#921 systemd-rpm-macros and %{?systemd_requires} contradiction
Closed: fixed 4 years ago by till. Opened 4 years ago by till.

The system-rpmd-marcros pkgs says to use %{?systemd_requires}:

rpm -q --qf "%{description}\n" systemd-rpm-macros
Just the definitions of rpm macros. Use %{?systemd_requires} in the
binary packages that use any scriptlets from this package.

but the systemd guidelines to not mention it:

What is correct?


rpm --eval %systemd_requires

Requires(post): systemd 
Requires(preun): systemd 
Requires(postun): systemd 

Yeah, the %description in systemd needs to be updated. Please close the bug here.

Metadata Update from @till:
- Issue close_status updated to: fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

4 years ago

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