#1264 Spec file versioning macros
Closed: nothingtodo a year ago by james. Opened 2 years ago by lecris.

I would like to propose a few helper macros for dealing with version control:
- Format git tag -> rpm version: e.g. 1.2.3-rc1/1.2.3rc -> 1.2.3~rc1. This could be detected from python's packaging.version
- Format rpm version -> git tag/free format: e.g. 1.2.3~rc1 -> 1.2.3-rc1. An interface for this could be: %{version_format -base 1.2.3 -prerel rc1 -format v{base}-{prerel}} or if possible more automated %{version_format -version %{version} -format v{base}-{prerel}}
- Detect version from git tag/.git_archival.txt similar to setuptools_scm. This would be incredibly useful for in-source packaging, but not in dist-gits

These issues arose when trying to make packit be able to parse the version from git tags like v1.2.3-rc1. We can make a custom handling there, but it would be better to have a more standardized way to do this. The best case is to implement these upstream so that these can be used by OpenSuse as well.

For reference here are a few workarounds that have to be maintained and are inconsistent with each other: bluefish, cmake

Related issues:
redhat-rpm-config issue, rpm upstream

The project where RPM macros for Fedora are implemented is here:

If you want to push this upstream, you'd want to work with RPM:

The Packaging Committee is only concerned with documenting tools and deciding on best practices, but we don't implement things ourselves.

Note that there's already a macro that implements a subset of what you need - %{version_no_tilde} - which can be used to convert RPM version back to "git style" / "semantic version" (i.e. replace ~ characters with -), and is used by Rust packaging.

There have been requests to move the macro from Rust-specific macro package to redhat-rpm-config:

But I wasn't comfortable with doing this, since the implementation is tailored towards the Rust packaging use case, and only supports replacing ~ characters with -, but nothing else.

A generic macro to support constructing valid RPM version strings from the upstream version (i.e. the inverse of %{version_no_tilde} with more features) would be nice, though. :)

Thank you for the detailed response @decathorpe. I guided @lecris to post here. I expect FPC is the expert body of RPM Packaging and people should discuss proposals here.

We appreciate your guidance on the next steps and best practices.

I've added relevant issue in each upstreams and I'll try to keep each one up to date if relevant with references

Metadata Update from @james:
- Issue close_status updated to: nothingtodo
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

a year ago

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