#483 Temporary bundling exception request for ipsilon: jquery, bootstrap, patternfly
Closed: Fixed None Opened 10 years ago by puiterwijk.

ipsilon bundles jquery, bootstrap and patternfly. Since these are not availabe as packages yet, there is no way to unbundle them.

The plan is to wait for the packages to become available in fedora, and for FPC to publish guidelines on how to handle them, after which the ipsilon package will be update to comply with these.

Note: for jquery there's the blanket exception in #408

We discussed this at today's meeting (​​http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2014-12-18/fpc.2014-12-18-17.01.txt):

The packaging committee is still awaiting additional information before it can properly address your request. Please provide that within the next month or this ticket will be closed. (Of course, you can always reopen it if the situation changes) Thanks!

No response; closing. Please feel free to reopen if you have additional information to add.

Metadata Update from @tibbs:
- Issue assigned to tibbs

7 years ago

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