It appears that @ignatenkobrain got some changes into the texinfo package back in February which add the following file triggers:
%transfiletriggerin -n info -- %{_infodir} [ -f %{_infodir}/dir ] && create_arg="" || create_arg="--create" %{_sbindir}/fix-info-dir $create_arg %{_infodir}/dir &>/dev/null %transfiletriggerpostun -n info -- %{_infodir} [ -f %{_infodir}/dir ] && %{_sbindir}/fix-info-dir --delete %{_infodir}/dir &>/dev/null
which, if I understand the function of fix-info-dir correctly, means that it is no longer to call install-info when installing info pages on F28+. (My undrestanding of fix-info-dir is that it will go over the existing info files and call install-info on them if they are not already listed in the dir node, which is exactly what's needed here.)
If I'm correct, we can add an "F27 only" bit to and then move it to the EPEL guidelines in another six months or so. That doesn't really take a vote as it's just reflecting reality, but I wanted to make sure my understanding of the situation was correct.
Finally, as we do this, we should consider convenience macros in the vein of what we did for ldconfig which eventually would do nothing in Fedora but which could be used for EPEL in place of piles of conditionals. And if I had time I'd just sit down and write them.
Edit: Also, rpmlint will need to be told to shut up about "info-files-without-install-info-postin" (and s/postin/postun).
@ignatenkobrain confirms that the install-info scriptlets are not needed on F28+. I'll go ahead and write this up.
Metadata Update from @tibbs: - Issue untagged with: meeting - Issue tagged with: writeup
Announcement text:
In Fedora 28 (and rawhide), the texinfo scriptlets (which call install-info) are no longer necessary and should be removed or, for cross-release specfiles, wrapped in conditionals. Note that there are nearly 300 specs currently calling install-info in scriptlets; lists of these packages will be posted separately to the devel list.
Metadata Update from @tibbs: - Issue untagged with: writeup - Issue tagged with: announce
Metadata Update from @tibbs: - Issue close_status updated to: accepted - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
Metadata Update from @tibbs: - Issue untagged with: announce
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