Current Fedora's perl package provides a subset of Perl modules that are released by Perl upstream. Fedora has perl-core package for denoting all upstream modules (so called Core modules). This leads to confusion among Fedora newcomers.
To lessen the confusion, I propose perl Package to Install Core Modules Fedora Change. That requires updating Perl packaging guidelines.
The new proposed guidelines are here: . The only difference between old and new guidelines is a rename of dependency for Perl interpreter (a package that provides /usr/bin/perl) from "perl" to "perl-interpreter".
How packages will be renamed and all the implementation details are explained in the Fedora Change.
FESCo approved this change.
This looks fairly straightforward. I suggest that it be done on or about the date planned for the rebuild. Is there a rough ETA for that?
If you mean rebuilding the 80 about packages due to this change, then I have everything ready to update the spec files and rebuild them. But I'd like wait for perl-5.22.3-371.fc24 getting into stable (in 13 days) because if I touched kernel.spec and kernel maintainers merged it into F24, then people could not upgrade kernel in F24 until stabilizing the new perl package.
I fixed the link in the original post; python-markdown appears to have a problem with URL paths containing a colon (which is actually illegal, but...).
The diff is but it's just a one word change.
I'd just change it but I'm not sure if the guidelines change itself needs to wait for the F24 update.
Yes, it's one-word change. I think the guidelines can be changed sooner.
OK, I've gone ahead and made the change.
Metadata Update from @tibbs: - Issue assigned to tibbs - Issue close_status updated to: accepted - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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