#894 Add rules for Cython
Merged 5 years ago by churchyard. Opened 5 years ago by churchyard.
churchyard/packaging-committee cython  into  master

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 

  = Python Packaging Guidelines

- :last-reviewed: 2019-02-14

+ :last-reviewed: 2019-05-20



  == Python Version Support
@@ -243,6 +243,20 @@ 

  * It ensures that the packages are installed correctly on multilib architectures.

  * Using these macros instead of hardcoding the directory in the specfile ensures your spec remains compatible with the installed python version even if the directory structure changes radically (for instance, if `+python3_sitelib+` moves into `+%{_datadir}+`).


+ == Packages using Cython


+ A great amount of extension modules for Python

+ (Python modules written in a compiled language such as C or C++)

+ are written using the https://cython.org/[Cython] language and compiler.


+ Majority of such packages contains the generated C (or C++) sources in the source tarball.


+ Tightening the xref:what-can-be-packaged.adoc#_pregenerated_code[general Fedora policy],

+ packages MUST NOT use pre-generated Cython sources.

+ They MUST be deleted in `%prep` and regenerated during the build.


+ Any exception to this rule should be considered a xref:index.adoc#bootstrapping[bootstrapping].


  == Files to include


  When packaging python modules, several types of files are included:

I'm not sure if I like wording MUST be invoked, I would prefer more like those sources MUST be regenerated or something like that. Because most of the time you don't invoke Cython, it is just setuptools or whatsoever doing that.

Apart from comment above, I think it is fine to do this restriction. It helps everyone.

Metadata Update from @churchyard:
- Pull-request tagged with: meeting

5 years ago

They MUST be deleted in %prep and regenerated with Cython.

rebased onto 4a85f6ab9ec3585545b0f4b754cff6a1aa9e26e4

5 years ago

rebased onto 63194ba

5 years ago

Metadata Update from @churchyard:
- Request assigned

5 years ago

Metadata Update from @churchyard:
- Pull-request untagged with: meeting

5 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by churchyard

5 years ago