#420 PHP Guidelines change - numeric prefix
Closed: Fixed None Opened 10 years ago by remi.


  • PHP extensions load order must respect inter-extension dependencies (as extension are dlopen using RTLD_NOW)

Current solution use alphabetical order, which is not clean

  • broken if a user changes Apache locale (pdo.ini must be before pdo_*.ini)
  • imply messy workaround such as xml_wddx.ini, z-foo.ini...

Change: use a numeric prefix for all PHP extension configuration files

Notice: unchanged extensions will be loaded after all the standard ones, so, will continue to work.
Mass rename will occurs during PHP 5.6 mass rebuild.


'''C extensions and PECL packages configuration file.'''

Each extension should drop a configuration file in %{php_inidir} and/or %{php_ztsinidir} to enable the extension. This file must contains the name of the loaded extension.
Starting with Fedora 21, the file must use a numeric prefix to ensure correct load order:

  • range 00-19 is reserved for zend_extensions (ex: 10-opcache.ini, 15-xdebug.ini...)
  • range 20-39 is reserved for core extensions (ex: 20-pdo.ini, 30-pdo_pgsql.ini...)
  • range 40-99 is available for other extensions (ex: 40-zip.ini...)

From FPC Meeting minutes:
* PHP Guidelines change - numeric prefix (+1:4, 0:0, -1:0)

So approved.

PHP Guidelines updated https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:PHP#C_extensions_and_PECL_packages_configuration_file

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