talks about macros.$PACKAGE files.
Some packages flag these as %config and/or noreplace, some don't: {{{ fedora17$ for i in /etc/rpm/*;do printf "%02x %s\n" $(rpm -q --qf "%{fileflags}\n" -f $i) $i;done 11 /etc/rpm/macros.cmake 01 /etc/rpm/macros.color 01 /etc/rpm/macros.dist 11 /etc/rpm/macros.emacs 00 /etc/rpm/macros.fjava 00 /etc/rpm/macros.gconf2 00 /etc/rpm/macros.ghc-srpm 00 /etc/rpm/macros.gnat-srpm 00 /etc/rpm/macros.jpackage 00 /etc/rpm/macros.kde4 00 /etc/rpm/macros.mono-srpm 00 /etc/rpm/macros.ocaml-srpm 00 /etc/rpm/macros.perl 00 /etc/rpm/macros.prelink 11 /etc/rpm/macros.python2 11 /etc/rpm/macros.ruby 51 /etc/rpm/macros.systemd }}} ...where 0x01 and 0x10 are RPMFILE_CONFIG and _NOREPLACE respectively, see rpm/rpmfi.h.
What flags should such flags have?
[Note to self: which is about macros.python2 having both flags in internal-to-RH builds of python.el7]
IMO, all these files are system config files and are not supposed to be edited/modified by user or admins.
Therefore, I think, these files all should not be marked %config or %config(noreplace).
Approved: RPM Macro files '''MUST NOT''' be marked as %config (+1: 5, 0: 0, -1: 0)
I'll write it up into the Guidelines
Added. Announcement text:
"The packaging guidelines have been clarified to specify that RPM Macro files stored in /etc/rpm/ are not to be marked %config."
Replying to [comment:3 toshio]:
Added. Announcement text: "The packaging guidelines have been clarified to specify that RPM Macro files stored in /etc/rpm/ are not to be marked %config."
For reference, the relevant edit was:
Flags removed from '''python''' in master (aka f19) in:
Flags removed from '''python3''' in master (aka f19) in:
David, have you considered to move this macros into /usr/lib/rpm/macros.d ? In that place, there is no question about %config. And as Ralf said: "all these files are system config files and are not supposed to be edited/modified by user or admins.", so why they should be in /etc on the first place?
Since when does a /usr/lib/rpm/macros.d exist? It doesn't on my f18 box.
"Support added upstream in rpm >= 4.10.90, the directory actually now exists too in >= 4.10.90-0.git11989.3.fc19"
The guidelines could recommend this location for Fedora 19 and newer
Actually, just noticed that it already does. Never mind.
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