#883 Implement Golang Packaging Guidelines
Merged 4 years ago by ignatenkobrain. Opened 5 years ago by eclipseo.
eclipseo/packaging-committee implement_golang_guidelines  into  master

@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@ 

+ # Generated by go2rpm

+ %bcond_without check

+ %bcond_without bootstrap


+ # https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/google-cloud-go

+ %global goipath         cloud.google.com/go

+ %global forgeurl        https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/google-cloud-go

+ Version:                0.37.4


+ %gometa


+ %if %{without bootstrap}

+ %global goipaths0       cloud.google.com/go

+ %global goipathsex0     cloud.google.com/go/compute

+ %endif


+ %global goipaths1       cloud.google.com/go/compute


+ %global common_description %{expand:

+ Go packages for Google Cloud Platform services.}


+ %global golicenses      LICENSE



+ Name:           %{goname}

+ Release:        1%{?dist}

+ Summary:        Google Cloud client libraries for Go


+ # Upstream license specification: Apache-2.0

+ License:        ASL 2.0

+ URL:            %{gourl}

+ Source0:        %{gosource}


+ %if %{without bootstrap}

+ BuildRequires:  golang(github.com/golang/mock/gomock)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(github.com/golang/protobuf/proto)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/any)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/duration)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/empty)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/struct)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/timestamp)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/wrappers)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(github.com/google/btree)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(github.com/google/martian)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(github.com/google/martian/fifo)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(github.com/google/martian/httpspec)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(github.com/google/martian/martianhttp)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(github.com/google/martian/martianlog)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(github.com/google/martian/mitm)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(github.com/google/pprof/profile)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(github.com/googleapis/gax-go/v2)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(go.opencensus.io/plugin/ocgrpc)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(go.opencensus.io/stats)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(go.opencensus.io/stats/view)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(go.opencensus.io/tag)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(go.opencensus.io/trace)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(golang.org/x/oauth2)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(golang.org/x/oauth2/google)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(golang.org/x/oauth2/jwt)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(golang.org/x/sync/errgroup)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(golang.org/x/sync/semaphore)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(golang.org/x/text/language)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(golang.org/x/time/rate)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/api/bigquery/v2)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/api/clouddebugger/v2)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/api/cloudresourcemanager/v1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/api/cloudtrace/v1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/api/compute/v1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/api/container/v1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/api/gensupport)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/api/googleapi)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/api/iterator)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/api/option)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/api/storage/v1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/api/support/bundler)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/api/transport)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/api/transport/grpc)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/api/transport/http)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/expr/v1alpha1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/label)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/metric)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/monitoredres)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/appengine/logging/v1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/bigtable/admin/v2)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/bigtable/v2)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/asset/v1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/asset/v1beta1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/audit)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/bigquery/datatransfer/v1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/bigquery/storage/v1beta1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/dataproc/v1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/dataproc/v1beta2)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/dialogflow/v2)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/iot/v1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/irm/v1alpha2)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/kms/v1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/language/v1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/language/v1beta2)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/oslogin/common)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/oslogin/v1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/oslogin/v1beta)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/redis/v1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/redis/v1beta1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/scheduler/v1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/scheduler/v1beta1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/securitycenter/v1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/securitycenter/v1beta1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/speech/v1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/speech/v1p1beta1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/talent/v4beta1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/tasks/v2)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/tasks/v2beta2)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/tasks/v2beta3)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/texttospeech/v1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/videointelligence/v1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/videointelligence/v1beta1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/videointelligence/v1beta2)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/vision/v1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/vision/v1p1beta1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/webrisk/v1beta1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/container/v1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/datastore/v1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/devtools/clouddebugger/v2)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/devtools/clouderrorreporting/v1beta1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/devtools/cloudprofiler/v2)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/devtools/cloudtrace/v1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/devtools/cloudtrace/v2)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/devtools/containeranalysis/v1beta1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/devtools/containeranalysis/v1beta1/grafeas)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/firestore/v1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/iam/admin/v1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/iam/credentials/v1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/iam/v1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/logging/type)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/logging/v2)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/longrunning)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/monitoring/v3)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/privacy/dlp/v2)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/pubsub/v1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/rpc/code)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/rpc/errdetails)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/rpc/status)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/spanner/admin/database/v1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/spanner/admin/instance/v1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/spanner/v1)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/type/latlng)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/genproto/protobuf/field_mask)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/grpc)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/grpc/codes)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/grpc/credentials)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/grpc/keepalive)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/grpc/metadata)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/grpc/status)


+ %if %{with check}

+ # Tests

+ BuildRequires:  golang(github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/cmpopts)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/api/iterator/testing)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(google.golang.org/api/logging/v2)

+ %endif

+ %endif


+ %description

+ %{common_description}


+ %gopkg


+ %prep

+ %goprep


+ %install

+ %gopkginstall


+ %if %{without bootstrap}

+ %if %{with check}

+ %check

+ %gocheck

+ %endif

+ %endif


+ %gopkgfiles


+ %changelog

+ * Tue Apr 23 09:48:52 CEST 2019 Robert-André Mauchin <zebob.m@gmail.com> - 0.37.4-1

+ - Release 0.37.4

@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ 

+ # https://github.com/sirupsen/logrus

+ %global goipath         github.com/sirupsen/logrus

+ Version:                1.4.0


+ %gometa


+ %global goaltipaths     github.com/Sirupsen/logrus


+ %global common_description %{expand:

+ Logrus is a structured logger for Go (golang), completely API compatible with

+ the standard library logger.}


+ %global golicenses    LICENSE

+ %global godocs        *.md


+ Name:           %{goname}

+ Release:        1%{?dist}

+ Summary:        Structured logger for Go

+ License:        MIT

+ URL:            %{gourl}

+ Source0:        %{gosource}


+ BuildRequires: golang(golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/terminal)

+ BuildRequires: golang(github.com/stretchr/testify/assert)


+ %description

+ %{common_description}


+ %gopkg


+ %prep

+ %goprep


+ %install

+ %gopkginstall


+ %check

+ %gocheck


+ %gopkgfiles



+ %changelog

+ * Wed Oct 31 2018 Robert-André Mauchin <zebob.m@gmail.com> - 1.4.0-1

+ - First package for Fedora

@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ 

+ # https://github.com/stretchr/testify

+ %global goipath         github.com/stretchr/testify

+ Version:                1.2.2


+ %gometa


+ %global common_description %{expand:

+ Golang set of packages that provide many tools for testifying

+ that your code will behave as you intend.


+ Features include:


+  - Easy assertions

+  - Mocking

+  - Testing suite interfaces and functions}


+ %global golicenses    LICENSE


+ Name:           %{goname}

+ Release:        1%{?dist}

+ Summary:        Tools for testifying that your code will behave as you intend

+ License:        BSD

+ URL:            %{gourl}

+ Source0:        %{gosource}


+ BuildRequires: golang(github.com/davecgh/go-spew/spew)

+ BuildRequires: golang(github.com/pmezard/go-difflib/difflib)

+ BuildRequires: golang(github.com/stretchr/objx)


+ %description

+ %{common_description}


+ %gopkg


+ %prep

+ %goprep


+ %install

+ %gopkginstall


+ %check

+ %gochecks


+ %gopkgfiles



+ %changelog

+ * Thu Mar 21 22:20:22 CET 2019 Robert-André Mauchin <zebob.m@gmail.com> - 1.2.2-1

+ - First package for Fedora

@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ 

+ # https://github.com/square/go-jose

+ %global goipath         gopkg.in/square/go-jose.v2

+ %global forgeurl        https://github.com/square/go-jose

+ Version:                2.1.9


+ %gometa


+ %global common_description %{expand:

+ Package jose aims to provide an implementation of the Javascript Object

+ Signing and Encryption set of standards. This includes support for JSON Web

+ Encryption, JSON Web Signature, and JSON Web Token standards.}


+ %global golicenses    LICENSE

+ %global godocs        *.md


+ %global godevelheader %{expand:

+ # The devel package will usually benefit from corresponding project binaries.

+ Requires:  %{name} = %{version}-%{release}

+ }


+ Name:           %{goname}

+ Release:        1%{?dist}

+ Summary:        An implementation of JOSE standards (JWE, JWS, JWT) in Go

+ # Detected licences

+ # - *No copyright* Apache License (v2.0) at 'LICENSE'

+ # json/ is BSD

+ License:        ASL 2.0 and BSD

+ URL:            %{gourl}

+ Source0:        %{gosource}


+ BuildRequires: golang(golang.org/x/crypto/ed25519)

+ BuildRequires: golang(golang.org/x/crypto/pbkdf2)

+ BuildRequires: golang(github.com/stretchr/testify/assert)

+ BuildRequires: golang(gopkg.in/alecthomas/kingpin.v2)


+ %description

+ %{common_description}


+ %gopkg


+ %prep

+ %goprep


+ %build

+ for cmd in jose-util jwk-keygen; do

+   %gobuild -o %{gobuilddir}/bin/$(basename $cmd) %{goipath}/$cmd

+ done


+ %install

+ %gopkginstall

+ install -m 0755 -vd                     %{buildroot}%{_bindir}

+ install -m 0755 -vp %{gobuilddir}/bin/* %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/


+ %check

+ %gocheck


+ %files

+ %license %{golicenses}

+ %doc %{godocs}

+ %{_bindir}/*


+ %gopkgfiles


+ %changelog

+ * Thu Mar 21 21:59:10 CET 2019 Robert-André Mauchin <zebob.m@gmail.com> - 2.1.9-1

+ - First package for Fedora


@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ 

+ # Minimal Go source code packaging template.

+ #

+ # This template documents the minimal set of spec declarations, necessary to

+ # publish Go source code to other packages. The sister “go-1-source-full”

+ # template documents less common declarations; read it if your needs exceed

+ # this file.

+ #

+ # All the “go-*-” spec templates complement one another without documentation

+ # overlaps. Try to read them all.

+ #

+ # The master Go import path of the project. Take the time to identify it

+ # accurately, changing it later will be inconvenient:

+ #  – it may differ from the repository URL;

+ #  – generally, the correct value will be the one used by the project in its

+ #    documentation, coding examples, and build assertions;

+ #  – use the gopkg import path for all code states when a project uses it.

+ # If upstream confused itself after multiple forks and renamings, you need to

+ # fix references to past names in the Go source files, unit tests included.

+ # Perform this fixing in “prep”.

+ %global goipath  

+ #

+ # “gometa” is a thin Go-specific wrapper around “forgemeta”. Therefore, define

+ # “version”, “tag”, “commit”… before the “gometa” line, as you would with

+ # “forgemeta”. Only define the rpm variables actually needed by the spec file.

+ #  – define “forgeurl”, including “https://” prefixing, if the import path

+ #    does not match the repository URL; otherwise it is not necessary,

+ %global forgeurl 

+ #  – move the Version: line before the “gometa” call if you are packaging a

+ #    release.

+ Version:         

+ %global tag      

+ %global commit   

+ #

+ # Like “forgemeta”, “gometa” accepts a “-i” flag to output the rpm variables it

+ # reads and sets. Most of those can be overriden before or after the “gometa”

+ # call. If you use “-i” , remove it before committing and pushing to the

+ # buildsystem.

+ # See the “forge” spec templates for detailed “forgemeta” documentation.

+ %gometa


+ # A space-separated list of shell globs matching the project license files.

+ %global golicenses      

+ # A space-separated list of shell globs matching the project documentation files.

+ # The Go rpm macros will pick up “.md” files by default without this.

+ %global godocs          


+ # A multiline description block shared between subpackages

+ %global common_description %{expand:

+ }


+ # The following lines use “go*” variables computed by gometa as default values.

+ # You can replace them with manual definitions. For example, replace “gourl”

+ # with the project homepage if it exists separately from the repository URL. Be

+ # careful to only replace “go*” variables when it adds value to the specfile

+ # and you understand the consequences. Otherwise you will just add

+ # maintenance-intensive discrepancies in the distribution.

+ Name:    %{goname}

+ # If not set before

+ Version: 

+ Release: 1%{?dist}

+ Summary: 

+ URL:	   %{gourl}

+ Source0: %{gosource}

+ %description

+ %{common_description}


+ # Generate package declarations for all known kinds of Go subpackages.

+ # You can replace if with “godevelpkg” to generate Go devel subpackages only.

+ %gopkg


+ %prep

+ # “goprep” unpacks the Go source archives and creates the project “GOPATH” tree

+ # used in the rest of the spec file. It removes vendored (bundled) code:

+ #  – use the “-k” flag if you wish to keep this vendored code, and deal with the

+ #    consequences in the rest of the spec.

+ #  – use the “-e” flag if you wish to perform extraction yourself, and just use

+ #    the “GOPATH” creation logic.

+ %goprep

+ #

+ # “goprep” only performs basic vendoring detection. It will miss inventive ways

+ # to vendor code. Remove manually missed vendor code, after the “goprep” line.

+ # “goprep” will not fix upstream sources for you. Since all the macro calls that

+ # follow “goprep” assume clean problem-free sources, you need to correct them

+ # just after the “goprep” line:

+ #  – replace calls to deprecated import paths with their correct value

+ #  – patch code problems

+ #  – remove dead code (some upstreams deliberately ship broken source code in

+ #    the hope someone will get around to fix it)

+ # Remember to send fixes and problem reports upstream.

+ # When you package an import path, that participates in a dependency loop, you

+ # need bootstraping to manage the initial builds:

+ # https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/#bootstrapping

+ # For Go code, that means your bootstrap section should:

+ #  – remove unit tests that import other parts of the loop

+ #  – remove code that imports other parts of the loop

+ # Sometimes one can resolve dependency loops just by splitting specific

+ # subdirectories in a separate -devel subpackage. See also the “go-6-multi”

+ # template.

+ #


+ # Anything outputed in this rpm section will be installed in the build

+ # environment by mock

+ %generate_buildrequires

+ # “go_generate_buildrequires” computes the build dependencies of the packaged

+ # Go code. Right now, it only knows how to compute version-less dependencies.

+ # If that is not good enough for you you need to filter and rework its output.

+ %go_generate_buildrequires


+ %install

+ # Perform installation steps for all known kinds of Go subpackages

+ # You can replace if with “godevelinstall” to process Go devel subpackages only

+ %gopkginstall


+ %check

+ # “gocheck” runs all the unit tests found in the project. This is useful to catch

+ # API breakage early. Unfortunately, the following kinds of unit tests are

+ # incompatible with a secure build environment:

+ #  – tests that call a remote server or API over the Internet,

+ #  – tests that attempt to reconfigure the system,

+ #  – tests that rely on a specific app running on the system, like a database

+ #    or syslog server.

+ # You can disable those tests with the following exclusion flags, that can be

+ # repeated:

+ #  – “-d <directory>”     exclude the files contained in <directory>

+ #                         not recursive (subdirectories are not excluded)

+ #  – “-t <tree root>”     exclude the files contained in <tree root>

+ #                         recursive (subdirectories are excluded)

+ #  – “-r <regexp>”        exclude files matching <regexp>,

+ # If a test is broken for some other reason, you can disable it

+ # the same way. However, you should also report the problem upstream.

+ # Remember to trace in a comment why each check was disabled, with links to

+ # eventual upstream problem reports.

+ %gocheck


+ # Generate file sections for all known kinds of Go subpackages

+ # You can replace if with “godevelfiles” to process Go devel subpackages only

+ %gopkgfiles


+ %changelog


@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ 

+ # Complete Go source code packaging template.

+ #

+ # This template complements “go-0-source-minimal”, with less usual spec

+ # declarations.

+ #

+ # All the “go-*-” spec templates complement one another without documentation

+ # overlaps. Try to read them all.

+ #

+ %global goipath  

+ Version:         

+ %global tag      

+ %global commit   

+ #

+ # A compatibility id that should be used in the package naming. It will change

+ # the generated “goname” to something derived from

+ # compat-golang-goipath-gocid-devel.

+ # “gocids” are used to disambiguate compatibility packages from the package

+ # tracking the recommended distribution version. Usual values:

+ #  – the version major (if different),

+ #  – a shortened commit tag such as

+ #    %{lua:print(string.sub(rpm.expand("%{?commit}"), 1, 7))}

+ %global gocid    

+ %gometa


+ # rpm variables used to tweak the generated golang-*devel package.

+ # Most of them won’t be needed by the average Go spec file.

+ #

+ # A space-separated list of Go import paths to include. Unless specified

+ # otherwise the first element in the list will be used to name the subpackage.

+ # (by default, “goipath”)

+ %global goipaths        

+ # A space-separated list of Go import paths to exclude. Usually, subsets of the

+ # elements in goipaths.

+ %global goipathsex      

+ # A compatibility id that should be used in the package naming.

+ # (by default, “gocid”)

+ %global godevelcid      

+ # A value that will replace the computed subpackage name.

+ # (by default “gorpmname-devel”)

+ %global godevelname     

+ # The subpackage summary.

+ # (by default, “summary”)

+ %global godevelsummary  

+ # A container for additional subpackage declarations.

+ %global godevelheader %{expand:

+ Requires:  

+ Obsoletes: 

+ }

+ # The subpackage base description.

+ # (by default, “common_description”)

+ %global godeveldescription %{expand:

+ }

+ %global golicenses      

+ # A space-separated list of shell globs matching files you wish to exclude from

+ # license lists.

+ %global golicensesex    

+ %global godocs          

+ # A space-separated list of shell globs matching files you wish to exclude from

+ # documentation lists. Only works for “godocs”-specified files.

+ %global godocsex        

+ # A space separated list of extentions that should be included in the devel

+ # package in addition to Go default file extensions.

+ %global goextensions    

+ # A space-separated list of shell globs matching other files to include in the

+ # devel package.

+ %global gosupfiles      

+ # A space-separated list of shell globs matching other files ou wish to exclude from

+ # package lists. Only works with “gosupfiles”-specified files.

+ %global gosupfilesex    

+ # The filelist name associated with the subpackage. Setting this should never

+ # be necessary unless the default name clashes with something else.

+ %global godevelfilelist 


+ %global common_description %{expand:

+ }


+ Name:    %{goname}

+ # If not set before

+ Version: 

+ Release: 1%{?dist}

+ Summary: 

+ URL:	   %{gourl}

+ Source0: %{gosource}

+ %description

+ %{common_description}


+ %gopkg


+ %prep

+ %goprep


+ %generate_buildrequires

+ %go_generate_buildrequires


+ %install

+ %gopkginstall


+ %check

+ %gocheck


+ %gopkgfiles


+ %changelog


@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ 

+ # Minimal Go alternative import path packaging template.

+ #

+ # Sometimes Go projects keep importing deprecated import path names, or use

+ # forks with different names. Ideally, all codebases should be fixed to use the

+ # current canonical import path, but that is not always possible.

+ #

+ # This template documents the minimal set of spec declarations, necessary to

+ # publish alternative Go import paths to other packages. The sister

+ # “go-3-alternative import-path-full” template documents less common

+ # declarations; read it if your needs exceed this file.

+ #

+ # All the “go-*-” spec templates complement one another without documentation

+ # overlaps. Try to read them all.

+ #

+ # Simulating other import paths prevents the duplicate packaging of the a

+ # codebase when packagers do not notice an import path has been renamed. It

+ # keeps spec files that refer to the old name working. Those should still be

+ # fixed to use the new name as soon as possible.

+ #

+ %global goipath  

+ Version:         

+ %global tag      

+ %global commit   

+ %gometa


+ %global golicenses      

+ %global godocs          


+ # A space-separated list of import paths to simulate. Without this nothing will

+ # happen.

+ %global goaltipaths     


+ %global common_description %{expand:

+ }


+ Name:    %{goname}

+ # If not set before

+ Version: 

+ Release: 1%{?dist}

+ Summary: 

+ URL:	 %{gourl}

+ Source0: %{gosource}

+ %description

+ %{common_description}


+ # Generate package declarations for all known kinds of Go subpackages. You can

+ # replace if with separate “goaltpkg” and “godevelpkg” calls.

+ %gopkg


+ %prep

+ %goprep


+ %generate_buildrequires

+ %go_generate_buildrequires


+ %install

+ # Perform installation steps for all known kinds of Go subpackages. You can

+ # replace if with separate “goaltinstall” and “godevelinstall” calls.

+ %gopkginstall


+ %check

+ %gocheck


+ # Generate file sections for all known kinds of Go subpackages. You can replace

+ # if with separate “goaltfiles” and “godevelfiles” calls.

+ %gopkgfiles


+ %changelog


@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ 

+ # Complete Go alternative import path packaging template.

+ #

+ # This template complements “go-2-alternative import-path-minimal”, with less

+ # usual spec declarations.

+ #

+ # All the “go-*-” spec templates complement one another without documentation

+ # overlaps. Try to read them all.

+ #

+ %global goipath  

+ %global forgeurl 

+ Version:         

+ %global tag      

+ %global commit   

+ %global gocid    

+ %gometa


+ %global goipaths        

+ %global goipathsex      

+ %global godevelcid      

+ %global godevelname     

+ %global godevelsummary  

+ %global godevelheader %{expand:

+ Requires:  

+ Obsoletes: 

+ }

+ %global golicenses      

+ %global golicensesex    

+ %global godocs          

+ %global godocsex        

+ %global goextensions    

+ %global gosupfiles      

+ %global gosupfilesex    

+ %global godevelfilelist 


+ %global goaltipaths     

+ #

+ # rpm variables used to tweak the generated compat-golang-*devel packages.

+ # Most of them won’t be needed by the average Go spec file.

+ #

+ # The import path that will be linked to.

+ # (by default, “goipath”)

+ %global gocanonipath    

+ # A compatibility id that should be used in the package naming.

+ # (by default, “gocid”)

+ %global goaltcid        

+ # The subpackage summary;

+ # (by default, “summary”)

+ %global goaltsummary    

+ # A container for additional subpackage declarations.

+ %global goaltheader      %{expand:

+ Requires:  

+ Obsoletes: 

+ }

+ # The subpackage base description;

+ # (by default, “common_description”)

+ %global goaltdescription %{expand:

+ }


+ %global common_description %{expand:

+ }


+ Name:    %{goname}

+ # If not set before

+ Version: 

+ Release: 1%{?dist}

+ Summary: 

+ URL:	 %{gourl}

+ Source0: %{gosource}

+ %description

+ %{common_description}


+ %gopkg


+ %prep

+ %goprep


+ %generate_buildrequires

+ %go_generate_buildrequires


+ %install

+ %gopkginstall


+ %check

+ %gocheck


+ %gopkgfiles


+ %changelog


@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ 

+ # Minimal Go binary packaging template.

+ #

+ # This template documents the minimal set of spec declarations, necessary to

+ # package Go projects that produce binaries. The sister “go-5-binary-full”

+ # template documents less common declarations; read it if your needs exceed

+ # this file.

+ #

+ # All the “go-*-” spec templates complement one another without documentation

+ # overlaps. Try to read them all.

+ #

+ # Building Go binaries is less automated than the rest of our Go packaging and

+ # requires more manual work.

+ #

+ %global goipath  

+ Version:         

+ %global tag      

+ %global commit   

+ %gometa


+ %global _docdir_fmt     %{name}


+ %global golicenses      

+ %global godocs          

+ %global godevelheader %{expand:

+ # The devel package will usually benefit from corresponding project binaries.

+ Requires:  %{name} = %{version}-%{release}

+ Obsoletes:

+ }


+ %global common_description %{expand:

+ }


+ # If one of the produced binaries is widely known it should be used to name the

+ # package instead of “goname”. Separate built binaries in different subpackages

+ # if needed.

+ Name:    %{goname}

+ Version: 

+ Release: 1%{?dist}

+ Summary: 

+ URL:	 %{gourl}

+ Source0: %{gosource}

+ %description

+ %{common_description}


+ %gopkg


+ %prep

+ %goprep


+ %generate_buildrequires

+ %go_generate_buildrequires


+ %build

+ # You need to identify manually the project parts that can be built, and how to

+ # name the result. Practically, it’s any directory containing a main() Go

+ # section. Nice projects put those in “cmd” subdirectories named after the

+ # command that will be built, which is what we will document here, but it is

+ # not a general rule. Sometimes the whole “goipath” builds as a single binary.

+ for cmd in cmd/* ; do

+   %gobuild -o %{gobuilddir}/bin/$(basename $cmd) %{goipath}/$cmd

+ done


+ %install

+ %gopkginstall

+ install -m 0755 -vd                     %{buildroot}%{_bindir}

+ install -m 0755 -vp %{gobuilddir}/bin/* %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/


+ %check

+ %gocheck


+ %files

+ %license %{golicenses}

+ %doc     

+ %{_bindir}/*


+ %gopkgfiles


+ %changelog


@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ 

+ # Complete Go binary packaging template.

+ #

+ # This template complements “go-5-binary-minimal”, with less usual spec

+ # declarations.

+ #

+ # All the “go-*-” spec templates complement one another without documentation

+ # overlaps. Try to read them all

+ #

+ %global goipath  

+ %global forgeurl 

+ Version:         

+ %global tag      

+ %global commit   

+ %global gocid    

+ %gometa


+ %global _docdir_fmt     %{name}


+ %global goipaths        

+ %global goipathsex      

+ %global godevelcid      

+ %global godevelname     

+ %global godevelsummary  

+ %global godevelheader %{expand:

+ Requires:  %{name} = %{version}-%{release}

+ Obsoletes: 

+ }

+ %global golicenses      

+ %global golicensesex    

+ %global godocs          

+ %global godocsex        

+ %global goextensions    

+ %global gosupfiles      

+ %global gosupfilesex    

+ %global godevelfilelist 


+ %global goaltipaths     

+ %global gocannonipath   

+ %global goaltcid        

+ %global goaltsummary    

+ %global goaltheader      %{expand:

+ Requires:  

+ Obsoletes: 

+ }

+ %global goaltdescription %{expand:

+ }


+ %global common_description %{expand:

+ }



+ Name:    %{goname}

+ # If not set before

+ Version: 

+ Release: 1%{?dist}

+ Summary: 

+ URL:	 %{gourl}

+ Source0: %{gosource}

+ %description

+ %{common_description}


+ %gopkg


+ %prep

+ %goprep


+ %generate_buildrequires

+ %go_generate_buildrequires


+ %build

+ for cmd in cmd/* ; do

+   %gobuild -o %{gobuilddir}/bin/$(basename $cmd) %{goipath}/$cmd

+ done


+ %install

+ %gopkginstall

+ install -m 0755 -vd                     %{buildroot}%{_bindir}

+ install -m 0755 -vp %{gobuilddir}/bin/* %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/


+ %check

+ %gocheck


+ %files

+ %license %{golicenses}

+ %doc     

+ %{_bindir}/*


+ %gopkgfiles


+ %changelog


@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@ 

+ # This template documents advanced Go packaging with multiples of everything.

+ # Don’t try it before you understand how simpler Go packaging is done.

+ #

+ # All the “go-*-” spec templates complement one another without documentation

+ # overlaps. Try to read them all.

+ #

+ # Don’t hesitate to use “rpmspec -P <specfile>” to check the generated code.

+ #

+ # You can refer to several upstream archives using the “-a” “gometa” flag and

+ # blocks of declarations suffixed by a block number, like with “forgemeta”.

+ # No suffix or zero suffix refers to the main archive. Refer to the forge-multi

+ # template for more detailed information.


+ # VERSION-LOCKED WITH THE OTHERS. That will produce broken rpm versionning and

+ # broken upgrade paths. It is always simpler and safer to package separate

+ # projects with separate spec files.

+ #

+ # Main archive

+ %global goipath0  

+ %global forgeurl0 

+ Version:          

+ %global tag0      

+ %global commit0   

+ %global gocid0    

+ #

+ # Second archive

+ %global goipath1  

+ %global forgeurl1 

+ %global version1  

+ %global tag1      

+ %global commit1   

+ %global gocid1    

+ #

+ # Continue as necessary…

+ #

+ # Alternatively, you can use the “-z <number>” “gometa” argument to process a

+ # specific declaration block only.

+ %gometa -a


+ %global _docdir_fmt     %{name}


+ # Likewise, you can declare several devel subpackages, either one by source

+ # archive or with any other import path layout.

+ #

+ # First golang-*-devel subpackage.

+ #

+ # If unset, and no “goipaths<number>” is defined in the spec, fallbacks to

+ # “goipath<number>”

+ %global goipaths0        

+ %global goipathsex0      

+ %global godevelcid0      

+ %global godevelname0     

+ %global godevelsummary0  

+ %global godevelheader0 %{expand:

+ Requires:  

+ Obsoletes: 

+ }

+ %global golicenses0      

+ %global golicensesex0    

+ %global godocs0          

+ %global godocsex0        

+ %global goextensions0    

+ %global gosupfiles0      

+ %global gosupfilesex0    

+ %global godevelfilelist0 

+ #

+ # Second golang-*-devel subpackage.

+ %global goipaths1        

+ %global goipathsex1      

+ %global godevelcid1      

+ %global godevelname1     

+ %global godevelsummary1  

+ %global godevelheader1 %{expand:

+ Requires:  

+ Obsoletes: 

+ }

+ %global golicenses1      

+ %global golicensesex1    

+ %global godocs1          

+ %global godocsex1        

+ %global goextensions1    

+ %global gosupfiles1      

+ %global gosupfilesex1    

+ %global godevelfilelist1 

+ #

+ # Continue as necessary…



+ # Likewise, you can declare several alternative name sets that will generate

+ # the corresponding compat-golang-*-devel subpackages

+ #

+ # First compat-golang-*-devel subpackage set.

+ %global goaltipaths0      

+ # If unset, and no “gocanonipath<number>” is defined in the spec, fallbacks to

+ # “goipath<number>”

+ %global gocanonipath0     

+ %global goaltsummary0     

+ %global goaltheader0      %{expand:

+ Requires:  

+ Obsoletes: 

+ }

+ %global goaltdescription0 %{expand:

+ }

+ #

+ # Second compat-golang-*-devel subpackage set.

+ %global goaltipaths1      

+ %global gocanonipath1     

+ %global goaltsummary1     

+ %global goaltheader1      %{expand:

+ Requires:  

+ Obsoletes: 

+ }

+ %global goaltdescription1 %{expand:

+ }

+ #

+ # Continue as necessary…


+ %global common_description %{expand:

+ }


+ # Use usual naming rules when generating binaries.

+ Name:    %{goname}

+ # If not set before

+ Version: 

+ Release: 1%{?dist}

+ Summary: 

+ URL:	 %{gourl}

+ # One for each of the previous goipath blocks

+ Source0: %{gosource0}

+ Source1: %{gosource1}

+ # …

+ %description

+ %{common_description}


+ # “gopkg” will generate all the subpackages package declarations corresponding

+ # to the elements declared above.

+ # You can replace “gopkg” with “godevelpkg” and “goaltpkg” calls for finer

+ # control.

+ # “godevelpkg” and “goaltpkg” accept the usual selection arguments:

+ # – “-a”          process everything

+ # – “-z <number>” process a specific declaration block

+ # If no flag is specified they only process the zero/nosuffix block.

+ %gopkg


+ %prep

+ # “%goprep” and “go_generate_buildrequires” accept the usual selection arguments:

+ # – “-a”          process everything

+ # – “-z <number>” process a specific declaration block

+ # If no flag is specified they only process the zero/nosuffix block.

+ %goprep -a


+ %generate_buildrequires

+ %go_generate_buildrequires -a


+ %build

+ # When your spec processes multiple Go source archives, you need to call

+ # “goenv” with the correct “-z <number>” argument before invoquing “%gobuild”.

+ # Otherwise the binaries risk being built with parameters corresponding to

+ # another source archive.

+ for cmd in cmd/* ; do

+   %gobuild -o %{gobuilddir}/bin/$(basename $cmd) %{goipath}/$cmd

+ done


+ %install

+ # You can replace “gopkginstall” with  “godevelinstall” and “goaltinstall”

+ # calls for finer control.

+ # “godevelinstall” and “goaltinstall” accept the usual selection arguments:

+ # – “-a”          process everything

+ # – “-z <number>” process a specific declaration block

+ # If no flag is specified they only process the zero/nosuffix block.

+ %gopkginstall


+ install -m 0755 -vd                     %{buildroot}%{_bindir}

+ install -m 0755 -vp %{gobuilddir}/bin/* %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/


+ %check

+ %gocheck


+ %files

+ %license 

+ %doc     

+ %{_bindir}/*


+ # You can replace “gopkgfiles” with  “godevelfiles” and  “goaltfiles”

+ # calls for finer control.

+ # “godevelfiles” and “goaltfiles” accept the usual selection arguments:

+ # – “-a”          process everything

+ # – “-z <number>” process a specific declaration block

+ # If no flag is specified they only process the zero/nosuffix block.

+ %gopkgfiles


+ %changelog


@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ 

+ # This template documents old-style semi-manual Go packaging. This packaging

+ # mode provides the most packager control. However, the result is also more

+ # difficult to get right and to maintain.

+ #

+ # Using this packaging mode is not recommended unless you really need it. If

+ # you prepare your sources correctly in prep you should not need it.

+ #

+ # All the “go-*-” spec templates complement one another without documentation

+ # overlaps. Try to read them all..

+ #

+ %global goipath  

+ %global forgeurl 

+ Version:         

+ %global tag      

+ %global commit   

+ %gometa


+ # Old naming of the same project

+ %global oldgoipath xxxx

+ %global oldgoname  %gorpmname %{oldgoipath}


+ %global common_description %{expand:

+ }


+ Name:    %{goname}

+ # If not set before

+ Version: 

+ Release: 1%{?dist}

+ Summary: 

+ URL:	 %{gourl}

+ Source0: %{gosource}

+ %description

+ %{common_description}


+ %package -n %{goname}-devel

+ Summary: %{summary}


+ # If the package builds some binaries

+ Requires:  %{name} = %{version}-%{release}


+ %description -n %{goname}-devel

+ %{common_description}


+ This package contains the source code needed for building packages that

+ reference the following Go import paths:

+  –  %{goipath}


+ # If you’ve defined an alternative go name

+ %package -n compat-%{oldgoname}-devel

+ Summary:   %{summary}

+ Obsoletes: %{oldgoname}-devel < %{version}-%{release}


+ %description -n compat-%{oldgoname}-devel

+ %{common_description}


+ This package provides symbolic links that alias the following Go import paths

+ to %{goipath}:

+  – %{oldgoipath}


+ Aliasing Go import paths via symbolic links or http redirects is fragile. If

+ your Go code depends on this package, you should patch it to import directly

+ %{goipath}.


+ %prep

+ %goprep


+ %generate_buildrequires

+ %go_generate_buildrequires


+ %install

+ # goinstall is our Go source installation workhorse. It accepts a huge and

+ # bewildering array of arguments. Most of those have good default values,

+ # changing them is more likely to compound existing spec problems than fix

+ # anything.

+ #

+ # Selection arguments, that can not be repeated:

+ #  – “-a”                  process everything

+ #  – “-z <number>”         process a specific declaration block

+ #  – “-i <go import path>” use the specified import path value

+ #                          default: %{goipath<number>}

+ #

+ # If no “-a”, “-z” or “-i ”flag is specified goinstall will only process the

+ # zero/nosuffix Go import path.

+ #

+ # Miscellaneous settings:

+ #  – “-b <bindir>”         read binaries already produced in <bindir>

+ #                          default: %{gobuilddir}/bin

+ #  – “-s <sourcedir>”      read expanded and prepared Go sources in

+ #                          <sourcedir>/src

+ #                          <sourcedir> should be populated in %prep

+ #                          default: %{gobuilddir}

+ #  – “-o <filename>”       output installed file list in <filename>

+ #                          default: %{gofilelist<number>}

+ #  – “-O <directory>”      output <filename> in <directory>

+ #  – “-l <ldflags>”        add those flags to LDFLAGS when building unit tests

+ #  – “-v”                  be verbose

+ #

+ # Inclusion arguments, that can be repeated:

+ #  – “-e <extension>”      include files with the provided extension

+ #

+ # Exclusion ar²guments, that can be repeated, relative to the go import path

+ # root:

+ #  – “-d <directory>”      exclude the files contained in <directory>

+ #                          not recursive (subdirectories are not excluded)

+ #  – “-t <tree root>”      exclude the files contained in <tree root>

+ #                          recursive (subdirectories are excluded)

+ #  – “-r <regexp>”         exclude files matching <regexp>,

+ #

+ # Optional versionning metadata, that can not be repeated:

+ #  – “-V <version>”        should only be specified when creating subpackages

+ #                          with distinct versions. Excellent tool for producing

+ #                          broken packages.

+ #                          default: %{version}.%{release}

+ #  – “-T <tag>”            default: %{tag<number>}

+ #  – “-C <commit>”         default: %{commit<number>}

+ #  – “-B <branch>”         default: %{branch<number>}

+ #

+ %goinstall

+ #

+ # Old name aliasing

+ install -m 0755 -vd %{buildroot}%{gopath}/src/%(dirname %{oldgoipath})

+ ln -s %{gopath}/src/%{goipath} %{buildroot}%{gopath}/src/%{oldgoipath}

+ #

+ install -m 0755 -vd                     %{buildroot}%{_bindir}

+ install -m 0755 -vp %{gobuilddir}/bin/* %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/


+ %check

+ %gocheck


+ %files

+ %license 

+ %{_bindir}/*


+ %files -n %{goname}-devel -f %{gofilelist}


+ %files -n compat-%{oldgoname}-devel

+ # You need as many of those as necessary to own the levels of directories

+ # between %{gopath}/src and %{gopath}/src/%{oldgoipath}, that are not already

+ # owned by the %{goname}-devel subpackage

+ %dir %{gopath}/src/%(dirname %(dirname %{oldgoipath}))

+ %dir %{gopath}/src/%(dirname %{oldgoipath})

+ %{gopath}/src/%{oldgoipath}


+ %changelog


@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ 

  ** xref:C_and_C++.adoc[C and {cpp}]

  ** xref:D.adoc[D]

  ** xref:Fortran.adoc[Fortran]

+ ** xref:Golang.adoc[Golang]

+ *** xref:Golang_advanced.adoc[Advanced uses cases]

+ *** xref:Golang_templates.adoc[Additional annotated templates]

  ** xref:Haskell.adoc[Haskell]

  ** xref:Java.adoc[Java]

  *** xref:java-packaging-howto:ROOT:index.adoc[Java Packaging HOWTO]

@@ -0,0 +1,725 @@ 

+ = Golang Packaging Guidelines

+ :last-reviewed: 2019-06-19

+ :toc:


+ This document details best practices for packaging Golang packages. Most of it

+ is automated by an extensive use of macros.


+ https://pagure.io/GoSIG/[go2rpm] is tool that automates many of these steps.

+ It is advisable to try `+go2rpm import_path+` first

+ before attempting to write a SPEC by hand.


+ == Import Path


+ In Golang, packages are referenced by full URLs. Since this URL is

+ referenced in several places throughout the rpmspec, set the

+ base import path as a global define at the top of the spec file


+ [source,RPMSpec]

+ ----

+ %global goipath     github.com/kr/pretty

+ ----


+ All macros, including package name, source URL, will be computed from this

+ value.


+ [NOTE]

+ ====

+ *Take the time to identify it accurately.* Changing it later will be

+ inconvenient.


+ * it may differ from the repository URL;

+ * generally, the correct value will be the one used by the project in its

+ documentation, coding examples, and build assertions;

+ * use the gopkg import path for all code states when a project uses it.


+ If upstream confused itself after multiple forks and renamings, you will need

+ to fix references to past names in the Go source files, unit tests included.

+ Perform this fixing in `+%prep+`.

+ ====


+ == Naming


+ === Source packages (src.rpm)


+ * Golang source packages MUST be named after their main import path.

+ This

+ process is automated by the `+%{goname}+` macro.

+ This macro will remove any capitalization, "go" keywords, and any duplication in

+ the import path.

+ +

+ For example:

+ +

+ --

+ ** the import path `+github.com/kr/pretty+` will become

+ `+golang-github-kr-pretty+`

+ ** the import path `+github.com/DATA-DOG/go-txdb+` will become

+ `+golang-github-data-dog-txdb+`

+ ** the import path `+github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs+` will become

+ `+golang-github-gopherjs+`

+ --


+ +

+ The filename of spec MUST match the name of the package.


+ +

+ If you're not sure what will the name processed by the `+%{goname}+` macro be,

+ simply build the SRPM with:



+  fedpkg --release f31 srpm


+ +

+ The SRPM filename will be the one to use in your rpmspec and spec filename.


+ * Source packages that provide a well-known application such as `+etcd+`

+ MUST be named after the application.

+ End users do not care about the language their applications are written in. But

+ do not name packages after an obscure utility binary that happens to be built by

+ the package.



+ ==== Implementation: `+%{gorpmname}+`


+ `+%gometa+` uses the `+%{gorpmname}+` macro to compute the main `+%{goname}+`

+ from `+%{goipath}+`.


+ [NOTE]

+ ====

+ *`+%{gorpmname}+` can produce collisions*


+ `+%{gorpmname}+` tries to compute human-friendly and rpm-compatible naming from

+ Go import paths. It simplifies them, removing redundancies and common

+ qualifiers.

+ As a result it is possible for two different import paths to produce the same

+ result. In that case, feel free to adjust this result manually to avoid the

+ collision.

+ ====


+ === Go code packages: `+%{goname}-devel+`

+ ==== In a source package dedicated to providing Go code


+ Packages that ship Go code in `+%{goipath}+` should be named

+ `+%{goname}-devel+`.

+ If your source package is already named `+%{goname}+`, that is easily achieved

+ with:


+ [source,RPMSpec]

+ ----

+ %package devel

+ […]

+ %description devel

+ […]

+ %files devel -f devel.file-list

+ ----


+ ==== In a another kind of source package


+ If your source package is named something other than `+%{goname}+`, you SHOULD

+ use:


+ [source,RPMSpec]

+ ----

+ %package -n %{goname}-devel

+ […]

+ %description -n %{goname}-devel

+ […]

+ %files -n %{goname}-devel -f devel.file-list

+ ----


+ ==== Separate code packages


+ And, finally, if you wish to split the project Go code in multiple packages,

+ you can compute the corresponding names with:


+ [source,RPMSpec]

+ ----

+ %global goname1 %gorpmname importpath1

+ […]

+ %package -n %{goname1}-devel

+ […]

+ %description -n %{goname1}-devel

+ […]

+ %files -n %{goname1}-devel -f %{goname1}.file-list

+ ----


+ See also the xref:Golang_advanced.adoc#_dealing_with_cyclic_dependencies[Dealing with cyclic dependencies]

+ chapter.


+ Do remember that for Go, each directory is a package. Never separate the .go

+ files contained in a single directory in different packages.


+ ==== Import path compatibility packages: `+%{compat-%{oldgoname}-devel}+`


+ When a project can be referenced under multiple import paths, due to forks,

+ renamings, rehostings, organizational changes, or confusing project

+ documentation, it is possible to generate compatibility sub-packages to

+ connect code that uses one of the other import paths to the canonical one.


+ The canonical import path SHOULD always be the one referenced in the project

+ documentation.

+ However some projects do not document import path changes, and rely on HTTPS

+ redirections (for example https://github.com/docker/docker →

+ https://github.com/moby/moby).

+ Such a redirection is a sufficient indicator the canonical import path has

+ changed (but please make sure with upstream).


+ The new import path SHOULD be reflected in `+%{goipath}+` and compatibility

+ import paths MUST be declared with the `+goaltipaths+` macro:


+ [source,RPMSpec]

+ ----

+ # A space-separated list of import paths to simulate.

+ %global goaltipaths

+ ----


+ For example, the Go library `+github.com/Sirupsen/logrus+` was renamed

+ `+github.com/sirupsen/logrus+` and the documentatuon reflects this new import

+ path.

+ The packager SHOULD thus request a renaming of his package with a new import

+ path and a compatibility import path:


+ [source,RPMSpec]

+ ----

+ %global goipath     github.com/sirupsen/logrus

+ %global goaltipaths github.com/Sirupsen/logrus

+ ----


+ If a project has gone through multiple rename, multiple compatibility import

+ paths can be specified as well.


+ [NOTE]

+ ====

+ *Never defer renamings*


+ Packagers MUST NOT use import path compatibility sub-packages to alias the

+ canonical import path to one of the previous namings.

+ Packagers MUST apply upstream renaming choices to the main `+%{goipath}+` spec

+ variable and

+ everything that derives from it, such as `+%{goname}+`.

+ Deferred renamings introduce friction with upstream and other packagers.

+ ====


+ === Go binary packages


+ The binaries produced by your rpmspec SHOULD generally be listed in the main

+ package. However, if you want a more appropriate name or split binaries among

+ different packages, you can create additional binary subpackage.

+ Of course these package MUST NOT be noarch.


+ For example we can create the package bbolt that will contain the binary

+ of the same name:


+ [source,RPMSpec]

+ ----

+ %package -n bbolt

+ […]

+ %description -n bbolt

+ […]

+ %files -n bbolt

+ %license LICENSE

+ %{_bindir}/bbolt

+ ----


+ == Versioning


+ Many Go libraries do not use package versions or have regular releases and

+ are instead maintained in public version control.

+ In this case, follow the standard Fedora version conventions. This means that

+ often Go packages will have a version number of `+0+` and a release number like

+ `+0.10.20190319git27435c6+`.


+ Most of this process is automated by macros so that you don't have to specify

+ the release number yourself.


+ You first specify either a Version, tag or commit in the header.


+ [source,RPMSpec]

+ ----

+ Version:

+ %global tag

+ %global commit

+ ----


+ Then use the `+%gometa+` macro:


+  %gometa


+ The `+%gometa+` macro will automatically process the `+%{?dist}+` tag of the

+ `+Release+` field to take into account the commit if any.


+ [NOTE]

+ ====

+ *Commits vs releases*


+ You SHOULD package releases in priority.

+ Please reward the projects that make an effort to identify stable code states.

+ Only fall back to commits when the project does not release, when the release is

+ more than six months old, or if

+ you absolutely need one of the changes of a later commit.

+ In the later cases please inform the project politely of the reason you needed

+ to give up on their official releases.

+ Promoting releases is a way to limit incompatible commit hell.

+ ====


+ == Go Language Architectures


+ To compile on various architectures, golang and gcc-go compilers are available.

+ The golang compiler currently supports x86, x86_64, ppc64le, ppc64 (partially,

+ see upstream issue#13192), s390x, armv7hl and aarch64.


+ Binaries SHOULD set ExclusiveArch so that we only attempt to build packages on

+ those arches.

+ This is now automatically added by the `+%gometa+` macro by leveraging the

+ `+%{go_arches}+` macro.


+ == Dependencies


+ Packages MUST have `+BuildRequires: go-rpm-macros+`.


+ This is automated by the `+%gometa+` macro.



+ === Automatic Dependency Generation


+ Most of the `+golang-*+` packages are source code only.

+ The `+*-devel+` sub-package that includes the source code should explicitly have

+ provides for the golang imports that it includes.

+ These provides are automatically deduced from import paths.


+ Binary builds that include these imports will use them in BuildRequires,

+ for example:


+ [source,RPMSpec]

+ ----

+ BuildRequires: golang(github.com/gorilla/context)

+ ----


+ ===  Bundled or unbundled


+ At the moment golang projects packaged in Fedora SHOULD be unbundled by

+ default. It means projects are built from dependencies packaged in Fedora.


+ For some project it can be reasonable to build from bundled dependencies.

+ Every bundling needs a proper justification.



+ === BuildRequires


+ The BuildRequires of the project contains the dependencies needed by unit tests

+ and binaries.


+ You can gather them manually with `golist`.

+ For example:[[manual_br]]


+ [source,bash]

+ ----

+  export GOPATH=/home/user/go

+  export goipath="github.com/sirupsen/logrus"

+  go get $goipath

+  (sort -u | xargs -I{} echo "BuildRequires:  golang({})") <<< "$(

+   golist --imported --package-path $goipath --skip-self

+   golist --imported --package-path $goipath --skip-self --tests

+  )"

+ ----


+ outputs:


+ [source]

+ ----

+ BuildRequires:  golang(github.com/stretchr/testify/assert)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(github.com/stretchr/testify/require)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/terminal)

+ ----


+ If automatic buildrequires are available on your build target, you can use

+ the `+%go_generate_buildrequires+` macro in `+%generate_buildrequires+`:


+ [source,RPMSpec]

+ ----

+ %generate_buildrequires

+ %go_generate_buildrequires

+ ----


+ This macro leverages `+golist+` to gather build dependencies and tests

+ dependencies from the package source.


+ == Testing


+ You MUST run unit tests.

+ Due to the nature of Go development, especially the lack of use of semantic

+ versioning, API breakages are frequent.These need to be detected early and dealt

+ with upstream.


+ Some tests may be disabled, especially the following kinds of unit tests are

+ incompatible with a secure build environment such as mock:


+ * tests that call a remote server or API over the Internet,

+ * tests that attempt to reconfigure the system,

+ * tests that rely on a specific app running on the system, like a database

+ or syslog server.


+ If a test is broken for some other reason, you can disable it the same way.

+ However, you SHOULD also report the problem upstream. Remember to trace in a

+ comment why each check was disabled, with links to eventual upstream problem

+ reports.


+ == Walkthrough


+ This chapter will present a typical Go spec file step by step, with comments

+ and explanations.


+ === Spec preamble: `+%{goipath}+`, `+%{forgeurl}+` and `+%gometa+`


+ ==== Usual case


+ A Go package is identified by its import path. A Go spec file will therefore

+ start with the `+%{goipath}+` declaration. Don't get it wrong, it will control

+ the behaviour of the rest of the spec file.


+  %global goipath    google.golang.org/api


+ If your package is hosted on a forge like GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket or Pagure,

+ the hosting of the Go package will be automatically deduced from this variable

+ (typically by prefixing it with \https://). If that is not the case, you need

+ to declare explicitly the hosting URL with the `+%{forgeurl}+` macro


+  %global forgeurl    https://github.com/google/google-api-go-client


+ The `+%{forgeurl}+` declaration is followed by either `+Version+`, `+commit+` or

+ `+tag+`. Use the combination that matches your use-case.


+  %global commit     2dc3ad4d67ba9a37200c5702d36687a940df1111


+ [NOTE]

+ ====

+ You can also define `+date+` to override the mtime of the Source archive.

+ ====


+ Now that we have all the required variables, the `+%gometa+` macro can be run


+  %gometa


+ It will compute and set the following variables if they are not already set by

+ the packager:


+ goname::    an rpm-compatible package name derived from goipath

+ gosource::  a URL that can be used as SourceX: value

+ gourl::     a URL that can be used as URL: value


+ It will delegate processing to the `+%forgemeta+` macro for:


+ forgesource::       a URL that can be used as SourceX: value

+ forgesetupargs::    the correct arguments to pass to `+%setup+` for this source

+ used by `+%forgesetup+` and `+%forgeautosetup+`

+ archivename::       the source archive filename, without extensions

+ archiveext::        the source archive filename extensions, without leading dot

+ archiveurl::        the URL that can be used to download the source archive,

+ without renaming

+ topdir::            the source archive top directory (can be empty)

+ extractdir::        the source directory created inside `+%{_builddir}+` after

+ using `+%forgesetup+`, `+%forgeautosetup+` or `+%{forgesetupargs}+`

+ repo::              the repository name

+ owner::             the repository owner (if used by another computed variable)

+ shortcommit::       the commit hash clamping used by the forge, if any

+ scm::               the scm type, when packaging code snapshots: commits or tags

+ distprefix::        the prefix that needs adding to dist to trace non-release

+ packaging


+ Most of the computed variables are both overridable and optional.


+ Now we can add the remaining elements of the preamble. First, we can define a

+ multiline description block shared between subpackages:


+ [source,RPMSpec]

+ ----

+ %global common_description %{expand:

+ cmux is a generic Go library to multiplex connections based on their payload.

+ Using cmux, you can serve gRPC, SSH, HTTPS, HTTP, Go RPC, and pretty much any

+ other protocol on the same TCP listener.}

+ ----


+ This description MUST stay within 80 characters per line.


+ [NOTE]

+ ====

+ If you need specific devel summary and description, you can also define:


+ - `+%global godevelsummary+`

+ - `+%global godeveldescription+`

+ ====


+ Then we MUST specify the license files that will be added to the devel

+ subpackages:


+ `+%global golicenses+`: A space-separated list of shell globs matching the

+ project license files.


+ And the possible documentation that SHOULD be included:


+ `+%global godocs+`:  A space-separated list of shell globs matching the project

+ documentation files. The Go rpm macros will pick up “.md” files by default

+ without this.


+ [NOTE]

+ ====

+ You can also exclude files from `+%golicense+` and `+%godocs+` with:


+ - `+%global golicensesex+`

+ - `+%global godocsex+`


+ For example you might want to exclude `+INSTALL*+` files from `+%godocs+` as

+ these should not be provided.

+ ====


+ === Source package metadata: `+%{goname}+`, `+%{gourl}+` and `+%{gosource}+`


+ We can declare the usual rpm headers, using the values computed by `+%gometa+`:


+ [source,RPMSpec]

+ ----

+ Name:      %{goname}

+ # If not set before

+ Version:

+ Release:   1%{?dist}

+ Summary:

+ License:

+ URL:       %{gourl}

+ Source0:   %{gosource}

+ ----


+ You can replace them with manual definitions.

+ For example, replace `+%{gourl}+` with the project homepage if it exists

+ separately from the repository URL.

+ Be careful to only replace `+%{go*}+` variables when it adds value to the

+ specfile and you understand the consequences. Otherwise you will just add

+ maintenance-intensive discrepancies in the distribution.


+ === BuildRequires


+ If they are not automatically generated, you can now add the dependencies needed

+ for package building and unit testings:


+ [source,RPMSpec]

+ ----

+ BuildRequires:  golang(github.com/stretchr/testify/assert)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(github.com/stretchr/testify/require)

+ BuildRequires:  golang(golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/terminal)

+ ----


+ See <<manual_br,this section>> on how to get the BuildRequires list manually.


+ === Description


+ Now add the main package description:


+ [source,RPMSpec]

+ ----

+ %description

+ %{common_description}

+ ----


+ === Package metadata


+ The process of declaring Go code packages has been automated with the

+ `+%{gopkg}+` macro. It will automatically generate a `+%package+` and

+ `+%description+` for all primary import paths and compatibility ones.


+  %gopkg


+ If you only need to generate Go devel subpackages without compat, use:


+  %godevelpkg


+ If necessary, you can then define one or multiple Go packages that will

+ contain the binaries being built. See the previous <<Go binary packages>>

+ section.


+ === %prep: `+%goprep+` , removing vendoring


+ `+%goprep+` unpacks the Go source archives and creates the project “GOPATH” tree

+ used in the rest of the spec file. It removes vendored (bundled) code:

+ use the `+-k+` flag if you wish to keep this vendored code, and deal with the

+ consequences in the rest of the spec.


+  %goprep


+ `+%goprep+` only performs basic vendoring detection. It will miss inventive ways

+ to vendor code. Remove manually missed vendor code after the `+%goprep+` line.


+ `+%goprep+` will not fix upstream sources for you. Since all the macro calls

+ that follow `+%goprep+` assume clean problem-free sources, you need to correct

+ them just after the `+%goprep+` line:


+ * replace calls to deprecated import paths with their correct value

+ * patch code problems

+ * remove dead code (some upstreams deliberately ship broken source code in

+ the hope someone will get around to fix it)


+ [NOTE]

+ ====

+ You SHOULD send fixes and problem reports upstream. Any patch used

+ SHOULD contain a link to an upstream bug report or merge request. At minimum,

+ a comment SHOULD be added to explain the patch rationale.

+ ====


+ When you package an import path, that participates in a dependency loop, you

+ need bootstrapping to manage the initial builds:

+ https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/#bootstrapping

+ For Go code, that means your bootstrap section should:


+ * remove unit tests that import other parts of the loop

+ * remove code that imports other parts of the loop


+ Sometimes one can resolve dependency loops just by splitting specific

+ subdirectories in a separate -devel subpackage. See also

+ xref:Golang_advanced.adoc#_dealing_with_cyclic_dependencies[Dealing with cyclic dependencies].


+ === Automatic BuildRequires


+ If BuildRequires generator are supported, you can now add them to your build:


+ [source,RPMSpec]

+ ----

+ %generate_buildrequires

+ %go_generate_buildrequires

+ ----


+ === Packaging a binary: the %build section


+ If your package is a source package only, you can skip this `+%build+` section

+ entirely.


+ Otherwise, you first need to identify manually the project parts that can be

+ built, and how to name the result.

+ Practically, it’s any directory containing a main() Go section. Nice projects

+ put those in `+cmd+` subdirectories named after the command that will be built,

+ which is what we will document here, but it is not a general rule. Sometimes the

+ whole `+%goipath+` builds as a single binary.


+ [source,RPMSpec]

+ ----

+ for cmd in cmd/* ; do

+   %gobuild -o %{gobuilddir}/bin/$(basename $cmd) %{goipath}/$cmd

+ done

+ ----


+ === Installing the packages

+ ==== Source package installation


+ If you package a library, `+%gopkginstall+` will perform installation steps

+ for all primary import paths and compatibility ones.


+  %gopkginstall


+ If you only need to install Go devel subpackages without compat, use:


+  %godevelinstall


+ ==== Binary package installation


+ For binaries, we simply create the `+%{_bindir}+` directory in the buildroot

+ and install the commands as executable in it:


+ [source,RPMSpec]

+ ----

+ install -m 0755 -vd                     %{buildroot}%{_bindir}

+ install -m 0755 -vp %{gobuilddir}/bin/* %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/

+ ----


+ [NOTE]

+ ====

+ Be wary of command names which might already exist in Fedora. If you have

+ any doubt, you can check if the command is already provided in Fedora:


+ [source,shell]

+ ----

+ dnf whatprovides --disablerepo="*" --enablerepo=rawhide "/usr/bin/$cmd"

+ ----


+ If this is the case, use your best judgment to rename the command.

+ ====



+ === Running the unit tests: `+%gocheck+`


+ As said before, you MUST run unit tests in `+%check+`:


+  %gocheck


+ However it is often necessary to disable some of them. You have 3 exclusion

+ flags to do so:


+ * `+-d <directory>+`:   exclude the files contained in `+<directory>+`

+                         non-recursively (subdirectories are not excluded)

+ * `+-t <tree root>+`:   exclude the files contained in `+<tree root>+`

+                         recursively (subdirectories are excluded)

+ * `+-r <regexp>+`:      exclude files matching `+<regexp>+`


+ Remember to document why a test has been disabled.


+ === %files declaration

+ ==== When shipping source code


+ The `+%gopkgfiles+` will process the file list produced in `+%install+` and add

+ the necessary license and documentation files:


+  %gopkgfiles


+ ==== When shipping binaries


+ Binaries are usually shipped in the main package. This package MUST include

+ legal files and documentation associated with those binaries.


+ [source,RPMSpec]

+ ----

+ %files

+ %license LICENSE

+ %doc cmd/foo/README.md

+ %{_bindir}/*

+ ----


+ == Examples


+ === Simple source package


+ .golang-github-stretchr-testify.spec

+ [source,RPMSpec]

+ ----

+ include::{examplesdir}/golang/golang-github-stretchr-testify.spec[]

+ ----


+ === Handling package renames


+ .golang-github-sirupsen-logrus.spec

+ [source,RPMSpec]

+ ----

+ include::{examplesdir}/golang/golang-github-sirupsen-logrus.spec[]

+ ----


+ === Simple binary package


+ .golang-github-boltdb-bolt.spec

+ [source,RPMSpec]

+ ----

+ include::{examplesdir}/golang/golang-gopkg-square-jose-2.spec[]

+ ----


+ == Additional resources


+ === Advanced uses cases


+ ** xref:Golang_advanced.adoc#_shipping_additional_files[Shipping additional files]

+ ** xref:Golang_advanced.adoc#_additional_header_declarations[Additional header declarations]

+ ** xref:Golang_advanced.adoc#_dealing_with_cyclic_dependencie[Dealing with cyclic dependencies]


+ === Additional annotated templates


+ ** xref:Golang_templates.adoc#_minimal_source_package[Minimal source package]

+ ** xref:Golang_templates.adoc#_full_source_package[Full source package]

+ ** xref:Golang_templates.adoc#_minimal_alternative_import_path[Minimal alternative import path]

+ ** xref:Golang_templates.adoc#_full_alternative_import_path[Full alternative import path]

+ ** xref:Golang_templates.adoc#_minimal_binary[Minimal binary]

+ ** xref:Golang_templates.adoc#_full_binary[Full binary]

+ ** xref:Golang_templates.adoc#_multi_package[Multi package]

+ ** xref:Golang_templates.adoc#_manual_package_deprecated[Manual package (deprecated)]

@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@ 

+ = Advanced uses cases

+ :last-reviewed: 2019-06-19

+ :toc:


+ == Shipping additional files


+ If you need to ship additional files in your source code packages, you can use

+ the following macros in the preamble:


+ * `+%global goextensions+`    A space separated list of extensions that should

+                               be included in the devel package in addition to

+                               Go default file extensions.

+ * `+%global gosupfiles+`:     A space-separated list of shell globs matching

+                               other files to include in the devel package.

+ * `+%global gosupfilesex+`    A space-separated list of shell globs matching

+                               other files you wish to exclude from package lists.

+                               Only works with “gosupfiles”-specified files.


+ For example, if you have glide files to ship:


+ [source,RPMSpec]

+ ----

+ %global gosupfiles glide.yaml glide.lock

+ ----


+ == Additional header declarations


+ Use `+%godevelheader+` to add specific subpackage declarations. For example, you

+ might want to require the main package containing the binaries, or

+ Obsoletes/Provides another package in case of renaming.


+ [source,RPMSpec]

+ ----

+ %global godevelheader %{expand:

+ Requires:

+ Obsoletes:

+ Provides:

+ }

+ ----


+ == Dealing with cyclic dependencies


+ In many cases, you'll encounter packages that depend on each other, also known

+ as cyclic dependencies, making it difficult to build either package.


+ Typically, when you have a problematic requires, it is only used in specific

+ project subpackages, and most project dependents do not need those subpackages

+ directly or indirectly. The idea is then to affect the goipaths associated with

+ the problematic subpackages to a separate -devel rpm package, to simplify

+ your dependency graph.


+ Let's take for example the following packages: `+cloud.google.com/go+` and

+ `+golang.org/x/oauth2+`.


+ `+cloud.google.com/go+` has the following dependency graph:



+ [source]

+ ----

+ github.com/golang/mock/gomock

+ github.com/golang/protobuf/proto

+ github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes

+ github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/any

+ github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/duration

+ github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/empty

+ github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/struct

+ github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/timestamp

+ github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/wrappers

+ github.com/google/btree

+ github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp

+ github.com/google/martian

+ github.com/google/martian/fifo

+ github.com/google/martian/httpspec

+ github.com/google/martian/martianhttp

+ github.com/google/martian/martianlog

+ github.com/google/martian/mitm

+ github.com/google/pprof/profile

+ github.com/googleapis/gax-go/v2

+ go.opencensus.io/plugin/ocgrpc

+ go.opencensus.io/stats

+ go.opencensus.io/stats/view

+ go.opencensus.io/tag

+ go.opencensus.io/trace

+ golang.org/x/build/kubernetes

+ golang.org/x/build/kubernetes/api

+ golang.org/x/build/kubernetes/gke

+ golang.org/x/oauth2

+ golang.org/x/oauth2/google

+ golang.org/x/oauth2/jwt

+ golang.org/x/sync/errgroup

+ golang.org/x/sync/semaphore

+ golang.org/x/text/language

+ golang.org/x/time/rate

+ […]

+ ----


+ And `+golang.org/x/oauth2+` has the following dependency graph:


+ [source]

+ ----

+ cloud.google.com/go/compute/metadata

+ golang.org/x/net/context/ctxhttp

+ ----


+ As you can see both packages depend on each other.

+ If we search for where `+cloud.google.com/go+` is used in

+ `+golang.org/x/oauth2+`:


+ [source,bash]

+ ----

+ grep -nr "cloud.google.com/go/compute/metadata" $GOPATH/src/golang.org/x/oauth2


+ /home/user/go/src/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/default.go:17:      "cloud.google.com/go/compute/metadata"

+ /home/user/go/src/golang.org/x/oauth2/google/google.go:15:       "cloud.google.com/go/compute/metadata"

+ ----


+ we can see that it is used in the`+golang.org/x/oauth2/google+` subpackage,

+ which is precisely the subpackage needed by `+cloud.google.com/go+`. It is thus

+ not possible to split `+golang.org/x/oauth2/google+` into separate devel

+ subpackage to resolve our cyclic dependency graph.



+ Now if we search for where `+golang.org/x/oauth2+` is used in

+ `+cloud.google.com/go+`:


+ [source,bash]

+ ----

+ grep -nr "golang.org/x/oauth2/google" $GOPATH/src/cloud.google.com/go


+ /home/user/go/src/cloud.google.com/go/cmd/go-cloud-debug-agent/debuglet.go:38:   "golang.org/x/oauth2/google"

+ /home/user/go/src/cloud.google.com/go/internal/testutil/context.go:26:   "golang.org/x/oauth2/google"

+ /home/user/go/src/cloud.google.com/go/profiler/integration_test.go:30:   "golang.org/x/oauth2/google"

+ /home/user/go/src/cloud.google.com/go/authexample_test.go:22:    "golang.org/x/oauth2/google"

+ ----


+ we can see that it is not used in the `+cloud.google.com/go/compute/metadata+`

+ subpackage. As a result we can split `+cloud.google.com/go/compute/metadata+`

+ into a separate devel subpackage to resolve our cyclic dependency graph.


+ To achieve this, we use multiple `+goipaths+` in the preamble:


+ [source,RPMSpec]

+ ----

+ %global goipaths0       cloud.google.com/go

+ %global goipathsex0     cloud.google.com/go/compute


+ %global goipaths1       cloud.google.com/go/compute

+ ----


+ `+goipaths0+` will be the main package from which we exclude `+compute+`, and

+ `+goipaths1+` will be the split package containing it.


+ After building, we end up with two packages:


+ * `+golang-cloud-google-devel-0.36.0-1.fc31.x86_64.rpm+`, which provides:

+ +

+ [source]

+ ----

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/asset/apiv1beta1) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/asset/v1beta1) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/bigquery) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/bigquery/datatransfer/apiv1) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/bigquery/storage/apiv1beta1) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/bigtable) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/bigtable/bttest) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/bigtable/internal/cbtconfig) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/bigtable/internal/gax) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/bigtable/internal/option) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/bigtable/internal/stat) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/civil) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/cloudtasks/apiv2beta2) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/cloudtasks/apiv2beta3) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/cmd/go-cloud-debug-agent/internal/breakpoints) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/cmd/go-cloud-debug-agent/internal/controller) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/cmd/go-cloud-debug-agent/internal/debug) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/cmd/go-cloud-debug-agent/internal/debug/arch) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/cmd/go-cloud-debug-agent/internal/debug/dwarf) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/cmd/go-cloud-debug-agent/internal/debug/elf) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/cmd/go-cloud-debug-agent/internal/debug/gosym) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/cmd/go-cloud-debug-agent/internal/debug/local) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/cmd/go-cloud-debug-agent/internal/debug/remote) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/cmd/go-cloud-debug-agent/internal/debug/server) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/cmd/go-cloud-debug-agent/internal/debug/server/protocol) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/cmd/go-cloud-debug-agent/internal/debug/tests/peek) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/cmd/go-cloud-debug-agent/internal/valuecollector) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/container) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/container/apiv1) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/containeranalysis/apiv1beta1) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/dataproc/apiv1) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/dataproc/apiv1beta2) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/datastore) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/debugger/apiv2) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/dialogflow/apiv2) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/dlp/apiv2) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/expr/apiv1alpha1) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/firestore) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/firestore/apiv1) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/firestore/apiv1beta1) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/firestore/genproto) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/firestore/internal) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/functions/metadata) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/httpreplay) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/httpreplay/internal/proxy) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/iam) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/iam/admin/apiv1) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/iam/credentials/apiv1) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/internal) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/internal/btree) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/internal/fields) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/internal/leakcheck) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/internal/optional) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/internal/pretty) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/internal/protostruct) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/internal/testutil) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/internal/trace) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/internal/tracecontext) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/internal/uid) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/internal/version) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/irm/apiv1alpha2) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/kms/apiv1) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/language/apiv1) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/language/apiv1beta2) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/logging) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/logging/apiv2) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/logging/internal) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/logging/internal/testing) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/logging/logadmin) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/longrunning) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/longrunning/autogen) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/monitoring/apiv3) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/oslogin/apiv1) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/oslogin/apiv1beta) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/profiler) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/profiler/mocks) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/profiler/proftest) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/pubsub) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/pubsub/apiv1) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/pubsub/internal/distribution) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/pubsub/loadtest) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/pubsub/loadtest/pb) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/pubsub/pstest) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/redis/apiv1) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/redis/apiv1beta1) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/rpcreplay) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/rpcreplay/proto/intstore) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/rpcreplay/proto/rpcreplay) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/scheduler/apiv1beta1) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/securitycenter/apiv1beta1) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/spanner) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/spanner/admin/database/apiv1) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/spanner/admin/instance/apiv1) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/spanner/apiv1) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/spanner/internal/backoff) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/spanner/internal/testutil) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/speech/apiv1) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/speech/apiv1p1beta1) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/storage) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/talent/apiv4beta1) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/texttospeech/apiv1) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/trace) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/trace/apiv1) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/trace/apiv2) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/translate) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/translate/internal/translate/v2) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/videointelligence/apiv1) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/videointelligence/apiv1beta1) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/videointelligence/apiv1beta2) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/vision/apiv1) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/vision/apiv1p1beta1) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang-cloud-google-devel = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang-cloud-google-devel(x86-64) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang-ipath(cloud.google.com/go) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ ----

+ * `+golang-cloud-google-compute-devel-0.36.0-1.fc31.x86_64.rpm+`, which

+ provides:

+ +

+ [source]

+ ----

+ golang(cloud.google.com/go/compute/metadata) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang-cloud-google-compute-devel = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang-cloud-google-compute-devel(x86-64) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ golang-ipath(cloud.google.com/go/compute) = 0.36.0-1.fc31

+ ----


+ We now have broken the cyclic dependency graph: `+golang.org/x/oauth2+` can now

+ depend separately on `+golang-cloud-google-compute-devel+`.


+ Here is the full example:


+ .golang-cloud-google-go.spec

+ [source,RPMSpec]

+ ----

+ include::{examplesdir}/golang/golang-cloud-google-go.spec[]

+ ----

@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ 

+ = Additional annotated templates

+ :last-reviewed: 2019-03-22

+ :toc:


+ == Minimal source package


+ .spectemplate-go-0-source-minimal.spec

+ [source,RPMSpec]

+ ----

+ include::{examplesdir}/golang/spectemplate-go-0-source-minimal.spec[]

+ ----


+ == Full source package


+ .spectemplate-go-1-source-full.spec

+ [source,RPMSpec]

+ ----

+ include::{examplesdir}/golang/spectemplate-go-1-source-full.spec[]

+ ----


+ == Minimal alternative import path


+ .spectemplate-go-2-alternative-import-path-minimal.spec

+ [source,RPMSpec]

+ ----

+ include::{examplesdir}/golang/spectemplate-go-2-alternative-import-path-minimal.spec[]

+ ----


+ == Full alternative import path


+ .spectemplate-go-3-alternative-import-path-full.spec

+ [source,RPMSpec]

+ ----

+ include::{examplesdir}/golang/spectemplate-go-3-alternative-import-path-full.spec[]

+ ----


+ == Minimal binary


+ .spectemplate-go-4-binary-minimal.spec

+ [source,RPMSpec]

+ ----

+ include::{examplesdir}/golang/spectemplate-go-4-binary-minimal.spec[]

+ ----


+ == Full binary


+ .spectemplate-go-5-binary-full.spec

+ [source,RPMSpec]

+ ----

+ include::{examplesdir}/golang/spectemplate-go-5-binary-full.spec[]

+ ----


+ == Multi package


+ .spectemplate-go-6-multi.spec

+ [source,RPMSpec]

+ ----

+ include::{examplesdir}/golang/spectemplate-go-6-multi.spec[]

+ ----


+ == Manual package (deprecated)


+ .spectemplate-go-7-manual.spec

+ [source,RPMSpec]

+ ----

+ include::{examplesdir}/golang/spectemplate-go-7-manual.spec[]

+ ----

Signed-off-by: Robert-André Mauchin zebob.m@gmail.com

The current Go packaging guidelines have been in a draft state for several years
now, and they do not reflect the current practices from the Go SIG. As a result
of new RPM macros developed by Nicolas Mailhot, the Go SIG wishes to formally
adopt new Go Packaging Guidelines, with aims of automation, reliability and

Link to the Change proposal:

rebased onto 6c039372ef321052dec0dfc182375546e44c9d8c

5 years ago

Metadata Update from @ignatenkobrain:
- Request assigned

5 years ago

rebased onto 02a253b46799b4ed03baccd99e5fd2379a8f542a

5 years ago

rebased onto 670acfa0adc840586ec8f5ad475f50e29315a397

5 years ago

why is that there?

It is fixed to match the latest development.

rebased onto 1416e5d11cc2e9ff24a61ad162023c7986b09aed

5 years ago

rebased onto 70395e51524983e8f07b2868d8778a40e7a90a4a

5 years ago

rebased onto 19ddcf297f0ac92a44fd0fe2cb7797e3c5d3b321

5 years ago

rebased onto b29e3eb0a34c18dd76ca81cd9fc2ba138060aa36

5 years ago

format this with .... so that it renders as code block.

inter-document links are used with xref: please

I think this deserves separate document in guidelines (or somewhere else). Which would apply for static libraries and Rust as well.

So it looks more or less good with few exceptions:

  • %generate_buildrequires is not a thing yet. Please remove it remporarily and create PR to add it, we will merge it once that is landed in Fedora.
  • Use semantic breaks everywhere (see sembr.com on howto)

1 new commit added

  • Adressing Igor Gnatenko's comments
4 years ago

rebased onto 247fcee7ebdc5ec14bb473f1ddc0db0aeade9878

4 years ago

I still think the Security section is important and it's not mentioned anywhere in the Guidelines.

Yes, it is important.. But it should be generalized and moved to separate page. And can be referenced from Go guidelines.

Metadata Update from @churchyard:
- Pull-request tagged with: meeting

4 years ago

FESCo's approval of the Go packaging guidelines is conditional on FPC accepting the change. If FPC is ready to vote, can votes happen in the this PR so that I can proceed with processing this Change proposal?

FESCo's approval of the Go packaging guidelines is conditional on FPC accepting the change. If FPC is ready to vote, can votes happen in the this PR so that I can proceed with processing this Change proposal?

Vote already happened: https://pagure.io/packaging-committee/issue/382#comment-568599

It's approved, this need to be merged but I'm waiting on the Review of golist and go-rpm-macros, which is conditioned on an update of redhat-rpm-config.

@eclipseo thanks! I'll proceed with the change proposal as accepted.

Metadata Update from @ignatenkobrain:
- Request assignee reset

4 years ago

Metadata Update from @ignatenkobrain:
- Pull-request untagged with: meeting
- Pull-request tagged with: hasdraft

4 years ago

rebased onto 4d040f6339aba0b35ee1c80c0c5cf4de8f8fb5db

4 years ago

Metadata Update from @ignatenkobrain:
- Request assigned

4 years ago

I need to re-add the bits about auto BR and I want to add some precisions about cyclic dependencies. I'll try to do that tomorrow (19/06), I was doing review today.

rebased onto bdfffd2

4 years ago

@eclipseo should we merge this in?

Ok I added what I needed, squashed the commit and it can now be merged.


Ok, let's merge this as is and deal with anything later.

Pull-Request has been merged by ignatenkobrain

4 years ago