Package Requests
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+ The https://fedoraproject.org/PackageReviewStatus/[Cached Package Review Tracker] can be used to search for reviews or retrieve reports with information on the current state of all Fedora package review requests.
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+ == Bugzilla Reference: fedora-review Field
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+ In Bugzilla, a package review request's `fedora-review` field tracks the request's status.
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+ [cols=2*]
| |
+ |===
| |
+ |*Value*
| |
+ |*Description*
| |
| |
+ |(Blank)
| |
+ |The package needs review.
| |
| |
+ |`?`
| |
+ |The package is under review.
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| |
+ |`-`
| |
+ |Package review has failed; the package was dropped for legal or other issues.
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+ |`+`
| |
+ |The package has been approved.
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+ |===
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+ == Bugzilla Reference: Blocks Field
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+ In Bugzilla, a package review request's `Blocks` field can include values that indicate specific statuses.
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+ [cols=2*]
| |
+ |===
| |
+ |*Value*
| |
+ |*Description*
| |
| |
| |
+ |The request has been closed because the submitter has left.
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| |
| |
+ |The request is currently awaiting review by the legal team.
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+ |The request needs a sponsor. Package review can be performed by anyone, but a sponsor is still needed.
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+ |===
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+ == Bugzilla Reference: Whiteboard Field
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+ In Bugzilla, a package review request's `Whiteboard` field can include values that will cause it to be hidden or displayed differently in the Cached Package Review Tracker's http://fedoraproject.org/PackageReviewStatus/NEW.html[new package page].
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+ This saves Reviewers time by hiding tickets that are not ready for review.
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+ [cols=2*]
| |
+ |===
| |
+ |*Value*
| |
+ |*Description*
| |
| |
+ |AwaitingSubmitter
| |
+ |The package review process is stalled and cannot proceed without input from the Contributor.
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+ |BuildFails
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+ |The package fails to build.
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+ |NotReady
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+ |The package is not ready for review. It is possible to submit a package review request, mark it as `NotReady`, and continue to work on it until it is ready for a Reviewer.
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+ |Trivial
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+ |The package is trivial to review.
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+ |===
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+ The `Trivial` status indicates that a package is suitable for review by a new Reviewer. Package review requests marked as `Trivial` must meet the criteria listed below.
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+ * The package is known to build, and a link to a scratch build is included.
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+ * The ticket explains any rpmlint output that is present.
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+ * The spec file contains nothing unnecessary in modern Fedora distributions such as `BuildRoot:`, a `%clean` section, or `%defattr`.
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+ * The spec file is free from excessive or complicated macro usage.
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+ * The spec file uses the least complicated scriptlets that are taken directly from the https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:Scriptlets[Packaging:Scriptlets] page.
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+ * The package contains no daemons.
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+ * The package is not especially security-sensitive.
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+ * The code has undergone a thorough inspection for licensing issues. Anomalies that would be found by licensecheck should be explained.
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