#124 Update and simplifications to the Emacs packaging guidelines
Closed: Fixed None Opened 12 years ago by jgu.

Link to draft: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PackagingDrafts/Emacs-Dec2011

This draft addresses 2 functional points:

1/ In March of this year, the guidelines were updated to allow for the use of the recently added emacs-filesystem and xemacs-filesystem packages (sub-packages of Emacs and Xemacs respectively). The intention here was to allow packages which contained support files for (X)Emacs not to have to split off extra emacs-foo sub-packages. However, unfortunately we neglected to mention exactly how the Requires: emacs-filesystem should appear in packages - it needs to be a versioned Require to ensure compatibility between byte compiled elisp files and the version of the (X)Emacs installed. this is now clearly outlined and exemplified.

2/ Previously, we required packages which were primarily add-ons for (X)Emacs to split out the source elisp files into separate sub-packages, so we'd have emacs-foo and emacs-foo-el. However, this makes packaging more complicated, and in any case having the source elisp installed alongside the byte compiled elisp aids in debugging when an error occurs, and also for describing variables within Emacs' help system (they are somewhat analogous to .py anbd .pyc files for python). For this reason the updated guideline requires both source and compiled elisp files to be together in a single package, greatly simplifying the guidelines.

In addition I have gone to great lengths to remove a lot of unnecessary duplication in the guidelines, hopefully adding clarity along the way.

Draft update to emacs guidelines approved (+1:5, 0:0, -1:0)

Announce Text:

The Emacs Packaging Guidelines have been clarified and simplified, with much unnecessary duplication removed.


Metadata Update from @jgu:
- Issue assigned to spot

7 years ago

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