One of suggestions was to have one sentence per line.
Any preferences & suggestions?
I like short lines as they are more easily reviewed in Pagure.
But one sentence per line works for me (and if we have sentences with 250+ chars, we might eventually want to split them for readability).
I like to keep lines to <80 chars in my markdown files. Don't know if asciidoc works the same way in that it ignores single line breaks, though.
It does. My point was more about having good diffs.
The one sentence per line seems like recommendation from writers.
Metadata Update from @ignatenkobrain: - Issue assigned to ignatenkobrain
Metadata Update from @ignatenkobrain: - Issue tagged with: meeting
I think semantic line breaks is a better policy than one sentence per line.
The diff results are even better, because you can make changes to part of a long sentence (like this one) and the diff is limited to the relevant clause of the sentence.
The diff results are even better, because you can make changes to part of a long sentence (for example, like this one) and the diff is limited to the relevant clause of the sentence.
And it's easier to stick to <80 columns too.
Semantic Line Breaks look awesome!
We discussed this at this weeks meeting (
Metadata Update from @james: - Issue untagged with: meeting - Issue tagged with: writeup
It is mentioned in README.
Metadata Update from @ignatenkobrain: - Issue untagged with: writeup - Issue close_status updated to: accepted - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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