#1278 Failure in prod of the single-package packager workflow
Opened 2 years ago by packagerbot. Modified 2 years ago

A run of monitor-gating has just failed in prod for the single-package workflow.

The suspects are 'koji'.

Full log:

15:32:10 - Cloning as packagerbot the git repo: rpms/dummy-test-package-gloster
15:32:18 - Cloning as packagerbot the git repo: rpms/dummy-test-package-gloster                       [DONE]
15:32:18 - Switching to branch: rawhide
15:32:19 - Switching to branch: rawhide                                                               [DONE]
15:32:19 - Bumping release of: dummy-test-package-gloster.spec
15:32:19 - Bumping release of: dummy-test-package-gloster.spec                                        [DONE]
15:32:19 - Commiting changes
15:32:19 - Commiting changes                                                                          [DONE]
15:32:19 - Getting nevr
15:32:20 - Getting nevr                                                                               [DONE]
15:32:20 - Upcoming build : dummy-test-package-gloster-0-5921.fc36                                    [DONE]
15:32:20 - Pushing changes
15:32:26 - Pushing changes                                                                            [DONE]
15:32:26 - The build should be found on: https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/search?match=glob&type=build&terms=dummy-test-package-gloster-0-5921.fc36 [DONE]
15:32:26 - The build should be found in: https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/search?match=glob&type=package&terms=dummy-test-package-gloster [DONE]
15:32:26 - Building the package
15:37:29 - Building the package                                                                       [DONE]
15:37:29 - Retrieving koji tags
15:37:30 - Retrieving koji tags: ['f36-updates-candidate', 'f36-updates-testing-pending'] found while expected ['updates-candidate', 'signing-pending'] [DONE]
15:37:30 - Retrieving update created from https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/?builds=dummy-test-package-gloster-0-5921.fc36
15:37:30 - Retrieving update created from https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/?builds=dummy-test-package-gloster-0-5921.fc36 [DONE]
15:37:30 - Update automatically created : https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2021-865455e6d8 [DONE]
15:37:30 - Retrieving koji tags
15:37:30 - Retrieving koji tags: ['f36-updates-candidate', 'f36-updates-testing-pending'] found while expected ['signing-pending', 'testing-pending'] [DONE]
15:37:30 - Checking datagrepper for bodhi to CI messages
15:37:30 - bodhi to CI results in datagrepper returned  - ran for: 0s                                 [DONE]
15:37:30 - Checking datagrepper for CI (running) messages
15:37:30 - CI (running) results in datagrepper returned running - ran for: 0s                         [DONE]
15:37:30 - Checking datagrepper for CI (complete) messages
15:39:32 - CI (complete) results in datagrepper returned passed - ran for: 121s                       [DONE]
15:39:32 - Retrieving koji tags
15:39:32 - Retrieving koji tags: ['f36-updates-candidate', 'f36-updates-testing-pending'] found while expected ['testing-pending'] [DONE]
15:39:32 - CI results query from https://taskotron.fedoraproject.org/resultsdb_api/api/v2.0/results&page=0 [DONE]
15:39:32 - Checking resultsdb(phx) for CI results
15:41:40 - CI results in resultsdb(phx) returned org.centos.prod.ci.koji-build.test.error - ran for: 128s [DONE]
15:41:40 - Checking datagrepper for resultsdb messages
15:41:40 - resultsdb results in datagrepper returned FAILED - ran for: 0s                             [DONE]
15:41:40 - Checking datagrepper for greenwave messages
15:41:40 - greenwave results in datagrepper returned False - ran for: 0s                              [DONE]
15:41:40 - Retrieving koji tags
15:41:41 - Retrieving koji tags: ['f36-updates-candidate', 'f36-updates-testing-pending'] found while expected ['testing-pending'] [DONE]
15:41:41 - Waiving test results for bodhi update
15:41:42 - Waiving test results for bodhi update                                                      [DONE]
15:41:42 - Checking datagrepper for waiverdb messages
15:41:42 - waiverdb results in datagrepper returned  - ran for: 0s                                    [DONE]
15:41:42 - Checking datagrepper for greenwave messages
15:41:42 - greenwave results in datagrepper returned True - ran for: 0s                               [DONE]
15:41:42 - Retrieving koji tags
15:56:57 - Retrieving koji tags: ['f36-updates-candidate', 'f36-updates-testing-pending'] found while expected f36 [FAILED]
Ran for 1486 seconds (24.77 minutes)

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