#220 Allow perl-Coro to bundle libecb
Closed: Fixed None Opened 12 years ago by ppisar.

[http://search.cpan.org/~mlehmann/Coro/ Coro] started to bundle [http://software.schmorp.de/pkg/libecb libecb library]. See [https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=863988 bug #863988].

The libecb code is delivered as one header file, which usually, but not always, ends up as a wrapper around GCC built-ins. This is similar practice to gnulib.

I ask for permission to bundle this code with perl-Coro.

Of course I will package libecb and replace bundled code at build-time if possible. However the resulting perl-Coro binary will always contain some libecb code obtained at buil-time, therefore I ask for the bundling exception.

If you're packaging libecb and pulling in that header file at build time I'd rather this was allowed in under the Static Linking guidelines: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:Guidelines#Statically_Linking_Executables

These have builtin tracking of changes to the libecb package via the BuildRequires so it's safer than when we allow something to be bundled and the maintainer can forget to keep the bundled(libecb) virtual provides around.

The libecb code is shipped as a single header file so I think it falls under the exceptions granted for static-only libraries:

Feel free to reopen this if the libecb header file is being modified by coro and you'd rather we look into this as a bundled library exception instead of a static library.

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