#1211 Update GAP packaging guidelines
Merged 2 years ago by tibbs. Opened 2 years ago by jjames.
jjames/packaging-committee master  into  master

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  == Naming


- The main GAP package and its attendant libraries and help system are in packages named gap, gap-libs, gap-core, gap-online-help, gap-devel, and gap-vim. To distinguish add-on packages from these core packages, add-ons MUST have names of the form gap-pkg-foo. For example, the FGA add-on is named gap-pkg-fga.

+ The main GAP package and its attendant libraries and help system are in packages named gap, gap-libs, gap-core, gap-online-help, gap-devel, gap-vim, and libgap. To distinguish add-on packages from these core packages, add-ons MUST have names of the form gap-pkg-foo. For example, the FGA add-on is named gap-pkg-fga.


  == Add-on Location


  GAP add-ons are written to be installed simply by unpacking them in an existing GAP directory tree. For most add-ons, the only build action necessary is building the documentation. However, since the add-on authors assumed this would happen within the GAP tree, add-ons freely use relative paths to access GAP files. For example, packages that use TTH to build documentation (see below) commonly invoke `+../../../convert.pl+`. The RPM spec file MUST account for this, either by altering the add-on to point to paths under `+%{_gap_dir}+`, or by creating symbolic links to create the appearance that the build is taking place inside the GAP tree. If the add-on is altered for the build, the spec file SHOULD arrange for the original (unaltered) files to be installed, so that paths are correct after installation.


+ GAP add-ons are frequently distributed in tarballs with a top-level directory of the form `addon-version`.

+ The add-on SHOULD be installed without the version number.

+ Documentation for one package often crosslinks into documentation for other packages.

+ If the directories involved contain version numbers, then the crosslinks can be broken by a package upgrade.

+ Avoid this situation by omitting the version numbers.

+ GAP itself can retrieve the version number from the add-on's `+PackageInfo.g+` file, so no information is lost.


  == BuildRequires


  All add-ons MUST include `+BuildRequires: gap-devel+`, as that package contains essential tools needed for compiling binary modules and building documentation, as well as a set of RPM macros for use in spec files. Each add-on also MUST contain a `+BuildRequires+` that is dependent on the documentation style used by the GAP add-on.
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  == Requires, Recommends, and Suggests


- All add-ons MUST include `+Requires: gap-core+`. In addition, dependencies on other GAP packages, as recorded in `+PackageInfo.g+`, MUST be specified, with the exception of `+GAPDoc+`, as noted above. GAP has a 2-level dependency system, specified with `+NeededOtherPackages+` and `+SuggestedOtherPackages+` tags in `+PackageInfo.g+`. How these dependencies map onto the 3-level RPM dependency system of Requires, Recommends, and Suggests is left to the discretion of the Fedora packager.

+ All add-ons MUST include `+Requires: gap-core+`, either directly or transitively.

+ In addition, dependencies on other GAP packages, as recorded in `+PackageInfo.g+`, MUST be specified, with the exception of `+GAPDoc+`, as noted above.

+ GAP has a 2-level dependency system, specified with `+NeededOtherPackages+` and `+SuggestedOtherPackages+` tags in `+PackageInfo.g+`.

+ How these dependencies map onto the 3-level RPM dependency system of Requires, Recommends, and Suggests is left to the discretion of the Fedora packager.


  == Unnecessary Files

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  Note that License files MUST still be included in the package with the %license tag, and other documentation such as README files can be included as %doc.


+ The `+%gap_copy_docs+` macro is intended to make installation of documentation files easier.

+ For most packages, ensure that the `doc` subdirectory exists in the buildroot, then invoke the macro without arguments in `+%install+`.

+ For special cases, two optional arguments can be given:

+ * `+-d directory+`: for cases where the documentation directory is not named `doc`, or there are multiple documentation directories

+ * `+-n package+`: the installed add-on directory name is assumed to be available from a macro `+%pkgname+`.  If that is not the case, use this macro to give the main add-on directory name.


  == Documentation


  Since GAP documentation must be installed under `+%{_gap_dir}/pkg+` for the builtin documentation browser to find it, such documentation SHOULD NOT be duplicated with `+%doc+`. However, the documentation SHOULD still be marked as such so that documentation-free installs work as expected. Most add-ons SHOULD include `+%docdir+` declarations in the `+%files+` section of the spec file; e.g., `+%docdir %{_gap_dir}/pkg/%{pkgname}/doc+` and `+%docdir %{_gap_dir}/pkg/%{pkgname}/htm+`.


- == Testing


- Some add-ons have not yet updated their test suites for GAP 4.8. If a GAP add-on's test suite invokes `+ReadTest(foo)+`, modify it to invoke `+Test(foo, rec( compareFunction := "uptowhitespace" ) )+` instead.

+ == Architecture


+ Fedora now encourages packagers to https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/EncourageI686LeafRemoval[not build packages for i686].

+ For that reason, noarch GAP add-ons must include these tags:

+ ....

+ BuildArch:      noarch

+ ExclusiveArch:  %{gap_arches} noarch

+ ....

+ Architecture-specific GAP add-ons must instead include this tag:

+ ....

+ ExclusiveArch:  %{gap_arches}

+ ....

+ However, any noarch subpackages, such as a documentation subpackage, must include this tag:

+ ....

+ ExclusiveArch:  %{gap_arches} noarch

+ ....


+ == Other RPM macros


+ Other RPM macros that may be useful for GAP add-on spec files include the following:

+ * `+%gap_version+`: the version of the main GAP package; e.g., 4.12.0.

+ * `+%gap_dir+`: the root directory of the GAP installation, currently `/usr/lib/gap`.

+ * `+%gap_arch+`: the GAP name for the build architecture; e.g., `x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu`.

I am about to update the GAP stack in Fedora due to the release of GAP 4.12.0. The builds have all been done in a COPR to work out issues in advance. The GAP guidelines need some updates to reflect the state of these new package builds.

Executive summary of the changes:
- Add libgap to the list of core GAP packages
- New SHOULD: do not install into versioned directories
- Allow transitive dependency on gap-core
- Document %gap_copy_docs for installing documentation
- Remove obsolete Testing section
- Add Architecture section describing %gap_arches
- Add Other RPM macros section describing %gap_version, %gap_dir, and %gap_arch

There are no EPEL packages for the GAP stack, so removal of the Testing section will not impact EPEL.

About the only thing I can say is that it would be nice if that super-long line acquired some semantic line breaks, and that it's better if line breaks are added in a separate commit from content changes so that it's easy to see what actually changed. However, these are minor issues and the changes seem reasonable and not at all controversial.


Pull-Request has been merged by tibbs

2 years ago